(→平衡) |
第24行: | 第24行: | ||
== 平衡 == | == 平衡 == | ||
* | * 兵士、特殊部队和雇佣兵现在需要行军时间,并且像征召兵一样,会在战争期间有解散/重新集结的惩罚。行军时间取决于到领地首府的距离。这将会有效防止兵士靠“折跃”横穿地图。 | ||
* 全面调整了获取宗族传承的声望花费。它不再是线性的增长(1000、2000、3000,……等等。)现在改为动态花费。这会让你在解锁前几个传承技能时更加容易,但会使你要解锁游戏中的全部传承时愈发艰难。 | * 全面调整了获取宗族传承的声望花费。它不再是线性的增长(1000、2000、3000,……等等。)现在改为动态花费。这会让你在解锁前几个传承技能时更加容易,但会使你要解锁游戏中的全部传承时愈发艰难。 | ||
* 重新平衡了所有宗族传承的技能。它们的效果现在变得更切实有趣。 | * 重新平衡了所有宗族传承的技能。它们的效果现在变得更切实有趣。 |
2021年9月12日 (日) 20:22的版本
十字军之王 III
1.3 版本,又称“Corvus”,发布于2021-03-16[1],校验码为7f4e。这个版本和北境群雄特色包同步发行。
- 凛冬将至!某些地区将会体验到冰冷的冬天,从暖冬到寒冬不等。雪将在地图上蔓延,从零散积雪到千里冰封。在风的加持下雪将更猛烈,你将可以听到与你所看的地区的寒冷程度相称的冬季音效。
- 暖冬会较轻地提升你单位的补给使用量。
- 常冬会显著提升你单位的补给使用量。
- 寒冬会急速下降补给量,单位会承受更多的致死损耗,战斗的防守方将获得优势。
- 新增了冬将军的指挥官特质,在受冬季影响的省份作战时会受到加成。这个新的特质会自然生成给居住在冬天地区的角色,或者也可以通过事件获得。
- 兵士在正常冬天或寒冬作战时会得到加成或惩罚。总体上来说骑兵会变弱,尤其是重骑兵。而像喜马拉雅地区的山地兵之类的特殊兵种会变强。
- 增加了新的个人战斗系统,可以让两个角色进行多回合的决斗。为你的角色选择攻击招式,击败你的对手,注意不要伤到自己!决斗可以是至死方休,或者点到为止。
- 这个系统被用在了许多个地方。最重要的改动是,骑士重心树里的“不动如山”现在可以允许你与仇敌决斗。赢得/输掉决斗将会为输家增加压力,赢家减少压力。
- 新增了“诗人”特质。这个特质可以通过事件获得,允许你使用互动给别的角色送诗。诗有不同的主题,例如:冲突、传承、浪漫、哀悼。送诗需要消耗威望,如果目标接受,就可以提升好感。你也可以给敌人送诗批评其无能,让他们增加压力!
- 改进了头发与胡须的遗传基因系统。现在角色不会再从父母那里遗传发型了,而是继承“头发种类”的基因,例如“直发”、“波浪发”、“卷发”或者“爆炸头”。实际上某角色的发型会取决于文化。也就是说,就是因为法兰西国王的祖父碰巧是诺斯人,就会把胡子编成维京人的样子,这样的事情不会再发生了!
- 注意:1.3版本之前存档里的现有角色可能会有新的发型或者变成秃子,而旧版统治者设计器里的DNA库则不会有发型/胡子。
- 这个系统不会影响到理发器与统治者设计器,你仍然可以在那里随意选择你钟意的发型。
- 为诺斯统治者添加了大量全新纹章,新增机制可以让斯堪的纳维亚头衔根据持有者的信仰与文化,在诺斯和基督纹章之间切换。
- 新增了斯堪的纳维亚与东欧的特殊建筑,包括基辅金门、达内韦尔克、乌普萨拉神庙等等!
