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* 降低了单位获得更好视觉效果的阈值。现在,只有质量最低的军队才会是无披甲部队,这样披甲部队就会更加普遍,也会有更多的多样性。 | * 降低了单位获得更好视觉效果的阈值。现在,只有质量最低的军队才会是无披甲部队,这样披甲部队就会更加普遍,也会有更多的多样性。 | ||
== | == 音频 == | ||
* | * 为顶部栏出现的警报、反应性建议和外交行动等通知添加了更响亮的音效。 | ||
* | * 为战争分数达到100% 的通知增加了战争号角的音效,提高了它的可察觉性。 | ||
* | * 修复了一个问题,现在狩猎事件的主题音效只在狩猎期间播放,而不是在朝圣期间播放。 | ||
== Localization == | == Localization == |
2021年9月12日 (日) 17:02的版本
十字军之王 III
- 添加了统治者设计器,你可以在游戏开始前定制你想要玩的统治者。成就系统依然适用,但会受到一定的限制。
- 在角色窗口中添加了杀人清单。
- 添加了跟随功能,可以把你的军队跟随到同一省份的另一队友军,以此紧跟那支军队的步伐。
- 添加了一个新的规则,控制AI对入赘婚姻的接受程度。
- 雇佣兵不再保证必定包含文化特色的武装兵士,现在只是更有这个可能而已。
- 文化解锁了骆驼骑兵后,雇佣兵团不再会莫名其妙的包含一大堆骆驼。
- 披甲骑兵和战象现在可以在雇佣兵中出现了,但是数量要比其他武装兵士少。
- 骑士团中战象这样的部队数量会减少。
- 骑士团现在会合并武装兵士部队,而不是像以前一样有一大堆100人的部队。
- 猫猫狗狗现在会活得更久一点,并小幅降低出现几率与触发事件。
- 新建神殿现在会增加信仰热情。
- 倾向于发展经济的AI现在会更喜欢升级经济建筑。
- 组建一个骑士团会给其信仰增加热情。
- 大圣战:大圣战如果成功,现在只会扣进攻方信仰25点热情(原30点),大圣战如果失败,现在只会扣15点热情(原30点)
- 大圣战:大圣战如果无效了,扣掉的热情现在会大大减少。
- 大圣战:大圣战之间的冷却时间增加到了30年(原5年),这样在实操中会使大宗教长久保持在高热情水平。
- 大圣战:发动一次大圣战所需要的最低热情现在降低到了65(原75),这样的话就算大圣战的冷却时间增加了也并不意味着大圣战会更少。
- 圣战如果成功,造成的热情变动大大减少(伯爵领圣战减1点,公爵领圣战减2点,王国圣战减5点)
- 圣战如果失败,现在不会减少进攻方的热情。
- 热情对内阁任务“改变伯爵领信仰”速度的影响减半。现在用低热情宗教,来洗高热情的地不再是不可能的事(当然依旧会非常艰难!)
