
第180行: 第180行:

*Monitor which holdings will be lost upon succession: Click the "Succession" tab under the "Realm" window.
* 监视哪些地产将在继承后失去:点击“领地”窗口下的“继承”标签。
*Get out of Confederate Partition as soon as possible: It is the only succession law which creates new titles upon succession, thus almost guaranteeing a split in the player's realm unless the player restricts the realm to the De Jure Counties of their primary duchy or kingdom. If expanding, they should aim to occupy at most 50% of other duchies/ kingdoms to avoid having enough land to cause a split.
* 尽快更改联盟分割继承制:这是唯一在继承时会创建头衔的继承法,因此几乎一定会导致玩家领地的分裂,除非玩家将领地限制在主头衔公国或王国的法理伯爵领内。如果要扩张,他们的目标应该是占领最多50% 的其他公国/ 王国,以避免有足够的土地来导致分裂。
**Tribal realms are '''locked''' to Confederate Partition; they must reform to either Clan or Feudal government before being able to select other succession types.
** 部落领地被''' 锁定''' 为联盟分割继承制;在选择其他继承类型前,他们必须改革为氏族制或部落制。
*If you have a partition succession and multiple heirs, you may want to remove all heirs except one, if possible, so that your primary heir inherits all titles. This is difficult to do, but there are ways. (Sons with low [[Attributes#Skills|prowess]] can be forced to serve as knights, and may die in combat. If you are the [[Dynasty#Dynasty_Head|dynasty head]], you can disinherit all heirs but one. If you have the [[Traits#Personality traits|sadistic personality trait]], you can use [[Schemes#Hostile Schemes|murder schemes]] against your children. Etc.)
* 如果你有分割继承制和多个继承人,你可能想要只剩下一位继承人,如果这样,你的第一继承人将继承所有头衔。这很难做到,但还是有办法的。(低[[ 属性# 能力| 勇武]] 的儿子可以被强迫成为骑士,并且可能在战斗中去世。如果你是[[ 宗族# 宗族族长| 宗族族长]] ,你可以剥夺其他继承人的继承权。如果你有[[ 特质# 个性特质| 虐待狂特质]] ,你可以对你的子女使用[[ 谋略# 阴谋(敌对)| 谋杀阴谋]] 。等等。)
*If an event allows you to choose an "elective" title succession law, be aware that this only applies to the title in question. For instance, if you play as the King of Scotland (Goidelic culture group) and you have partition succession, switching Scotland to "Tanistry Elective" will not affect how your duchies and counties are distributed. When you die, if your primary heir is not your tanist, you may find yourself playing a new king with very few holdings and a great deal of internal "border gore".
*If an event allows you to choose an "elective" title succession law, be aware that this only applies to the title in question. For instance, if you play as the King of Scotland (Goidelic culture group) and you have partition succession, switching Scotland to "Tanistry Elective" will not affect how your duchies and counties are distributed. When you die, if your primary heir is not your tanist, you may find yourself playing a new king with very few holdings and a great deal of internal "border gore".
**If you have another kingdom in addition to Scotland, then Scotland will be completely removed from partition. All your titles under de jure Scotland will be inherited by the tanist, and your children will inherit the second kingdom and other external titles. This will split your former realm but you will not lose all your domain. On the other hand, if this second kingdom is also under tanistry, it will also be removed from partition and your children will only divide your titles outside of both kingdoms. This will not split your realm, but the electors in both kingdoms have to elect the same person.
**If you have another kingdom in addition to Scotland, then Scotland will be completely removed from partition. All your titles under de jure Scotland will be inherited by the tanist, and your children will inherit the second kingdom and other external titles. This will split your former realm but you will not lose all your domain. On the other hand, if this second kingdom is also under tanistry, it will also be removed from partition and your children will only divide your titles outside of both kingdoms. This will not split your realm, but the electors in both kingdoms have to elect the same person.

