
Qi讨论 | 贡献
第1行: 第1行:
Activities are special occasions hosted by a certain character. Most activities have multiple variants to choose from. Each activity goes through a number of phases and during each phase there is a chance every 7 days for an event to happen. A character can only take part in one activity as a time and characters with the {{iconify|Incapable}} trait cannot host or join activities.
活动是由某个角色主持的特殊事件场合。大多数活动都有多种模式可供选择。每项活动都会经历多个阶段,每个阶段中每7天就有一次事件发生的机会。一个角色一次只能参加一项活动,且拥有 {{icon|Incapable}} 无能特质的角色无法主持或加入活动。

Most activities requires other characters to join. If not a single character joins the activity will be canceled and the character who started it will gain 20 {{iconify|Stress}}.
大多数活动都需要其他角色加入。若无一人参与,活动将被取消且活动的东道主将 {{red|+20}} {{icon|Stress}} 压力.
== 旅行 ==
== 旅行 ==
[[File:Activity travel.png|thumb|250px|规划朝圣之旅]]
[[File:Activity travel.png|thumb|250px|规划朝圣之旅]]
 启动一项活动的角色将成为该活动的东道主,其花费将取决于举办活动所选的男爵领。部分活动只能在特定男爵领(如直辖领地或宗教圣地)进行,对于其它活动(如狩猎),地图将显示5个最佳男爵领,但任意有效男爵领均在可选范围。所有参加活动的角色都必须前往指定的男爵领 除非那里 是他们领地的首都 。旅行有两个重要因素需要注意:
 启动一项活动的角色将成为该活动的东道主,其花费将取决于举办活动所选的男爵领。部分活动只能在特定男爵领(如直辖领地或宗教圣地)进行,对于其它活动(如狩猎),地图将显示5个最佳男爵领,但任意有效男爵领均在可选范围。所有参加活动的角色都必须前往指定的男爵领 除非 他们本身就在 那里 。旅行有两个重要因素需要注意:
* {{icon|travel speed}} 速度 决定了 旅队 相对 军队 速度。当速度为100%时,旅队将与和军队同样的速度前进。
* {{icon|travel speed}} 速度 :即 旅队 速度与 军队速度 的比值 。当速度为100%时,旅队将与和军队同样的速度前进。
* {{icon|Safety}} 减 少所有 危险
* {{icon|safety}}  安全性:与旅行路线上其余危险值相 得出实际 危险

 在旅行中,途径带有历史建筑的男爵领将依据相关建筑给予特定的生活方式经验,途径王国或帝国的首都男爵领将依据该地的宫廷类型给予对应的生活方式经验,当地领主没有宫廷时将给予 [[File:Diplomacy lifestyle.png|24px]]外交经验。途径未经控制的罗马或巴格达时,将触发选择滞留14天以有机会获得多项加成的事件。
 在旅行中,途径带有历史建筑的男爵领将依据相关建筑给予特定的生活方式经验,途径王国或帝国的首都男爵领将依据该地的宫廷类型给予对应的生活方式经验,当地领主没有宫廷时将给予 [[File:Diplomacy lifestyle.png|24px]] 外交经验。途径未经控制的罗马或巴格达时,将触发选择滞留14天以有机会获得多项加成的事件。

 选定旅行目的地后,会自动生成途径最少男爵领的路线。当然,玩家也可以选择手动添加绕道,以避开危险或访问特定男爵领。每个男爵领都有概率触发危险事件,危险程度取决于男爵领的地形、地产等级、地产建筑以及当地领主对你的 {{iconify|Opinion}} 态度
 选定旅行目的地后,会自动生成途径最少男爵领的路线。当然,玩家也可以选择手动添加绕道,以避开危险或访问特定男爵领。每个男爵领都有概率触发危险事件,危险程度取决于男爵领的地形、地产等级、地产建筑以及当地领主对你的 {{icon|Opinion}} 好感,一些文化传统可以减少特定地形的危险。若一个男爵领已感染瘟疫,则穿越此男爵领时会有感染风险

 每个角色都将带着一个由与活动相关的角色组成的 随行 团旅行。宫廷医生或贴身侍卫这两种宫廷职位的角色将始终加入,并且可以通过旅行选项添加其他角色。如果其中一个角色正在旅行,则计划进程将暂停,除非两个角色都是同一 随行 团的一部分。
 每个角色都将带着一个由与活动相关的角色组成的 团旅行。宫廷医生或贴身侍卫这两种宫廷职位的角色将始终加入,并且可以通过旅行选项添加其他角色。如果其中一个角色正在旅行,则计划进程将暂停,除非两个角色都是同一 团的一部分 。若统治者旅行目的地位于其领土之外,[[权力分享|摄政]]将在此期间接管权力

