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2021年9月17日 (五) 18:31的版本
政体定义在 /common/governments 文件夹中的 00_government_types.txt 文件中。 更多可用的信息位于 _governments.info
feudal_government = {
create_cadet_branches = yes
rulers_should_have_dynasty = yes
dynasty_named_realms = yes
council = yes/no # The council is available for this ruler; default: yes
regiments_prestige_as_gold = yes/not # Is this govenmnet type using prestige to buy and reinforce MaA Regiments? ( mainteance still costs gold ). default: no
fallback = 1
# this line defines the type holding your government considers primary
# you should use this line if you are changing the primary holding type your government type uses
primary_holding = castle_holding
# this line defines the type holding your government can also use without penalties
# you should use this line if you are adding an aditional custom holding that your government type can use
valid_holdings = { city_holding }
# this line defines those pesky restrictions: you need additional pylons temple/city holding
required_county_holdings = { castle_holding city_holding church_holding }
vassal_contract = {
# Disable some AI features for this government type (all are enabled by default). /good if you want to cheat a bit :P
# Note that some features might be disabled for other reasons (e.g. if not independent, if below a certain tier).
ai = {
use_lifestyle = yes/no
imprison = yes/no # Imprison & release from prison
start_murders = yes/no
arrange_marriage = yes/no # Actively arrange marriages. Can still receive marriage requests if disabled.
use_goals = yes/no # Use longterm goals (build holdings, perform major decisions, ...)
use_decisions = yes/no # Use minor decisions
use_scripted_guis = yes/no # Will evaluate using scripted guis
perform_religious_reformation = yes/no
color = hsv{ 0.67 1.00 0.78 }