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封建制[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


封建制政体下,领主赐予封臣领地去治理,获得征召兵和赋税作为交换,由封臣和领主之间单独的封建契约调节。封建制允许创建新的支系,使用君权法。领主与每位封建制封臣都拥有一份封建契约,对每名角色仅能更改一次。封建契约决定了双方的义务和权利。领主向封臣更改封建契约时,增加一项义务或减少一项权利会导致 +20的暴政,而降低一项义务、增加一项权利或使用一个牵制则可以抵消一项暴政惩罚;封臣向领主更改封建契约时,更改必须平等或者有利于领主。男爵封臣没有封建契约,固定提供10%的赋税和25%的征召兵给领主。

义务[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


如果领主不是封臣的法理领主,贡献会减少,默认为 50%。如果领主的主头衔高于封臣两级(例如国王对伯爵),则仅减少 25%。角色必须持有封臣主头衔的法理直属领主头衔,才能成为封臣的法理领主。如果一位公爵的领主持有该公爵的法理帝国头衔,则该公爵从其封臣处得到的赋税和征召兵不会受到该惩罚。


义务 免除/无 正常 严苛/大规模


封臣的好感: +10

封臣的好感: +5


封臣的好感: −15

封臣的好感: −25


封臣的好感: +10

封臣的好感: +5


封臣的好感: −15

封臣的好感: −25

氏族制[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


氏族制允许创建新的支系,使用君权法。氏族制统治者可以使用征服宣战理由以入侵另一个国家。所有封臣都希望和领主结盟,如果没有则对领主 -15 好感度,强力封臣的该惩罚翻倍。




税务管辖区[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


  • +1 每点 外交 (最多50)
  • +1 每点 军事 (最多50)
  • +1 每点 管理(最多50)
  • +1 每点 谋略 (最多50)
  • +2 每点 学识 (最多50)
  • +5 每20 好感
  • +10 如果有公正特质
  • +10 如果有行政家特质
  • +10 如果有爱财如命特质
  • +10 如果有外交家特质
  • +15 如果文化有“开明的权贵”传统
称职度 赋税贡献 征召兵贡献
糟糕 (0-19) 0% 0%
较差 (20-44) 2% 4%
平庸 (45-74) 6% 12%
良好 (75-109) 12% 24%
极佳 (110+) 20% 40%


征税法令 赋税 征召兵 每个封臣为领主带来的效果 封臣效果 要求 描述
Default tax collector.png 基础赋税 普通 普通 标准赋税。纳税人缴纳的赋税不高于预期,也不低于预期。
Strict taxation tax collector.png 天课 +25% 普通 +1% 直辖领地赋税
  • +10% 每月虔诚
  • -30 对领主的好感
Iqta special rights tax collector.png 赋予伊克塔制 -20% -20% +1% 兵士伤害
  • -10% 兵士招募花费
  • -10% 兵士维护费
  • +15 对领主的好感
Ghazi special rights tax collector.png 加齐地位 普通 -20%
  • +1% 战争期间的每月收入
  • +2% 每月虔诚
  • +5% 战争期间的每月收入
  • +10% 每月虔诚
  • -50% 圣战宣战理由花费
  • +25% 其他宣战理由花费
  • 只有同信仰封臣才能成为纳税人
Jizya special rights tax collector.png 吉兹亚地位 +50% -75%
  • Yes 领主不能对该封臣要求改信
  • Yes 领主不能剥夺该封臣的头衔
  • Yes 领主不能用信仰为理由在剥夺头衔时避免暴政
  • Yes 领主不能对该封臣的土地使用改变伯爵领信仰
  • -0.2 每月威望
  • 只有不同信仰的封臣才能成为纳税人
不信者税核心教义或吉兹亚特殊教义 吉兹亚是分配给齐米,即宗教少数群体的特殊税种,以换取他们和平地信奉错误信仰的特权。
Muqata special rights tax collector.png 穆卡塔阿地位 -30% -30% +0.1 每月威望
  • +10% 发展度增长
  • +30 对领主的好感
DLC LoP.png 波斯遗产DLC 穆卡塔阿是一种税制,在这种税制下,偏远地方被给予更大的自治权和更少的课税,以促进稳定和长期发展。
Deqhan special rights tax collector.png 德赫干 +15% +15% -2% 每月威望 +20% 每月威望 DLC LoP.png 开明的权贵文化传统 德赫干是波斯一种古老的分散型税收体制中的要员,严密管理着他们自己的土地,来提高生产力——以及自身的威望。
Maguh special rights tax collector.png 马古赫地位 -10% 普通 +1% 发展度增长 Khvarenah legacy track.png 辉煌宗族传承等级4 马古赫是古代萨珊王朝的一种地区管理形式,促进当地发展,来换取国家减税。

