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1.9 版本

十字军之王 III
DLC Roads to Power.png 权力之路
DLC Legends of the Dead.png 不朽传说
DLC Legacy of Persia.png 波斯遗产
DLC TaT.png 巡游与比武大会
DLC FoI.png 伊比利亚的命运
DLC RC.png 帝王宫廷
DLC NL.png 北境群雄
Icon CK3b.png 基础版本

1.9 版本,又称“Lance长矛”,发布于 2023-05-11[1],校验码未知。这个版本和巡游与比武扩展包同步发行。

拓展特性[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • 盛大活动:统治者现在可以在地图上主持和参与大规模的可策划盛大活动。通过选择活动类型、选项、意图以及邀请远近客人来根据您的喜好策划活动!
    • 比武大会:军事勇武的终极盛会;策划比赛项目以提高您的威望、名声及于大地之上的地位——或亲自参加比赛以赢得精美奖​​品。带上您的骑士,见证他们能力的提升与光荣的胜利。
    • 大巡游:在领地内史诗般地旅行中,给予您的臣民恩典、恐惧、或重税。享受忠诚臣民的热情款待,在穿行您所经营的土地时感受平民的生活。
    • 大婚:安排一场高于一切他物的婚礼;与才子佳人喜结连理、锻炼您的外交能力、或者在这对鸳侣的背后编织阴谋......
  • 活动意图和选项:现在狩猎、宴会和朝圣中有意图和选项供您选择以打造宏伟盛旅。在一丰盛筵席中与您的封臣交友,或在一次微谨猎场中将箭矢瞄准毫无戒心的仇敌……
  • 谋杀宴会:以拷打者军事生活方式路线获得谋杀盛宴技能;虽价格不菲但目标精确的宴会,可以在此之上将几个棘手的问题一次扫除!
  • 鹰猎:一项男女皆可的史实中世纪体育运动。可以额外获得威望但更加昂贵——鹰猎是属于真命贵族的娱乐!
  • 勋号:根据骑士的个性与成就以赋予其特殊的属性并将其传于后世!从帮助提升您与封臣相处关系并增加军队伤害的勇敢理想主义者,到提升征召兵规模与旅行安全的坚定纪律严明者,与更多个性鲜明的勋号等您探索。
  • 活动宗族传承:让所有活动为您的宗族成员带来非凡体验;从提高大婚接受度,及增加传奇动物目击事件触发概率,再到每位宗族成员可免费举办一整场盛大活动,许多特色增益会使你的游戏体验上升许多!
  • 新角色艺术:以新的跨时代外观刷新西欧天主世界的面貌!
    • 革新盔甲:简单的头巾和锁甲将让位于巨盔和板甲!
    • 早期/晚期西方服装:虽然加洛林诸族拥有其特色风尚衣着,然而他人的衣着不仅限于此——崭新早期与晚期服装的推出将使横跨数世纪的游戏风格与众不同!
  • 新音乐:超过20分钟的崭新中世纪音乐,采用新的主题曲、4首情绪曲目和13首触发提示乐曲!

免费特性[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • 新增摄政以便让角色在短期内无法统治(如旅行)时可在他们离开时有人监管他们的领地
  • 新增固化的摄政以让角色在长期内无法统治(如儿童)时可能会被权欲熏心的摄政欺凌,抑或者只是在鞠躬尽瘁的摄政支持下小心翼翼地统治
  • 新增一面包打(13)个新的围绕角色成为摄政或作为摄政彻底架空君王的机械互动
  • 新增共治系统,允许同时在两个角色之间进行可用Mod修改的权力共享安置(理智起见,您只能有一位共治者,因此摄政与邪恶首相不得共存,但可酌情选择其一)
  • 增加了政变机制以允许摄政可凭借些许劳苦谋权篡位,并以极低的死亡或囚禁风险与一个不太好听的绰号为代价夺取其领主的一切闪耀
  • 新增三边互动,其中中介可在接收者决定之前先行定夺。借此,领主可获得共治者(滥)用其权时的发言权
  • 新增旅行系统以让角色前往活动时可以真的在地图上移动并穿过各个省份,甚至可以拥有随行人员
  • 新增130多个旅行时发生的其中有些危及生命的事件
  • 新增旅队主管宫廷职位,其影响旅行中各项数据并组织领主旅行的后勤
  • 新增多个旅行选项,允许策划自己的旅行计划(例如雇佣专家来应对地形危险)
  • 新增旅行路线编辑以允许在地图上放置航点来调整旅行路线
  • 现在每个角色在地图上都有一个确切位置
  • 觐见、向领主请愿及避世冥想的角色现在将前往目的地
  • 新增每个封臣都会有的基于其个性的封臣立场,此后影响任何封建制封臣的各种好感修正现在只影响给定立场的封臣
  • 各个封臣立场会支持一个继承人作为其首选继承人。若其首选继承人继位则持此封臣立场的封臣好感将会提升,否则会下降
  • 兵士现可驻扎在特定的据点,之前影响全体兵士的大多数建筑修正现在只影响驻扎在该男爵领的武装人员。
  • 修改了游戏中几乎所有建筑的增益和平衡,以考虑兵士驻扎和其他新变化。更多详细信息请参阅游戏平衡部分。
  • 显著改善了游戏的经济部分;建筑槽现随着时间的推移而增加、新增许多新建筑、建筑花费已完全更改、直辖领地上限已降低等等。更多详细信息请参阅游戏平衡部分。
  • 成年统治者(不包括雇佣兵)现在有机会被动获得诸如能人胖子可怖者等称号。获得称号的机会随着等级、年龄和威望/虔诚而增加,而你可以获得的绰号类型在很大程度上取决于特质、能力和环境。如若你的外交能力低下且有一定量的暴政,那么在你所引发的内战中就可以获得粗心者绰号。当您获得绰号时一个事件会告诉其名称并给予小额增益或减益
  • 新增75以上个新绰号且其中大部分可以被动获得
  • 绰号现在拥有描述,当鼠标悬停在其上方时可见。这终于允许使用具有讽刺意味的绰号而无需大量解释
  • 新增对大多数历史称号和所有游戏中指定称号的描述
  • 新增游戏规则来控制随机被动昵称出现在统治者身上的频率
  • 新增游戏规则来调整所有统治者的直辖领地上限: +1+2+3-1-2-3
  • 您现在可以为您的朝臣、封臣、近亲、宗族成员、情人、朋友或与您近亲或宗族成员结婚的任何人支付赎金
  • 新增经济地图模式,可从“其他模式”菜单或按“Ctrl+S”打开。它显示每个县的收入,使您可以正确规划您的征服大计。它还展示了游戏中所有特殊建筑的位置,无论它们是否已建成。
  • 新增伯爵领控制力地图模式,可从“其他模式”菜单或按“Ctrl+F”打开。它展示了世界上所有伯爵领的控制力,还显示了绝对控制在哪些地方有效。
  • 新增“销毁宝物”按钮,允许您销毁无用的任何普通或大师级宝物以挽回些许损失。若信仰圣像破坏派,则可以摧毁任何稀有的文物并因此获得虔诚。
  • 显著更新了“当前情况”小部件,使其对新玩家和有经验的玩家都更加用户和美质优;我们用更多信息更新了几个条目,新增几个新情况,为所有条目新增图标等。更多信息可以在界面部分找到。
  • 雇用宫廷医师时您现在可以直接在活动选项中查看他们将拥有的能力
  • 我们新增一个 HUD 皮肤选择器,允许您在任何现有的 HUD 皮肤之间切换,覆盖默认设置。这意味着您可以在日耳曼宗教斯堪的纳维亚半岛以外的地方玩游戏时使用北境群雄的挪威皮肤。
  • 大纲视图已得到显著更新以提升可用性:固定角色显示更多信息(健康状况、派系中强大封臣状态),军队现在有图标显示他们正在做什么(移动、战斗、登船等),军队显示更多一般信息(质量、补给状态、损耗),最后大纲视图会记住您最后的设置(如会继承上一局游戏中的设置等)
  • 坎特伯雷大教堂已作为特殊建筑添加,包含一组修正、三阶段升级以及每个阶段的新的3D地图模型
  • 特质现在可以拥有单独经验条及其等级;新的旅行者和枪斗士特质拥有此性质,所有旧分层特质如狂欢者、猎人和朝圣者亦然
  • 理发店已改为全屏,并给予了许多新工具和设置:您可以选择所需的背景(默认情况下具有适当照明)、镜头中应出现哪些角色、他们应使用哪些动画,以及应显示所有字符的缩放级别。角色可以通过拖放在场景中移动且可360度旋转。我们新增快速访问角色预设(角色自身、内阁、家族)、屏幕截图按钮和“隐藏UI”按钮。您还可以固定角色并将其带入场景中。所有下拉列表都可以使用“模糊”文本输入进行搜索。可以编辑多个角色,而无需关闭理发店或重置场景。如果您想创建全家福或类似的作品,您可以将宗族/头衔盾徽及其名称(包括角色名称)添加到场景中
  • 丝袜现在可以作为理发店的定制选项使用
  • 您现在可以使用理发店的色轮选择头发颜色
  • 理发店是否可以理发的规则现与头衔/宗族规则一致,即您现在可以自定义您的封臣和臣属的外观。
  • 新增一个事件以让你的宫廷司祭激怒你的狂热封臣来对抗你
  • 新增5个军事生活方式事件
  • 新增1个财富生活方式事件
  • 新增5个恐惧生活方式事件

