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File:Fatimid regency.png
An entrenched regency where the regent has full powers

Power sharing occurs when a significant amount of power is delegated to a second character, called the diarch, who helps their liege run their realm. There are two types of power sharing: regencies and vizierates.

Mandates[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

During the power sharing, the diarch will be tasked with a mandate to pursue while the liege is unavailable. There are three possible mandates and their effects:

Mandate Possible benefits Description
Fill coffers.png Fill Coffers
  • Extra gold
  • Free domain development
  • Feudal contracts adjusted in the liege's favor
The Diarch is instructed to increase revenues for their Liege, at any cost.
Swell armies.png Swell Armies
  • Positive men-at-arms modifiers
  • Positive levy modifiers
  • Skilled knight courtiers
Current or future campaigns call for fresh bodies to fight, and the Liege has decreed that their Diarch shall find them.
Promote authority.png Promote Authority
  • Yes Characters leave factions
  • Increased crown authority
  • Increased council opinion
The Liege calls on their Diarch to help build and focus the power of the throne.

The diarch will receive events related to these mandates and be given the option to grant the benefit to their liege, split rewards, pocket it for themselves, or just ignore their duties entirely.

Loyalty[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Each diarch has a loyalty rating, which determines how likely they are to abuse their powers.

  • Loyalty selfless.png Selfless diarchs will not use borrowed powers and always give the mandate benefits to the liege. If the liege tries to end the power sharing they will always agree.
  • Loyalty situational.png Situational diarchs will sometimes use borrowed powers and always split the mandate benefits with the liege or ignore their duties. If the liege tries to end the power sharing but the Scales of Power are not at level 1 it will require paying the diarch with something.
  • Loyalty self-interested.png Self-Interested diarchs will try to use borrowed powers and always pocket the mandate benefits themselves. If the liege tries to end the power sharing but the Scales of Power favor them they will always refuse.

Loyalty is increased by positive  Opinion,  Dread, and the diarch's Compassion and Honor. It will always be Loyalty selfless.png Selfless if the ruler has a Loyalty or Loyalty to Predecessor  strong hook on the diarch.

Scales of Power ​[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The Scales of Power go from 0 to 100 and represents the balance of the power shared between liege and diarch. The longer the power sharing lasts the more it increases towards the diarch, giving them more power in the realm. Both liege and diarch may try to swing the Scales of Power in their favor every 2 years via the following options:

Option Cost
 Count  Duke  King and  Emperor
Leverage Prestige 75 150 350
Leverage Piety 50 100 250
Leverage Gold 100 300 750
Ask for intercession from your Head of Faith 50
Use a Hook

Asking for intercession from the Head of Faith is only available if both characters have the same head of faith and the character requesting it has at least 60  Opinion with the head of faith while the opponent does not have 40  Opinion or a  strong hook on them.

If the Scales of Power favor the diarch then the liege will have to pay  Prestige for mundane actions. Mundane actions are revoking a title, retracting a vassal, imprisoning a character or executing characters unless the liege's faith has the Human Sacrifice or Gruesome Festivals tenet.

Regency[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Regency occurs for a ruler who is unable to rule due to being underage, imprisoned, away on an activity taking place outside their realm, or has the  Incapable trait, and can only be ended once these reasons no longer apply. While active realm power is shared between the ruler and an appointed diarch, who serves as their liege's regent. Most regencies are short-term arrangements, but longer-term power sharing can become entrenched and effectively become the de-facto power in the realm. Under regency the liege has +10%  Stress Loss and the regent has +15%  Stress Gain.

Regency has its own succession based on  Opinion and character stats. The player heir, spouse, guardian, family members and landless characters take precedence, especially should these factors stack. The regent can be designated manually by the liege every 10 years but it will reduce  Opinion with any character higher in the succession hierarchy as well as all Vassal stance courtly.png Courtly vassals.