- 贪婪的AI现在更不会倾向于在非敌对密谋中花钱。
- 如果你有领地牧师的强牵制,现在会迫使他们付给你100%的收入,与对你好感100的情况一样。
- 在独立战争中,叛军只要持有所有的叛乱的地就可以持续获得战争分数,而防守方只要占领一块叛乱的地就可以持续获得战争分数。
- 现在不能将宫廷祭司、配偶与侍妾送到外国宫廷做监护者了。
- 现在与公开乱伦的配偶离婚更容易了。
- 无地宗教领袖如果不是你的信仰,就不会出现在配偶搜寻界面了。
- 武装兵士的维护费现在不能降到10%以下。
- 使得战争冲突而产生的动乱更加广泛。现在这点也适用于防御战争,同时适用于封臣。在实操中也就是说,你永远不会因为第三方占领而围不了敌军的城。
- 仅男性/仅女性的国家法律现在永久禁止对立性别的人继承宣称权。
- 现在只有地产的所有人可以取消建造建筑。不能再取消你封臣的建筑来白嫖钱了。
- 农民/民粹叛军领袖现在不能结婚。
- 如果玩家的子女、孙子女或重孙子女会转变家族,AI现在就不会选择建立庶系分支。
- AI会建立更多的骑士团。
- 傲慢特质现在会使拥有者-10隐秘。
- 懦夫特质现在会使拥有者+10隐秘。
- 十字军战士特性(信仰战士特性)现在给的同宗教好感更少,但会给更多的勇武。
- 现在如果要禁止允许法理封臣独立,条件取决于他们的主头衔是否属于你的法理封臣,而不是任意一个头衔。
- 如果大圣战进攻方的兵力小于防守方预计的33%时,战争就不能发动。
- 非定向大圣战(十字军)的防守方现在最多可以通过战斗获得150%的战争分数。
- 非定向大圣战(十字军)的战争分数显著增加。这样会降低防御的难度,特别是在大规模的圣战(双方兵力10万+)中,战斗不会对战争分数影响很小了。
- 大幅增加了非定向大圣战(十字军)的持续战争分数。这样会使防御方在保持全国不被占领的情况下更容易获胜。
- 第一支拥有指挥官的控制围城的部队才能决定围城的指挥官。
- 第一支抵达围城的军队现在才被视作控制围城。
- 如果战争分数随时间增长,第三方占领的地现在会算到所有者的头上。举个例子,就算你哪块地被农民叛军或封臣内战占领,你依旧可以作为防守方持续增长战争分数。
- 如果你领地的法律是分割继承法,仅男性/仅女性/男性优先/女性优先的头衔将会根据分割继承法分给所有满足性别要求的继承人。
- 不能再给你持有的头衔手动添加单独的性别继承法了
- 更新了一些密谋事件对密谋的影响
- 在你要求封臣皈依宗教时,不能再让封臣的首府一同转教了
- 建筑对兵士的加成现在从数值加成改成了百分比加成。这样属性就不会被叠到爆炸,文化特有的兵士也能更有竞争力。
- 就算流浪角色有巨款,也不会花钱把属性叠到天上去了。
- 玩家宗族的流浪角色不能再花钱提升自己的属性了,防止玩家给继承人塞钱后把他踢出宫廷,由此来增加继承人的属性。
- 在封建化时,每个部落伯爵领都有一定的机率会生成一个城市或神殿。发展度越高几率越大。
- 当你帮一个宣称者派系中的外国统治者打宣称时,如果这个头衔成了那个人的主头衔,那么他就会成为头衔原所有者的封臣。
- 你现在可以为你所有的后代安排婚姻,而不仅仅是你的直系子女。
- 削弱了轻骑兵在战斗主要阶段的总体战斗力。之前轻骑兵的属性性价比太高了。在追击阶段、以及在优势地形时,轻骑兵依然很强。
- 披甲骑兵现在在湿地也会受到坚韧和追击属性的惩罚,就和其它骑兵兵种一样。
- 在少数玩家扮演封臣的情况中,民粹派系成功后会夺取所有伯爵领,导致玩家没有收到任何提示就直接游戏结束。现在这种情况不会发生了。
- 如果监护人没能做好榜样,孩子在长大后更有可能会酗酒。
- 廷臣和宾客在有了一个情人的情况下就不会再去找第二个了。
- 检查了一下角色体重值以及影响体重增加/降低的特质。
- 将封臣转封给你的领主后,你和你的前封臣会产生一个双边的停战期。
- 改善了蒙古帝国的解体。
- 将镇压农民或民粹叛乱的伯爵领好感buff提高到150%,持续时间也延长到了150%。
- 如果勾引目标已婚并且爱他们自己的配偶,那么密谋成功率的惩罚就会更严重了。
- 如果信仰有人祭的信条,那么角色即使公正也不会因处决犯人产生压力。
