
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2020年9月24日 (四) 12:55的版本 →‎内战

The feudal system from both the Middle Ages and Crusader Kings III revolves around vassals, characters who are granted by a liege lower-ranked titles to more easily manage the realm in exchange for a cut of their taxes and levies. Each vassal can be a liege towards its own set of vassals, as long as lower title ranks exist. Every character can have at most one liege.

The amount of taxes and  levies granted by a vassal to their liege depends on their government type:

  • Feudal vassals provide taxes and levies based on their individual feudal contracts.
  • Tribal vassals provide taxes and levies based on the liege's level of fame, with minimum amounts determined by tribal authority.
  • Clan vassals provide taxes and levies based on their opinion towards their liege, with minimum amounts determined by crown authority.
  • Theocracies provide taxes and levies based on the liege's level of devotion.
  • Republic vassals always provide 20% taxes and 10% levies to their liege.
  • Rulers whose faith has the Theocratic doctrine lease their temple holdings to a Realm Priest, providing increased taxes and levies with higher opinion.



条件 封臣上限
Yes 公爵 +20
Yes 国王 +40
Yes 皇帝 +60
Yes 头衔继承法帝国选侯制 +20
Yes 拥有特质 Trait greatest of khans.png 最伟大的汗 +20



领地内,拥有最多 税收和 征召兵的封臣被指定为强力封臣。强力封臣期望得到领主的内阁职位,如果他们不是内阁成员将对领主 -40 好感。领主将拥有的强力封臣数将取决于他们主头衔的等级:

等级 强力封臣
伯爵 3
公爵 4
国王 5
皇帝 5

选举继承法类型下,强力封臣相比一般封臣有更多可投选票。拉拢他们也更困难。为了更改领地的继承法,需要所有强力封臣对领主有 正面 好感,或者 Terrified.png 畏惧领主或者被囚禁




  • 军力是派系所有成员军力总和与领主军力之比。当比值超过80%,派系将获得不满;当低于这个阈值,派系失去不满。
  • 不满衡量派系离发出最后通牒还有多近。

派系在不满达到100%不久后发出最后通牒。如果领主不公正地囚禁某人,也可以提早发出最后通牒。如果最后通牒被接受,领主将 -20 恐怖值。如果被拒绝,将导致内战。


类型 最后通牒 军力 成员 不满需要军力
Independence faction.png 独立
  • 所有派系成员独立
  • 领主失去150 威望
成员的军队 封臣 Yes
Claimant faction.png 宣称者
  • 宣称者获得受争夺的头衔。
  • 所有派系持有获得宣称者的一个 弱牵制
成员的军队 封臣 Yes
Liberty faction.png 自由权
  • 领主降低王权
  • 领主失去200 威望
成员的军队 封臣 Yes
Populist faction.png 民粹主义
  • 所有派系成员成立一个独立的国家
  • 领主失去一级威望等级
每个伯爵领25%至50%的 征召兵 伯爵领 Yes
Peasant faction.png 乌合之众
  • 所有派系成员 -75 控制力(如果派系最后走向战争,则 -25
  • 所有派系成员 -50% 控制力增长,以及 +30 公众好感度,持续10年
每个伯爵领50%至100%的 征召兵 伯爵领 No




  • 如果内战无条件和平,领主将获得对所有派系成员的囚禁理由。
  • 如果封臣赢得内战,他们将强制执行派系的最后通牒。
  • 如果领主赢得内战,所有派系成员被囚禁,领主获得 +20 恐怖值。如果派系产生于 公众好感度,每个叛乱伯爵领将获得持续10年的 +20 公众好感度。

Leased Holdings

When a ruler's religion has the Theocratic Doctrine, temples are leased to a realm priest. The realm priest provides their liege with taxes and levies based on their opinion. The minimum is at 0 opinion, where no taxes or levies are provided, and the maximum is at 50 opinion, where 50% of the taxes and 100% of the levies are provided.

For vassals of the same religion, a vassal's income from their realm priest's church holdings are not directly taxed by their liege. The vassal's realm priest provides their liege's realm priest with 25% of their temples' taxes, and 15% of their temples' levies. This vassal realm priest contribution is provided by the liege realm priest to the liege at the same rate as directly leased holdings. Vassals of different religions are skipped in the hierarchy of lease payments.


You are a duke with one county within your domain. That county has a temple with a tax of 1 gold and a levy of 300. At 50 opinion with your realm priest, he will provide you with 0.5 gold in taxes and 300 levy.

You also have a vassal count who has one county with one temple as well. That temple has the same tax of 1 gold and levy of 300. Your vassal's realm priest provides your realm priest with 0.25 gold and 45 levy, before he splits the rest with the count based on his opinion of the count. Then, your realm priest splits this contribution with you, for a final .125 gold and 45 levy from your vassal's temple. The count will receive a maximum of .375 gold (50% of the remaining .75 gold), and 255 levy (100% of the remaining 255) from their realm priest at 50+ opinion.


  1. game\common\laws\01_title_succession_laws.txtgame\common\traits\00_traits.txt
角色 角色属性特质资源生活方式宗族亲族文化革新传统修正宝物
领地与管理 领地封臣内阁宫廷谋略政体法律决议头衔男爵领伯爵领朝廷建筑
战争 战争宣战理由同盟军队受雇军队
信仰 宗教信仰教义核心教义圣地