家族团结度[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


团结行动 分裂行动
  • 颂扬美德
  • 放弃牵制
  • 要求加入骑士团
  • 赠送宝物
  • 谈判同盟
  • 推荐监护人
  • 提议加入战争
  • 支付赎金
  • 停止封臣战争
  • 恢复继承权
  • 宣读真挚友谊的誓言
  • 赞助灵感
  • 控诉腐化
  • 勒索
  • 撕毁婚约
  • 宣称领主头衔
  • 宣战
  • 揭露秘密
  • 强迫加入派系
  • 囚禁
  • 加入独立派系
  • 扔进地牢
  • 剥夺头衔
  • 谴责
  • 剥夺继承权
  • 指控违反禁奢令


等级 团结度 入侵宣战理由 宣战理由花费 宣称者派系接受度 生活方式经验 恐怖值消逝 挑战家主 其他效果 家族团结度决议
House unity antagonistic.png 对抗 0-39 无限制 -30% +40 Yes
  • 宣战理由所需的威望等级减少1
  • +15 家族封臣从强制执行要求中获得的好感,持续10年
  • -10 家族封臣从无条件和平中获得的好感,持续10年
  • -20 家族封臣从投降中获得的好感,持续10年
  • 用忠诚的军官强化军队
  • 组织家族成员备战
  • 建立侠义结社
  • DLC LoP.png 要求分享军队后勤
House unity competitive.png 竞争 40-79 每10年 -15% +20 +5% Yes
  • 家族成员可以针对彼此使用制造牵制计谋
  • 强化阴谋网络
  • 组织家族成员备战
  • 建立侠义结社
  • DLC LoP.png 要求分享军队后勤
House unity impassive.png 冷漠 80-119 一生一次 +10% Yes
  • 咨询家族成员
  • 改善税收
House unity friendly.png 友善 120-159 No +15% -20 +5% -20% No
  • 为家主解锁营救家族成员宣战理由
  • 为家主解锁统一家族宣战理由
  • 派遣执达吏
  • 鼓励家族改善经济
  • DLC LoP.png 促进发展
  • DLC LoP.png 在清真寺教育年轻人
House unity harmonious.png 和谐 160-200 No +30% -40 -40% No
  • 为家主解锁营救家族成员宣战理由
  • 为家主解锁统一家族宣战理由
  • 安抚封臣
  • 鼓励家族改善经济
  • DLC LoP.png 促进发展
  • DLC LoP.png 在清真寺教育年轻人


