十字军之王 III
1.6 版本,又称“Castle”,发布于 2022-05-31[1],校验码为6504。这个版本和伊比利亚的命运特色包同步发行。
- 添加了伊比利亚斗争系统:决定半岛的命运吧。斗争分为几个阶段,不同阶段会开启独特机遇,同时引向不同结局。利用新内容(交互,宣战理由和决议)来主宰半岛,或是寻求他法获得和平吧。
- 添加了一系列新的伊比利亚宝物:
- 唐娜乌拉卡圣爵
- (原先的)圣地亚哥之钟(一但它被夺取,它就会被熔铸成一个水壶Aquamanile。在它又被夺回去时,它又会被熔化。而在被夺回后又一次被夺取的话,它会再次被熔化。如此类推。)
- 西哥特还愿冠
- 浑仪
- 盥手礼水壶
- 幸运棋盘
- 四人棋盘
- 添加了新的伊比利亚城堡和城市模型。
- 添加了新的天主教堂和穆斯林清真寺模型。
- 在地图上添加了一系列新的特殊“建筑”:
- 阿尔哈费里亚
- 阿尔罕布拉宫
- 圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉主教座堂
- 海格力斯灯塔
- 直布罗陀巨岩
- 塞哥维亚城堡
- 托莱多城墙
- 卢戈的罗马城墙
- 新的肖像特征:为伊比利亚的天主教徒和穆斯林添加了一系列新的头饰,服饰,发型和胡子。
- 为伊比利亚传承的文化制作了全新兵模。
- 新的宗族传承:
- 都会传承聚焦领地城市的发展。
- 门阀传承聚焦让家族成员凝聚在一起的力量。
- 以伊比利亚文化为特色的新风味事件,以及特殊斗争事件。
- 新的文化传统:国家赎金,仪式化友谊,桌上战士和易受影响的臣民。
- 为伊比利亚传承的文化和位于伊比利亚的角色设计新UI。
- 当在伊比利亚发动战争或是推动斗争时,会触发新的音效。
- 为伊比利亚文化设置了新的氛围音轨。
- 增加了一个有着小小梦想的流浪僧侣(即奇怪的教义事件链,此会让你皈依File:Adoptionism.png嗣子论派)。
- 当你是巴斯克人且是当前信仰的不虔者时,可以皈依欧斯卡拉古道
- 现在数个信仰可以拥有共同的信仰领袖了:
- 游戏开始时几个伊斯兰信仰会共享同一个信仰领袖,在创立拥有世俗信仰领袖的伊斯兰信仰时需要决定向哪一位哈里发表示顺从(对出走派及精底格而言可以选额)。
- 皈依派、穆扎赖卜派、海岛基督教及天主教都会以罗马教宗为信仰领袖
- 增加礼仪核心教义,假如与母信仰没有太大不同的话,允许在创建神权制宗教时维持旧有的信仰领袖
- 增加了拥有上述礼仪核心教义的信仰穆扎赖卜派,与天主教共享信仰领袖
- 重制了建立阿拉贡王国决议,通过此决议可以创立阿拉贡文化以让其更加常见,并允许新阿拉贡文化与1066年有轻微变化
- 重制了为图尔战役复仇决议:因其难度,现采用这项决议时会将阿基坦王国转入西班牙帝国的法理下(注:在伊比利亚斗争中选择维持现状后这里会使西班牙帝国在阿基坦复活)
- 重制了成立葡萄牙决议:现在可以在在冲突中的机会阶段时在非独立情况下采用
- 为氏族制增加了新的特殊契约:
婚姻恩赐 、吉兹亚地位 、赐予伊塔克制 以及加齐地位 - 增加了一个新的派系类别:解体派系会摧毁目标的最高头衔,从地图上移除一个王国
- 为伊比利亚增加了一个新的867年开局剧本:游玩其中一个最具影响力的封臣然后打造属于你自己王朝的命运!