成就[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • 现在也可以通过非铁人单人游戏获得成就(注:Vic3和CK3都不要求铁人了,看看EU5和HoI5应该也一样了)
  • 模组与校验码不再禁用成就
  • 切换您所玩的角色、打开多人游戏大厅或使用调试命令将剥夺您的游戏成就资格

科技[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • 实现了纹理流,现在许多纹理可以按需动态加载和卸载,以减少VRAM使用,特别是在更高的图形质量下。 VRAM 使用量减少约50%,从约6GB减少到约3GB。可以在图形设置菜单中关闭/打开此功能。

游戏平衡[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • “均分继承”部落时代革新现在 +1 直辖领地上限
  • 伯爵领首府和男爵领的默认建筑槽​​数量均 -1
  • 执达官、行会、风车磨坊和分类账簿革新现在为该文化的男爵领解锁一个建筑槽
  • 首都省和首都公国修正现在给予一些驻扎兵士百分比增益以进一步促进在单一公国内巩固疆域
  • 城堡地产现在给予一些一般驻扎兵士百分比增益
  • 通过管理能力提升直辖领地上限的份额从5点更为6点
  • 重新平衡初始创新,减少初始解锁分类账簿革新的文化
  • 印度统治者现在将招募更少的波陀底迦步兵
  • AI现将尝试对同一省份内促进相同兵士类型的建筑物进行分组
  • AI现在会根据文化偏好和当前招募的兵士建造某些建筑类型
  • 城墙和塔楼现在可在洪泛平原使用以取代瞭望塔作为其防御工事类型
  • 壁垒现在在丛林中使用以取代瞭望塔作为其防御工事类型
  • 皇家军械库二级与三级现在可以减少更多的军队花费
  • 牧场现在给予补给上限和更多赋税
  • 狩猎场不再给兵士加成,而是给予防御优势和突袭保护
  • 果园现在给予些许百分比发展度增长
  • 象栏现在给予更多税收,但没有重骑兵兵士增益
  • 哨所现在给予些许赋税
  • 骆驼农场现在给予些许税收和突袭保护,但没有骑士数量
  • 增加了所有建筑物较高级花费。对于第3级及以上级别其遵循几何级数而不是线性增长
  • 新增建筑——马厩(可随处建造)——它可以增强骑兵兵士并为其持有者给予些许军队移动速度、行进速度和一些征召兵
  • 新增建筑——铁匠铺——可以提升驻扎兵士并为持有者给予赋税修正,并给予其持有者一定的骑士作战能力、征兵恢复速度和灵感质量提升。
  • 新增建筑——山丘牧场,可在某些地理区域的丘陵、山脉和沙漠山脉中建造——这会显着增强骑兵并给予些许征召兵
  • 新增建筑——战士小屋,可在某些地理区域的丘陵、山脉和沙漠山脉中建造——可显着增强步兵并给予一些征召兵
  • 新增建筑——牧马场,可在东部草原区域的草原上由文化拥有“马上领主”传统的角色建造——可以增强弓骑兵和轻骑兵,并为其持有者给予一定的移动速度和陆地劫掠速度
  • 新增建筑——风炉,由印度的乌兹钢革新解锁。其给予赋税和重步兵/长枪兵/重骑兵/象骑兵增益
  • 新增建筑——工场,通过高级造弓术革新解锁。其可增强攻城武器、增加驻扎部队的攻城速度、降低弓箭手和散兵花费并给予赋税收入
  • 新增建筑——风车,通过风车磨坊革新解锁。可在农田、平原和丘陵或沿海伯爵领建造。其为整个伯爵领的地产和发展度增长给予百分比修正与常量增长,还给予补给上限
  • 新增建筑——水车,通过风车磨坊革新解锁。可在山脉、湿地、森林、针叶林和丛林或河边省份建造。其为整个伯爵领的地产和发展度增长给予百分比修正与常量增长,还给予补给上限
  • 新增建筑——车队驿站,通过公会革新解锁。可在旱地、沙漠、绿洲、洪泛平原、草原或沙漠山地建造。其提供赋税、防御优势并延长敌对劫掠时间,并减少伯爵领旅行危险且提高发展增长(百分比修正与常量增长),还提高其持有者赞助灵感的品质、降低其兵士维护花费和降低持有者雇佣雇佣兵花费
  • Caravanserai line of buildings can be built in the Iberia region after Detente ending of Iberian Struggle
  • Invasion War types now have a cap of 150% for occupation, up from 100%, this should avoid stalemates
  • The Wootz Steel innovation no longer gives兵士bonuses
  • The Advanced Bowmaking innovation no longer gives兵士bonuses
  • The Windmills innovation no longer gives 5% domain tax
  • All Tier 6 military buildings now require Royal Armory innovation
  • Expanded the Danevirke special building by one province
  • The Danevirke and Offa's Dyke special buildings now give a little bit of stationed兵士toughness
  • All fortification-style special buildings (i.e. Tower of London, Alhambra) now also give a bit of stationed兵士damage, toughness, and siege speed
  • All Mines (for instance Rammelsberg or the Mali gold mines) now give a lot of Siege Weapon effectiveness for stationed Siege 兵士, representing the historical use of miners as sappers and siege workers
  • Several Cultural Traditions, especially the various 'Terrain Dweller' or 'Terrain Warriors'-ones have been updated to ignore Travel Danger in their chosen terrains
  • Removed levy size modifiers from Martial skill and Marshal Organize Armies councilor task.
  • Increased the levy reinforcement offset modifier from Martial skill and Marshal Organize Armies councilor task.
  • Martial skill now gives offset Army Maintenance and兵士toughness bonuses
  • Added 21 additional constructible Universities around the world
  • Added 6 additional already-constructed Universities in India
  • Added 4 Mines in India
  • Added 1 Mine in Anatolia
  • Added 5 mines in Eastern Europe
  • Added 2 mines in Western Europe
  • Added 4 Mines in Africa
  • Added 2 Mines in Persia
  • All Ethos except Egalitarian now reduces the opinion of Different-Culture Minority Vassals
  • The Coastal Warriors and Seafarers cultural tradition now unlocks Tradeport buildings in tribal holdings
  • The Coastal Warriors cultural tradition now gives stationed兵士bonuses to Tradeport line of buildings
  • All Special Mines now boost the quality of metal-based inspirations significantly
  • Alliances can now be proposed to Extended Family, but the Acceptance Chance has been rebalanced to be less permissive; opinion, traits, and ai personality now weighs heavier in the calculations, as do number of existing alliances
  • Barrack line of buildings now gives bonuses to stationed heavy infantry and pikemen 兵士
  • Decreased the cost level of Farm Estates line of buildings
  • Increased the tax gain from Tax Offices line of buildings
  • Cynical AI's will now want to revoke Holy Order leases from orders they are not the patron of
  • Global Vassal Opinion bonuses will now only appear on Illustrious artifacts
  • Harald of Norway will no longer institute Thing succession on England as long as it's held as a secondary Kingdom, this prevents the Kingdom from immediately falling back into Anglo-Saxon hands via election
  • Hereditary Hierarchy now affects Tyranny Decay by 50%, but the Castle Cost % has been reduced by 10%
  • Inspired wanderers now produce slightly better artifacts
  • It now costs less prestige to designate a Shieldmaiden
  • Leisure Palaces now give more Scheme Success Chance on higher levels
  • Local Artisans spawned by the Commission Artifact decision now have a modifier called 'Local Artisan' so that players can tell that they'll produce worse Inspirations if assigned to the Court Artificer court position.
  • Lowered most sources of Cultural Fascination Progress % Modifiers
  • Lowered the Tax Mult and Build Cost modifiers from being Steward on your liege's Council
  • Made Genghis Khan always spawn with the Peacemaker perk
  • Made the 'Flight of Fancy' event much less likely to happen
  • Made the AI in the Iberian Struggle much more aggressive in the Opportunity and Hostility Phases
  • Marches now give much more Defender Advantage alongside a significant reduction in local Danger
  • Military camps now increase supply, control gain, and reduce兵士maintenance
  • More special buildings now give a Renown % boost
  • Newly-formed Divergent cultures now get a slight culture conversion speed boost against their parent culture for 50 years