- 降低了部落义务提供的征召兵和税收量。在最高威望等级下,封臣会提供75%的征召兵(原100%)和40%的税收(原50%)。
- 降低了一些事件发生的频率,包括创造友谊、设立宿敌、因为尸体爆发疫病等等。
- 大幅下降了伪造封臣领土的宣称时的速度。
- 外交特使技能增加的技能点数数量有了上限。
- 源深流远技能增加的技能点数数量有了上限。
- 升级了马里金矿的特殊建筑,移动到了各伯爵领的首府。部落政体也可以修建金矿了。
- AI现在会考虑在结婚后与AI情人分手。
- 如果守军数量很多,AI会考虑放弃围城。
- AI现在不会把家庭成员纳为妾,除非信仰允许或者有其他罕见情况。
- 教会了AI密切追踪玩家的单位,并且及时增援加入战斗。AI不会再因为补给暂时不足就把兵调走了。
- 教会AI,在决定是否宣战时,不要把结盟的封臣或领主计算在实力对比之内,因为不可能召唤他们加入你的战争
- 海上掠夺者现在也会沿大河劫掠了。
- AI在目标省份附近能更好的选择任务了。
- 平衡了AI的目标。这样AI就更愿意把建筑封建化、创建骑士团了
- 只要低于补给上限,数只单位可以选择相同的任务。
- 教会AI更好地平衡预算。AI现在会基于净收入分配金钱,而不会先分配收入,再把军队维护费从短期资金池中扣掉。这样AI就会多造建筑。当军队维护费超过收入时,AI会从战争经费中减去赤字,而不去动短期资金。
- AI现在会迅速组建一些武装兵士,然后再慢慢扩军直到数量足够,而不会刚刚买到下限就停止了
- AI现在会尽可能多地招募文化特有的兵士,同时也会更少招募同种的基础兵士(例如,如果文化可以招募散兵的话,就会少招募点轻步兵)。
- AI现在会更倾向于在首都升级伯爵领建筑,然后才会去升级别处的。
- AI现在更倾向于在领地首都建设建筑,而不是平均在全国各地。
- 对AI来说,只要教皇不讨厌他,就可以创建骑士团了,不需要60+的好感。而玩家依然需要有60+的好感,因为我们就喜欢看玩家做教皇舔狗的样子。
- 告诉AI,即使修建的新地产对他自己来说是错误的类型,他仍然应该去建。因为伯爵领内必须每种地产都要有,他才能去修建自己真正想要的地产
- 告诉AI,如果他在领国内有多个可用的宣战借口,那么应该宣陆上相邻地区,而不会再无脑宣沿海的地。
- 降低了AI总体的攻击性,也就是说AI会更少宣战了。
- 告诉AI要克服对敌对劫掠者的恐惧症。
- 玩家角色的体重现在一年检测一次,而不是三年一次,这会使“减少体重”效果更加明显。
- 裸体现在可以在设置中改动而不是一条游戏规则,所以......
- 宗族窗口已重做,加入了如何选择家族与宗族族长的信息。
- 军事实力强度现在可见,并且可以在王朝的家族族长列表之间比较。
- 王朝传承界面现在有更紧凑的设计来展现那些玩家已解锁的线路,以及已解锁完成的等级。
- 重做了战斗界面的外观和功能。
- 所有真人玩家的徽章加入了更多装饰,使其更加惹人瞩目。
- 在征召点征兵时,如果超过了补给上限,就会把兵团分散到邻近省份。这会使处理新征召军团的补给更加容易。
- 在头衔界面添加了“授予低级贵族”的按钮,就和地产界面一样。
- 添加了给不属于玩家王朝的候选人投票的警告。
- 当修改封建契约时,在特殊契约中增加了游戏概念链接。
- 当玩家达到一个技能的最大增益时,增加一条反应性建议。
- 在战争总览中增加一条文本来提醒玩家,人质会战争结束时被释放。
- 给AI接受度修正增加了互动选项,以表示他们想要更多赎金否则不会放人。
- 在王国地图种添加了提示栏,点击^Ctrl可显示王国全貌与细节的信息。
- 只有在关闭头衔界面时才能关闭宣称者窗口——这样就比如说可以浏览人物。
- 关闭头衔窗口时也会关闭头衔历史窗口。
- 如果玩家打开了两个以上的提示栏,按ESC键现在能关闭提示栏。
- 消除了鼠标在王国徽章上悬停时出现的高亮闪烁。
- 修复了当一个提示栏窗口和一个能被ESC键关闭的窗口同时打开,并按ESC键关闭时可能产生的问题。现在ESC键只会关闭提示栏窗口。(除非玩家只打开了一个提示栏窗口)
- 修复了隐秘的详细解释中的排版问题。
- 修复了如果玩家不完全关闭游戏,修改后默认徽章有可能会依旧在新游戏或其他存档中出现的问题。