2020年9月22日 (二) 21:12的版本

法律Laws) 决定了领地的体系,对领地的发展有至关重要的影响。


封建制和氏族制政体拥有君权法,在发现所需革新后可以提高君权;此法律每20年可以更改一次。2级君权(有限君权)需要全体大会革新 (部落时期),而3级(高君权)和4级(绝对君权)君权需要王室特权革新(中世纪早期)。

部落制政体拥有部落权威法,不需要革新便可以提高部落权威;此法律每10年可以更改一次。改变部落权威的花费主要与统治者领地规模大小成正比,其次受统治者的  Learning 能力的影响。

权威 1级效果 2级效果 3级效果 4级效果
  • +10 直属封臣好感
  • Yes 可以剥夺头衔
  • Yes 可以收回封臣
  • 统治者能选择可用的分割继承制继承法
  • 氏族制封臣会提供至少2%的收入
  • 氏族制封臣会提供至少5%的征召兵
  • Yes 封臣不能对其他封臣发动战争,除非其使用对领主的牵制
  • Yes 封臣的头衔不能被领地外的角色继承
  • 统治者可以在所有可用继承法之间切换
  • 所有拒绝收回封臣或剥夺头衔的封臣会被认为是罪犯
  • 氏族制封臣会提供至少5%的收入
  • 氏族制封臣会提供至少15%的征召兵
  • +10% 封建制封臣的税收贡献
  • +10% 封臣的征召兵贡献
  • -10 直属封臣好感
  • Yes 封臣不能发动任何战争,除非其使用对领主的牵制
  • Yes 统治者可以指定继承人
  • 氏族制封臣会提供至少10%的收入
  • 氏族制封臣会提供至少25%的征召兵
  • +35% 封建制封臣的税收贡献
  • +35% 封臣的征召兵贡献
  • -30 直属封臣好感
  • +10 直属封臣好感
  • No角色不能被囚禁
  • 可囚禁角色
  • 非部落制领主下的部落制统治者可以定居,并转变为封建制或氏族制
  • Yes 可以剥夺头衔
  • Yes 可以收回封臣
  • -10 直属封臣好感
  • 独立部落制统治者可以选择定居,并转变为封建制或氏族制
  • -30 直属封臣好感




性别法决定可以继承头衔和宣称的性别,以及谁可以拥有多个配偶(如果信仰允许)。更改性别法花费500  Prestige 威望并且要求所有强力封臣对领主有正面  Opinion 好感。

法律 继承 侧室和多配偶 要求的性别观点教义
仅男性 仅男性 仅男性 Doctrine gender male dominated.png 男性主导
男性优先 男性优先 仅男性 Doctrine gender male dominated.png 男性主导
Doctrine gender equal.png 男女平等
男女平等 两种性别 两种性别 Doctrine gender equal.png 男女平等
女性优先 女性优先 仅女性 Doctrine gender equal.png 男女平等
Doctrine gender female dominated.png 女性主导
仅女性 仅女性 仅女性 Doctrine gender female dominated.png 女性主导


领地继承法决定多少以及哪些继承人会在角色去世后继承其头衔。更改继承法花费500  Prestige 威望,要求所有强力封臣对领主有正面  Opinion 好感。无论什么领地继承法,所有孩子将对他们未获得的头衔拥有宣称。

法律 要求革新 好感 效果
多个继承人 联盟分割继承制 均分继承(部落时期) +5 直属封臣
+5 家族
+10 有继承资格的子女


分割继承制 世袭统治(中世纪早期) +5 直属封臣
+5 有继承资格的子女
+10 玩家继承人

高等分割继承制 纹章学(中世纪盛期) +5 直属封臣
+15 玩家继承人


单继承人 长子继承制 长子继承法(中世纪晚期) +20 玩家继承人
-5 有继承资格的子女
幼子继承制 长子继承法(中世纪晚期) +20 玩家继承人
-5 有继承资格的子女
家族年长者继承制 纹章学(中世纪盛期) +5 家族好感
-5 直属封臣好感
-15 有继承资格的子女