决议 花费 效果 要求
用忠诚的军官强化军队 成比例的金钱
Modifier martial positive.png 家族获得“忠心的军官”修正,为期10年 House unity antagonistic.png 对抗家族团结度
组织家族成员备战 虔诚 Modifier martial positive.png 家族获得“组织备战”修正,为期20年 House unity antagonistic.png 对抗或 House unity competitive.png 竞争家族团结度
强化阴谋网络 成比例的金钱
Modifier intrigue positive.png 家族获得“密谋网络”修正,持续10年 House unity competitive.png 竞争家族团结度
咨询家族成员 100虔诚 Yes +10% 内阁中的家族成员的基础进度和能力对内阁任务的影响 House unity impassive.png 冷漠家族团结度
改善税收 200虔诚+20虔诚每位有地家族成员 Modifier stewardship positive.png 家族获得“改善行政”修正,持续10年 House unity impassive.png 冷漠家族团结度
派遣执达吏 成比例的金钱
Modifier county control positive.png 家族获得“派遣执达吏”修正,持续10年 House unity friendly.png 友善家族团结度
鼓励家族改善经济 100虔诚 Modifier stewardship positive.png 家族获得“鼓励经济”修正,持续20年 House unity friendly.png 友善或 House unity harmonious.png 和谐家族团结度
安抚封臣 成比例的金钱
Modifier diplomacy positive.png 家族获得“安抚”修正,持续10年 House unity harmonious.png 和谐家族团结度
建立侠义结社 100虔诚 Modifier martial positive.png 家主个人获得“建立侠义结社的集会处”修正,持续20年 House unity antagonistic.png 对抗或 House unity competitive.png 竞争家族团结度
Yes 文化有“侠义结社”传统
在清真寺教育年轻人 100虔诚 Modifier martial positive.png 家主个人获得“建立宗教学校”修正,持续20年 House unity friendly.png 友善或 House unity harmonious.png 和谐家族团结度
Yes 文化有“学术灯塔”传统
No 处于战争
要求分享军队后勤 成比例的金钱
Modifier goods positive.png 家族获得“共享军队补给”修正,持续10年 DLC LoP.png 波斯遗产DLC
House unity antagonistic.png 对抗或 House unity competitive.png 竞争家族团结度
促进发展 成比例的金钱
Modifier county development positive.png 家族获得“促进发展”修正,持续10年 DLC LoP.png 波斯遗产DLC
House unity friendly.png 友善或 House unity harmonious.png 和谐家族团结度

大多数家族开局时拥有100家族团结度,家族团结度等级为 House unity impassive.png 冷漠。以下家族是867年剧本的例外:

  • 阿拔斯家族开局为 House unity antagonistic.png 对抗
  • 萨曼家族开局为 House unity competitive.png 竞争
  • 阿夫里格家族开局为 House unity friendly.png 友善
  • 塔希尔家族开局为 House unity harmonious.png 和谐
  • 伍麦叶家族开局为 House unity harmonious.png 和谐


改变政体[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

一般情况下氏族制和封建制政体除了决议#采用部落制采用部落制决议外不能改变为其他政体,但有一种取巧的办法可以做到:确保你的继承人在继承你的头衔之前,继承了其他政体的同等或更高等级的头衔。 例如:你有封建制的西西里王国头衔,想要转变为氏族制,则你可以令你的继承人在继承你的头衔之前,继承了氏族制的瓦伦西亚王国头衔,这样,当你去世后,将以氏族制政体进行游戏。

行政制[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Administrative governments can create new holdings and cadet branches and have access to Imperial Bureaucracy and Administration laws. Administrative rulers gain access to the  Influence resource and the (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Governor Efficiency attribute, use a different succession law, and can only create titles or have royal courts if they are independent. Dynasty Heads with Administrative government also unlock the File:Administrative legacy track.png Bureaucracy legacy track. Administrative vassals cannot be given additional titles of the same rank as their primary title, cannot become powerful vassals and cannot ignore directives.

Administrative rulers have their men-at-arms regiment limit reduced by 2 and receive -50% less  Levies. However they can raise 3 men-at-arms per  Duchy title and 5 men-at-arms per  Empire title in addition to their regular limit. Those men-at-arms are inherited by whoever inherits the title under which they were raised. The top liege can always take control of title men-at-arms belonging to vassals or transfer them to another vassal. The cost for both is 100  Influence, reduced to 75 if fighting a defensive war and to 50 if the army owner is within the war target. The effectiveness of those men-at-arms scales with their owner's (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Governor Efficiency.