- 修复了如果有中立或盟友的军队在同一个省份中,以点击单位标志的方式来循环浏览该省份中的玩家军队失败的问题。
- 修复了例如“先知的教诲”等教条在信仰界面中出现不必要的名称强调。
- 修复了在地图上攻城和战斗指示重叠的问题。
- 修复了省份标志(包括军队标志)在少数情况下消失的问题。修复后的一个副作用就是,打开ESC界面后,省份标志不慢慢消失而是立刻消失。
- 修复了建筑建造过程中,脚手架在地图上的旋转方向与地产不同的问题。
- 在参加所有非大圣战的战争时,修复了战争界面显示玩家贡献为0的问题。
- 在宽分辨率下改进了主菜单的缩放。
- 改进了侧边栏窗口的显示/隐藏的动画。
- 在不给盟友奖励威望这样的战争中,UI不会显示玩家因为贡献不够而不给奖励:这个UI元素就不会出现了。
- 给教条名称增加了一个像素的空间,这样的话“基要主义”就不会被切掉。
- 确保在打开另一个界面的情况下,剥夺头衔界面会更新头衔列表。
- 确保在只有可用情况下才能点击招募当地劫掠者。
- 理发店中“没有胡子”变为第一选项。
- 如果选项是灰色的,就会在提示栏中显示玩家为什么不能招募当地劫掠者。
- 参与多个战争时,“召唤加入战争”按钮现在不会被切掉。
- 阴谋窗口从事件打开时不会为空。
- 剥夺头衔窗口不再包含“仅显示最近头衔”选项。
- 攻城提示栏现在能显示谁在围你的城,而且在标题中会显示地点。这样即便收起了提示也能看见。
- 弹出提示中的文本区域现在会提供完整的弹出提示作为工具提示。这在效果太长显示不全中特别有用。
- 丑人现在各有各的丑法,而且看起来也更丑了。
- 如果是事件导致玩家死亡的话,“你已过世”的界面会在玩家点击事件之后才出现。
- 你现在可以在孩子6岁前设置教育,只是在年满6岁前不会有任何效果。
- 现在当玩家领国有地方被敌军围城时,在屏幕右下角会出现提示。
- 玩家修改主头衔时会出现弹出提示。
- 部落地产的外观现在会因地而异。
- 给最低堡垒等级新增了部落城墙的视觉等级。
- 丑人现在面部更加扭曲了,而且看起来更丑。
- 主菜单中出现的小孩现在会坐在其他人前面。
- 如果一基督教信仰有“神贫誓愿”,那么其牧师现在穿得会和普通修士修女差不多简朴。
- 将诺福克地产移动到了更准确的位置。
- 降低了单位获得更好视觉效果的阈值。现在,只有质量最低的军队才会是无披甲部队,这样披甲部队就会更加普遍,也会有更多的多样性。
- 为顶部栏出现的警报、反应性建议和外交行动等通知添加了更响亮的音效。
- 为战争分数达到100%的通知增加了战争号角的音效,提高了它的可察觉性。
- 修复了一个问题,现在狩猎事件的主题音效只在狩猎期间播放,而不是在朝圣期间播放。
- Added a title override for the Duchy of Brittany so that it is always known as a Duchy instead of a Petty Kingdom
- Added content and fixed tense issues
- Added information about student of knighthood traits in the tooltip about Knighthood innovation
- Added link to game concept of council tasks in opinion tooltip and monthly piety/prestige overview
- Added more information on the different types of allies you can call upon during war time
- Changed some tenses from first to third person in interaction file.
- Clarified the condition when attempting to usurp a title from someone that considers your faith to be Hostile or Evil.