=== 旅行选项 ===
=== 旅行选项 ===
Each character who travels may select up to two travel options to improve traveling:
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! 旅行选项
! 旅行选项
! 效果
! 效果
! 要求
显示 要求
! width=35% |  描述
! 可行要求&花费
! width=35% |  介绍
| [[File:Hire desert warrior option.png|50px]] 雇佣沙漠战士
| [[File:Hire desert warrior option.png|50px]] 雇佣沙漠战士
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-32}} Danger in Desert and Steppe baronies
* [[File:Travel mountains active.png|24px]] {{green|-32}} 山地旅行危险
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-22}} Danger in Drylands baronies
* [[File:Travel steppe active.png|24px]] {{green|-32}} 草原旅行危险
* {{icon|desert warrior}} A character with the Desert Warrior trait joins the Entourage
* [[File:Travel drylands active.png|24px]] {{green|-20}} 旱地旅行危险
| {{icon|gold}} 8金
* {{icon|desert warrior}} 一位拥有沙漠战士特质的角色会加入旅团
| ''You will send word for experts in desert terrain to join your entourage, significantly reducing the danger of traveling through dry and arid lands.''
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| {{icon|gold}} {{yellow|8}} 
| '' 你会派人请沙漠地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低穿越干旱地形时的危险。''
| [[File:Hire forder option.png|50px]] 雇佣涉水者
| [[File:Hire forder option.png|50px]] 雇佣涉水者
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-42}} Danger in Wetlands baronies
* [[File:Travel wetlands active.png|24px]] {{green|-42}} 湿地旅行危险
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-22}} Danger in Floodplains baronies
* [[File:Travel floodplains active.png|24px]] {{green|-22}} 洪泛平原旅行危险
* {{icon|forder}} A character with the Forder trait joins the Entourage
* {{icon|forder}} 一位拥有涉水者特质的角色会加入旅团
| {{icon|gold}} 8金
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| ''You will send word for experts in wetlands terrain to join your entourage, significantly reducing the danger of traveling through wetlands and floodplains.''
| {{icon|gold}} {{yellow|8}} 
| '' 你会派人请湿地地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低穿越湿地和洪泛平原时的危险。''
| [[File:Hire rough terrain expert option.png|50px]] 雇佣森林向导
| [[File:Hire rough terrain expert option.png|50px]] 雇佣森林向导
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-37}} Danger in Taiga baronies
* [[File:Travel forest active.png|24px]] {{green|-31}} 森林旅行危险
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-31}} Danger in Forest baronies
* [[File:Travel taiga active.png|24px]] {{green|-37}} 针叶林旅行危险
* {{icon|forest fighter}} A character with the Forest Fighter trait joins the Entourage
* {{icon|forest fighter}} 一位拥有森林斗士特质的角色会加入旅团
| {{icon|gold}} 8
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| ''You will send word for experts in forested terrain to join your entourage, significantly reducing the danger of traveling through forests.''
| {{icon|gold}} {{yellow|8}}
| '' 你会派人请森林地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低穿越森林时的危险。''
| [[File:Hire jungle expert option.png|50px]] 雇佣丛林追猎者
| [[File:Hire jungle expert option.png|50px]] 雇佣丛林追猎者
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-42}} Danger in Jungle baronies
* [[File:Travel jungle active.png|24px]] {{green|-42}} 丛林旅行危险
* {{icon|jungle stalker}} A character with the Jungle Stalker trait joins the Entourage
* {{icon|jungle stalker}} 一位拥有丛林追猎者特质的角色会加入旅团
| {{icon|gold}} 8金
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| ''You will send word for experts in jungle terrain to join your entourage, significantly reducing the danger of traveling across jungle terrain.''
| {{icon|gold}} {{yellow|8}} 
| '' 你会派人请丛林地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低穿越丛林地形时的危险。''
| [[File:Hire mountaineer option.png|50px]] 雇佣登山者
| [[File:Hire mountaineer option.png|50px]] 雇佣登山者
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-42}} Danger in Mountains and Desert Mountains baronies
* [[File:Travel mountains active.png|24px]] {{green|-42}} 山地旅行危险
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-41}} Danger in Hills baronies
* [[File:Travel desert mountains active.png|24px]] {{green|-42}} 沙漠山地旅行危险
* {{icon|rough terrain expert}} A character with the Rough Terrain Expert trait joins the Entourage
* [[File:Travel hills active.png|24px]] {{green|-41}} 丘陵旅行危险
| {{icon|gold}} 8金
* {{icon|rough terrain expert}} 一位拥有崎岖地形专家特质的角色会加入旅团
| ''You will send word for experts in mountainous terrain to join your entourage, significantly reducing the danger of traveling across high peaks.''
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| {{icon|gold}} {{yellow|8}} 
| '' 你会派人请山地地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低翻越高峰时的危险。''
| [[File:Cultural ambassador option.png|50px]] 雇佣文化大使
| [[File:Cultural ambassador option.png|50px]] 雇佣文化大使
| {{icon|diplomacy}} A character with high Diplomacy joins the Entourage
| {{icon|diplomacy}} 一位初始外交能力在10以上的角色会加入旅团
| {{icon|gold}} 20金
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| ''You hire someone to serve as a Cultural Ambassador on your journey to disseminate information about your culture to all the baronies you travel through.''
| {{icon|gold}} {{yellow|20}} 
| '' 你雇佣某人在旅途中担任文化大使,向经过的所有男爵领宣扬你的文化。''
| [[File:Experienced captains option.png|50px]] 雇佣经验丰富的船长
| [[File:Experienced captains option.png|50px]] 雇佣经验丰富的船长
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|-45}} Danger in Sea and Coastal Sea areas
* [[File:Travel coastal sea active.png|24px]] {{green|-45}} 近海旅行危险
* {{icon|forder}} A character with the Forder trait joins the Entourage
* [[File:Travel sea active.png|24px]] {{green|-45}} 海洋旅行危险
| {{icon|gold}} 20金
* {{icon|forder}} 一位拥有涉水者特质的角色会加入旅团
| ''You will send word for experienced captains to join your entourage, significantly reducing the danger of traveling across sea and ocean.''
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| {{icon|gold}} {{yellow|20}} 
| '' 你将传话给经验丰富的船长,让其加入你的旅团,大幅降低跨海旅行的危险。''
| [[File:Hire experienced mercenaries option.png|50px]] 雇佣佣兵卫队
| [[File:Hire experienced mercenaries option.png|50px]] 雇佣佣兵卫队
* {{icon|Travel Speed}} {{green|+10}} 旅行速度
* {{icon|travel speed}} {{green|+10}} 旅行速度
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|+20}} 旅行安全性
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|+20}} 旅行安全性
* {{icon|duchy}} The title owner of a Mercenary Company will join the Entourage
* {{icon|duchy}} 一位持有佣兵团头衔的角色会加入旅团
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
* {{icon|gold}} 40金
* [[File:Mercenary.png|24px]] Unhired Mercenary Company within diplomatic range
* {{icon|gold}} {{yellow|40}} 
| ''You will hire hardened mercenaries to join your entourage as guards, increasing overall safety and speed.''
* [[File:Mercenary.png|24px]] 外交范围内有空闲的佣兵团及其团长
| '' 你将雇佣经验丰富的佣兵进入旅团充当护卫,提高整体的安全性和速度。''
| [[File:Superior armaments option.png|50px]] 优良军备
| [[File:Superior armaments option.png|50px]] 优良军备
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|+10}} 旅行安全性
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|+10}} 旅行安全性
* {{icon|unknown}} {{green|-20%}} Artifact Decay Reduction
* {{icon|unknown}} {{green|-20%}} 宝物破损减成
| [[File:Building blacksmiths.png|24px]] Crown Smithies duchy building in Domain
| {{icon|duchy}} 是公爵及以上
| ''Your superior blacksmiths outfit your entourage with the finest equipment and preparations for the journey.''
| [[File:Building blacksmiths.png|24px]] 直辖领地内有君主铁匠铺公国建筑
| '' 你的优秀铁匠会为旅团配备最好的装备。''
| [[File:Fancy mounts option.png|50px]] 优良坐骑
| [[File:Fancy mounts option.png|50px]] 优良坐骑
| {{icon|Travel Speed}} {{green|+20}} 旅行速度
| {{icon|travel speed}} {{green|+20}} 旅行速度
| [[File:Building stables.png|24px]] Stables or Camelry level 3 or higher building in Domain
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| ''Your experienced stable-hands outfit your entourage with the finest mounts in all the realm.''
* {{icon|yes}} 下列条件之一:
** [[File:Building stables.png|24px]] 直辖领地内有三级及以上马厩建筑
** [[File:Building camel farms.png|24px]] 直辖领地内有三级及以上骆驼农场建筑
| '' 你经验丰富的马厩管理人员为你的旅团配备了全领地内最好的坐骑。''
| [[File:Military recruits option.png|50px]] 训练骑士
| [[File:Military recruits option.png|50px]] 训练骑士
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|+10}} 旅行安全性
* {{icon|safety}} {{green|+10}} 旅行安全性
* {{icon|knight}} The 3 Knights with lowest Prowess will join the Entourage
* {{icon|knight}} 勇武最低的至多三名骑士会加入旅团
| [[File:Building military academy.png|24px]] Military Academies duchy building in Domain
| {{icon|duchy}} 是公爵及以上
| ''You bring along your weakest knights to train and learn from the challenges to be faced on the open road.''
| [[File:Building military academy.png|24px]] 直辖领地内有军校公国建筑
| '' 你带上你最弱的骑士,通过开敞的道路上面对的挑战来训练和学习。''
| [[File:Anxious option.png|50px]] 加快脚步
| [[File:Anxious option.png|50px]] 加快脚步
* {{icon|Travel Speed}} {{green|+20}} 旅行速度
* {{icon|travel speed}} {{green|+20}} 旅行速度
* {{icon|safety}} {{red|-10}} 旅行安全性
* {{icon|safety}} {{red|-10}} 旅行安全性
| {{icon|yes}} Craven, Impatient or Reckless trait
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| ''The world is a dark and dangerous place; best to hasten the journey as much as possible.''
| {{icon|yes}} 拥有 {{icon|craven}} 怯懦、{{icon|impatient}} 急躁或{{icon|reckless}} 鲁莽特质
| '' 世界黑暗而危险,最好尽快结束旅程。''
| [[File:Circumspect option.png|50px]] 谨慎
| [[File:Circumspect option.png|50px]] 谨慎
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Scheme Resistance
* [[File:Scheme.png|24px]] {{green|+50%}} 阴谋阻力
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|-50%}} Enemy Hostile Scheme Success Chance
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|-50%}} 敌对阴谋成功率
* {{icon|Travel Speed}} {{red|-10}} 旅行速度
* {{icon|travel speed}} {{red|-10}} 旅行速度
| {{icon|yes}} Arbitrary, Fickle or Paranoid trait
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| ''Never let them know your next move.''
| {{icon|yes}} 拥有 {{icon|arbitrary}} 专断{{icon|fickle}} 多变或{{icon|paranoid}} 多疑特质
| '' 永远不让他们知道你的下一步行动。''
| [[File:.png|50px]] 带上医疗设备
| [[File:Court physician option.png|50px]] 带上医疗设备
* [[File:Travel epidemic active.png|24px]] {{green|-52}} 瘟疫危险
* {{icon|yes}} 宫廷医师会加入旅团
| {{icon|yes}} 是统治者
| [[File:Court physician court position.png|24px]] 拥有宫廷医师
| ''你会带上充足的医疗设备供应,以降低旅途中瘟疫带来的危险。''