Administrative governments have a State Faith, which is free for everyone in the realm to convert to. Characters are more willing to convert to their State Faith and more reluctant to convert away from it. If the top liege follows a different faith they can change the State Faith to theirs at the cost of -5000  Piety and  Influence and -30  Opinion with all Zealot vassals. Families whose House Heads do not follow the State Faith receive -20 penalty in powerful family rating.

In Administrative governments, Feudal and Clan vassals contribute -50% tax. This can stack with the Not Rightful Liege penalty. Administrative county rulers consider their de jure kingdom or empire liege as rightful liege. This is in contrast to Feudal governments where a "skip-tier" liege receives the Not Rightful Liege penalty to tax and levy, although at a reduced rate than vassals outside the de jure kingdom or empire.

Vassals of duchy level and above and not under the primary titles of liege receive -20% (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Governor Efficiency malus. Due the preceding 2 mechanics, the utility of the Consolidate Kingdom decision, which is obtained from completing certain types of legends, can be considered as to remove the malus. Provided that the player is eligible to a non-primary empire title but does not hold it, the player can enact Consolidate Kingdom on one of the constituent kingdoms before creating the empire title (at a now reduced size), thereby retaining the title Men-At-Arms slots (5) of the new empire while minimizing the penalty on vassal (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Governor Efficiency.

Regardless of start date only the Byzantine Empire starts with Administrative government but Feudal and Clan rulers can adopt it by decision or after being asked by a liege with Administrative government. Game rules can also set certain other realms to start with Administrative government.

Governors[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

 Duchy and  Kingdom titles within the realm will appear in the Administrative Government tab. If their ruler also has Administrative government the title will be called Theme and Catepanate respectively. Characters given those titles will become governors. Governors gain the  Governor trait and provide Taxes and Levies based on their (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Governor Efficiency. Underage vassals cannot be governors. A liege can always pay 150  Influence to force a governor to abdicate.

Every few years, for governor characters, governance issues may appear on the map within their borders. Governance issues are optional but solving them can reward  Gold,  Influence and  Governor trait experience and other rewards are possible as well. Governance issues come in three tiers, which determine the size of their reward. Failing a governance issues has minor penalties. If the issues appears in a barony that is not the governor's realm capital they will have to travel to it to solve the issue. Having a high level for the  Governor trait can increase the number of options given to solve a governance issue.

Each Theme or Catepanate given to a governor will have an administration type, which can be changed by the liege for free every 5 years.

Administration type Taxes  Levies Vassal effects Liege effects Requirements Can declare external wars at Provincial War Declaration
Icon game concept balanced administration.png
Normal Normal +20% Governor Trait Experience Gain Imperial bureaucracy 0.png
Icon game concept civilian administration.png
+50% -75%
  • +20 Influence per Building Constructed
  • (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +0.5% Governor Efficiency per Stewardship
  • +20% Development Growth
  • -10% Building Construction Cost
  • -10% Building Construction Time
  • -2 Size of Title Men-at-Arms Regiments
  • -2 Max Title Men-at-Arms Regiments
Imperial bureaucracy 0.png
Icon game concept military administration.png
-75% +75%
  • (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +0.5% Governor Efficiency per Martial
  • -20% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • +2 Max Title Men-at-Arms Regiments
  • +10% Men-at-Arms Damage
  • +10% Control Growth
  • -25% Development Growth
Imperial bureaucracy 0.png
Icon game concept naval administration.png
-20% Normal
  • (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +2% Governor Efficiency per Tradeport
  • -50% Embarkation Cost
  • +25% Naval Speed
  • +10% Development Growth
  • +10 Coastal Advantage
  • No Advantage penalty from disembarking
  • File:Naval county expansion cb.png Unlocks the Naval Duchy Expansion casus belli
  • -10% Embarkation Cost
  • +10% Naval Speed
  • Yes Unlocks the Summon to War interaction with the vassal
Imperial bureaucracy 0.pngImperial bureaucracy 1.pngImperial bureaucracy 2.png
Icon game concept frontier administration.png
-40% Normal
  • (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +0.5% Governor Efficiency per Prowess
  • +2 Fort Level
  • +6 Defender Advantage
  • +75% Hostile Raid Time
  • -30% Hostile County Attrition
  • Yes Unlocks Raiding
  • File:County expansion cb.png Unlocks the Duchy Expansion casus belli
Yes Unlocks the Summon to War interaction with the vassal Border vassal Imperial bureaucracy 0.pngImperial bureaucracy 1.pngImperial bureaucracy 2.png
Icon game concept imperial administration.png
+10% Normal
  • (governor efficiencyTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +4% Governor Efficiency per Level of Fame
  • +0.50 Monthly Prestige
  • +0.25 Monthly Influence
  • +10 Powerful Family Rating
  • Yes Revoking titles requires a Title Revocation Reason
  • +0.50 Monthly Prestige per Legitimacy Level
  • +20% Legitimacy Gain
  •  Empire
  • Can only be used once
Imperial bureaucracy 0.png