For regencies caused by activities or imprisonment the scale goes through 4 levels. Each level grants the diarch unique interactions called borrowed powers. Borrowed powers can be vetoed by the liege by spending  Prestige, and using Borrowed powers may cause Strife - an  Opinion penalty with all of the liege's vassals. Initially Scales of Power has the following levels:

Level Scales Borrowed power Borrowed power effects
1 0-33 Siphon Treasury  Stewardship challenge targeting the liege. The difficulty scales with the amount chosen.
  • On success gain  Gold and the Embezzler secret. One of the liege's counties will lose Holding Taxes,  Control or  Development scaling with the amount chosen and the diarch's  Stewardship.
  • On failure gain 15-50 Strife and lose 30-75  Opinion with the liege depending on the amount chosen. Failure is also a crime.
2 34-66 Regent Imprison Targets the liege's vassals and courtiers. The liege can veto the interaction at the cost of 150  Prestige.
  • On success imprison the targeted character and gain 15 Dread and 15 Strife.
  • On failure gain Tyranny if the target is a courtier and starts a war with the Remove Regent casus belli if the target is a vassal.
3 67-99 Legal Meddling Targets the liege's vassals. Can choose to pay 150  Prestige (success), 50  Prestige (50% chance of success) or do a  Learning challenge.
  • On success gain an  Unpressed Claim on the vassal's primary title and 10 Strife.
  • On failure gain  Stress.
4 100 Modify Vassal Contract
Entrench Regency
Targets the liege. Lowers one obligation or adds a right to the vassal contract at the cost of 40  Opinion with the liege.
Regency becomes entrenched.

Unless the Scales of Power are at level 1, ending a regency requires using  Prestige,  Piety,  Gold or offering a  Weak Hook, unless the diarch has Selfless loyalty.

Entrenched regency[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Entrenched Regency happens either when the liege is underage or has the  Incapable trait or if a regency reached level 4 on Scales of Power and the diarch chose to entrench it. Under Entrenched Regency the Scales of Power go up to level 6. Barring other factors, Entrenched Regencies tend to drift to 50.

Level Scales Effects Can end power sharing Liege mundane action cost
1 0-19
  • Diarch can use the Siphon Treasury borrowed power on the liege
  • Diarch can use the Subsidize Liege Authority borrowed power on the liege
Yes 0
2 20-39
  • Diarch gets a free extra change to their Vassal Contract
  • Diarch can use the Shift Privileges borrowed power on the liege's vassals
Requires diarch's consent 0
3 40-59
  • Diarch can use the Legal Meddling borrowed power on the liege's vassals
  • Diarch can use the Regent Revoke Title borrowed power on the liege's vassals if they have a claim on one of its titles and realm has enough Crown Authority
Requires diarch's consent 75+
4 60-79
  • Diarch can use the Regent Imprison borrowed power on the liege's vassals and courtiers
  • Diarch can use the Regent Retract Vassal borrowed power on the liege's vassals if realm has enough Crown Authority
Requires diarch's consent 150+
5 80-94 No 250+
6 95-100
  • Diarch can use the Attempt to Overthrow Liege decision
  • Diarch can use the Invite Conspirators to Coup borrowed power
No 350+

In 1066 the Fatimid Sultanate starts with a level 6 entrenched regency.

Vizierate[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Vizierate occurs when a clan ruler appoints a vizier. The diarch gains access to the Siphon Treasury borrowed power while the liege gains access to the Mulch Vizier interaction with the diarch, gaining gold and swinging Scales of Power towards the diarch. If the diarch is also a  Tax Collector then it gains 50% of the current Scales of Power as Tax Collector Aptitude

Unless at level 1, ending the power sharing will give a negative Monthly Income modifier that depends on the current Scales of Power. Alternatively the power sharing can be ended without penalties by giving the diarch a landed title.

Under Vizierate the Scales of Power go up to level 7. As levels increase,  Tax Collectors gain an aptitude bonus depending on the diarch's own aptitude. Barring other factors, Entrenched Regencies tend to drift to 40. At max level it unlocks for the diarch the Attempt to Overthrow Liege decision.

Level Scales Tax collector bonus End power sharing penalty Liege mundane action cost
1 0-19 0% 0
2 20-39 +10% 16%-24% unless granting a County 0
3 40-59 +20% 32%-40% unless granting a County 0
4 60-69 +40% 48% unless granting a Duchy 75+
5 70-79 +40% 56% unless granting a Duchy 150+
6 80-89 +60% 64% unless granting a Duchy 250+
7 90+ +60% 72%-80% unless granting a Duchy 350+
角色 角色属性特质资源生活方式宗族亲族文化革新传统修正宝物
领地与管理 领地封臣内阁宫廷谋略政体法律决议头衔男爵领伯爵领朝廷建筑
战争 战争宣战理由同盟军队受雇军队
信仰 宗教信仰教义核心教义圣地