- 新增了8个诺斯风格的自定义信仰图表,从中土之蟒耶梦加得,到雷神托尔之锤,再到十字与新月的北欧符文版。
- 添加了“下颌山羊胡”的变体胡。
- 兵士、特殊部队和雇佣兵现在需要行军时间,并且像征召兵一样,会在战争期间有解散/重新集结的惩罚。行军时间取决于到领地首府的距离。这将会有效防止兵士靠“折跃”横穿地图。
- 全面调整了获取宗族传承的声望花费。它不再是线性的增长(1000、2000、3000,……等等。)现在改为动态花费。这会让你在解锁前几个传承技能时更加容易,但会使你要解锁游戏中的全部传承时愈发艰难。
- 重新平衡了所有宗族传承的技能。它们的效果现在变得更切实有趣。
- 调整了年度事件池,并且放宽或是直接删除了诸多触发因素。实际上,这意味着你再游玩过程中能遇到更多事件(大概每4年从事件池里随机抽取一个,而不是每5-6年。)这也意味着一些极度罕见的事件现在将更频繁地出现。
- 将体弱多病特质的事件从年度触发移到健康触发。这便意味着所有角色现在都可能变得体弱多病,而不仅仅是统治者。而老年人则更有可能得到该特质。
- 将出售头衔的声望花费从150提高到500。
- 将敲诈臣民的冷却时间从2年增长到5年。
- 自己举办派对与参加别人的派对相比,获得狂欢者特质的进度会更多。有节制特质的角色参加派对则不会获得狂欢者特质进度。
- 减少了因“级别上的巨大差距”与“法理领主”而提议附庸所获得的接受度加成。
- 将由学识获得的文化偏好从+2减少到+1。
- 如果你无法加入反对领主的派系则不能加入暴政战争。
- 现在可以从监狱中招募儿童了,只要他们不是其领主头衔的继承人。
- 将自鞭笞者的内在健康惩罚从-0.5减少到-0.15。
- 减少角色随机感染情人的疱疹与梅毒的几率。
- 改进了共和国市长候选人的选择:他们可以是本地文化,也可以是他们领主的文化,并更偏好由本地宫廷的成员当选。如果情况合适,女性也可能当选。
- 骑士团的庇护者现在可以直接雇佣骑士团,即便它已经被其他人雇佣(玩家除外)。你只需要向已经雇佣它的人支付虔诚花费,而不像通常雇佣那样免费。
- 现在一旦超过5000人的补给上限,补给就会流失得更快,数量将从5k人的5/月增长到10k人的10/月。
- 完全取消了领地内建筑超出直辖上限内的宽限期。
- 创建信仰领袖的头衔现在需要再多一个圣地(属灵需要2个,世俗需要3个)。创建属灵的信仰领袖现在需要花费300金,而不是根据你收入在从50到300金之间不等。
- 修复了“绝对控制”对征召兵没有任何作用的问题。
- 孙子女和曾子女不会再乱跑了,会遵循和子女一样的游戏规则。
- 如果你与某人签订停战协议,就不会再遭受他们的劫掠了。
- 如果你命令你的间谍首脑去搜寻你君主宫廷里的秘密,同时你也是你君主的间谍首脑且正在实行中断计谋,你就不会中断你自己间谍首脑的计谋。
- 监禁和处决没有特殊身份的角色(也就是平民)现在产生的暴政更少了。
- 已婚角色如果在一个领地内臣服于婚姻中的另一半,而且他们的配偶在同一个宫廷里,那么他们将不会再离散。
- 非共和继承制男爵现在的结婚生子会更加稳定。
- 缩减兵士规模将不再给你增长威望。
- 将兄弟姐妹的继承提升至父母之前。
- 劫掠速度修正现在会影响你指挥的军队而不是你所拥有的的军队。
- 巫师集会的修正现在会给你增加疾病抵抗力而非健康。
- 当你转换信仰时,囚犯们就不一定会转换了。他们仅会在被释放的时候才可以接受转角。如果囚犯一开始在你转教的时候一起转教,也不会直接从监狱中释放了。
- 当你使用“授予低级贵族”时,被授予的男爵现在会有了、对你+20“受封男爵”的好感度。
- 你现在可以剥夺外交距离外人的继承权。
- 如果父母或兄弟姐妹去世时超过65岁,你就不会获得压力了。(不过,如果他们是你的朋友或者爱人,你仍然会获得压力。)
- 如果你自己的玩家继承人也是他/她的东道主的玩家继承人,你还是能将ta邀请到自己的宫廷里。
- 你的仇敌若在你城堡里抛尸,如果他/她是你的臣民的话,该事件现在会给予你一个囚禁理由。
- AI领主在战争期间创建一个同盟后,会等待一个月再去召唤新盟友参战。
- 添加了一条横跨梅拉伦湖的海峡,位于锡格蒂纳和泰利耶之间。
- A调整了AI对家庭成员和其臣属提出教育他们领主子女的接受度。
- 部落封建化不再要求部落时代的所有革新了,现在只需要70%的民政和军事革新(也就是9个)。
- 马扎尔默认在867年立即开始入侵。
- 将卡利亚里伯爵领的阿真蒂耶拉银矿移到伯爵领首府,以便处于领地所有者的直接控制下。
- 保禄派的宗教态度教义现在是基要主义而非正义。
- AI接受无条件和平以脱离长期战争的意愿,现在以他们的负债度来进行衡量。
- 爱沙尼亚文化现在开局即有长船革新。
- 教宗现在更愿意解除绝罚令了,但这样做会消耗被开除教籍者的威望等级。
- 当一宣称者派系成功达成他们的目标时,如果宣称者是前头衔持有者的囚犯,那么他就会被从监狱中放出来。
- 给予了哈尔斯坦因冒险者特质,使他不会因为高龄而容易去世。
- 调整了一些重要领主的初始事件部队的兵士数,给那些急缺部队的人加了一些事件部队。还给莱昂添加了一点部队,以防他总是被威塞克斯吞掉。
- A desperate AI will no longer ignore hostile attrition when selecting a new order target
- A unit stack trying to merge will take into account if the target unit stack is movement locked or retreating when selecting where to move