- Fixed a mix-up in the event "Information Brokering" which could claim that a woman was fathered by her own son, instead of correctly saying that her son was fathered by another man
- Fixed assorted localization-issues reported by Betas
- Fixed broken localization string about inviting warriors to court
- Fixed broken trigger loc in some buildings
- Fixed missing loc for the female version of the Royal Cloak
- Fixed potential typo in The Spitting Image event
- Independent Iranian Dukes now have custom title names based on their capital county
- Made sure loc in temptation event is appropriately gendered for translation purposes
- Renamed Suomenusko to Ukonusko
- Replaced Boima_Konah with Boima Konah
- Replaced Ibrahim_Abraham with Ibrahim Abraham
- Replaced Jahan_Ara with Jahan Ara
- The 'has_religion' trigger now uses adjective-form instead of noun-form for the name of the the religion
- Updated Mend the Great Schism text to incorporate all Christian faiths
- Updated Spanish name for Wrath of The Northmen bookmark
- Updated broke Holy Order tooltip localization for Borrow Gold from Holy Order decision
- Updated button text in child naming event
- Updated loc as reported by betas and players
- Updated scope used for loc on child event
- Updated some Spanish locs strings that were using out-of-date game references
- Updated the description text for the Clerical Function: Recruitment to be more specific that the modifier is applied to the clergy only
- Updated the localization for the Religious Icon perk desc
- Updated the unreformed combat advantage tooltip to properly display game concepts.
Game Content
- A schemer is no longer safe from discovery until the scheme executes. If a scheme is discovered, there’s now an ongoing chance that the schemer will be exposed and the scheme ended!
- Added four new murder outcomes
- Added 2 more child-murder outcomes, you monsters!
- Added the Turumic faith, a new faith to replace Suomenusko in Siberia
- Added additional Claim Throne scheme events
- Added additional Fabricate Hook scheme events
- Added additional Seduction Scheme events
- Added two additional game concepts for Hostages and Prisoners of War.
- Added two more ongoing murder events
- People will now be a bit miffed if you raid them
- The Religious Relations task now gives a Same Faith opinion boost in cases where one's faith has layman clergy and no head of faith
- Updated Qarmatianism's tenets and doctrines to better match their historical practices
- When using Demand Conversion on a vassal ruler, they may now request a favor instead of only accepting cold hard cash
- You can now become Infirm
- Added Unimportant tag to some Actions to mark them as less interesting to the player
User Modding
- When starting the game in debug mode (with the -debug_mode command line argument), the game will watch many loaded files for changes, and reload the relevant parts of the game. This works with core game files as well as files in mods. Note that it is a debug & development tool. The reload doesn’t work for everything, and might not be 100% reliable or stable. You should always verify that everything still works after a proper restart of the game.
- Added a flag entry for flavorization checks to require the context character has a variable/flag of that name set.
- Added data function PlaySfxEvent
- Added frontend data functions Get(Heir/Main/Secondary)CharacterAge
- Added GetCouncilTitleFirstName
- Added hired_stack_size setting for MaA types
- Added hook_strength_max_opinion parameter for lease contracts.
- Added is_council_task_valid trigger, analogous to set_council_task effect
- Added list builders *_faith_character, *_faith_ruler, and *_faith_playable_ruler
- Added modifier owned_scheme_secrecy_add
- Added modifiers ignore_negative_opinion_of_culture = yes and ignore_opinion_of_different_faith = yes. Makes you ignore your opinion of others rather than others ignore their opinion of you
- Added more MEN_AT_ARMS_EXPENSE related AI defines
- Added scripted rule buildings_enabled
- Added set_pregnancy_gender effect to overwrite the gender of an unborn child.