Noble families[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Every  Duke,  King and  Emperor with Administrative government will be part of a noble family. Each House Head that is part of a noble family has a titular  Duchy title identifying them as such, gains access to an Estate and remains playable even if they lose all their landed titles.

Each realm with Administrative government can have up to 5 Powerful Families, which are the top 5 families that have a rating of at least 40. The rating is increased by the number of house members, especially landed ones, the number of held governorships, estate buildings, and the Level of Influence of the House Head. Powerful Families can use the Depose and Subsume Governorship schemes, have increased success chances for political schemes and they are considered powerful vassals. If a Powerful Family controls at least 25% of the realm it will become a Dominant Family and have even greater success chances for political schemes.

Each noble family has a Family Attribute. If the family becomes a Powerful Family it gives its bonuses to both its house members and the liege. If the family becomes a Dominant Family it gives its bonuses only to house members. Players can change their Family Attribute but AI rulers cannot.

Family attribute House member effects Liege effects
Family attribute diplomatic envoys.png Diplomatic Envoys +1 Diplomacy per Level of Influence
  • +1 Diplomacy
  • +2 Negated Diplomacy Penalty
Family attribute martial fortitude.png Martial Students +1 Martial per Level of Influence
  • +1 Martial
  • +2 Negated Martial Penalty
Family attribute staunch stewards.png Staunch Stewards +1 Stewardship per Level of Influence
  • +1 Stewardship
  • +2 Negated Stewardship Penalty
Family attribute masterful intrigue.png Intrigue Masters +1 Intrigue per Level of Influence
  • +1 Intrigue
  • +2 Negated Intrigue Penalty
Family attribute learned philosophers.png Learned Philosophers +1 Learning per Level of Influence
  • +1 Learning
  • +2 Negated Learning Penalty
Family attribute confident schemers.png Confident Schemers
  • +2% Hostile Scheme Growth
  • (scheme potentialTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +10% Hostile Scheme Potential
Tab intrigue.png +1 Max Hostile Schemes
Family attribute charismatic socialites.png Charismatic Socialites
  • +2% Personal Scheme Growth
  • (scheme potentialTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +10% Personal Scheme Potential
Tab intrigue.png +1 Max Personal Schemes
Family attribute political meddlers.png Political Meddlers +0.1 Monthly Influence +5% Monthly Influence
Family attribute tax assessors.png Tax Assessors +8% Holding Taxes +4% Administrative Vassal Tax Contribution
Family attribute army commanders.png Army Commanders
  • +5 Advantage
  • +10% Men-at-Arms Damage
+5% Army Damage
Family attribute army quartermasters.png Army Quartermasters
  • +1 Size of Title Men-at-Arms Regiments
  • +1 Max Title Men-at-Arms Regiments
-10% Men-at-Arms Recruitment Cost
Family attribute tactical besiegers.png Tactical Besiegers
  • +15% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • -20% Siege Weapon Maintenance
  • +5% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • -15% Siege Weapon Recruitment Cost
Family attribute lofty architects.png Lofty Architects
  • -10% Building Construction Cost
  • -10% Building Construction Time
  • -20% Domicile Building Construction Time
-10% Holding Construction Cost
Family attribute respected despots.png Respected Despots
  • +10 Natural Dread
  • +5% Knight Effectiveness per Dread
  • -20% Dread Decay
  • +0.1% Monthly Prestige per Dread