== 常规活动 ==
== 常规活动 ==
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Activity
! 活动
! Activity options
! 活动选项
! Rewards
! 主要奖励
! Valid baronies
! 可用男爵领
! Variants
! 类别
! Additional rewards
! 额外奖励
! Requirements
! 要求
! Cooldown
! 冷却时间
| rowspan=3 | [[File:Activity feast.png]] Feast
|- id="宴会"
| rowspan=3 | [[File:Activity feast.png]] 宴会
| rowspan=3 | 
| rowspan=3 | 
* Dish Complexity
* 菜肴复杂程度
* Number of Courses
* 菜品道数
| rowspan=3 | 
| rowspan=3 | 
* {{iconify|Prestige}}
* {{icon|Prestige}} 威望
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
* [[File:Trait reveler.png|24px]] Eager Reveler trait
* [[File:Trait reveler.png|24px]] 热切的狂欢者特质
| rowspan=3 | Domain
| rowspan=3 | 直辖领地
| [[File:Feast type generic icon.png|50px]] Feast
| [[File:Feast type generic icon.png|50px]] 宴会
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
| {{icon|yes}} Adult
| {{icon|yes}} 成年
| 5 years
| 5
| [[File:Feast type legendary icon.png|50px]] Legendary Feast
| [[File:Feast type legendary icon.png|50px]] 传奇宴会
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
* {{icon|yes}} Chance to spread the legend
* {{icon|yes}} 有几率传播传奇
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|legend}} Owning or promoting a legend
* [[File:Legend.png|24px]] 拥有[[传奇]]
| 15 years
| 15
| [[File:Feast type murder icon.png|50px]] Murder Feast
| [[File:Feast type murder icon.png|50px]] 谋杀宴会
| {{icon|death}} Chance to kill a designated character
| {{icon|death}} 有几率杀死选定角色
* {{iconify|Tours and Tournaments}} DLC
* [[File:DLC_T&T.png|24px]] 巡游与比武DLC
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|yes}} Forever Infamous lifestyle perk
* {{icon|yes}} 终生恶名技能
| 15 years
| 15
|- id="狩猎"
| rowspan=3 | [[File:Activity hunt.png]] Hunt
| rowspan=3 | [[File:Activity hunt.png]] 狩猎
| rowspan=3 | 
| rowspan=3 | 
* Attendants
* 侍从
* Party Size
* 队伍规模
| rowspan=3 | 
| rowspan=3 | 
* {{iconify|Prestige}}
* {{icon|Prestige}} 威望
* {{iconify|Legitimacy}}
* [[FIle:Legitimacy.png|24px]] 正统性
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
* {{icon|opinion}} Glory Hound Vassal Opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} 追名逐利封臣好感
* {{icon|unknown}} Trophy artifacts
* {{icon|unknown}} 狩猎战利品宝物
* [[File:Trait hunter.png|24px]] Hunter trait
* [[File:Trait hunter.png|24px]] 猎人特质
| rowspan=3 | Realm
| rowspan=3 | 领地
| [[File:Hunt type standard icon.png|50px]] Hunt
| [[File:Hunt type standard icon.png|50px]] 狩猎
| {{iconify|Prestige}}
| {{icon|Prestige}} 威望
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|no}} Vegetarians tradition
* {{icon|no}} 素食主义者传统
| 2 years
| 2
| [[File:Hunt type legendary icon.png|50px]] Legendary
| [[File:Hunt type legendary icon.png|50px]] 传奇
* {{iconify|Prestige}}
* {{icon|Prestige}} 威望
* {{icon|lod}} Legend Seed
* [[File:Legend.png|24px]] 传奇种子
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|no}} Vegetarians tradition
* {{icon|no}} 素食主义者传统
| 2 years
| 2
| [[File:Hunt type falconry icon.png|50px]] Falconry
| [[File:Hunt type falconry icon.png|50px]] 鹰猎
* {{iconify|Tours and Tournaments}} DLC
* [[File:DLC_T&T.png|24px]] 巡游与比武DLC
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|no}} Vegetarians tradition
* {{icon|no}} 素食主义者传统
| 2 years
| 2
|- id="朝圣"
| rowspan=3 | [[File:Activity pilgrimage.png]] Pilgrimage
| rowspan=3 | [[File:Activity pilgrimage.png]] 朝圣
| rowspan=3 | 
| rowspan=3 | 
* Fidelity
* 忠诚
* Pomp
* 排场
| rowspan=3 | 
| rowspan=3 | 
* {{iconify|Piety}}
* {{icon|Piety}} 虔诚
* {{iconify|Legitimacy}}
* [[FIle:Legitimacy.png|24px]] 正统性
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
* [[File:Trait pilgrim.png|24px]] Pilgrim trait
* [[File:Trait pilgrim.png|24px]] 朝圣者特质
| rowspan=3 | Holy Site
| rowspan=3 | [[圣地]]
| [[File:Pilgrimage type pious icon.png|50px]] Pious Pilgrimage
| [[File:Pilgrimage type pious icon.png|50px]] 虔诚朝圣
| {{iconify|Piety}}
| {{icon|Piety}} 虔诚
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{iconify|Hajji}} trait if the faith has it
* {{icon|Hajji}} 若信仰拥有朝觐教义,则拥有朝觐者特质
| [[File:Pilgrimage type worldly icon.png|50px]] Worldly Pilgrimage
| [[File:Pilgrimage type worldly icon.png|50px]] 世俗的朝圣
| {{icon|unknown}} Culture modifier
| {{icon|unknown}} 文化修正
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{iconify|Hajji}} trait if the faith has it
* {{icon|Hajji}} 若信仰拥有朝觐教义,则拥有朝觐者特质
| [[File:Pilgrimage type hajj icon.png|50px]] Hajj
| [[File:Pilgrimage type hajj icon.png|50px]] 朝觐
| {{iconify|Hajji}} trait
| {{icon|Hajji}} 朝觐者特质
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* [[File:Doctrine pilgrimage mandatory hajj.png|24px]] Hajj doctrine
* [[File:Doctrine pilgrimage mandatory hajj.png|24px]] 朝觐核心教义
| [[File:Activity playdate.png]] Meet Peers
| [[File:Activity playdate.png]] 会见同辈
| {{iconify|Opinion}}
| {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
| Realm Capital
| 领地首都
| [[File:Activity playdate.png|50px]] Meet Peers
| [[File:Activity playdate.png|50px]] 会见同辈
| {{iconify|Opinion}}
| {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
| {{icon|yes}} Age 4-15
| {{icon|yes}} 4-15
| 3 years
| 3
|- id="大巫祭"
| [[File:Activity witch ritual.png]] Grand Rite
| [[File:Activity witch ritual.png]] 大巫祭
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] Lifestyle Experience
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] 生活方式经验
| Realm Capital
| 领地首都
| [[File:Activity witch ritual.png|50px]] Grand Rite
| [[File:Activity witch ritual.png|50px]] 大巫祭
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] Lifestyle Experience
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] 生活方式经验
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{iconify|Witch}} trait
* {{icon|Witch}} 巫师特质
* [[File:Modifier outdoors positive.png|24px]] Witch Coven house modifier
* [[File:Modifier outdoors positive.png|24px]] 巫师集会宗族修正
| 5 years
| 5
|- id="节庆"
| [[File:Activity gruesome festival.png]] Festival / Blót
| [[File:Activity gruesome festival.png]] 节庆/ 血祭
* Festival Size
* 节庆规模
* Sacrifice Fodder
* 祭品
* {{iconify|Piety}}
* {{icon|Piety}} 虔诚
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
| Domain and faith with the Gruesome Festivals tenet
| 领地内信仰拥有[[核心教义#恐怖节庆|恐怖节庆/血祭]]核心教义的伯爵领
| [[File:Activity gruesome festival.png|50px]] Festival / Blót
| [[File:Activity gruesome festival.png|50px]] 节庆/ 血祭
* {{iconify|Piety}}
* {{icon|Piety}} 虔诚
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|northern lords}} Faith has the Gruesome Festivals tenet
* [[File:Core tenet gruesome festivals.png|24px]] 信仰拥有[[核心教义#恐怖节庆|恐怖节庆/血祭]]核心教义
| 9 years
| 9
| [[File:Activity adult education.png]] University Visit
| [[File:Activity adult education.png]] 院校访学
| Study Materials
| 学习资料
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] Lifestyle Experience
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] 生活方式经验
* [[File:Doctrine pluralism righteous.png|24px]] Book artifacts
* [[File:Doctrine pluralism righteous.png|24px]] 书籍宝物
* {{icon|unknown}} Lifestyle trait
* {{icon|unknown}} 生活方式特质
* {{icon|unknown}} Upgrade education trait
* {{icon|unknown}} 教育特质提升
* {{icon|unknown}} Skill points
* {{icon|unknown}} 能力
* {{icon|unknown}} Recruit skilled character
* {{icon|character}} 有能力的角色
| University or holy building
| 大学或大型宗教建筑
| [[File:Activity adult education.png|50px]] University Visit
| [[File:Activity adult education.png|50px]] 院校访学
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] Lifestyle Experience
* [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] 生活方式经验
* [[File:Doctrine pluralism righteous.png|24px]] Book artifacts
* [[File:Doctrine pluralism righteous.png|24px]] 书籍宝物
* {{icon|unknown}} Lifestyle trait
* {{icon|unknown}} 生活方式特质
* {{icon|unknown}} Upgrade education trait
* {{icon|unknown}} 教育特质提升
* {{icon|unknown}} Skill points
* {{icon|unknown}} 能力
* {{icon|unknown}} Recruit skilled character
* {{icon|character}} 有能力的角色
* {{iconify|Wards & Wardens}} DLC
* [[File:DLC_W&W.png|24px]] 亲与子DLC
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|no}} Tier 5 education trait
* {{icon|no}} 五级教育特质
| 20 years
| 20
| [[File:Activity funeral.png]] Funeral
| [[File:Activity funeral.png]] 葬礼
| Ceremonials
| 仪式
* {{iconify|Piety}}
* {{icon|Piety}} 虔诚
* {{iconify|Legitimacy}}
* [[FIle:Legitimacy.png|24px]] 正统性
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
| Realm Capital or Temple holding
| 领地内拥有地产的男爵领
| [[File:Activity funeral.png|50px]] Funeral
| [[File:Activity funeral.png|50px]] 葬礼
* {{iconify|Piety}}
* {{icon|Piety}} 虔诚
* {{iconify|Legitimacy}}
* [[FIle:Legitimacy.png|24px]] 正统性
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
* {{iconify|Legends of the Dead}} DLC
* [[File:DLC_LotD.png|24px]] 逝者传奇DLC
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|death}} Dead relative without funeral
* {{icon|character}} 符合下列条件的角色可被埋葬:
** {{icon|death}} 五年内死亡
** {{icon|yes}} 下列条件之一:
*** {{icon|title}} 是前任主头衔持有者
*** {{icon|dynasty}} 是亲人或配偶
*** [[File:Friend.png|24px]] 有[[角色#关系|友情或爱情]]关系