  • Pay Ransom now has a stress impact where several traits reduce stress, such as compassionate or generous
  • Practiced Pirates is now restricted to non-tribals of duke tier or below, or else realms no larger than approximately the size of Wales, to prevent the entire HRE taking up piracy on the Emperor's orders
  • Realm Priests will now tend to learn the language of their Liege, either on appointment, or later via the scheme
  • Reduced the renown effects of Castle Keepers
  • Roughly halved all sources of Build Cost Reduction, terrain-based reductions lowered by 33%
  • Rulers now start the game with 36 months of income rather than 18
  • Same Faith Opinion bonuses will now only appear on Illustrious artifacts
  • Siege Works now give more toughness to stationed Siege Weapons, and also significantly reduces the cost of creating and maintaining them
  • Significantly increased the Hostile Scheme Resistance and Success Chance reduction from the Greatest of Khans trait and modifier, increased the siege ability, and added opinion with minority Vassals
  • Significantly lowered the chance of getting the 'Getting A Head' Court Event Chain
  • The 'A Courtier Scorned' event will now happen much less frequently, and only for very greedy and vengeful characters
  • The AI should now be a little bit less likely to start schemes during a House Feud
  • The AI will now try and use hooks in marriages if it would sway a good candidate that otherwise refuses.
  • The Commission Artifact decision has been changed so that Local Artisans don't always produce Common quality artifacts, but instead come with an inherent quality penalty that is difficult to overcome. This makes it possible for them to produce higher-tier artifacts.
  • The Danevirke and Offa's Dyke Special Buildings now give more defensive advantage
  • The Doge's Palace special building now gives 5 flat income rather than a 50% county tax bonus
  • The Marches Duchy Building now gives tax % mult in Hills and Mountains
  • The Mines of Mali now gives a bit of development growth
  • The Reichskrone is now considered Illustrious
  • The Theodosian Walls now give 10 flat income rather than a 300% county tax bonus, and the 300% levy bonus has been lowered to 30%, this still leaves Constantinople as the most economically viable county in the world, but it won't be so brutally overpowered anymore
  • The Walls of Genoa now gives 3 flat income rather than a 10% county tax bonus
  • The al-Taj crown now gives Zealot opinion rather than Same Faith opinion
  • The military Academies Building now increases Man-at-Arms limits and reduces recruitment costs
  • Theocratic Vassals will now often be selected for the position of Realm Priest, preferring high-learning characters and religious heads
  • Universities are no longer founded via Decision, but are now constructible similarly to other special buildings, this was done because the Economy Mapmode now shows where they are located
  • Universities now boost the quality of book inspirations significantly
  • Universities now give 10% lifestyle xp and 5% cultural fascination progress to their holder
  • Updated the old Intrigue and Martial Feast events to have more relevant modifiers and to give lifestyle XP
  • Upped the maximum score from Occupations to 150% from 100% for most CB's, this should prevent many stalemates
  • Various Vassal Stance opinions will now appear on Artifacts
  • Various Vassal Stance tax and levy contribution % bonuses will now appear on Artifacts
  • When a ruler is vassalized with Religious Protection who can have a Jizya contract too, they now get that contract as well
  • You now gain/lose stress if you're Greedy/Generous and gifting masterwork+ artifacts, based on the rarity of the gifted artifact
  • You now lose less stress when sending gifts as a Generous character, and don't lose stress if you're gifting to your heir
  • Crocodiles can now attack from rivers in crocodile-having areas, even if the province terrain is otherwise not suitable for crocodilians
  • Cultures with Horse Lords now take _massively_ reduced attrition & have greatly increased speed when raiding overland (allowing them to perform raids deep into settled territories as long as they remain tribal)
  • Cultures with Saharan Nomads or Desert Travellers now have decently-reduced attrition and moderately increased speed when raiding (allowing them to raid the feudals of North Africa/the Sahel or the Arabian coast respectively)
  • Added a lil bit of raid speed boost & raiding attrition reduction to Himalayan Settlers (allowing them to raid the foothills around the Himalayas & each other)
  • Escaping from Prison is now a Crime if the imprisoner had legitimate cause to imprison you
  • Meditate in Seclusion no longer uses the activity system and has been updated to use the new location system
  • Rebalanced Pay Homage rewards and scripted values for dynasty prestige, scaling by era
  • Made smith inspirations more common and weaver inspirations a bit less common
  • Cultural traditions now play a bit more of a role when inspired people pick their inspiration type (but this does not affect the number of inspired people of that culture, only the likeliness that they will pick a specific type)
  • Regents are more attractive candidates under elective succession and will prioritize voting for themselves or their liege's candidate depending on loyalty
  • Regents are more powerful electors under all electives except Ting (where power is derived from calculations about the number of freemen you control)
  • Gaining strife opinion as a regent will now cause characters to want to murder, abduct, torture, castrate, and/or blind you
  • Increased the amount of stress loss for Generous characters sending gifts
  • Progress to Friend will now only make the two characters potential friends if their opinion is above 0
  • Increased chance of recovering from minor illness
  • Increased chance of becoming scarred

AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • The AI will now actively propose marriages to the player and the player's heirs. They will pretend that the player has the acceptance of an AI, meaning that you won’t, for example, get proposals from Counts if you’re a High-tier Ruler.
  • Pious and Warlike AI's will now use the Ask Pope for Claim Interaction to gain claims on titles that are relevant to their interests
  • Fixed an issue where the AI wouldn't always go for the Wargoal as an Attacker
  • Loyal AI's will now want to ransom their friends and lovers
  • Lustful AI's will now really want to ransom their lovers, unless they're terribly greedy
  • Made the AI less likely to propose Alliances to significantly smaller rulers, though they might still accept incoming requests if made by someone they care about, such as one of their children
  • The AI is now more inclined to keep sieging/break sieges if it can
  • The AI is now more willing to form stacks exceeding the supply limit of a province if it's involved in large-scale wars
  • The AI is now slightly more inclined to keep the bonus from Train Commanders until they're bankrupt
  • The AI now properly gets a discount on feudalizing Tribal Holdings
  • The AI will no longer switch to organize armies in peacetime as the gold saved only applies to raised armies
  • The AI will now check if it should revoke Holy Order leases more often
  • The AI will now ransom their close family or those married to their close family more often, even if they're not in their court. Very compassionate AI's will extend this to their entire family.
  • The AI will now try to propose alliances to its Vassals via the interaction
  • The AI is more likely to build Tax Offices duchy building in suitable locations
  • The AI is more likely to pick Organize Armies marshal council task if below 80% of max army strength at peace
  • Very compassionate, generous, and honorable AI's will now want to ransom their Liege

