一个宗族(Dynasty)代表着一条连续的贵族路线,它是由建立宗族的有地人物继承下来的。每一个宗族都是由多个家族(House)组成的,他们为宗族带来宗族威望。一个宗族可以在任何时候由宗族族长更名。所有宗族成员对彼此都有 +5 修正。
- 一位角色的(外)祖父母,父母,兄弟姐妹,子女和(外)孙(女)被认为是至亲。
- 叔舅,姑姨,同辈堂表亲/堂表姐妹,侄甥和侄甥女被认为是远亲。
婚姻是两位角色的合法结合。在 十字军之王 III中,只有异性能结婚。有生育力的配偶能够生育子女。根据信仰的 私生子教义,婚姻是唯一拥有合法子女的途径。婚姻是和其他角色建立 同盟的方式之一。
多配偶制婚姻类型教义下,可能有多位配偶。如果一位角色能够有多位配偶,每空缺一位配偶,他们将获得 -0.25每月虔诚的惩罚,最多 -0.75每月虔诚。另外, 庶夫与侍妾婚姻类型教义下,一位统治者可以有一位配偶,以及最多三位侍妾/庶夫。
角色家庭内部的婚姻取决于信仰中的 血亲性关系教义。两位家庭成员的后代可能导致近亲繁殖,并且他们的子女有机会获得 近亲繁殖特质。
在婚姻外拥有情人产生一个 情人秘密。一旦被发现,可能导致角色获得 私通者和 通奸者特质,取决于信仰的 / 通奸教义。
Creating a Cadet Branch has the following requirements:
- The character must be blood-related to their current House Head
- The character must not stand to inherit any of their current House Head's titles
- The character must have sufficient Prestige
- All ancestors of the character are dead
If a House Head demands the religious conversion of a House member and the member refuses, it will result in the creation of a new Cadet Branch.
Each character born from a Marriage will belong to the father's House unless the marriage is Matrilineal.
The House Head is the leader of a House. House Heads have the power to legitimize bastards, call House members to war at no cost and demand that they convert to their Faith. In addition, House Heads will get a on all newly born House members. House Heads gain monthly prestige from living and landed members of their house, up to a maximum of +5; +0.02 for every living member, +0.02 for Barons, +0.04 for Counts, +0.06 for Dukes, +0.08 for Kings, and +0.1 for Emperors. When a House Head dies, its Primary Heir becomes the next House Head.
When a character creates a Cadet Branch, they become its House Head, and free from the direct influence of their old House Head unless he or she was the Dynasty Head.
The most powerful House Head of a Dynasty (as determined by military strength) will become the Dynasty Head. Dynasty Head ownership may take up to a year to update on succession.[1] The Dynasty Head gains Monthly Prestige from living and landed members of their dynasty, up to a maximum of +3; +0.01 for every living member, +0.01 for Barons, +0.02 for Counts, +0.03 for Dukes, +0.04 for Kings, and +0.05 for Emperors. The Dynasty Head has access to the following interactions with dynasty members of the same faith:
Renown is a resource accumulated by a Dynasty and is used for the most powerful Dynasty Head interactions, unlocking Dynasty Legacies and increasing a Dynasty's level of Splendor. A Dynasty gains Monthly Renown for the following:
- +0.02 for each living member
- For each ruler who is not a vassal under member of the same dynasty
- +0.12 for each baron
- +0.25 for each count
- +0.5 for each duke
- +1 for each king
- +2 for each emperor
- For each member married to a ruler of a different dynasty:
- +0.1 for each member married to a baron
- +0.2 for each member married to a count
- +0.4 for each member married to a duke
- +0.8 for each member married to a king
- +1.6 for each member married to an emperor
Firstly, all renown earned by a Dynasty counts towards its Level of Splendor, which determines how well-known the Dynasty is in the eyes of the world, how much Prestige characters get from being born or marrying into it, the maximum long reign Opinion characters can get and how decorated the Dynasty's coat of arms will be. Having a high level also makes it much easier to arrange marriages, especially with Dynasties with a Lower Level of Splendor. The Level of Splendor will never decrease. Peasant Dynasties start at Base Origins.
Dynasty Legacies are permanent modifiers and unlocks that can be unlocked by the Dynasty Head and affect every member of a Dynasty. Each Legacy contains five unlocks, each costing a progressively higher amount of to unlock. If an AI character becomes Dynasty Head it will only unlock Legacies belonging to the tree with the highest current progress.
See also
- ↑ forum:1416565/page-2#post-26861541 Meneth's Post in Patch 1.0.3 thread