== Grand activities ==
== 盛大活动 ==
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
{| class="mildtable plainlist"
! Activity
! 活动
! Rewards
! 活动选项
! Valid baronies
! 主要奖励
! Variants
! 可用男爵领
! Additional rewards
! 类别
! Requirements
! 额外奖励
! Cooldown
! 要求
! 冷却时间
| rowspan=3 | [[File:Activity tour.png]] Grand Tour
| rowspan=3 | [[File:Activity tour.png]] 大巡游
| rowspan=3 |
* [[File:Tour option entourage.png|24px]] 随行人员
* [[File:Tour option luxuries.png|24px]] 奢侈品
| rowspan=3 | 
| rowspan=3 | 
* {{icon|control}} County Control
* [[FIle:Legitimacy.png|24px]] 正统性
* {{icon|opinion}} Popular Opinion
* {{icon|control}} 伯爵领控制力
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
* {{icon|opinion}} 民众好感度
| rowspan=3 | Vassal Realm Capital
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
| [[File:Tour type majesty icon.png]] Majesty Tour
| rowspan=3 | 封臣领地首都
| [[File:Tour type majesty icon.png]] 君权巡游
* {{iconify|Prestige}}
* {{icon|Prestige}} 威望
* {{icon|opinion}} Vassal Opinion
* {{icon|Renown}} 宗族威望
* {{icon|opinion}} 封臣好感
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|vassal}} 3 Vassals
* {{icon|vassal}} 拥有三位至少是伯爵的封臣
* {{icon|duchy}} Duke or higher title rank
* {{icon|duchy}} 至少是公爵
| 10 years
| 10
| [[File:Tour type intimidation icon.png]] Intimidation Tour
| [[File:Tour type intimidation icon.png]] 威吓巡游
* {{iconify|Dread}}
* {{icon|Dread}} 恐怖值
* {{icon|yes}} May force Vassals out of Factions
* {{icon|yes}} 可使封臣退出敌对派系
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|vassal}} 3 Vassals
* {{icon|vassal}} 拥有三位至少是伯爵的封臣
* {{icon|duchy}} Duke or higher title rank
* {{icon|duchy}} 至少是公爵
| 10 years
| 10
| [[File:Tour type taxation icon.png]] Taxation Tour
| [[File:Tour type taxation icon.png]]  征税巡游
| {{iconify|Gold}}
| {{icon|Gold}} 金钱
* {{icon|yes}} Adult
* {{icon|yes}} 成年
* {{icon|vassal}} 3 Vassals
* {{icon|vassal}} 拥有三位至少是伯爵的封臣
* {{icon|duchy}} Duke or higher title rank
* {{icon|duchy}} 至少是公爵
* {{icon|no}} Tribal government
* {{icon|no}} 部落制
| 10 years
| 10
| rowspan=2 | [[File:Activity wedding.png]] Grand Wedding
| rowspan=2 | [[File:Activity wedding.png]] 大婚
| rowspan=2 | 
| rowspan=2 | 
* {{iconify|Marriage}}
* [[File:Wedding option entertainment.png|24px]] 娱乐
* {{iconify|Prestige}}
* [[File:Wedding option food.png|24px]] 食物和饮料
* {{iconify|Opinion}}
* [[File:Wedding option decoration.png|24px]] 婚礼场地
* {{iconify|Stress Loss}}
| rowspan=2 |
* [[File:Trait reveler.png|24px]] Eager Reveler trait
* {{icon|Marriage}}
* [[File:Modifier wedding positive.png|24px]] Gracious Host modifier for 5-20 years
* {{icon|Prestige}} 威望
* [[File:Modifier wedding positive.png|24px]] Magnificent Host modifier for 10-20 years
* {{icon|Opinion}} 好感
| rowspan=2 | Domain
* {{icon|Stress Loss}} 压力减少
| [[File:Wedding type normal icon.png]] Grand Wedding
* [[File:Trait reveler.png|24px]] 热切的狂欢者特质
| {{icon|yes}} Fulfills the Grand Wedding promise
* [[File:Modifier wedding positive.png|24px]] '''殷勤的东道主'''5-20 年修正
* [[File:Modifier wedding positive.png|24px]] '''宏伟的东道主'''5-20 年修正
| rowspan=2 | 直辖领地
| [[File:Wedding type normal icon.png]] 大婚
| {{icon|yes}} 签订婚约时约定大婚
* {{icon|yes}} Both characters are adults
* {{icon|yes}} 双方成年
* {{icon|marriage}} Grand Wedding marriage or betrothal promise
* {{icon|marriage}} 结婚或订婚时大婚承诺
| [[File:Feast type murder icon.png]] Bloody Wedding
| [[File:Feast type murder icon.png]] 血腥婚礼
| {{icon|death}} Chance to kill the spouse's family
| {{icon|death}} 有机会杀死对方家族成员
* {{icon|yes}} Both characters are adults
* {{icon|yes}} 双方成年
* {{icon|marriage}} Grand Wedding marriage or betrothal promise
* {{icon|marriage}} 结婚或订婚时大婚承诺
* {{icon|yes}} Accomplished Forger lifestyle perk
* {{icon|yes}} “熟练伪造”生活方式技能
| 15 years
| 15