- Added a new stance for when AI is considered desperate
- All vassals are now able to declare war no matter how deep down in the vassal tree they are
- Counter-raid AI will now look at current strength rather than max strength when deciding if it has enough strength to fight raiders
- Counter-raid units will now check if their current strength is enough to attack a raiding unit
- Discouraged unit AI to switch to a new target closer by if it means heading away from current target
- Encouraged unit AI to stick with current target if being very close to it
- Encouraged unit AI to switch to a new target if passing very close to it
- Increased min strength required to fight raiders from 60% to 75%
- Lowered target selection bonus for neighboring friendly territory from 300 to 100
- Moved target score values for supporting a player unit into defines
- No longer avoids a river crossing due to threat only
- No longer avoids a river crossing if it will be defender in the following combat
- Rebalanced target scoring to focus more on continuing and lifting sieges and less on chasing after enemy units
- Removed target selection bonus for neighboring neutral territory
- Should now be more careful about nearby enemy units when selecting a target province to go to
- Target selection bonuses for friendly & neutral territory correctly added
- The AI is now better at supporting player units that lack strength to siege
- Told the AI that if it is a count and is above its domain limit, it might be a * really* good idea to create a duchy
- Told the AI that maybe it shouldn't build more holdings while it is already above its domain limit
- War coordinators will no longer support player units that go outside of relevant areas for the war
- When declaring wars, only count an ally's strength if the ally is at peace
- Will no longer be held up in sieges unless the units are necessary for the siege to progress
- Will prioritize adjacent targets when hunting nearby enemy units unless a target further away is at least four times bigger
- It’s now possible to dismiss all notifications at once. Hovering the title of a notification will make a button appear. Right-clicking this button will dismiss all notifications, left-clicking it will dismiss that specific notification.
- Updated the Current Situation widget with a fresh new coat of paint. It’s now darker with more muted colors, and some flavorful decor.