- 为伊比利亚传承文化增加了一打的新纹章徽记和图案
- 在理发器新增了“面部物品”的字段以——嗯…自定义角色的脸
- 海岛基督教现在拥有礼仪而非作牧灵隐修为核心教义
- 移除了对从外国宫廷邀请近亲及亲戚的限制(不过他们仍然要接受,这对把自己任性乱跑的孩子送回宫廷是最管用的)
- 拥有朝廷的部落不会再因为仆从过少而在狩猎时受到惩罚
- 给了海斯泰因现有的学识生活方式的健康增益并减低了他的基础健康值以配合他获得的额外健康值,然后又稍稍多减了一点,希望能使他不再经常活多于一百岁
- 当角色被盟友召入战争时,他们现在会评估他们与敌人之间的关系了
- 当帝王宫廷DLC未被启用时,军事惯例将会由宗教决定
- 867年开局所有斯拉夫文化之间都有一定相互文化认同,代表他们在早期剧本仍然非常相似
- 将赛义德、萨奥希扬特、萨奥希扬特后裔、转轮圣王改为使用新的特殊宗教好感修正,而不是同信仰好感
- 历史宝物不会再在游戏中各个统治者手里重复出现二十几次,湖中剑现在可以在西欧更广阔的范围内出现,只是更偏好于亚瑟王腹地,北欧原始宗教现在可以真正出现魔法分支宝物
- 边区特殊契约改为部落时代的军队征召令革新解锁,允许模拟或效仿历史上的边区
- 增加了轻骑兵兵士的整体属性
- 告诉海斯泰因,别入侵那些不可能比他死期长的王国(如维京化东法兰克),除非斯堪的纳维亚冒险者被设定为末日,这种情况下他只会攻击至少王国级别的领地
- 你现在可以通过控制伯爵领来获取萨拉曼卡大学的增益了
- 伊斯兰综摄主义、犹太综摄主义与基督教综摄主义现在允许综摄主义核心教义现在允许其信仰使用他们所综摄宗教的宝物,并获得全部加成
- 现在卡斯蒂利亚和莱昂一般会在867年开局建立,除非阿斯图里亚斯成功将卡斯蒂利亚完全整合
- 新增了巴斯克原始宗教信仰,在游戏开始时没有地块信仰,但可以通过决议创立
- 还增加了
地下堡垒 教义,为山区信仰提供加成
- 还增加了
- 新增了哈菲兹信仰,使臣服于伊斯玛仪派哈里发的什叶派信徒多样化
- 新增了购买停战协议互动,可以通过防御措施牵制或是斗争的参与方解锁
- 新增了伊斯兰统治者决议,如果信仰领袖与他们自身信仰不同,可以自立为哈里发(新创建的临时逊尼派和什叶派信仰,一般都会用这个来获取自身信仰领袖地位)
- 卡塔纳赫现在是穆尔西亚的城市,而不是切萨的
- 在安达卢西亚文化中新增了“易受影响的臣民”“仪式化友谊”“桌上战士”传统,“易受影响的臣民”取代了“亲外”
- 在巴斯克文化中新增了“仪式化友谊”
- 在卡斯蒂利亚文化中新增了“仪式化友谊”,以“桌上战士”取代了“突袭撤退策略”
- 在加泰罗尼亚文化中新增了“仪式化友谊”
- 在葡萄牙文化中新增了“仪式化友谊”
- 在西哥特文化中新增了“仪式化友谊”作为可添加项
- 在加利西亚文化中新增了“仪式化友谊”
- 在阿斯图尔-莱昂文化中新增了“仪式化友谊”
- 在阿拉贡文化中新增了“国家赎金”,用“仪式化友谊”取代了“结婚典礼”
- AI现在战争中对己方力量需求更低,如无必要,召唤的盟友会更少
- 调整了参与斗争的AI,在挑选婚姻目标、谋杀/勾引目标和某些类型的战争中,不同程度降低了对未参与/干涉者角色的关注(或对一些侵略行动的关注)
- AI现在更有动力为亲族成员索要宣称
- AI现在明显更倾向于优先考虑为法理内领土开战
- AI现在更激烈地偏向于为邻国领土开战
- AI参加伊比利亚斗争时会收到议程,促使他们采取与不同诱因相关的行动。其目标要么是激化斗争,要么是缓和斗争
- 更新塞尔柱帝国的颜色,使其更接近波斯
- 更新马略卡的颜色,使其更容易和伍麦叶哈里发国区分
- 更新阿斯图里亚斯的颜色(k_asturias与d_asturia)
- 熙德会更帅
- 阿斯图里亚斯国王阿德尔方索三世现在更好看了
- 加西亚国王和他妻子外观重做
- 穆罕默德苏丹和他妻子也去了一趟美发店
- 改进了一些面部动画
- The Martial Custom Pillar within the Culture Window is no longer shown if the Royal Court expansion is not enabled.
- Transformed the "player changed" popup into a feed message
- Adding faith discount tooltip when converting to an involved faith in the Iberian Struggle
- Added various Andalusian cultural names to titles in Iberia
- Dynasty title naming disabled within Iberia to allow for more recognisable (and appropriate) cultures
- Independent Muslim dukes within Iberia will now use (or rather, have used _for_ them) the title of "Taifa" for their realm tier title
- Jazzed up the Christian heaven-hell alternate locs a little
- Removed several niche anachronistic references to smoking
- Add dynamic modifiers for religious family, religion, and faith opinions.