=== Grand Tournament ===
=== 比武大会 ===
The Grand Tournament is a highly interactive activity that can be held every 10 years in a Domain barony. It is only available for adult characters. Grand Tournaments have two Activity Options:
* [[File:Tournament option accommodations.png|24px]] Accommodations determine the likelihood of certain negative events. Can choose to pay 20, 60 or 180 {{iconify|Gold}}.
* [[File:Tournament option accommodations.png|24px]] 住宿:其等级决定某些负面事件发生概率。可以选择20、60或180 {{icon|Gold}} 金钱对应等级。
* [[File:Tournament option prizes.png|24px]] Prizes determines the quality of prize artifacts. Can choose to pay 20 (Common), 60 (Common-Masterwork), 180 (Masterwork-Famed), 360 (Masterwork-Illustrious) or 720 (Famed-Illustrious) {{iconify|Gold}}.
* [[File:Tournament option prizes.png|24px]] 奖品:其等级决定奖品宝物质量。可以选择对应 {{icon|Gold}} 金钱以获得对应级别宝物:20(普通)、60(普通或大师)、180(大师或名作)、360(大师、名作或卓越)、720(名作或卓越)

A Grand Tournament is made up of between 1 and 5 Contests. Each character can choose whether to take part in a contest or merely observe. Taking part in a Contest has risks but will grant or improve the [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] Hastiluder trait, grant a positive modifier for 5 years, and winning grants an artifact. Each character has a chance to win a Contest depending on its attributes, health, and traits, particularly the [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] Hastiluder trait. A tournament can have the following contests:
比武大会由1到5个项目组成。角色可以选择参与或观赏比赛项目。参加比赛项目可以获得 [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] 枪斗士特质经验与正面修正,获胜还可以获得比赛奖品,但也要承担受伤风险。每个角色都可能凭借其属性、健康和特质(主要为 [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] 枪斗士特质)取胜。比武大会可选项目如下:
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable"
{| class="mildtable plainlist sortable"
! Contest
! 项目
! Hastiluder experience
! 枪斗士经验对应内容
! {{icon|gold}} Cost
! {{icon|gold}} 花费
! Defeat modifier
! 失败者修正
! Victory modifier
! 胜利者修正
! width=40% | Description
! width=40% | 描述
| [[File:Tournament phase archery.png|60px]] Archery
| [[File:Tournament phase archery.png|60px]] 射箭
| [[File:Trait track bow.png|24px]] Bow
| [[File:Trait track bow.png|24px]] 弓箭
| 100
| 100
* {{icon|unknown}} {{green|+1}} Injury Resistance
* {{icon|unknown}} {{green|+1}} 受伤抗性
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+2}} 弓箭手伤害
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} 枪斗士特质经验
* {{icon|unknown}} {{green|+3}} Injury Resistance
* {{icon|unknown}} {{green|+3}} 受伤抗性
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+3}} Archer Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+3}} 弓箭手伤害
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 枪斗士特质经验
| ''A bow competition in which each contestant shoots at a target with a set number of arrows, aiming to score as many points as possible.''
| '' 一种射箭比赛,每位选手使用一定数量的箭矢射击箭靶,目标是获得尽可能多的分数。''
| [[File:Tournament phase board game.png|60px]] Board Game
| [[File:Tournament phase board game.png|60px]] 棋盘游戏
| [[File:Trait track wit.png|24px]] Wit
| [[File:Trait track wit.png|24px]] 智慧
| 100
| 100
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} 学识
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Maximum Battle Roll
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} 最大战斗骰
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 枪斗士特质经验
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+3}} Learning
* {{icon|learning}} {{green|+3}} 学识
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+3}} Maximum Battle Roll
* {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+3}} 最大战斗骰
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 枪斗士特质经验
| ''A contest of wits in which contestants play a series of board game matches, with the ultimate winner being the last remaining player.''
| '' 一种智力竞赛,选手进行一系列的棋盘游戏比赛,最后剩下的选手获得最终胜利。''
| [[File:Tournament phase duel.png|60px]] Duel
| [[File:Tournament phase duel.png|60px]] 决斗
| [[File:Trait track foot.png|24px]] Foot
| [[File:Trait track foot.png|24px]] 步战
| 100
| 100
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} 勇武
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess per Level of Fame
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} 勇武每级威望等级
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} 枪斗士特质经验
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+3}} Prowess
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+3}} 勇武
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+2}} Prowess per Level of Fame
* {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+2}} 勇武每级威望等级
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 枪斗士特质经验
| ''A series of armed duels fought on foot, in which contestants attempt to disarm or score more points than their foes to be the last standing.''
| '' 一系列步战持械决斗,选手试图解除对手武装,或是获得比对手更多的分数,以赢得比赛。''
| [[File:Tournament phase horse race.png|60px]] Horse Race
| [[File:Tournament phase horse race.png|60px]] 赛马
| [[File:Trait track horse.png|24px]] Horse
| [[File:Trait track horse.png|24px]] 骑术
| 150
| 150
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+25%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+25%}} 补给上限
* {{icon|travel speed}} {{green|+10%}} Travel Speed
* {{icon|travel speed}} {{green|+10%}} 旅行速度
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} 枪斗士特质经验
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+50%}} Supply Limit
* {{icon|supply}} {{green|+50%}} 补给上限
* {{icon|travel speed}} {{green|+25%}} Travel Speed
* {{icon|travel speed}} {{green|+25%}} 旅行速度
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 枪斗士特质经验
| ''A spectator sport in which lords and ladies enter horses to race against each other, with the winner being the first to cross the finishing line.''
| '' 一种观赏性运动,男女领主们观看马匹竞速,最先抵达终点线的马匹获胜。''
| [[File:Tournament phase melee.png|60px]] Melee
| [[File:Tournament phase melee.png|60px]] 团战
* [[File:Trait track foot.png|24px]] Foot
* [[File:Trait track foot.png|24px]] 步战
* [[File:Trait track horse.png|24px]] Horse
* [[File:Trait track horse.png|24px]] 骑术
| 100
| 100
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+3}} Martial
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+3}} 军事
* [[File:Martial lifestyle.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Martial Lifestyle Experience
* [[File:Martial lifestyle.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 每月军事生活方式经验
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} 枪斗士特质经验
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+3}} Martial
* {{icon|martial}} {{green|+3}} 军事
* [[File:Martial lifestyle.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Martial Lifestyle Experience
* [[File:Martial lifestyle.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 每月军事生活方式经验
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 枪斗士特质经验
| ''A mock battle, on horse and on foot, between two teams vying to control a contested field and capture opposing combatants for ransom.''
| '' 一种模拟战斗,既有骑战也有步战,两队争夺比赛场地并俘虏对方参战者以换取赎金。''
| [[File:Tournament phase recital.png|60px]] Recital
| [[File:Tournament phase recital.png|60px]] 朗诵
| [[File:Trait track wit.png|24px]] Wit
| [[File:Trait track wit.png|24px]] 智慧
| 50
| 50
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} 外交
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+20%}} Learn Language Scheme Power
* [[File:Scheme learn language.png|24px]] {{green|+20%}} 学习语言计谋强度
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} 枪斗士特质经验
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+3}} Diplomacy
* {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+3}} 外交
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+30%}} Learn Language Scheme Power
* [[File:Scheme learn language.png|24px]] {{green|+30%}} 学习语言计谋强度
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 枪斗士特质经验
| ''A poetry competition in which each contestant publicly recites a poem written for the occasion, and is judged against all other entrants.''
| '' 一种诗歌比赛,每位选手公开朗诵一首为该场合创作的诗歌,并与其他所有参赛者进行对照评判。''
| [[File:Tournament phase wrestling.png|60px]] Wrestling
| [[File:Tournament phase wrestling.png|60px]] 摔跤
| [[File:Trait track foot.png|24px]] Foot
| [[File:Trait track foot.png|24px]] 步战
| 100
| 100
* {{icon|health}} {{green|+0.5}} Health
* {{icon|health}} {{green|+0.5}} 健康
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+25%}} Hostile Scheme Resistance
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+25%}} 阴谋阻力
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} 枪斗士经验获得
* {{icon|health}} {{green|+1}} Health
* {{icon|health}} {{green|+1}} 健康
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Scheme Resistance
* {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+50%}} 阴谋阻力
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 枪斗士特质经验
| ''A contest of strength and cunning, in which contestants attempt to knock down or throw their foes from the ring to be the last standing.''
| '' 一种力量与灵巧的比赛,选手试图将对手击倒或掷出擂台,以赢得比赛。''
| [[File:Tournament phase joust.png|60px]] Joust
| [[File:Tournament phase joust.png|60px]] 马上比武
* [[File:Trait track foot.png|24px]] Foot
* [[File:Trait track foot.png|24px]] 步战
* [[File:Trait track horse.png|24px]] Horse
* [[File:Trait track horse.png|24px]] 骑术
| 200
| 200
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Glory Hound Vassal Opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} 追名逐利封臣好感
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+5}} Heavy Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+5}} 重骑兵伤害
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} 枪斗士特质经验
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+20}} Glory Hound Vassal Opinion
* {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+20}} 追名逐利封臣好感
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10}} Heavy Cavalry Damage
* {{icon|damage}} {{green|+10}} 重骑兵伤害
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Hastiluder Trait Experience Gain
* [[File:Trait tournament.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} 枪斗士特质经验
| ''An equestrian competition in which contestants tilt with lances, attempting to unhorse or score more points than their foes to be the last standing.''
| '' 一种马上比赛,选手侧身持枪,试图将对手击落马,或是获得比对手更多的分数,以晋级比赛。''
Joust is only available if the culture has the Horseshoes of Arched Saddle innovation