- Current Situation entries now only show ‘X’ to close when hovered
- Hovering over the unit plate of a friendly unit now shows its full path. Great for seeing where your allies are going
- Players now receive a warning when their enemy in a war forms a new alliance
- Added a Current Situation item for hooks about to expire; it'll tell you when a hook expires in less than 3 months
- Added a message that lets the employer know if their councilors leave because of marriage or title inheritance
- Building a new holding will now in the Domain view say you're building the holding type (E.G., "Castle") rather than the name of the main building (E.G., "Motte")
- Ensured scheme success and secrecy modifiers show up as percentages in all cases
- Fixed "County of Byzantion becomes the new Realm Capital of Unlanded of"
- Fixed "Different Faith Popular Opinion" reductions being shown in red rather than green
- Fixed a case where we would show an event chance higher than 100%. Yes, you're so good at your job that you can brag you've got a 173% chance of success, we all know. 100% will have to do
- Fixed clicking on units in the outliner that are in battle not having any effects. Now it'll select the battle
- Fixed constructing a holding of a type you can't hold not giving you a notification when construction completes
- Fixed effect and triggers being localized incorrectly when you're observing a character, showing things like "you is" rather than "you are"
- Fixed holy orders not being included in some character strength breakdowns
- Fixed incorrect grammar in Offer to Join War for a war you've already joined
- Fixed it being possible to change your liege's spouse task
- Fixed right-clicking on a toast often not dismissing it. This also fixes right-clicking a toast with an army selected causing a move order to be issued
- Fixed scheme modifiers losing their name in success and secrecy breakdowns after saving and reloading
- Fixed some dynasty-named titles leaving out their rank. E.G., "Seljuk" instead of "The Seljuk Empire"
- Fixed the "Defender Advantage" bonus on buildings having the Command Modifier icon
- Fixed the "modify feudal contract" button showing up even if you're not feudal
- Fixed the "you're pledged in a GHW" warning saying you're pledged against the person you're trying to declare war on rather than the actual GHW defender
- Fixed the Assault Fort button not having a proper tooltip
- Fixed the Assault button being visible even when you're not the siege leader
- Fixed the Continue and Load buttons on the main menu having no tooltip if there's no save to load
- Fixed the Force Vote window saying that you'll use a weak hook twice
- Fixed the autosave indicator getting forever hidden until you restart the game if you open the pause menu
- Fixed the concubine buttons in the character window not being greyed out when not clickable. Fixed the concubine buttons always complaining about lack of a target. The concubine buttons now cleary tell you when there's no one available to serve as a concubine
- Fixed the game saying your tax is reduced due to control when you're actually getting a bonus thanks to Absolute Control
- Fixed the game sometimes showing you entirely spurious blockers about occupations in unrelated titles when you try to revoke a title
- Fixed the knight event tooltip in the battle summary being a semi-transparent mess
- Fixed the main building in the county view (E.G., "Castle") not showing you when it's disabled
- Fixed the main menu briefly showing the default characters when going into then back out of Load Save
- Fixed the on-map construction models disappearing after saving and reloading
- Fixed the reverse sort button in the Converting Vassals window having no effect
- Fixed the siege window showing an incorrect # of men when there's more than one sieging army
- Fixed the sorting of the candidate list resetting every time someone votes
- Fixed the time to supply state change estimate sometimes being negative, or being off by a month or two
- Fixed the title destruction cost being displayed incorrectly when the title has laws; now it shows the full cost accounting for law removal
- Fixed the war declaration screen not always showing all blockers on declaring war. E.G., it wouldn't tell you that you can't declare on a fellow vassal that's fighting your liege
- Fixed war borders not showing up when you select someone who is at war unless you too are at war
- If you're both married and betrothed, the game will no longer refer to your spouse as your betrothed
- Improved on the interaction tooltip, especially how it looks when the recipient won't accept. Also made minor improvements to acceptance breakdown both here and in the interaction window itself