Interface[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • Added a lot of prefix icons to modifiers, especially those present on various Buildings. This should make it much easier to, at a glance, see what a building or other source of modifiers does.
  • Game Rules are now categorized, and can be filtered by selecting a category via drop-down
  • Map Character Location Pins are now visible whenever someone is selected
  • Prison Bars are now visible on Map Character Location Pins
  • Overlapping map-icons are sorted front-to-back correctly (if in the same map-icon layer)
  • Pastures are now called Cattle Pastures
  • Added Icons to the兵士Game Concepts
  • The Camel and Elephant innovations will now say that they unlock their corresponding building
  • Added Interaction icons to Grant Independence and Join War
  • Added a 'You can ask the Pope for Claims' Current Situation item, showing you any Duchies+ that you could get a Claim on
  • Added a Current Situation for when one of your first three Heirs are imprisoned so that you can easily pay their Ransoms
  • Added a Current Situation for when you can Pay Ransom for one of your Vassals and gain a Hook on them
  • Added a Current Situation item for Pardoning Criminals
  • Added a Toast when someone else ransoms someone close to you
  • Added a Toast when someone ransoms you
  • Added a slight fade behind the top-right buttons in the character view to make them visible in all backgrounds
  • Added icons and updated texts for most Current Situations
  • Assigned icons to all interactions
  • Added the incredibly important missing relation strings cousin-in-law, aunt-in-law, uncle-in-law, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, great grandmother-in-law, great grandfather-in-law, granddaughter-in-law, grandson-in-law, great granddaughter-in-law, great grandson-in-law, niece-in-law, and nephew-in-law, because the familial relations of this game weren't complex enough!
  • The attrition icon will now only show if the army will take attrition. Non-raiding armies are assumed to take attrition.
  • Character Names in incoming diplomacy offers will no longer use white text on a light background
  • Clarified the Health game concept
  • Clicking the Go To character in the interaction menu will now pan to that character's physical location rather than their capital
  • Compressed the Character Interaction entries a bit to avoid having scrollbars under most common circumstances
  • Corrected incorrect localization for Renown gain (lost instead of loses/gained instead of gains)
  • Excluded Barons from the 'Powerful Vassal demands Council Position' Current Situation as you legitimately don't have to care that much for them
  • Excluded parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents from the 'Family can Marry' Current Situation as marrying away your widowed mother isn't something we want to motivate the player to do
  • Expanded the 'Child Needs Guardian' Current Situation to include valid grandchildren and great-grandchildren
  • Expanded the 'Low County Control' Current Situation to trigger when control is at or below 90 Control, and it now shows the Control level directly in the entry
  • Expose Secret is now a sub-menu interaction while Blackmail is a common interaction, as one was used significantly more than the other
  • Extended character tooltips will now show the character background, to give a quick indication if a character is traveling or not
  • Fixed Loading Tips not showing any of the tips following number 69, which isn't very nice
  • Fixed an issue where buttons weren't always clickable when choosing to Join War
  • Fixed an issue where entries in the Character Search would become slightly darkened if you scrolled the list
  • Fixed several instances of missing parent concepts in various Game Concepts
  • Fixed the buttons when revoking a holy order barony not being entirely clickable
  • Improved background and character selection in various pregnancy events
  • Made the 'Titles Lost on Succession' button in the Realm view look like an actual button, so that it's harder to miss
  • Made the Current Situation widget slightly wider and fixed multiple instances of buttons that weren't clickable everywhere
  • Most Current Situation entries that have to do with titles will now state the tier and show an icon of the tier crown to aid in identification
  • Only characters located in the Capital Province will now appear in the Royal Court Scene
  • The 'Call Ally', 'Call House Member' and 'Call Dynasty Member' Current Situation entries will now state their Tier and Troop Count directly in the entry
  • The 'Declare War' Current Situation will now show the amount of troops your potential target has
  • The 'Demand Payment' Current Situation now states how much gold they have compared to the amount you demand, so you know before clicking
  • The 'Family can Marry' Current Situation has been updated to show what place in the line of succession they hold, to avoid you doing unfavorable marriages
  • The 'Few Knights' Current Situation now states how many knights you have, and what's your maximum
  • The 'Hire Court Physician' Current Situation is now marked as dangerous/high prio, as being without one is indeed quite dangerous
  • The 'In Line of Succession for Title' Current Situation Item will now only appear for titles outside your realm, as it would in 90% of cases mainly show titles you were about to inherit from newly-created vassals
  • The 'In line for Title' Current Situation now states if the title is inside or outside your realm, so you can better plan your nefarious murder schemes
  • The 'Negotiate Alliance' Current Situation description now explains that allied vassals can't join factions if the ally is within your realm, or how many troops you'd get if the ally is outside your realm
  • The 'Negotiate Alliance' Current Situation now states if the target is inside or outside your realm, so you can make a better call at a glance if they'll be able to join your wars or not
  • The 'Negotiate Alliance' Current Situation now states the potential targets relation to you (son, brother, etc) and their military strength
  • The 'Not Endorsed by Realm Priest' Current Situation now opens the Sway interaction, as that's what you want 99% of the times you click it
  • The 'Not Endorsed by Realm Priest' Current Situation now shows the opinion your Realm Priest has of you
  • The 'Powerful Vassal demands Council Position' Current Situation now shows the opinion the vassal has of you in the entry, so you can easily avoid assigning positions to already-happy vassals if you want
  • The 'Prisoner can be Ransomed' Current Situation now shows if they have enough gold to pay their ransom directly in the entry
  • The 'Propose Alliance' Current Situation has been expanded to include more valid targets for alliances, such as anyone married to one of your extended family members
  • The 'Realm will Lose Land if Vassal Inherits Title' Current Situation will now state exactly which title would cause the damage, along with its tier
  • The 'Wrong Holding Type' Current Situation will now state in the entry what type of holding they are
  • There's now a different background in the Vassal Contract window when modifying a Clan contract
  • There's now an icon indicating if a vassal's contract has already been changed when browsing the Vassal list in the Realm view
  • Universities will now say that they unlock the Send Child to University Education Option
  • You can now see who would join the defender against you in Holy Wars
  • Level of Devotion Impact is now a game concept and explains to you what it does
  • Renamed the Courtly cultural Ethos to Ceremonious to avoid confusion with the new Courtly vassal stance
  • Improved the my realm succession tab for primogeniture succession to show more info like traits and a clearer line of succession
  • Overhauled the AI personality tooltip, now contains their personality, vassal stance if a vassal, and economic archetype if a ruler. Raw personality now has explanations for how the vassal is likely to act.
  • Enabled Steam Rich Presence, now your friends can see some fun flavor about what you are doing in game, this can be disabled via game settings.
  • Made Debug AI War Coordinator map mode show gradient based on objective score
  • Added a button to access the Barbershop for your own character via your character view

Art[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • Coat of arms can now show up on the clothes of characters, in order uses: house if not lowborn, primary title if ruler, court owner's primary title if not wandering, default fallback.
  • Several existing Animations have been updated with expressive introduction segments, bringing more movement and life into events: Anger (3 variations), Happiness (3 variations), Admiration (2 variations), Shock (2 variations), Disbelief, Disgust, Dismissal, Fear, Sadness, Worry, Stressed, and Schadefreude
  • Added 45+ new animations including but not limited to:
    • Hunt animations: Hunting horn, Hunting knife, Hunting carcass, Hunting Falcon/animated prop, Hunting bow Aim, Hunting bow Rest, Crossbow
    • Tournament animations: Sword victory, Sword yield, Wrestling victory, Wrestling yield
    • Jousting animations with horse and rider: Jockey with lance on horse tilted idle, Jockey with lance couched on horse gallop, Jockey on horse gallop, Jockey on horse victory, Jockey on horse loss, Jockey on horse walk, Jockey on horse Idle
    • Weddings: Bride, Groom, Officiant, Bride Reception, Groom Reception, Happy cry animation, New drunk animation, ‘I object’ animation
    • A brand new ‘Thinking’ animation
  • Added unique Icons for all Schemes
  • Added a lot of new Casus Belli icons, covering almost every CB in the game
  • The Character View Backgrounds now represent the location of the character, should they be leading an army, traveling, or in an activity
  • Updated the clothes and looks of most Bookmark characters
  • Added a Low and high tier of fanciness to all old war nobility assets, and a Royal tier to selected armors.
  • Added 2 sets of male and female armours with variations for: Early and late Western era culture.
  • Added 2 sets of male and female legwears for: Late Western armours.
  • Added 8 male and female war headgears with variations for: Western culture.
  • Added 2 sets of male and female armours with variations for: Carolingian culture.
  • Added 1 set of male and female armours and helmets with variations for: Mena, Steppe, Byzantine and Indian cultures.
  • Added new Coat of arms crest headgear.
  • Added 2 sets of male and female clothing for: Carolingian culture.
  • Added crowns for male and female: Carolingian Culture.
  • Added male common headgear and female, male low/high nobility headgears for: Western culture.
  • Added new patterns for: Carolingian culture.
  • Added new nobility cloaks for: Carolingian culture.
  • Added new pilgrim clothes for: Muslim culture.
  • Added new Travel cloaks for: Western and Mena cultures.
  • Added new wedding specific headgears for: Western, Mena and Byzantine cultures.
  • Added new map units for travel activity.
  • Updated DDE HRE imperial Crown with new textures.
  • Multiple clothing, headgears, hair and beard improvements to fix clipping issues and alleviate texture stretching.
  • Expanded color palettes for war nobility assets.
  • Expanded our library of tile-able textures to include chainmail, scale armors, and leathers. This will help most armors look better overall, especially at lower game resolution settings.
  • Optimized old war nobility assets, to allow for better texture resolution on those armors and headgears.
  • Male children can now have their left hand visibly removed too
  • Fixed an issue where many western women wouldn't wear any headgear after the year 1300
  • Added 3D model for Canterbury monument, for each level of upgrade.
  • Added hunting props like hunting horns, a felled rabbit, boar spears and hunting blades.
  • Added a variety of bows and crossbows with animation stances for events and as artifacts.
  • Added lances.
  • Added Hnefatafl board, try winning a spelling bee with that one.
  • Added more animal skulls; Hyena, Gazelle
  • Added many animal skin variants, in particular legendary variants.
  • Added additional mine markers to the map, see more under Balance.
  • Fixes to the Indian spear to make it slightly less massive.
  • Fixes and updated positioning of holding positions in a plethora of provinces.
  • Fixes to mediterranean court room textures
  • Fixed critical issue of teleporting American cactus on the Desert Warrior trait, replaced it with a geographically-appropriate Arabian dromedary instead
  • Fixed horrendous 19th-century chocolate chip muffins on the Comfort Eater trait (that have _clearly_ been machine-made), replaced with a temporally-appropriate medieval sambocade cheesecake instead for maximum immersion
  • Added an enormous amount of new background illustrations used in various events (roughly 40)