3 weeks after the tournament is hosted every participating character will be able to visit various areas to trigger events.
{| class="mildtable"
{| class="mildtable"
! Area
! 场地
! Description
! 描述
| '''Artisan Quarters''' || ''Merchants have installed themselves over here. Maintain your Artifacts, get new clothes, or improve your weaponry.''
| ''' 工匠营房''' || '' 商人在这里安顿。保养你的宝物,获得新衣服,或是改进你的武器。''
| '''Tavern''' || ''A place to rest. Sit down and get a chance to reduce your Stress.''
| ''' 酒馆''' || '' 休息的场所。坐下来寻找降低压力的机会。''
| '''Temple''' || ''A calm place. Pray for victory or test your faith.''
| ''' 神殿''' || '' 一处平静的地方。在这里祈祷胜利或测试你的信仰。''
| '''Tent Camp''' || All the visitors have taken this field as theirs. Meet the other Contestants or sabotage them.''
| ''' 帐篷营地''' || ''所有来访者在此居住。与其他选手会面或是暗中搞破坏。''
| '''Tourney Grounds''' || ''The training area for the Tournament. Spending time here will increase your Progress to Victory.''
| ''' 比武场''' || '' 比武大会的训练区。可以在这里提高你的胜利进度。''
| '''Village''' || ''The closest settlement. Here, you may get County Control, Popular Opinion and interactions with its inhabitants.''
| ''' 村庄''' || '' 最近的定居点。在这里你可以获得伯爵领控制力、民众好感度以及与此地居民进行互动。''

Characters will have a Progress to Victory bar showing how close they are to winning the current Contest. At least 20 progress is required to quality for a Contest.
== Intents ==
== 意图 ==
When a character joins an activity it must select an Intent, which can be changed at any point. The Intent has an influence on what events will happen during the activity.
角色参加活动时必须选择一项意图(游戏会根据角色情况选择意图)。意图在活动期间通常可随时改变。意图会影响活动期间会触发什么事件。[[File:Spread legend intent.png|24px]]传播传奇意图要求持有或正在推广一项传奇,而[[File:Legitimacy intent.png|24px]]提高正统性意图要求拥有[[宗族#正统传承|父子相传]]宗族传承。
{| class="mildtable sortable"
{| class="mildtable sortable"
! Intent
! 意图
! [[File:Activity feast.png|24px]] Feast
! [[File:Activity feast.png|24px]] 宴会
! [[File:Activity hunt.png|24px]] Hunt
! [[File:Activity hunt.png|24px]] 狩猎
! [[File:Activity pilgrimage.png|24px]] Pilgrimage
! [[File:Activity pilgrimage.png|24px]] 朝圣
! [[File:Activity playdate.png|24px]] Meet Peers
! [[File:Activity playdate.png|24px]] 会见同辈
! [[File:Activity witch ritual.png|24px]] Grand Rite
! [[File:Activity witch ritual.png|24px]] 大巫祭
! [[File:Activity gruesome festival.png|24px]] Festival / Blót
! [[File:Activity gruesome festival.png|24px]] 节庆/ 血祭
! [[File:Activity tour.png|24px]] Grand Tour
! [[File:Activity tour.png|24px]] 大巡游
! [[File:Activity tournament.png|24px]] Grand Tournament
! [[File:Activity tournament.png|24px]] 比武大会
! [[File:Activity wedding.png|24px]] Grand Wedding
! [[File:Activity wedding.png|24px]] 大婚
! [[File:Activity adult education.png|24px]] 院校访学
! [[File:Activity funeral.png|24px]] 葬礼
| [[File:Reduce stress intent.png|24px]] 娱乐 || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Worship devil intent.png|24px]] 侍奉[邪神] || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Study hard intent.png|24px]] 努力学习 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Revelry intent.png|24px]] 吟游书生生活方式 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Mourn intent.png|24px]] 哀悼 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Reduce stress intent.png|24px]] Recreation || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Befriend intent.png|24px]] 交友 || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Worship devil intent.png|24px]] Worship the Horned God || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Murder intent.png|24px]] 谋杀 || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Befriend intent.png|24px]] Befriend || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Romance intent.png|24px]] 勾引 || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Murder intent.png|24px]] Murder || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Acquire pelts intent.png|24px]] 杀死野兽 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Romance intent.png|24px]] Seduce || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Altruism intent.png|24px]] 行善 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Acquire pelts intent.png|24px]] Slay Beast || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Pious intent.png|24px]] 热忱 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Altruism intent.png|24px]] Altruism || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Justice intent.png|24px]] 公正 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Pious intent.png|24px]] Zealotry || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Lechery intent.png|24px]] 纵欲 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Justice intent.png|24px]] Justice || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Recruit knights intent.png|24px]] 招募 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Lechery intent.png|24px]] Lechery || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Win contest intent.png|24px]] 获胜 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Recruit knights intent.png|24px]] Recruit || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Diplomacy intent.png|24px]] 外交 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Win contest intent.png|24px]] Triumph || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Matchmaking intent.png|24px]] 牵红线 || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Diplomacy intent.png|24px]] Diplomacy || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Spread legend intent.png|24px]] 传播传奇 || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}}
| [[File:Matchmaking intent.png|24px]] Matchmaking || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}}
| [[File:Legitimacy intent.png|24px]] 提高正统性 || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}} || {{icon|no}} || {{icon|yes}}
== References ==
== 参考资料 ==
{{Mechanics navbox}}
{{Mechanics navbox}}

2024年4月16日 (二) 23:36的最新版本

活动是由某个角色主持的特殊事件场合。大多数活动都有多种模式可供选择。每项活动都会经历多个阶段,每个阶段中每7天就有一次事件发生的机会。一个角色一次只能参加一项活动,且拥有 无能特质的角色无法主持或加入活动。

大多数活动都需要其他角色加入。若无一人参与,活动将被取消且活动的东道主将 +20 压力.

