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Banner Roads to Power.jpg
类型 Expansion
发行日期 / 补丁 2024-09-24 / 1.13
商店: Paradox / Steam

Roads to Power is the 3rd expansion for Crusader Kings III. It was announced on 2024-02-07[1] and was released alongside patch 1.13 "Basileus" on 2024-09-24.

DLC features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The unique politics and cultures of the heir to the Roman Empire are on display through a new governing system, new ways for characters to progress up the societal ladder, and new activities for them to engage in. You can also explore a new exciting lifestyle as a landless Adventurer, seeking fame and glory across a living map of the medieval world.

Icon CK3b.png Administrative Government: Experience medieval rule outside of the feudal system with a new style of empire management. A web of Governors jockeys for position in the empire with intrigue and power, sometimes rewarding merit and sometimes rewarding perfidy. Only a truly skilled Emperor can keep these squabbling forces in line.

Icon CK3b.png The Family Estate: Run and manage a powerful Family Estate, the seat of your House's power, even when you hold no other land. Construct new buildings and improvements to further your power and influence within an administrative empire.

Icon CK3b.png Influence System: Build up a character's influence within an administrative empire to climb the rungs of bureaucracy. Raise your status in the realm and gather more power for yourself. Start as a landless noble on an estate, and compete for valuable provinces to govern before making your bid for the Purple.

Icon CK3b.png A Life of Adventure: Freely roam the map, untied to any realm or holding, going wherever the winds of fortune blow you. Fulfill contracts as a landless adventurer, even through the generations, building up a reputation of your own. Earn gold, prestige and fame traveling the globe until you decide to settle down and claim land you have earned through merit.

Icon CK3b.png Choose Successor or Caesar: Spend the influence you have gathered to determine the course of the Empire and get the successor you want, whether a royal family member, a powerful noble, a martial hero, or any other candidate you can rally the people behind. The Emperor can even opt to co-rule if the burden of the throne is too much for one person.

Icon CK3b.png New Byzantine Flavor Content: New events, monuments and activities built around the Byzantine theme, including chariot racing.

Icon CK3b.png Cosmetic Additions: A Byzantine-themed UI skin and new court fashions for your characters, new 2D event art, new on-map monuments of the Byzantine world, new on-map holding designs, and a Byzantine throne room for Royal Court sessions, among other aesthetic improvements. New music inspired by Orthodox holy chants is also included.

Videos[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Cinematic trailers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Roads to Power - Announcement trailer. Rule from Constantinople through the new Administrative Government type and experience a variety of new Byzantine-themed events and flavor, or be truly daring and live a life where your noble reputation is not tied to the land, roaming the map as an Adventurer for hire.

Dev diaries[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

主条目:Developer diaries

References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]