Audio[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • Game now uses FMOD library version 2.02.11 on all platforms. It should resolve audio issues with missing ambient sounds on Linux.

Localization[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • Added, and this is very exciting, a small piece of custom loc for distinguishing between one and two legged people
  • Triggers will now state that they're looking for sins/virtues instead of congenital traits

Game Content[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • Added Feud target house name to House modifiers
  • Added a memory for becoming nemeses
  • Added a mention of the Casus Belli to the war declaration, war end, and war join memories
  • Per user request, added Go as a board game variant for Tibet, & Fidchell as a board game variant for the Celtic world
  • Owners of Royal Court can now commission Urn court artifacts via artisan Inspirations
  • Changed Blot, Grand Rite, and Meet Peers to use the new Activity System
  • You can now select a location to host a Blot or Grand Rite in your realm. Meet Peers is always restricted to your capital
  • Added guest selection functionality for Blot, Grand Rite, and Meet Peers. Guests must now travel to the location of your activity
  • Meditate in Seclusion decision now allowed for characters with the calm trait
  • Updated Pilgrimages, Feasts, & Hunts to use the new Activity System, and added new events
    • New animal types can appear on Hunts, with more regional variety
    • Master of the Hunt court position is now available to all rulers
    • New animal trinket trophy artifacts for hunters without a Royal Court
    • Several buildings now affect Hunt Success chance or Sighting chance
    • New Hunt murder, abduction, seduction, and befriend events
    • Can now attend other character’s Hunts
    • New Hunt Sighting events, which improve Hunt success chance in specific locations
    • Improved old hunting events and tied them into new systems, with Master of the Hunt aptitude affecting chances for positive and negative events
    • Added religious Doctrine relating to Pilgrimages in order to allow them, make them mandatory or forbid them
    • Additional types of Pilgrimages available, such as Pious, Worldly and Hajj
    • Tweaked old and added new events while on a Pilgrimage to a holy site, tying them into new systems
    • New events about spending time at a holy site
    • New events about performing the Hajj at Mecca
    • The Pilgrimage trait is awarded after performing a Pilgrimage and is now updated with several experience tiers
    • Unique activity backgrounds for Jerusalem and Mecca
    • All Activities now have ‘Activity Pulse Actions’: small toast-like events that appear on a timer of 7 days. Examples: The Guest of Honor receiving Prestige during a Feast, or a good Hunter increasing Success Chance during a Hunt.