- Added support for Custom localization on stories
- Added trigger has_holding so you can easily check for empty holdings
- Added trigger is_landless_ruler
- Added ugliness_portrait_extremity_shift system for more believable ugliness
- AI can now parse and evaluate CB effects inside hidden_effect blocks
- can_be_exposed_by now returns false if the secret's already been exposed
- Fixed some cases where you couldn't inline script math. E.G., in opinion triggers
- make_pregnant now checks that the character can actually get pregnant and errors if they can't. Added make_pregnant_no_checks which bypasses these
- Mercenary and holy order sizing now uses defines based on # of sub-regiments in stead of # of men
- on_alliance_removed, on_alliance_added, and on_alliance_broken now have an unset root and instead uses scope:first for that character. This avoids issues with triggering events for dead people
- Renamed can_call_ally_liege_vassal_check_trigger to can_join_war_liege_vassal_check_trigger
- Renamed recipient_not_already_in_another_war_with_any_target_war_participants_trigger to joiner_not_already_in_another_war_with_any_target_war_participants_trigger
- set_holding_type now works on empty holdings
- Updated color palette comments to correctly reflect the fact that color palette textures are 16-wide, not 4-wide
- You can now use attacker/defender_wargoal_percentage of zero to mean "at least one occupation
- Added a number of additional nicknames to historical characters, such as Yaroslav the Wise or Constantine the Great.
- Alexios Komnenos had a very diverse personality for a ten year old. He now starts with less personality traits.
- Extended Insularism a little into the Scottish Highlands in 867
- Extended the Dutch presence slightly, to include a couple of counties in Flanders and Brabant.
- Fixed a number of marriage issues in history. There were multiple cases of characters being married to the same character, or characters having several spouses without practicing a polygamous faith.
- Karen is now a vassal to the Tahirid in 867.
- Made several improvements to the setup in Denmark, 1066. Two historically important characters are now landed; Asbjörn Jarl Ulfson (brother of king Svend) has been given the county of Lolland-Falster, while Thrugot Ulfsen has been given the duchy of Jylland, making both characters playable. Meanwhile, the county of Skåne is now in the hands of Bishop Egino of Lund, to better simulate the importance of the church.
- Renamed various titles to more closely match history
- Roger de Hainaut is now a Theocratic vassal and Prince-Bishops of Chalons in 1066.
- The Cucumber King is no longer unintentionally a kinslayer, due to a wrongly assigned father.
- Fix more cases of various war and realm borders that remain forever on the map after big inheritance or ended wars
- "Coastal Borders" now properly works with dynamic option, and always show/hide no longer requires game restart
- A guardian's personality will now have a larger impact on the ward's personality
- Accepted marriage will now always lead to a friendly greeting
- Fixed events that were causing married characters to become lovers with another character even when they should have been loyal to their spouse
- Added a modifier that reduces the risk of AI spouses taking a player's potential heir as their concubine
- Added a perspective to the warning about a character being a pledged attacker in a GHW
- Added a recently converted trigger so that less flip-flopping happens in heresy events
- Added a toast for if you granting titles leads to your vassal becoming a fellow vassal of your liege
- Added a trigger to a befriending event, making sure that the target isn't picked as the third person in the event
- Added age trigger for becoming a drunkard event
- Added an OR to university-check trigger
- Added clearer loc for if your wife is employed by your liege
- Added custom warning for Christians trying to create the Empire of Germania
- Added information in tenet tooltip on the conversion speed penalty for Syncretic Folk Traditions
- Added missing title to message about obtaining witch secret
- Added notification if a courtier is invited to another court
- Added the title on some outcome toasts when seducing a target
- Added two church holdings to Iceland in 1066 and made sure both rulers are tribal
- AI characters will no longer be able to join GHWs against their liege
- ALL vassals will now get new shiny buildings if you adopt feudalism
- Allied provinces have the same supply limit rules as your own
- Allies can no longer be considered hostile due to raid mechanics
- Armies that should get wiped are now properly so after combat
- As a host you will now be told if someone fails to seduce a guest
- Characters are no longer angry at their new friends
- Characters can no longer invite the bishops of foreign realms to give up all of their temporal power and holdings in order to join them as a lowly courtier instead
- Charlemagne is now lustful * the dude sure got around
- Claimant factions are now more cautious about sending demands when the claimant is in prison
- Cleaned up building requirement tooltip for Universities
- Cleaned up effects and loc in rivalry event
- Cleaned up how concubines/consorts are shown in the arrange marriage interaction
- Cleaned up Roman restoration decision
- Cleaned up tooltip for blocked Modify Vassal Contract interaction
- Clear the alerts when entering the observer mode, so they don't persist when selecting another character later
- Compassionate character are now told that blackmailing people is stressful
- Control-clicking titles in the Grant Title Window will no longer select invalid titles and lock up the rest of the titles
- Councilors will now wear armor when leading armies
- Counties can only join claimant factions for titles in their de jure hierarchy, and are less likely to join factions for foreign claimants
- Discovering a Non-Believer secret now gives a strong hook on clergy
- Duchy buildings and similar that give fort level now only give it to holdings that have fort level to begin with; no more having to siege down temples and such
- Eastern Christian denominations now wear more appropriate clerical garb
- Elective titles with male/female only law will now properly exclude the other sex
- Electors now correctly evaluate how scared they are of their liege's Dread when casting votes, rather than how scared their own vassals are of them
- Establish Bactrian Supremacy decision will no longer display for invalid government forms
- Excommunicated characters can no longer become Pope, Court Chaplains, or inherit the role of being Spiritual Heads
- Executing an independent ruler will no longer give them an opinion penalty towards you since, you know, they'll be dead.