- Included councillors to the Increase Opinion suggestion, even those who are unlanded
- Increased the # of decimals for Piety/Prestige per Dread gain to two
- Make sure Garrison tooltips don't show decimals for building contributions
- Opening the dynasty tree now pans to the house you opened it from. It'll center on the House Head, or if you're a member of the house, you
- Show correct denomination of time in the tooltip when destroying a title
- Split in Half now only selects the original army
- The "Mercenary Company Contract expiring" alert now tells you when it expires
- The Create MaA type list is now sorted by base type (E.G., Armored Horsement and Cataphracts will be together) then by name
- The Domain view now tells you when buildings/holdings will complete
- The army tooltip's supply info now has a tooltip; the same as shown for supplies in the army window
- The combat view no longer shows a "defensive buildings" note in the advantage breakdown, but instead shows the exact buildings and similar causing that advantage
- The first letter of a title name is now capitalized in the load save menu
- The holding tooltip of empty holdings now tells you about holding construction
- The marriage interaction's "chance of children" text now has a tooltip when the chance is None explaining why
- The outliner will no longer show dead characters' opinion of you
- Vassal contract modifiers like Council Rights Guaranteed are now consolidated in tooltips if there's multiple vassals with them. E.G., you won't get 5 entries in opinion tooltips saying "Council Rights Guaranteed: -2" but instead one entry saying "Council Rights Guaranteed: -10"
- Coat of arms are now visible in the outliner entries of holdings
- Moved Invite to Court Interaction to Vassals and Court Category
- The ‘Raise Runestone’ decision is now a major decision, so you don’t miss when it’s usable (both the vanilla and Northern Lords version)
- Replaced anachronistic pineapple with historically-appropriate melon.
- Fixed numerous clipping issues for female ‘rational’ personality animations.
- Pregnant spymasters will no longer stab themselves
- Dead HRE emperors now have the Reichskrone in their portrait. Only emperors with the HRE as their primary title wear the Reichskrone
- Ensured raised knights always wear armor and helmets. Ensured councillors who are knights don't wear armor or helmets unless they're raised
- Fixed an issue where a doctrine text string would show up in Debug pink in Spanish
- Fixed missing loc for the Norwegian name for Oriel/Dun Dealgan
- Added Disgraced and Sinner levels to lists of prestige and piety levels
- Added elope scheme in the game encyclopedia
- Added localization for "Any Sub Realm County"
- Added missing "Traitor" opinion name
- Added some extremely important omitted relation strings, such as 'brother-consort' and 'mother-concubine'
- Cleaned up some decision text in Russian
- Fixed some instances of tooltips where title names were not being capitalized correctly
- Grammar fix in one of the death management texts
- Made sure the toasts for a beneficiary invalidating makes sense
- Removed faulty space in inheritance toast
- Updated broke Holy Order tooltip localization for Borrow Gold from Holy Order decision
- Updated first person -> second person in religious doctrine triggers file
- Updated scope used for localization in GHW event
- Updated scripted value used for long pilgrimages
- Updated the Liberian witch god's name
- We are now less excited about you clicking on important actions!
- Changed Sussex name to match other Saxon titles
- Text in character view no longer overflows in russian
Game Content
- All formerly inaccessible Religious Clothes/Headgear are now accessible in the Barbershop. You want to wear the Pope’s hat and Steppe Pagan robes? Go right ahead!
- Norse Houses now have access to a wider pool of Motto’s, focusing on their many gods. Deceitful characters can reference Loki, brave ones Thor, etc.
- Added a small interaction to pardon a subject’s crimes in exchange for opinion.
- Added a few new death reasons for berserkers to execute in battle, such as cleaving people in half or viciously dismembering them!
- A guardian might now get a hook on their ward, should they be of a greedy/deceitful persuasion
- You can now offer concubines and consorts to other characters!
- When Offering Vassalization to a feudal ruler, you may now offer a more lenient Contract to improve their chance of accepting.
- Changed the 'De Jure Vassal' modifier in the Offer Vassalage interaction to 'Rightful Vassal' for balance and clarity
- Clarified the maximum bonus from Military Strength in the Offer Vassalage interaction
- Added a narrative event for converting to a new Faith, as well as a notification for when your liege converts to a new Faith.