封建制统治者可以采用头衔继承法,用于公国,王国或帝国头衔,花费1500 威望。注意,这将只会影响目标头衔的继承法,角色持有的其他头衔将正常分配。(这可能导致意想不到的结果。)

法律 直属封臣好感 效果 要求
封建选举制 +10 比这个头衔低一到两个等级的统治者和所有直属法理封臣可以从他们自己和统治者的至亲中提名一位继承人。 不是盎格鲁-撒克逊文化
撒克逊选举制 +5 统治者与所有低于该头衔一到两个等级的所有直属成年法理封臣可以从他们中的最强力封臣,统治者的合法的子女和其他有效宣称者中提名一位继承人。 盎格鲁-撒克逊文化
斯堪的纳维亚选举制 +5 统治者与所有法理封臣(除了男爵)可以在该统治者的远亲及任何有效宣称者中提名一位继承人。该继承法的表决权重受选举人的总直辖领地发展度和首都公众好感度影响。 北日耳曼文化组
凯尔特选举制 +5 统治者与低于该头衔一到两个等级的所有封臣可以提名一位继承人——储副——从统治者的宗族成员中产生。封臣会倾向于选择年长者,更喜欢远亲而非至亲。 布立吞或戈伊德尔文化组
帝国选侯制 +10 皇帝,连同七位选帝侯可以从他们自己、统治者的任一合法的子女、兄弟姐妹以及帝国的其他主要法理封臣中提名一位继承人。如果历史上的选帝侯头衔持有者为异教徒或不存在,另一名法理封臣将取而代之。信仰和虔诚对于这个继承法有显著的重要性。




  • 监视哪些地产将在继承后失去:点击“领地”窗口下的“继承”标签。
  • 尽快更改联盟分割继承制:这是唯一在继承时会创建头衔的继承法,因此几乎一定会导致玩家领地的分裂,除非玩家将领地限制在主头衔公国或王国的法理伯爵领内。如果要扩张,他们的目标应该是占领最多50%的其他公国/王国,以避免有足够的土地来导致分裂。
    • 部落领地被锁定为联盟分割继承制;在选择其他继承类型前,他们必须改革为氏族制或部落制。
  • 如果你有分割继承制和多个继承人,你可能想要只剩下一位继承人,如果这样,你的第一继承人将继承所有头衔。这很难做到,但还是有办法的。(低勇武的儿子可以被强迫成为骑士,并且可能在战斗中去世。如果你是宗族族长,你可以剥夺其他继承人的继承权。如果你有虐待狂特质,你可以对你的子女使用谋杀阴谋。等等。)
  • If an event allows you to choose an "elective" title succession law, be aware that this only applies to the title in question. For instance, if you play as the King of Scotland (Goidelic culture group) and you have partition succession, switching Scotland to "Tanistry Elective" will not affect how your duchies and counties are distributed. When you die, if your primary heir is not your tanist, you may find yourself playing a new king with very few holdings and a great deal of internal "border gore".
    • If you have another kingdom in addition to Scotland, then Scotland will be completely removed from partition. All your titles under de jure Scotland will be inherited by the tanist, and your children will inherit the second kingdom and other external titles. This will split your former realm but you will not lose all your domain. On the other hand, if this second kingdom is also under tanistry, it will also be removed from partition and your children will only divide your titles outside of both kingdoms. This will not split your realm, but the electors in both kingdoms have to elect the same person.
    • If you only have one kingdom with tanistry and partition, you can save your domain by adding tanistry law to your duchies. This is expensive (1500 prestige) but such a duchy will be removed from partition and its de jure counts (which is usually only you) will vote for the successor of the duchy title. You should appoint the same person who is going to inherit the kingdom.


"Succession Laws EXPLAINED", forum thread: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/succession-laws-explained.1419049/

角色 角色属性特质资源生活方式宗族亲族文化革新传统修正宝物
领地与管理 领地封臣内阁宫廷谋略政体法律决议头衔男爵领伯爵领朝廷建筑
战争 战争宣战理由同盟军队受雇军队
信仰 宗教信仰教义核心教义圣地