- Factions will no longer count on the support of their liege when deciding if they should send an ultimatum or not
- Fix an issue on Linux that could cause stutters every few seconds by disabling gamepad polling. Gamepad polling for debug purposes can now be enabled by passing in the command line flag "-handle_controller_input"
- Fixed "years of fertility" not actually making women fertile for longer
- Fixed a bug that caused Irish characters to be able to Revoke False Conversion when starting a game with the tutorial enabled
- Fixed a bug that caused rulers to pay substantially less gold than they should for the ransom of a prisoner whose captor has the 'Golden Obligations' perk
- Fixed a child's favorite toy crashing the entire game
- Fixed a crash when loading a save game that included pet whose name contained a space
- Fixed a few instances of the player getting friend/rival relations set without them knowing of it
- Fixed a number of cases where the domain or vassal limit could fail to update, leaving you for example with a domain limit of 1 instead of 5 until something caused it to recalculate. Fixes old saves too
- Fixed a rare crash that could happen when wars become invalidated
- Fixed a rare crash caused by very specific timing of game updates
- Fixed being able to Offer To Join War for some unintended wars, causing invalidation of other wars
- Fixed broken scope in Accuse of Heresy Decision event
- Fixed broken tooltip in hunt event
- Fixed Clan Invasion wars sometimes invalidation when they shouldn't
- Fixed confused toast message when a Claim Throne scheme succeeds
- Fixed Designated Heirs completely breaking Seniority succession. Now it makes your Designated Heir first in line as you would expect
- Fixed electors sometimes believing that a lower-tier candidate would 'rule from abroad'
- Fixed holdings not going out of the domain limit grace limit when leased out
- Fixed holy orders being unable to hold cities
- Fixed Holy Orders not expanding their diplomatic range based on their leased titles. This could lead to them being out of range of the person they're leasing from
- Fixed incorrect text coloring for some Holy Order troops
- Fixed invalid sieges in some cases continuing to completion
- Fixed it being possible in some cases to marry someone you're already married to
- Fixed it being possible to siege holdings that you're hostile to (due to a liege war or conflicting war). Now you can only siege hostile *occupations* or for wars you're actually personally involved in
- Fixed it in rare cases being possible for one or more units to be left out of a combat due to both sides arriving at the exact same time
- Fixed it in some cases being impossible to retake an occupied holding due to it no longer having a fort. Now when a fort goes away we ensure that the holding gets occupied by the county controller. This fixes the issue in old saves as well
- Fixed it in some cases being impossible to siege vassals of your war enemy due to your war enemy being the vassal of someone you're allied with in another war
- Fixed it in some cases being possible to end up with Head of Faith Law despite not even being the head of faith. This would cause you to game over as you end up with no heirs
- Fixed not being able to disinherit your own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren if they weren't at court
- Fixed old saves where someone's the parent of someone who no longer exists (due to incorrectly having been pruned from the game) crashing on load
- Fixed several issues with the description of the suspected bastardy Secret in Intrigue view
- Fixed so that holding tooltips show holding type concept instead of just name
- Fixed some crashes that could happen while loading saves or viewing the save list
- Fixed some traits not being assigned to a category
- Fixed special buildings sometimes appearing in regular building slots when you convert from Tribal. This could even lead to duplicates of these special buildings
- Fixed the first level of Hunting Grounds not having any levies
- Fixed the forming of Austria event to not feature the HRE twice
- Fixed the game in rare cases completely erasing members of your family from existence after their death. Look, we all hated uncle Bob, but we can't just pretend he never existed
- Fixed the inverted liege culture for the Hungarian migration decision
- Fixed the rulers of cities sometimes ending up with Clan government rather than Republic government
- Fixed the trigger for showing an alternative text in an befriend scheme event