- Replaced Tengriism's 'Sky Burials' tenet with 'Warmonger' which is more accurate for the time-period
- Rulers with an active Vow of Poverty now wear appropriately drab clothing, regardless of rank
- You now get told properly when you inherit your first empire tiered title
- Your head of faith and religious peers will now care if you found a holy order
- Jakub's pet rock stolen by parties unknown
- Added a decision for independent Norse rulers to have their realm embrace local traditions
- Norse name lists now use standardised Old Norse spellings & contains significantly fewer late period Christian names, Norwegian name lists updated to the same plus various older Christian names
User Modding
- Implemented HUD skin support. Different HUD skins can now be triggered based on arbitrary triggers, such as player culture.
- Added winter_movement_speed modifier
- Added dynasty_num_unlocked_perks trigger that checks the number of unlocked dynasty perks
- The game now handles transitioning between updated map setups in a smoother way, this should make it easier to keep save compatibility between different versions, and makes it easier to update for example map mods
- Add force_character_skill_recalculation effect to immediately update a character's skills
- Added a trigger title_held_years to check how many years a title has been held if valid
- Add save_opinion_value as and save_temporary_opinion_value_as which function like the scope_value equivalent but save the opinion of the scoped object to the target to avoid recalculating opinion locally multiple times.
- Added console command set_date
- Added console commands Log.ClearErrorLog and Log.ClearAll
- Added effect debug_trigger_event, which will like the console command print out the trigger and immediate effects of the event
- Added trigger time_to_hook_expiry
- Allow mood music tracks to have an is_valid for it they should be considered when picking the next track.
- Allow mood music tracks to weight the chance of being picked.
- Fix generate_coa giving the same result on the same object, it is now more properly random.
- Fixed adding a modifier with a dynamic duration causing the effect to say it'll last 0 days
- Made ai_can_target_all_titles much cheaper for the AI
- Made the geographical_region trigger much cheaper
- Message types that are used by the code will now error if they are not present when initialising the game.
- Removed .dds extension in message icon paths, they are now assumed to be a .dds like other pathed texture databases.
- Split out defender_holding_advantage from defender_advantage, for use in defensive buildings and the like
- The debug_event console command now prints out the immediate effects of the event
- The effects to add timed modifiers now support a "desc" field. This is a dynamic description that'll be resolved when the modifier is added. It'll show in the tooltip for the modifier in places like the character window. You might still want a static description (modifier name + "_desc") for the sake of the tooltip when adding the effect
- The hostile_county_attrition modifier now also affects the minimum casualties
- You can now right-click Errorhoof to clear the error log
- target_is_vassal_or_below and is_vassal_or_below_of no longer consider non-rulers (E.G., courtiers) to be "vassals". target_is_liege_or_above and is_liege_or_above_of still work for courtiers
- William the Bastard is now clean-shaven, as per Norman tradition!
- Nizhny Novgorod is now independent in 1066, and held by a Mari Finnish pagan.
- Made more lands in Eastern Europe pagan on game start in 1066.
- Added a few new baronies to Scotland.
- Fixed the holding setup in the counties of Miran and Kumtag, both of which had more holdings than intended on game start.
- Iceland has been updated with new baronies and counties! Increasing the number of baronies to nine, from five, spread across four counties.
- Many important and significant holdings (such as London, Alexandria, or Baghdad) now start the game with additional buildings already constructed.
- Moved out Rurik's brothers to their own dynasty in order to avoid them floating around in the Rurikid dynasty tree.
- Overhauled the barony layout in Sapmi. A few new baronies were added, and existing borders have been updated and significantly improved.
- The Abbasids now have their capital in the historical capital of Samarra in 867.
- The De Jure capital of England is now set to Winchester in 867 and London in 1066.
- Updated Ireland with new baronies and counties for increased granularity! Certain baronies were much too large in size and have been split accordingly.
- Updated a number of counties across Italy by adding additional baronies, increasing the average number of baronies per county and greatly reducing the number of two-barony counties.