User Modding[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • Added character modifier, Men-at-arms Counter Resistance
  • Rename hidden_effect_new_artifact to hidden_effect_new_object
  • Add GetBaronyNameExplicitly and GetBaronyNameExplicitlyNoTooltip to provinces to get the barony even if its the capital.
  • Add building_slot_add modifier for holdings.
  • Add prowess_no_portrait trigger.
  • Add trait modifiers based on faith doctrine parameters, analogous to culture
  • Added defines for simple text glow formats
  • Adds the hostile_county_attrition_raiding to modify the hostile county attrition of raiding armies. Will apply from both commanders and owners of armies. This IGNORES the regular lower limit of 10%, such that hostile county attrition for raiding armies can be reduced to 0. Go forth, land vikings! Pillage! Rule!
  • Adds the movement_speed_land_raiding to modify the speed of raiding armies moving over land. Will apply from both commanders and owners of armies.
  • Consistently use reference for triggered background/textures instead of sometimes duplicating with event_background.
  • Custom loc can now have the "all" type which lets it match to any scope type.
  • Interactions can now also set a cooldown on all other interactions in the same category via the 'category_cooldown' and 'category_cooldown_against_recipient' properties
  • Make province GetName and GetNameNoTooltip both return the county if capital.
  • Remove 'goto' field from 'send_interface_message' and 'send_interface_toast'
  • Remove GUI support for 'PlayerMessageItem' members 'GetGotoProvince', 'HasGotoProvince', and 'OnGoto'
  • Remove the add_building_slot effect, only use the new building_slot_add modifier.
  • Rework how open_view and open_view_data handle additional script provided data, the view_message field has been renamed to data and can be used in either of those effects it will now pass the additional data to the specific interface it is opening which will use it as appropriate.
  • The 'duel' script effect can now use multiple skills at once, averaging their value. Up to six skills can be compared.
  • Add diarchy_succession_character script list builder
  • Add effect change_diarchy_type
  • Add effect set_diarch
  • add trigger is_diarchy_successor
  • Per modder request, added some instructions (and a small correction) to on_actions.info to help newbie modders just getting started
  • Per modder request, added standardised cultural parameters for raiding overland and overseas to increase mod interoperability. Also made it easier to add dynasty modifiers, house modifiers, & cultural innovations that unlock raiding (either according to standard restrictions for non-tribals or, optionally, without restrictions)
  • Per modder request, replaced almost all instances of has_government with government_has_flag (and added relevant flags to each government type) to allow for easy hooking in of additional government types to vanilla content & systems, as well as better mod interoperability
  • Add function [Army.GetArmyStatusTooltip]
  • Introduce [Army.GetArmyStatusOutlinerIcon]
  • Renamed [Army.GetArmyStatusIcon] to [Army.GetArmyStatusIllustration].
  • add change_diarchy_power_level effect
  • add diarchy_has_parameter trigger
  • add diarchy_power_level trigger
  • add set_diarchy_power_level effect
  • Converted tribal imprisonment block to use a government flag for marginally higher mod compatibility
  • Added 'memory_creation_date', 'memory_end_date' and 'memory_age_years' triggers for Character Memories.
  • Add HasCharacterFlag datafunction for characters
  • Added IsDateAfter promote that takes a date and a target date.
  • Added IsDateBefore promote that takes a date and a target date.
  • Added IsDateBetween promote that takes a target date, a start time and an end time.
  • Added IsDateToday promote that takes a date.
  • Added GetDateAsTotalDays promote for Dates
  • Added promote HasFlag to the (Player) MessageType in order to allow specializations for message appearances.
  • Added effect start_travel_plan, which opens the travel planning window for the player and can take multiple (optional) input parameters like destination(s), companion(s), events/on_actions, et al.
  • New `*_neighboring_province` list can be use to efficiently get adjacent provinces in script
  • New `*_army_in_location` list can be used to quickly find armies in a province
  • The "Settings" window doesn't pop up anymore when reloading localization data
  • New expand auto-complete mode for console: Toggle via `settings` -> Tools -> Console auto-complete mode
  • Can kick out existing councillor "nicely" by using `remove_existing_councillor = yes` in `assign_councillor_type` effect
  • Interactions targetting artifacts can now directly open up a specific artifact
  • You can now actually generate a 'lowborn' character from character templates (`dynasty = none` is now correctly honored)
  • The PdxData data_binding 'macro' system now supported for mods too
  • You can attach character portrait assets to the root of a 3D entities via `at_root_of_entity` (same config location as `shared_pose_entity` / `node`)
  • New 'scope exists' script operator "?=" added, so we don't have to write "exist = bla bla = { stuff }" thousands of times and can just do “bla ?= { stuff }”
  • Scope exists operator `bla ?= {}` in effects will not execute effects inside scope if the scope `bla` does not exist
  • Added new 'ransomed' artifact history state
  • `set_location` effect now has `stick_to_location = yes` if you want to pin down someone’s default location to be different from their capital or court
  • Added a flags property to messages
  • Inspect characters, artifacts, and activities by ctrl+alt+clicking
  • Buildings can have custom modifier descriptions
  • Split up the portrait modifiers to different files with groups based on priority. Higher priority value means it will override any modifiers with lower priority. This way we don't have to weigh everything against everything else, instead we can know with certainty that armors, for example, will always override regular clothes. Scripted characters are now found in the priority just above base modifiers, with priority 2.
  • Moved most of the portrait modifier triggers into scripted triggers that can be found in game/common/scripted_triggers/00_clothing_triggers.txt. This makes the portrait modifier script files much easier to work with and removes a lot of copy paste script.

Databases[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • Fixed an accidental instance of ultra-incest incorrectly attributed to Adelheid of Hohenburg
  • The capital of Nobatia is now Qasr Ibrim
  • Predefined Baldwin V of Flanders' traits to give him a more consistent personality
  • Predefined Rasad's (the Shia caliph's mum) remaining random trait to give her a marginally more consistent personality
  • Bamian and Samarkand are now called the same thing on both a county and a barony level
  • The Rajastani Empire is now spelled Rajasthani Empire.
  • Fixed that two of the Cheraku Reddy spouses in 1066 were erroneously also set up as daughters of the dynasty.
  • Added Ratnapura Gem Mines
  • Added Zawar Zinc Mines
  • Added Takkeda Copper Mines
  • Added Pansjhir Silver Mines
  • Added Trepca Mines
  • Added Taghaza Salt Mines
  • Added Cevennes Silver Mines
  • Added Allaq Gold Mines
  • Added Konasamudram Iron Mines
  • Added Ijil Salt Mines
  • Added Torda Salt Mines
  • Added Rudnik Silver Mines
  • Added Srebrenica Silver Mines
  • Added Khetri Copper Mines
  • Added Phocea Alum Mines
  • Added Verespatak Gold Mines
  • Added Nishapur Turquoise Mines
  • Added Forest of Dean Iron Mines

Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A special shoutout to Kazarion for many of these bugfixes!

