
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2020年9月25日 (五) 22:54的版本 (同步到官方百科13:24, 23 September 2020‎

谋略Intrigue) 是中世纪和十字军之王系列中通往胜利的两种途径中的一个。它更加间接,集中于通过诡计打败其他角色。








计谋 需要技能 同谋 成功效果 不被发现的情况下完成阴谋 需要技能
谋杀  Intrigue Yes 目标被杀死 发起者只会获得谋杀的秘密。
绑架  Intrigue Yes 目标成为囚犯 发起者不会获得绑架的罪行。 绑票大师
制造牵制  Intrigue No 获得目标的牵制 可以再次执行阴谋。 相对事实
宣称权位  Stewardship Yes 获得目标主头衔的宣称 不会失去大量的声望。 能者居之

敌对的阴谋可以寻找同谋,和目标关系越紧密的角色对成功率的提升越大。不喜欢目标的角色或者已经加入反对目标派系的角色更可能加入阴谋中来。也可以通过用 Gold金钱贿赂同谋来提高他们加入阴谋的意愿,拥有他们的 Weak Hook牵制也可以增加他们加入阴谋的意愿。如果同谋恐惧阴谋目标的话,他们不会加入,除非发起者拥有他们的 Strong Hook强牵制。同谋所提供的成功率由他们与目标的关系和他们的 Intrigue谋略能力有关。

和目标的关系 成功几率
间谍首脑 +75
配偶 +50
监护人 +50
至交 +50
朋友 +30
情人 +30
侧室 +30
和目标的关系 成功几率
宫廷医师 +30
内阁成员 +25
至亲 +20
强力封臣 +15
远亲 +15
死敌 +15
其他 +10

A scheming character is protected from discovery while the Scheme progresses but its Agents are not. If an Agent is discovered the target will gain a +5 Hostile Scheme Resistance modifier for 2 years.


私人计谋没有隐秘值且没有同谋。如果失败,在短时间内通常无法对同一目标再次进行相同的计谋,and some may have "critical failures" which carry harsher penalties.

计谋 效果 影响成功率的因素 基础成功率 最小成功率 前提条件
拉拢 目标对发起者 +25 好感
  • 外交属性
  • 主头衔差异
  • 目标是否在国外
50% 20%
勾引 目标成为情人
  • 目标的好感
  • 个人特质
  • 目标对他/她配偶的好感
5% 0% 目标有合适性取向
求爱 获得威望,目标成为灵魂伴侣
  • 目标的好感
  • 个人特质
  • 目标对他/她配偶的好感
0% 0% 目标有合适性取向
交友 目标成为朋友
  • 外交属性
  • 主头衔差异
  • 外交教育特质
  • 目标好感
  • 个人特质
5% 0% 交个朋友技能
私奔 目标加入发起者的宫廷并结婚
  • 谋略属性
  • 目标的谋略属性
  • 目标领主的谋略属性
  • 目标是否被囚禁
25% 5% (未知)


Characters acquire secrets when they do something that is a crime or frowned upon. Secrets can be discovered through random events or via the Find Secrets spymaster task. If a secret is discovered, the character who uncovered it has two options. One option is to expose the secret, which will apply various negative effects upon the target based on how serious the Secret is. The other option is to blackmail the target. If the target agrees to the blackmail, the character will gain a  Weak Hook if the secret is Shunned and a  Strong Hook if the secret is Criminal. If the target refuses, the secret will be exposed.

秘密 严重性 描述
Secret murder.png 谋杀未遂 Doctrine kinslaying.png Depends on who was the target 该角色曾尝试谋杀。
Secret murder.png 谋杀 Doctrine kinslaying.png Depends on who was the target 该角色是个谋杀犯。
Secret deviancy.png 是食人者 Core tenet foodsacrifice.png Depends on whether faith has the Ritual Cannibalism tenet 该角色食用人肉。
Secret deviancy.png 是个变态 Doctrine deviancy.png Depends on the Deviancy crime doctrine 该角色偏好社会上无法接受的行为。
Secret deviancy.png 是鸡奸者 Doctrine homosexuality.png Depends on the Same-Sex Relations crime doctrine 该角色与其他男人发生了性关系。
Secret deviancy.png 是乱伦者 Doctrine consanguinity.png Depends on the Consanguinity marriage doctrine 该角色曾与至亲发生性关系。
Secret religious.png 是不信者 Yes Always Shunned 该角色信仰伪神,或者根本不信仰任何神灵。
Secret religious.png 是巫师 Doctrine witchcraft.png Depends on the Witchcraft crime doctrine 该角色施行巫术。
Secret adultery.png 是非法子女 Doctrine bastardry.png Depends on the Bastardry marriage doctrine 该角色是个私生子。
Secret adultery.png 情人 Doctrine adultery men.pngDoctrine adultery women.png Depends on the Adultery crime doctrines 该角色是某人的非法情人。

The Is the illegitimate child secret is removed if the real parents eventually join in marriage or concubinage.


A hook represents that a character owes you a favor or that you can coerce them in some way. Hooks can be gained in a variety of ways and can be used to force a character to do something you want. They come in two varieties: weak and strong.

  • A Weak Hook can only be used once, and is then spent.
  • A strong hook can be used multiple times, with a cooldown between uses. It also prevents the character from taking hostile actions (such as joining a faction) against the one holding the hook. Unlike weak hooks, strong hooks can be used to force a character to become an agent in a murder scheme.
牵制 强度 持续时间 来源 可以伪造
勒索(弱牵制) 弱牵制 10年,或者直到秘密被曝光 Blackmail character interaction over a secret which is a shunned practice No
人情 弱牵制 10年 Random events
Ransoming an imprisoned character for a favor
Negotiating to release an imprisoned character for a favor
Faction members who helped put claimant on the throne receive a hook on new liege
家主 弱牵制 永久 House Head over when a child is born No
蒙恩 弱牵制 10年 Random events Yes
操控 弱牵制 10年 Random events Yes
威胁 弱牵制 10年 Random events Yes
勒索(强牵制) 强牵制 直到秘密被曝光 Blackmail character interaction over a secret which is a criminal practice No
捏造 强牵制 10年 Fabricate a Hook scheme Yes
忠诚 强牵制 永久 Random events Yes
性命遭威胁 强牵制 10年 Fabricate a Hook scheme Yes


Hooks can be spent (used) in a variety of ways.

  • By spending a hook, you can make it much more likely that a character will accept a marriage proposal, join your council, come to your court, join a faction of your choice, or vote for your preferred candidate in elective successions.
  • A liege can use a hook on a vassal to negotiate a feudal contract in their favor without incurring tyranny.
  • A vassal who has a hook on his liege can use the Demand Council Position character interaction.
  • A vassal with a hook on his liege can declare war on other vassals of their liege, even if their crown authority would normally prohibit this.
  • Though it is very difficult to get a hook on your Head of faith, doing so would ensure the head of faith agrees to any one request you might make (such as granting you a divorce or a claim on a title).
  • A strong hook can be used to force the person to join a hostile scheme, such as a murder scheme, though weak hooks cannot do this.
  • The tier 1 stewardship lifestyle perk "Golden Obligations" allows demanding payment for hooks, assuming the person you have a hook on has the money to pay for it.
角色 角色属性特质资源生活方式宗族亲族文化革新传统修正宝物
领地与管理 领地封臣内阁宫廷谋略政体法律决议头衔男爵领伯爵领朝廷建筑
战争 战争宣战理由同盟军队受雇军队
信仰 宗教信仰教义核心教义圣地