- Updated the county setup in Croatia and Serbia by splitting existing counties into new ones. A few counties had too many baronies, and these have been spread out across multiple counties.
- Vladimir & Yaroslavl are now vassals to Vsevolod of Pereyaslavl.
- Updated the traits for Robert of Apulia and his son Bohemond
Children should no longer incorrectly become Lowborn if at least one of their (known) parents carry a Dynasty
- The Pope will no longer grant himself Rome every year, and gain Piety for it
- Fixed several instances of wounds being applied using the wrong effect, causing them to never heal
- You will no longer get asked to contribute to wars multiple times in a row if you joined several of your ally’s wars at the same time (paying once is enough!)
- Regiments can no longer have modifiers stacked to the point where they reach 0 toughness, as that would break the combat code.
- 3rd party or allied armies will no longer prevent you from using Station Besiegers
- Don't show the mouse drag selection when entering the pause menu
- Ensured all the restrictions on concubinage are properly enforced
- Fixed "Different Faith Popular Opinion" having a significantly larger effect than stated
- Fixed Great Holy Wars invalidating rather than changing target if someone for instance takes the target's primary title
- Fixed a case where loading a save from an older patch could result in the holder of a county not holding the capital barony, leading to odd issues down the line
- Fixed a case where loading an old save would result in some map names being messed up (showing Iceland or Tibet in affected areas)
- Fixed a case where negotiating an alliance would cause it to expire instantly due to somehow picking two characters who are not married as the alliance reason
- Fixed a crash that could happen due to claims on nonexistent titles
- Fixed being vastly over your domain limit outright blocking building construction, rather than simply the effects of buildings
- Fixed claims not getting removed when a title completely ceases to exist and is gone forever
- Fixed cloud saves missing in main menu save list when running the Paradox Plaza version of the game
- Fixed cultural opinions, E.G., "Norwegian Opinion: +20" doing nothing if the person with the modifier is not a ruler
- Fixed holding incomes sometimes failing to update; now they'll be at most a month out of date
- Fixed in certain cases it being possible for units to join on the wrong side of a combat if they're in the province when the combat starts, and are hostile to one side rather than directly at war with them
- Fixed incomes often being significantly off after loading a save or starting a fresh campaign. This in some cases also significantly increases the starting gold of some characters, especially those with special buildings
- Fixed it being possible to set a childhood focus on an adult if they come of age while you have the focus window open. Now the window will close instead
- Fixed prestige and piety gains in extremely large battles (hundreds of thousands of troops on both sides) sometimes having an overflow issue causing them to go negative
- Fixed the Controlled Territory Defender Advantage modifier only working for provinces you personally control, and not those of your vassals
- Fixed the Diplomatic Range modifier not having any effects. Now range between two characters is based on the highest Diplomatic Range modifier of the two
- Fixed the game sometimes reassigning baronies on conquest to different people when it shouldn't
- Fixed the loss of your pet spoon removing your pet stone instead
- Getting married now only breaks your betrothal if it is to the person you're marrying, or you have no extra spouse slot due to polygamy
- Make sure the ransom amount for the primary heir is correct
- No longer possible for two identical claimant factions to exist
- Holding preview pictures are no longer distorted
- "A Reading in X" should no longer fire multiple times during a seduction and now also gives a more accurate result
- A faction will no longer lose some discontent just before disbanding
- AI Pannonian Migration is no longer allowed for Mogyer vassals of Mogyer rulers
- Added a river crossing in the county of Mantua, to connect the baronies to each other.