旅行[编辑 | 编辑源代码]



  • 速度:即旅队速度与军队速度的比值。当速度为100%时,旅队将与和军队同样的速度前进。
  • 安全性:与旅行路线上其余危险值相减得出实际危险值

在旅行中,途径带有历史建筑的男爵领将依据相关建筑给予特定的生活方式经验,途径王国或帝国的首都男爵领将依据该地的宫廷类型给予对应的生活方式经验,当地领主没有宫廷时将给予 Diplomacy lifestyle.png 外交经验。途径未经控制的罗马或巴格达时,将触发选择滞留14天以有机会获得多项加成的事件。

选定旅行目的地后,会自动生成途径最少男爵领的路线。当然,玩家也可以选择手动添加绕道,以避开危险或访问特定男爵领。每个男爵领都有概率触发危险事件,危险程度取决于男爵领的地形、地产等级、地产建筑以及当地领主对你的 好感,一些文化传统可以减少特定地形的危险。若一个男爵领已感染瘟疫,则穿越此男爵领时会有感染风险。


旅行选项[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


旅行选项 效果 显示要求 可行要求&花费 介绍
Hire desert warrior option.png 雇佣沙漠战士
  • Travel mountains active.png -32 山地旅行危险
  • Travel steppe active.png -32 草原旅行危险
  • Travel drylands active.png -20 旱地旅行危险
  • 一位拥有沙漠战士特质的角色会加入旅团
Yes 是统治者 8 金钱 你会派人请沙漠地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低穿越干旱地形时的危险。
Hire forder option.png 雇佣涉水者
  • Travel wetlands active.png -42 湿地旅行危险
  • Travel floodplains active.png -22 洪泛平原旅行危险
  • 一位拥有涉水者特质的角色会加入旅团
Yes 是统治者 8 金钱 你会派人请湿地地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低穿越湿地和洪泛平原时的危险。
Hire rough terrain expert option.png 雇佣森林向导
  • Travel forest active.png -31 森林旅行危险
  • Travel taiga active.png -37 针叶林旅行危险
  • 一位拥有森林斗士特质的角色会加入旅团
Yes 是统治者 8 金钱 你会派人请森林地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低穿越森林时的危险。
Hire jungle expert option.png 雇佣丛林追猎者
  • Travel jungle active.png -42 丛林旅行危险
  • 一位拥有丛林追猎者特质的角色会加入旅团
Yes 是统治者 8 金钱 你会派人请丛林地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低穿越丛林地形时的危险。
Hire mountaineer option.png 雇佣登山者
  • Travel mountains active.png -42 山地旅行危险
  • Travel desert mountains active.png -42 沙漠山地旅行危险
  • Travel hills active.png -41 丘陵旅行危险
  • 一位拥有崎岖地形专家特质的角色会加入旅团
Yes 是统治者 8 金钱 你会派人请山地地形的专家加入你的旅团,大幅降低翻越高峰时的危险。
Cultural ambassador option.png 雇佣文化大使 一位初始外交能力在10以上的角色会加入旅团 Yes 是统治者 20 金钱 你雇佣某人在旅途中担任文化大使,向经过的所有男爵领宣扬你的文化。
Experienced captains option.png 雇佣经验丰富的船长
  • Travel coastal sea active.png -45 近海旅行危险
  • Travel sea active.png -45 海洋旅行危险
  • 一位拥有涉水者特质的角色会加入旅团
Yes 是统治者 20 金钱 你将传话给经验丰富的船长,让其加入你的旅团,大幅降低跨海旅行的危险。
Hire experienced mercenaries option.png 雇佣佣兵卫队
  • +10 旅行速度
  • +20 旅行安全性
  • 一位持有佣兵团头衔的角色会加入旅团
Yes 是统治者
  • 40 金钱
  • Mercenary.png 外交范围内有空闲的佣兵团及其团长
Superior armaments option.png 优良军备
  • +10 旅行安全性
  • -20% 宝物破损减成
是公爵及以上 Building blacksmiths.png 直辖领地内有君主铁匠铺公国建筑 你的优秀铁匠会为旅团配备最好的装备。
Fancy mounts option.png 优良坐骑 +20 旅行速度 Yes 是统治者
  • Yes 下列条件之一:
    • Building stables.png 直辖领地内有三级及以上马厩建筑
    • Building camel farms.png 直辖领地内有三级及以上骆驼农场建筑
Military recruits option.png 训练骑士
  • +10 旅行安全性
  • 勇武最低的至多三名骑士会加入旅团
是公爵及以上 Building military academy.png 直辖领地内有军校公国建筑 你带上你最弱的骑士,通过开敞的道路上面对的挑战来训练和学习。
Anxious option.png 加快脚步
  • +20 旅行速度
  • -10 旅行安全性
Yes 是统治者 Yes 拥有 怯懦、 急躁或 鲁莽特质 世界黑暗而危险,最好尽快结束旅程。
Circumspect option.png 谨慎
  • Scheme.png +50% 阴谋阻力
  • -50% 敌对阴谋成功率
  • -10 旅行速度
Yes 是统治者 Yes 拥有 专断 多变或 多疑特质 永远不让他们知道你的下一步行动。
Court physician option.png 带上医疗设备
  • Travel epidemic active.png -52 瘟疫危险
  • Yes 宫廷医师会加入旅团
Yes 是统治者 Court physician court position.png 拥有宫廷医师 你会带上充足的医疗设备供应,以降低旅途中瘟疫带来的危险。

常规活动[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

活动 活动选项 主要奖励 可用男爵领 类别 额外奖励 要求 冷却时间
Activity feast.png 宴会
  • 菜肴复杂程度
  • 菜品道数
  • 威望
  • 好感
  • 压力减少
  • Trait reveler.png 热切的狂欢者特质
直辖领地 Feast type generic icon.png 宴会
  • 好感
  • 压力减少
Yes 成年 5年
Feast type legendary icon.png 传奇宴会
  • 好感
  • 压力减少
  • Yes 有几率传播传奇
Feast type murder icon.png 谋杀宴会 有几率杀死选定角色
  • DLC T&T.png 巡游与比武DLC
  • Yes 成年
  • Yes 终生恶名技能
Activity hunt.png 狩猎
  • 侍从
  • 队伍规模
  • 威望
  • Legitimacy.png 正统性
  • 压力减少
  • 追名逐利封臣好感
  • 狩猎战利品宝物
  • Trait hunter.png 猎人特质
领地 Hunt type standard icon.png 狩猎 威望
  • Yes 成年
  • No 素食主义者传统
Hunt type legendary icon.png 传奇
  • 威望
  • Legend.png 传奇种子
  • Yes 成年
  • No 素食主义者传统
Hunt type falconry icon.png 鹰猎
  • DLC T&T.png 巡游与比武DLC
  • Yes 成年
  • No 素食主义者传统
Activity pilgrimage.png 朝圣
  • 忠诚
  • 排场
  • 虔诚
  • Legitimacy.png 正统性
  • 压力减少
  • Trait pilgrim.png 朝圣者特质
圣地 Pilgrimage type pious icon.png 虔诚朝圣 虔诚
  • Yes 成年
  • 若信仰拥有朝觐教义,则拥有朝觐者特质
Pilgrimage type worldly icon.png 世俗的朝圣 文化修正
  • Yes 成年
  • 若信仰拥有朝觐教义,则拥有朝觐者特质
Pilgrimage type hajj icon.png 朝觐 朝觐者特质
  • Yes 成年
  • Doctrine pilgrimage mandatory hajj.png 朝觐核心教义
Activity playdate.png 会见同辈 好感 领地首都 Activity playdate.png 会见同辈 好感 Yes 4-15岁 3年
Activity witch ritual.png 大巫祭
  • 好感
  • 压力减少
  • Focus invalid.png 生活方式经验
领地首都 Activity witch ritual.png 大巫祭
  • 好感
  • 压力减少
  • Focus invalid.png 生活方式经验
  • Yes 成年
  • 巫师特质
  • Modifier outdoors positive.png 巫师集会宗族修正
Activity gruesome festival.png 节庆/血祭
  • 节庆规模
  • 祭品
  • 虔诚
  • 好感
领地内信仰拥有恐怖节庆/血祭核心教义的伯爵领 Activity gruesome festival.png 节庆/血祭
  • 虔诚
  • 好感
Activity adult education.png 院校访学 学习资料
  • Focus invalid.png 生活方式经验
  • Doctrine pluralism righteous.png 书籍宝物
  • 生活方式特质
  • 教育特质提升
  • 能力
  • 有能力的角色
大学或大型宗教建筑 Activity adult education.png 院校访学
  • Focus invalid.png 生活方式经验
  • Doctrine pluralism righteous.png 书籍宝物
  • 生活方式特质
  • 教育特质提升
  • 能力
  • 有能力的角色
  • DLC W&W.png 亲与子DLC
  • Yes 成年
  • No 五级教育特质
Activity funeral.png 葬礼 仪式
  • 虔诚
  • Legitimacy.png 正统性
  • 好感
  • 压力减少
领地内拥有地产的男爵领 Activity funeral.png 葬礼
  • 虔诚
  • Legitimacy.png 正统性
  • 好感
  • 压力减少
  • DLC LotD.png 逝者传奇DLC
  • Yes 成年
  • 符合下列条件的角色可被埋葬:
    • 五年内死亡
    • Yes 下列条件之一:

盛大活动[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

活动 活动选项 主要奖励 可用男爵领 类别 额外奖励 要求 冷却时间
Activity tour.png 大巡游
  • Tour option entourage.png 随行人员
  • Tour option luxuries.png 奢侈品
  • Legitimacy.png 正统性
  • 伯爵领控制力
  • 民众好感度
  • 压力减少
封臣领地首都 Tour type majesty icon.png 君权巡游
  • 威望
  • 宗族威望
  • 封臣好感
  • Yes 成年
  • 拥有三位至少是伯爵的封臣
  • 至少是公爵
Tour type intimidation icon.png 威吓巡游
  • 恐怖值
  • Yes 可使封臣退出敌对派系
  • Yes 成年
  • 拥有三位至少是伯爵的封臣
  • 至少是公爵
Tour type taxation icon.png 征税巡游 金钱
  • Yes 成年
  • 拥有三位至少是伯爵的封臣
  • 至少是公爵
  • No 部落制
Activity wedding.png 大婚
  • Wedding option entertainment.png 娱乐
  • Wedding option food.png 食物和饮料
  • Wedding option decoration.png 婚礼场地
  • 威望
  • 好感
  • 压力减少
  • Trait reveler.png 热切的狂欢者特质
  • Modifier wedding positive.png 殷勤的东道主5-20年修正
  • Modifier wedding positive.png 宏伟的东道主5-20年修正
直辖领地 Wedding type normal icon.png 大婚 Yes 签订婚约时约定大婚
  • Yes 双方成年
  • 结婚或订婚时大婚承诺
Feast type murder icon.png 血腥婚礼 有机会杀死对方家族成员
  • Yes 双方成年
  • 结婚或订婚时大婚承诺
  • Yes “熟练伪造”生活方式技能

比武大会[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


  • Tournament option accommodations.png 住宿:其等级决定某些负面事件发生概率。可以选择20、60或180 金钱对应等级。
  • Tournament option prizes.png 奖品:其等级决定奖品宝物质量。可以选择对应 金钱以获得对应级别宝物:20(普通)、60(普通或大师)、180(大师或名作)、360(大师、名作或卓越)、720(名作或卓越)


比武大会由1到5个项目组成。角色可以选择参与或观赏比赛项目。参加比赛项目可以获得 Trait tournament.png 枪斗士特质经验与正面修正,获胜还可以获得比赛奖品,但也要承担受伤风险。每个角色都可能凭借其属性、健康和特质(主要为 Trait tournament.png 枪斗士特质)取胜。比武大会可选项目如下:

项目 枪斗士经验对应内容 花费 失败者修正 胜利者修正 描述
Tournament phase archery.png 射箭 Trait track bow.png 弓箭 100
  • +1 受伤抗性
  • +2 弓箭手伤害
  • Trait tournament.png +5% 枪斗士特质经验
  • +3 受伤抗性
  • +3 弓箭手伤害
  • Trait tournament.png +10% 枪斗士特质经验
Tournament phase board game.png 棋盘游戏 Trait track wit.png 智慧 100
  • +1 学识
  • +2 最大战斗骰
  • Trait tournament.png +10% 枪斗士特质经验
  • +3 学识
  • +3 最大战斗骰
  • Trait tournament.png +10% 枪斗士特质经验
Tournament phase duel.png 决斗 Trait track foot.png 步战 100
  • +1 勇武
  • +1 勇武每级威望等级
  • Trait tournament.png +5% 枪斗士特质经验
  • +3 勇武
  • +2 勇武每级威望等级
  • Trait tournament.png +10% 枪斗士特质经验
Tournament phase horse race.png 赛马 Trait track horse.png 骑术 150
  • +25% 补给上限
  • +10% 旅行速度
  • Trait tournament.png +5% 枪斗士特质经验
  • +50% 补给上限
  • +25% 旅行速度
  • Trait tournament.png +10% 枪斗士特质经验
Tournament phase melee.png 团战
  • Trait track foot.png 步战
  • Trait track horse.png 骑术
  • +3 军事
  • Martial lifestyle.png +10% 每月军事生活方式经验
  • Trait tournament.png +5% 枪斗士特质经验
  • +3 军事
  • Martial lifestyle.png +10% 每月军事生活方式经验
  • Trait tournament.png +10% 枪斗士特质经验
Tournament phase recital.png 朗诵 Trait track wit.png 智慧 50
  • +1 外交
  • Scheme learn language.png +20% 学习语言计谋强度
  • Trait tournament.png +5% 枪斗士特质经验
  • +3 外交
  • Scheme learn language.png +30% 学习语言计谋强度
  • Trait tournament.png +10% 枪斗士特质经验
Tournament phase wrestling.png 摔跤 Trait track foot.png 步战 100
  • +0.5 健康
  • +25% 阴谋阻力
  • Trait tournament.png +5% 枪斗士经验获得
  • +1 健康
  • +50% 阴谋阻力
  • Trait tournament.png +10% 枪斗士特质经验
Tournament phase joust.png 马上比武
  • Trait track foot.png 步战
  • Trait track horse.png 骑术
  • +10 追名逐利封臣好感
  • +5 重骑兵伤害
  • Trait tournament.png +5% 枪斗士特质经验
  • +20 追名逐利封臣好感
  • +10 重骑兵伤害
  • Trait tournament.png +10% 枪斗士特质经验



场地 描述
工匠营房 商人在这里安顿。保养你的宝物,获得新衣服,或是改进你的武器。
酒馆 休息的场所。坐下来寻找降低压力的机会。
神殿 一处平静的地方。在这里祈祷胜利或测试你的信仰。
帐篷营地 所有来访者在此居住。与其他选手会面或是暗中搞破坏。
比武场 比武大会的训练区。可以在这里提高你的胜利进度。
村庄 最近的定居点。在这里你可以获得伯爵领控制力、民众好感度以及与此地居民进行互动。


意图[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

角色参加活动时必须选择一项意图(游戏会根据角色情况选择意图)。意图在活动期间通常可随时改变。意图会影响活动期间会触发什么事件。Spread legend intent.png传播传奇意图要求持有或正在推广一项传奇,而Legitimacy intent.png提高正统性意图要求拥有父子相传宗族传承。

意图 Activity feast.png 宴会 Activity hunt.png 狩猎 Activity pilgrimage.png 朝圣 Activity playdate.png 会见同辈 Activity witch ritual.png 大巫祭 Activity gruesome festival.png 节庆/血祭 Activity tour.png 大巡游 Activity tournament.png 比武大会 Activity wedding.png 大婚 Activity adult education.png 院校访学 Activity funeral.png 葬礼
Reduce stress intent.png 娱乐 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Worship devil intent.png 侍奉[邪神] No No No No Yes No No No No No No
Study hard intent.png 努力学习 No No No No No No No No No Yes No
Revelry intent.png 吟游书生生活方式 No No No No No No No No No Yes No
Mourn intent.png 哀悼 No No No No No No No No No No Yes
Befriend intent.png 交友 Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes
Murder intent.png 谋杀 Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes
Romance intent.png 勾引 Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes
Acquire pelts intent.png 杀死野兽 No Yes No No No No No No No No No
Altruism intent.png 行善 No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No
Pious intent.png 热忱 No No Yes No No No No No No No No
Justice intent.png 公正 No No No No No No Yes No No No No
Lechery intent.png 纵欲 No No No No No No Yes No No No No
Recruit knights intent.png 招募 No No No No No No No Yes No No No
Win contest intent.png 获胜 No No No No No No No Yes No No No
Diplomacy intent.png 外交 No No No No No No No No Yes No No
Matchmaking intent.png 牵红线 No No No No No No No No Yes No No
Spread legend intent.png 传播传奇 Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes No No
Legitimacy intent.png 提高正统性 Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes

参考资料[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

角色 角色属性特质资源生活方式宗族亲族文化革新传统修正宝物
领地与管理 领地封臣内阁宫廷谋略政体法律决议头衔男爵领伯爵领朝廷建筑
战争 战争宣战理由同盟军队受雇军队
信仰 宗教信仰教义核心教义圣地