部落制[编辑 | 编辑源代码]



  • 使用部落权威法,且不需要发现革新来提高权威。
  • 继承法锁定为联盟分割继承制。
  • 可以通过决议改变为封建制或氏族制政体。
  • 招募兵士花费 威望而不是 金钱。
  • −50%头衔创建花费。
  • 部落制统治者可以使用征服宣战理由以入侵另一个国家。
  • 部落制统治者一生可以使用一次降服宣战理由
  • 部落制统治者作为文化领袖时仅可发现部落时期的革新
  • 部落制统治者不能禁止封臣发动战争,达到2级部落权威前也不能囚禁封臣或廷臣。
  • 部落制封臣如果拥有部落制领主的头衔的宣称,可以向领主挑战以获取之。
  • 封建制、氏族制和共和制封臣 -20 好感。
  • 部落制伯爵领不允许建造地产,但非部落制统治者可以花费500 金钱将领地内的一个部落制伯爵领封建化。
  • 部落制伯爵领的发展度仅影响补给上限,不增加赋税和征召兵,且发展度不会被动增长。
  • 姓名中将强制使用父名机制
  • 部落制男爵领仅提供一半的补给上限给属于其他政体的军队。

赋税和征召兵贡献[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


领主威望等级 赋税贡献 征召兵贡献
丢人现眼 0% 0%
崭露头角 8% 15%
闻名遐迩 16% 30%
赫赫有名 24% 45%
高贵之人 32% 60%
传奇人物 40% 75%

改革[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

部落制统治者可以通过决议改革为封建制或氏族制。一般情况下,改革要求统治者将部落权威提升到  绝对部落权威并且满足其他要求。但如果统治者的领主为封建制或氏族制,则只要求统治者采用 有限部落权威以及信奉组织化信仰。而执行某些特殊决议则可以通过其他的方式改革为封建制或氏族制。

共和制[编辑 | 编辑源代码]




神权制[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


神权制政体仅适用于拥有 神权制圣职专权传统教义的信仰,并且用于首都地产是神殿的角色,玩家不可游玩。神权制封臣根据领主的奉献等级来提供赋税和征召兵。不同信仰的神权制封臣仅提供 10%的赋税和 10%的征召兵。领地祭司获得领主的直属封臣的领地祭司的25%赋税,并将来自直辖神殿和封臣祭司的赋税和征召兵的一部分贡献给封建领主,与好感成正比且最多为50%


领主奉献等级 赋税贡献 征召兵贡献
戴罪之人 0% 0%
恭顺尽责 15% 10%
虔诚信者 25% 20%
忠实仆人 35% 30%
美德典范 45% 40%
宗教楷模 55% 50%

骑士团[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

主条目:骑士团 骑士团的圣战士为了与异教徒战斗和侍奉他们的信仰而奉献一生。他们可以持有虔诚领主们给予他们的城堡。骑士团首领会在骑士团的行伍中选出。


佣兵团[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

主条目:雇佣兵 佣兵团在各国漫游寻找雇佣,为出价最高的那位战斗。忠诚对于好名声必不可少,但它只会持续到他们合同的结束。佣兵首领从佣兵团的行伍中选择产生。


角色 角色属性特质资源生活方式宗族亲族文化革新传统修正宝物
领地与管理 领地封臣内阁宫廷谋略政体法律决议头衔男爵领伯爵领朝廷建筑
战争 战争宣战理由同盟军队受雇军队
信仰 宗教信仰教义核心教义圣地
  1. valid_holdings = { castle_holding city_holding },位于00_government_types.txt