  • A betrothed no longer counts when determining if a character has enough spouses (according to their faith and standing)
  • Death notification events for close relatives now show the killer if they are known to you
  • Event after revoking titles legitimately no longer states you incurred tyranny when you did not
  • Fix the obese and malnourished icons not showing on the character modifiers, the impact was applied but the modifier hidden.
  • Fixed Up Late inspiration event sometimes forcing intimate relations
  • Fixed alliance formed by Friends with Benefits event invalidating immediately
  • Fixed broken marriage candidate loc in A Notable Guest Arrived message
  • Fixed crash with unlanded characters taking decisions with cooldowns
  • Fixed duchy titles granted in Petition Liege not transferring de jure vassals
  • Fixed some Indian cities not having holding illustrations
  • Infirm characters are now considered to be unhealthy by default
  • Men-at-arms Counter Efficiency now actually improves YOUR counter efficiency
  • Removed option to continue Feud against house with no members left after murdering the last one
  • Reset vassal contracts who are not visible to the default contract option.
  • Revoking titles from vassals held in other's prisons no longer leads to war, but grants twice as much tyranny if you have no valid reason
  • Add missing modifier of powerful vassals opinion change on offer vassalage
  • Add missing obese modifier
  • Characters with the Halq modifier will now not wear a hat
  • Clergy should now be able to fight when their faith or culture allows it, instead of when BOTH their faith and culture allows it
  • Conquest and Relic wars are no longer incredibly cheap for Tribals due to the discount being applied twice
  • Fix powerful agent court position text as icon
  • Fix tooltip modifiers being green when should be red
  • Fix vassal sorting by opinion of you
  • Fixed Mountaineer Ruralism not being visible for West Slavic cultures
  • Fixed a few instances of the text 'DESCRIPTION' appearing in Spymaster feed messages
  • Fixed a lot of memories with the incorrect duration specified
  • Fixed an error in the loc key murder_outcome.4004.scheme_known
  • Fixed an issue in Varangian events where the wrong character would be added to your court
  • Fixed an issue where Abduct schemes could freeze if the 'Unwelcome Guests' method was chosen
  • Fixed an issue where the Fellow Vassal Opinion from the Foreign Affairs council task
  • Fixed an issue where the Viking Longship event picture wasn't being used
  • Fixed an issue where you could get the 'forget a language' event while at the language cap
  • Fixed bishop.2002 not triggering unless you were independent
  • Fixed broken loc in match made memory
  • Fixed gaps in some title histories breaking presentation of previous rulers
  • Fixed incorrect culture reference in Outremer decision
  • Fixed incorrect display value of spymaster secret discovery %
  • Fixed incorrect siege weapons appearing for certain graphical cultures
  • Fixed inverted stress impacts for fp2_james.0003
  • Fixed minor issues with the triggers for Witch event options related to sex
  • Fixed several issues with clergy not wearing the correct clothes at all times
  • Fixed several issues with how the Court Fashion amenity applied clothes to courtiers & guests
  • Fixed several issues with various poems sent via the interaction
  • Fixed several smaller issues in shieldmaiden events and made them respect if martial gender is determined by faith or culture
  • Fixed the Conciliation/Compromise Struggle endings sometimes not working if you held more than one kingdom
  • Fixed the Court Tutor not boosting the education of unlanded children
  • Fixed the Domination ending not always working if you had united the Spanish thrones
  • Fixed the Found the Capital of the Rus decision not granting prestige
  • Fixed the Improve Contract catalyst not always working in the Struggle for Iberia
  • Fixed the Norse Temple event background not showing if you had reformed the faith
  • Fixed the Struggle for Iberia nemesis catalyst triggering twice
  • Fixed the Struggle for Iberia rivalry catalyst not triggering
  • If you're having extramarital sex with your soulmate and they reveal your secret, they will no longer consider your exclusivity promise to be broken
  • Infants no longer have magnificent eyelashes
  • It's now possible to get the best House Feud outcome modifier
  • Made sure that Genghis Khan gets the same bonuses no matter what game rules you are using
  • Made sure that the symbol of Muhammad doesn't wear a turban once and for all
  • Removed misplaced trigger for the Royal custom cloak which prevented non-kings from using it in the barbershop
  • Removed superfluous triggers from the Coterie Dynasty Legacy
  • Removed trigger in Horse Lords which prevented the tradition from being selectable by cultures in the steppe
  • Revealing secrets of Counts now triggers catalysts in the Iberian Struggle as it should
  • Rogue Administration/Beyond Boundaries now give a criminal opinion against the thief, require lower tier rulers, and try to take from rulers likely to be closer
  • Samaritans can now restore the Jewish Priesthood
  • Simplified the triggers for the Decision to revoke a Holy Order lease, this should make them always appear in the list
  • Fixed not being able to revoke Holy Order leases if you weren’t the patron or of another faith
  • The AI will no longer back out of deciding to Hold Court
  • The Animal in seduce_outcome.3304 will no longer always be the same
  • The Artifact murder save event should no longer break when you are traveling over water
  • The Bathhouse rivalry event will no longer grab your spouses or consorts
  • The Commander Trait Teaching effect can now fire from the Train Commanders Marshal Task
  • The Designate Shieldmaiden interaction now looks at Martial Customs instead of Faith Doctrines if you own Royal Court
  • The HRE high nobility clothing is now valid for kings and emperors
  • The Knight Training effects from the Train Commanders Marshal Task now fire as they should
  • The Learn Language struggle catalyst now correctly awards prestige instead of piety
  • The Raid alert will now only appear if your lands or your vassals lands are being raided
  • The Sanctioned War Declaration contract now properly reduces CB cost in internal wars
  • The Tocharian culture now starts with Innovations unlocked
  • The nemesis in bp1_yearly.5601 should now always be the same one that died, in case you've had multiple nemeses in you life
  • Universities will now give their modifiers to their holder
  • Western-style castles that somehow make their way over to india will now use the correct texture
  • When equipping artifacts, actually check the character owns it
  • You can no longer continue House Feuds against Houses with no members
  • You can now grant Head of Faith titles to characters who follow the same Head of Faith as you
  • Zurvanism is now associated with d_zurvanism
  • Per user request, challenges to board game from the AI no longer pop open
  • children are now eligible to play board games via interaction again
  • disabled buildings that has some fort level bonus will always provide at least 1 level
  • female characters obtaining the nickname "Sea-King" will now be correctly gendered "Sea-Queen"
  • fixed struggle events sometimes firing when inappropriate (imprisoned, incapable, etc)
  • inverting gender rules now also correctly inverts basic gender preferences (allowing for _slightly_ smoother realm law invalidation and reducing systemic male preference bias in female dominated worlds)
  • inverting gender rules now catches and deposes more male rulers in favour of female heirs than before
  • revoking a Holy Order lease via the decision will no longer deduct double piety
  • two events that said they would give you court grandeur (and didn't) now actually give the listed reward
  • when inverting gender rules, Nubian Warrior Queens is now replaced with Nubian Warrior Kings
  • when using the inverted gender dominance game rule setting, first-generation HoFs will now be inverted correctly (rather than waiting for the first incumbent to die)
  • when using the inverted gender dominance game rule setting, title laws will now be correctly inverted (e.g., France or the HRE in 1066)
  • Fixed chances of success in option A of fund_inspiration.2080
  • Counter Efficiency now give you a benefit, with your兵士being harder to counter by the stated % amount
  • Fixed scoping issues in Hold Court events Personal Matter, Child of the Court, and Public Accusation
  • Fixed issue with the Hold Court event "A Holy Tomb" which could lead to the queue getting stuck forever——locking you out of Holding Court again or attending any other activity
  • Negotiating an Alliance now correctly tells you who you are negotiating an alliance with instead of just saying 'you'
  • It is now possible to build a Great Temple in Niani
  • Sicilian Culture can now spread in areas with Arabic heritage cultures
  • Independence war, Liberty Faction war and Title Refusal wars can now roll back tribal authority.
  • No longer possible to demand conversion of holy order master when releasing them from prison
  • The Fecund trait should now make characters fertile for 5 more years
  • Vassals imprisoned abroad can no longer refuse title revocation and thus create tyranny wars, but lieges will receive twice as much tyranny for revoking their titles illegitimately
  • Fixed many Royal Court regional weapon models not appearing in normal playthroughs
  • When starting a game and entering the map, a bunch of 2D HUD elements will now no longer flicker in for a couple of frames until they realize they shouldn’t be there.
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would not properly validate if it can send a character interaction before actually sending it.
  • Fixed several rare Out-of-Syncs across the game
  • Prevent the map from rotating uncontrollably when dragging the mouse outside the window while holding the right mouse button.
  • Artifacts with a low durability no longer warn about low durability when this is not the case.
  • Headlines in credits no longer overlap names in the release above.
  • ‘Too few spouses’ is no longer negated by a betrothal
  • Character interactions are now delivered to the recipient immediately, no need to wait for 1 day

References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]