- Allowed titles to be the head of multiple different faiths
- Enabled to script bookmark characters dynasty or dynasty house to be used in bookmark screen
- Remove bypass requirements from impacting law validity as it would cause issues in succession and other code by applying laws that make no sense.
- Rework custom modifiers in faith’s sins and virtues, now must specify the key of a static modifier instead of trying to read a modifier inline.
- Added a new type of modifier for the buildings: county_dynasty_modifier. You can now check for the county’s holder dynasty perk to unlock modifiers
- Added a new modifier for building to apply them directly on the county holder: county_holder_character_modifier
- Added a bunch of functionality allowing to implement new Struggles
- Eased up the triggers for a variety of book topics.
- East Francia in 867 will now mostly split into de jure Bavaria and de jure East Francia on the death of Ludwig II, rather than a tiny Bavaria materializing between two giant slabs of East Francia
- Fixed duplicated price and counter entries for the Lenkas MAA. They should now have the right price and properly relate to archers and pikemen rather than to pikemen and light cavalry.
- Gave a more concrete sense of (Franconian) cultural identity to the single remaining generic German character in the title
- Provinces without forts occupied by allies no longer change color to war leader after several days
- Fixed some historical characters not being bastard founders, leading to strange dynasties/inheritance
- The AI will stop endless loop of hiring / firing court positions
- Vassals joining Populist faction will now properly gain independence
- Fixed a localization bug in Spanish for the Scheme secrecy value
- Fixed a typo causing Christianity & Taoism to look for "adjerents" rather than "adherents"
- Fixed the typo for Sjælland
- Fixed the death icon status for dead characters: they will not be displayed a dying anymore
- Fixed several instances of characters referring to themselves (eg: spymaster revealing secrets about themselves or ruler kneeling in front of themselves)
- The AI can now properly select the Council task “Develop Country” task from the Steward
- The side effects of Manage Royal Guard will be properly triggered now
- Death icons are color-coded again
- Petition Liege now requires at least 1 valid option, that will automatically be selected instead of defaulting on “ask for a Council position”
- Historical Bernards should be where they belong now. We hope.
- Also axed one _false_ Bernard.
- Several clipping issues for female children haircut have been fixed
- You can now romance your incestuous lover: the tabou penalty is not applied if you are already a lover of the target
- Elvira Jemina now receives a proper holding and will be harder to marry
- The opinion penalty from Warmonger is now properly applied
- Added historic Kingdom of the Visigoths for tracking assorted old Visigothic kings from before 720 - there's no practical function for this, we just think it's neat
- Added detail to a bunch o'Castilians, exiled a single Castilian to Occitan
- Added Basque culture to two counties on the French side of the Pyrenees
- Renamed the Tigris river to actually be called, eh, Tigris.
- Updated the map in the duchies of Barcelona and Aragon, adding new counties and new baronies to improve the overall level of detail along the Pyrenees.
- Visigothic split now happens before game start, rather than during gameplay
- Added & improved hundreds and hundreds of name equivalencies, chiefly (though not exclusively) within or related to Iberia in some fashion
- Added & updated various historic Portuguese characters, as well as updates for one historic Suebi character
- Added a raft of new Asturleonese characters
- Added new Aragonese characters, moved a handful of mislabelled Aragonese characters to French
- Added or reworked numerous (Iberian) Galician characters
- Added or reworked various Catalan characters, shuffled a few Catalan/Catalan-adjacent characters out to Occitan & French
- Added or reworked various minor historical characters across half a dozen cultures only related to Iberia in a secondary capacity (spouses, parents, concubines, etc.)
- Added pre-scripted Head of Faith title for Muwalladis, available via decision in 867 and for recreation in 1066
- Deprecated titular Duchy of Zaragoza title, made Duchy of Aragon pull double functional duty as both Aragon and Zaragoza, with some shenanigans for changing the current name (this means that the rulers of Zaragoza are now actually regarded as the rightful rulers of... Zaragoza, and the area around it)
- Moved a load of folks who were ruling caste members *over* Andalusians from Andalusian and into Bedouin, Berber (either), Mashriqi, or Yemeni
- Moved an errant Armenian character hiding amidst the Greeks out to Armenian
- Shuffled various characters that got lumped into Bedouin into Yemeni, Mashriqi, and Andalusian
- Shuffled various historical personages out of or into Basque
- Shuffled various misc minor characters out from Berber to Mashriqi, Bedouin, Andalusian, and the _other_ Berber
- ↑ Forum, CK3 Dev Diary #99: It is time to decide the Fate of Iberia, 2022-05-31.