
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2020年9月23日 (三) 21:37的版本 (同步到官方百科11:00, 17 September 2020‎ WeirdMatter)






威望等级 世俗好感 骑士数量 部落封臣税收 部落封臣征召兵 Conquest cb.png 最大征服目标等级 采用封建/氏族制度 自建王国 自建帝国 所需威望
Icon prestige 00.png 丢人现眼 -10 -1 0% 0% No No No No 0
Icon prestige 01.png 崭露头角 0 0 10% 20% 伯爵领 No No No 1000
Icon prestige 02.png 闻名遐迩 +3 +1 20% 40% 伯爵领 Yes No No 2000
Icon prestige 03.png 赫赫有名 +5 +2 30% 60% 公爵领 Yes Yes No 4000
Icon prestige 04.png 高贵之人 +10 +3 40% 80% 王国 Yes Yes Yes 8000
Icon prestige 05.png 在世传奇 +20 +4 50% 100% 王国 Yes Yes Yes 16000


虔诚代表了一个角色的美德水平,主要来自于宗教关系和角色的 学识能力。角色特质中每个该宗教的美德增加+1虔诚/月,而罪恶减少-1虔诚/月;伟大的美德和重大的罪恶使这些后果加倍。与教会互动并宣战时花费虔诚。表示角色虔诚等级的奉献等级图标取决于角色的宗教信仰。


来源 每月虔诚
Learning skill +0.1 per point
转世(特质) +1
谦卑特质 +0.5
禁欲者特质 +1
誓愿者特质 +0.3
圣人特质 +2
宫廷司祭 +1
  • +1 (if liege is Duke)
  • +2 (if liege is King)
  • +3 (if liege is Emperor)
神学重心 +1
美德特质 每个特质 +1
罪恶特质 每个特质 -1
大座堂 +0.25
大清真寺 +0.25
大神庙(所有类型) +0.25
摩诃菩提寺 +1
伊玛目阿里清真寺 +1
麦加大清真寺 +1
科尔多瓦大清真寺 +0.5
杰内大清真寺 +1
萨迈拉大清真寺 +0.3
+0.3 基础值

+0.2 每位在内阁任职的强力封臣

先知清真寺 +0.5
Notre Dame +1
Brihadeeswarar Temple +0.25
Shwedagon Pagoda +0.5
Hagia Sophia
  • +0.1 per knight
Hall of Heroes
  • +0.1 per knight
Monastic Schools
  • +0.1 per level
Ritual Hospitality tenet +0.3 per happy powerful vassal
Braslau holy site +0.1 per knight
Is head of faith +1



图标 奉献等级 神职人员好感 神权封臣税收 神权封臣征召兵 Religious war cb.png 最大圣战等级 建立骑士团 祝圣血脉 所需虔诚
Icon piety christian 00.pngIcon piety islam 00.pngIcon piety eastern 00.pngIcon piety pagan 00.png 戴罪之人 -10 0% 0% No No No 0
Icon piety christian 01.pngIcon piety islam 01.pngIcon piety eastern 01.pngIcon piety pagan 01.png 恭顺尽责 0 15% 10% 伯爵领 No No 1000
Icon piety christian 02.pngIcon piety islam 02.pngIcon piety eastern 02.pngIcon piety pagan 02.png 虔诚信者 +5 25% 20% 公爵领 No No 500
Icon piety christian 03.pngIcon piety islam 03.pngIcon piety eastern 03.pngIcon piety pagan 03.png 忠实仆人 +10 35% 30% 公爵领 Yes No 1000
Icon piety christian 04.pngIcon piety islam 04.pngIcon piety eastern 04.pngIcon piety pagan 04.png 美德典范 +20 45% 40% 王国 Yes No 2000
Icon piety christian 05.pngIcon piety islam 05.pngIcon piety eastern 05.pngIcon piety pagan 05.png 宗教楷模 +30 55% 50% 王国 Yes Yes 4000


金钱代表角色的财富储备。如果角色的金钱为负数,则处于 负债。在负债期间,角色:

  • 可能将会经历各种负面事件;
  • 不能宣战;
  • 伯爵领可能触发腐败;
  • 兵士无法补员;
  • 军队 -10 优势。


获取金钱: 消耗金钱:
你的地产(以及其建筑 ) 建筑
封臣 招募兵士
赎金 创建头衔
劫掠 雇佣佣兵
继承 举办宴会/狩猎
宗教资助 贿赂角色
... (其他) ... (其他)


Monthly gold income comes from multiple sources.

Domain tax is generated by a character's personal holdings. The holder of the barony receives all of the barony's domain tax. It can be increased by the following:

  • Character's Stewardship skill (+2% per level)
  • Buildings
  • Collect Taxes councilor task (+0.5% per Stewardship level)
  • County development (+0.5% per level)

Vassal tax is given to a title holder's direct liege. The amount given depends on the vassal's obligations:

  • Castles are limited to normal obligations, giving 10% of their domain tax to the liege.
  • Cities are held by republics, who provide 20% taxes.
  • With the Lay Clergy doctrine, churches function identically to castles.
  • With the Theocratic doctrine, churches are held directly by a Realm Priest and are taxed under a separate system.
  • Vassal counts, dukes and kings provide tax based on their individual vassal contracts.

Realm Priests receive vassal income at a rate of 25% from Realm Priests belonging to their liege's direct vassals. They also provide up to 50% of their income from directly-controlled churches and their vassal priests to their feudal liege, scaled based on opinion.

The taxable income of feudal vassals (count/duke/king) is their own domain tax, as well as vassal tax from their own vassals. If the vassal receives income from a Realm Priest, this income is not included as taxable income.[1]


角色 角色属性特质资源生活方式宗族亲族文化革新传统修正宝物
领地与管理 领地封臣内阁宫廷谋略政体法律决议头衔男爵领伯爵领朝廷建筑
战争 战争宣战理由同盟军队受雇军队
信仰 宗教信仰教义核心教义圣地