- Added missing scope check to hostile scheme owner discovery option tooltip
- Added spiritual head doctrine to Zurvanism
- Added two church holdings to Iceland in 1066 and made sure both rulers are tribal
- Adopt Special Succession is no longer a major decision, meaning it is not automatically suggested for you to do
- Andalusian culture no longer starts with camels
- Bookmark characters no longer have a randomized sexuality
- Characters under 18 will now hold council props
- Claim wars are invalidated in the cases when the claimant that's not the attacker dies, leaves court, or no longer is a vassal of the attacker
- Cleaned up event about your ward switching education focus
- Directed GHWs now display a warning in the Declare War interface when on cooldown, instead of disappearing entirely
- Effect tooltip for the Sound Foundations perk will now be written in correct perspective
- Elope schemes now invalidate if you break up with your partner
- Excluded the Faroe Islands and Iceland from the Scandinavian culture conversion event
- Fixed Friendly Counsel to work in the opposite direction in the uncommon case when someone befriends you instead of you befriending them
- Fixed a potential crash in a tooltip for the war overview
- Fixed an error-spam where no portrait background would be selected for a prisoner who moved to another geographical graphic region
- Fixed an issue where vassals created additional holdings throughout a liege's realm when becoming feudal or clan. They should now only create holdings within their own sub-realm.
- Hostile schemes are now invalidated when the target isn't within the owner's diplomatic range
- It is now much harder to imprison a claimant that has the support of a faction that has pressed demands
- It's now easier to imprison your own young children if they're unfortunate enough to be in your court
- Lake Peipus is now considered to be a lake, rather than a sea.
- Loot is now always visible in the siege window.
- Made sure title creation cost for action looks at scripted value to give correct number
- Non-hostile schemes end if target moves out of their diplomatic range
- Occupation should no longer be lost on succession due to another war targeting the same province being invalidated
- Pasture buildings of level 4 and above now properly apply the development growth bonus to the county.
- Peasants will no longer stress over bankruptcy in wars
- Removed duplications in the _character_interactions.info file
- Removed the secret tunnel between Cherchen and Gomoco, allowing armies to pass through the Kunlun Mountains.
- Removed the spouse from the list of potential fathers that may get a fathered a bastard event
- Rulers are now only blocked from imprisoning the claimant when at war with a claimant faction, as opposed to being blocked from imprisoning everyone in their court
- Seduction scheme and Befriend scheme now invalidates if you become lovers or friends during intended relationship scheme
- Theocratic vassals can no longer ask for reduced tax obligations because of how religious they are when their faith is a heretical or infidel one.
- Updated feast_default.1013 to use the correct toast in one of the options
- Updated open view effect in mercenary_contract_expiring alert
- Vassal refusing to surrender will no longer refer to themselves in third person
- You can no longer arrest people for legal sodomy/deviancy/witchcraft/cannibalism just because adultery happens to be illegal for their gender
- You can no longer be both reckless and cautious, you enigma you
- You can no longer become a double-drunkard in relation event
- You can now send your kid off to university properly and easier
- You will no longer be encouraged to raid your own liege or fellow vassals
- You will now be told WHY your vassal is glued to their council seat for 25 years
- You will now be told properly when your Right-Hand Woman/Man dies
- You will now inherit the court physician of your predecessor
- Your child will no longer be left without a personality because you tried to meddle too much
- Your sibling will no longer be seen as a bastard if your dad dies before your mom knows she's pregnant
- Added a minor cooldown to the Select Personal Deity decision
- Adjusted inbreeding game concept copy to match actual effects of Pure-Blooded
- The AI can now occasionally attempt to escape from prison
- Arrogant characters now fail to account for own incompetence when escaping prison
- Can no longer imprison your own courtiers when they're guests abroad
- Include Bosnia in the 'Unite the South Slavs' decision
- It is no longer possible to Divine the Stars twice at the same time
- Moved Norse holy sites in Frisia & Denmark to Russia & England respectively, slightly rebalanced power of Uppsala holy site
- Selecting a personal deity now requires at least 0 piety to spend
- Subjugation wars now return their prestige cost when invalidating
- Tribals can now adjust tribe-valid succession laws (i.e., gender, mostly) at limited tribal authority instead of needing to reform to feudal
- Fathers of secret bastards can now realize that they are the real father even when the mother is married
- Characters can now rip their shirts off without exposing their crotch
- Ended the Crocapocalypse
- ↑ 官方论坛,1.3 ‘Corvus’ Patch Notes,2021-03-16。