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用法[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


<scope_name> = {
    #Stuff to execute in the scope.

但是并非所有花括号都是作用域:可能是函数 (option, trigger,...),运算符 (AND),流控制语句(if, limit),或者是复杂条件或者命令的子语句(create_character, ...)。


Scopes can be nested, and are usually relative to the scope from which there are called, except for the ones that are global and can be called from "Any" scope.

In Jomini, Scopes can also be chained without nesting:

root.mother.father.killer = {
    #Things we want to do with the killer of the father of the mother of the root character.

We can also directly compare scopes for equality:

trigger = {
    root.mother = scope:other_character.mother

In CK3, the ability to save and recall scopes has been vastly simplified by the addition of the save_scope_as command, which can save a given scope under a name, to be recalled later:

<scope> = {
    save_scope_as = <scope_name>
scope:<scope_name> = {
    #Stuff to execute in the scope.

Saved scopes will stay saved within the current code chain, that is, they will remain accessible until every action/event/effect/etc that is run as a result of the current one has been evaluated to completion. They will only be accessible in the given code chain. For example, if there is an event chain that takes years to complete, a scope saved in the initial event will remain accessible until the concluding event, but will not be accessible to any other events that may occur during that time frame.

Triggers and effects in scopes are only evaluated and executed if the scope exists. This can be used with always = yes to check for the existence of a scope in a trigger or for effects that you only want to execute if, for example, a character's religion has a religious head.

Note that the condition tooltips within any_ scopes are misleading and only show whether the conditions are satisfied for one specific, seemingly randomly-chosen thing contained within the scope, and thus may show that some conditions are false even when the scope itself evaluates to true. These are best overridden with a custom_tooltip.

作用域列表[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

文化[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
culture_head character 1.0
culture_group Usable in culture, landed title, character and province scopes. culture group 1.0

Landed title[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
title:%title id% landed title 1.0
barony_controller Usable in landed title and province scopes. character 1.0
county_controller Usable in landed title and province scopes. character 1.0
current_heir character 1.0
holder character 1.0
lessee character 1.0
previous_holder character 1.0
culture Usable in landed title, character and province scopes. culture 1.0
culture_group Usable in culture, landed title, character and province scopes. culture group 1.0
controlled_faith faith 1.0
faith Usable in landed title, character, province and great holy war scopes. faith 1.0
barony Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
county Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
de_facto_liege landed title 1.0
de_jure_liege landed title 1.0
duchy Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
empire Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
kingdom Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
lessee_title landed title 1.0
title_capital_county landed title 1.0
title_province province 1.0
religion Usable in landed title and province scopes. religion 1.0

Dynasty house[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
house_head character 1.0

Dynasty[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
dynasty character 1.0

Secret[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
secret_owner character 1.0
secret_target character 1.0

Holy order[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
holy_order_patron character 1.0
leader character 1.0
title landed title 1.0

Character[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
commanding_army army 1.0
knight_army army 1.0
betrothed character 1.0
concubinist character 1.0
court_owner character 1.0
designated_heir character 1.0
employer character 1.0
father character 1.0
ghw_beneficiary character 1.0
host character 1.0
imprisoner character 1.0
killer character 1.0
liege character 1.0
liege_or_court_owner character 1.0
matchmaker character 1.0
mother character 1.0
player_heir character 1.0
pregnancy_assumed_father character 1.0
pregnancy_real_father character 1.0
primary_heir character 1.0
primary_partner character 1.0
primary_spouse character 1.0
real_father character 1.0
realm_priest character 1.0
top_liege character 1.0
council_task council task 1.0
culture Usable in landed title, character and province scopes. culture 1.0
culture_group Usable in culture, landed title, character and province scopes. culture group 1.0
dynasty dynasty 1.0
house dynasty house 1.0
joined_faction faction 1.0
faith Usable in landed title, character, province and great holy war scopes. faith 1.0
capital_barony landed title 1.0
capital_county landed title 1.0
primary_title landed title 1.0
capital_province province 1.0
location Usable in character, army and combat scopes. province 1.0
religion religion 1.0

Army[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
army_commander character 1.0
army_owner character 1.0
location Usable in character, army and combat scopes. province 1.0

Province[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
barony_controller Usable in landed title and province scopes. character 1.0
county_controller Usable in landed title and province scopes. character 1.0
province_owner character 1.0
culture Usable in landed title, character and province scopes. culture 1.0
culture_group Usable in culture, landed title, character and province scopes. culture group 1.0
faith Usable in landed title, character, province and great holy war scopes. faith 1.0
barony Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
county Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
duchy Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
empire Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
kingdom Usable in landed title and province scopes. landed title 1.0
religion Usable in landed title and province scopes. religion 1.0

Faith[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
religious_head character 1.0
great_holy_war great holy war 1.0
religious_head_title landed title 1.0
religion Usable in landed title and province scopes. religion 1.0

Great holy war[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
ghw_designated_winner character 1.0
ghw_target_character character 1.0
ghw_title_recipient character 1.0
ghw_war_declarer character 1.0
faith Usable in landed title, character, province and great holy war scopes. faith 1.0
ghw_target_title landed title 1.0
religion Usable in landed title and province scopes. religion 1.0
ghw_war war 1.0

Combat side[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
side_commander character 1.0
side_primary_participant character 1.0
combat combat 1.0
enemy_side combat side 1.0

Scheme[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
scheme_defender character 1.0
scheme_owner character 1.0
scheme_target combat 1.0

Council task[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
councillor character 1.0

Color[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
blue value 1.0
brightness value 1.0
green value 1.0
hue value 1.0
red value 1.0
saturation value 1.0

War[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
casus_belli casus belli 1.0
claimant Usable in war and casus belli scopes. character 1.0
primary_attacker Usable in war and casus belli scopes. character 1.0
primary_defender Usable in war and casus belli scopes. character 1.0

Casus belli[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
claimant Usable in war and casus belli scopes. character 1.0
primary_attacker Usable in war and casus belli scopes. character 1.0
primary_defender Usable in war and casus belli scopes. character 1.0
war war 1.0

Combat[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
combat_attacker combat side 1.0
combat_defender combat side 1.0
location Usable in character, army and combat scopes. province 1.0
combat_war war 1.0

Story cycle[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
story_owner character 1.0

Faction[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
faction_leader character 1.0
faction_target character 1.0
special_character character 1.0
special_title landed title 1.0
faction_war war 1.0

Activity[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Scope Description To scope Version added
activity_owner character 1.0
activity_province province 1.0

References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

角色 角色属性特质资源生活方式宗族亲族文化革新传统修正宝物
领地与管理 领地封臣内阁宫廷谋略政体法律决议头衔男爵领伯爵领朝廷建筑
战争 战争宣战理由同盟军队受雇军队
信仰 宗教信仰教义核心教义圣地