- Fixed the vassal limit not updating when vassals are transferred as a result of their liege title changing holder
- Fixed the vassal limit sometimes resetting to 1 for a single day
- Fixed three achievements that would unlock even when they weren't playing with the required character for the achievement, as long as they didn't reload the game
- Fixed Tribal Law in some cases not disappearing when you become Feudal
- Fixed typo in battle tutorial
- Fixed wars not always transferring when the war target becomes the vassal of someone else. This could lead to weirdness like a war targeting someone's vassal despite the attacker having the same liege as the defender's liege; would now transfer to the defender's liege instead
- Former Heads of Faith now keep their clothes on, presuming they held the HoF title at the time of their death
- Franconian culture now uses German names
- Friendly counsel now has a cap of how many stat bonuses the perk can give (5)
- Game rules and ironman mode are now reset when starting the game as a tutorial game.
- Golden Obligations no longer increases ransom prices
- Good things now happen to good chancellors
- Guardians will now properly return to where they came from if their ward finishes their education or dies
- Head of Faith will now wish you luck in your holy wars no matter what size they are
- Heads of Faith will no longer grant requests for claims on theocratic lessees
- Holy order succession now checks if the character is a member of your court correctly
- If you convert to feudalism ALL your vassals will now jump on the hype-train
- If you demand someones conversion multiple times they will now keep their anger to one opinion modifier
- If you try to make too many children your wards you'll now be told off in a strongly worded letter
- If you're trying to blackmail someone over something that, according to them, isn't shunned or criminal you will now be told that properly
- Intelligent women no longer confront their pregnant lesbian lover to ask if they are the father of that child. Stupid women however, still have a chance to ask that question.
- It is now criminal to refuse conversion even if the religions aren't the same
- Knights in an army should now also gain the Crusader trait (Warrior of the Faith)
- Made sure bully event has complete loc
- Made sure Liberty Wars aren't immediately followed by more factions
- Made sure spouse event saves agent scope properly
- Made sure the refund you get if a character refuses to take the vows is the same amount of piety you spent asking them
- Made sure the warnings displayed when asking someone to join a Holy Order are correct
- Make sure that holdings no longer have a count of 0 and instead have a minimum of 1
- Make sure that the save name overwrite dialog box shows up regardless of case sensitivity
- Make sure that tooltip delay timer option works correctly
- Make sure the call to war window in the observer mode doesn't require user input and doesn't pause the game
- Mercenaries and holy orders are now correctly counted when calculating max military strength
- Obfuscating a learning challenge outcome since the learning skill might be different than what's shown in the tooltip if they gain learning+1 before the learning challenge
- Offering Guardianship to an underage ruler will now pre-fill them as the ward
- Offering vassalization to neighboring realms will no longer sometimes claim that they are far from your realm
- Peasant Leaders now wear appropriately filthy clothing while they are leading a revolt, or are landless
- People are no longer scared of you if you fail to imprison someone
- People will no longer be less keen on marrying into your family if you have useless alliances
- Performing executions when you have the Human Sacrifice tenet will now have the victim's death reason say that they were sacrificed, rather than just executed.
- Physicians can now treat themselves, and they're also more likely to "mess up" your treatment if they're trying to murder you
- Playing as Daurama and embracing your son as your heir will now move him to your court
- Previously discovered Innovations are now carried over when a character takes the Form Portugal decision and becomes Portuguese
- Raiders should no longer appear in provinces outside of their range
- Removed attempted use of non-existent game concept from loc
- Removed outcome events for Convert Faith and Promote Culture council tasks since you also get notifications
- Removed the 3 day delay on executing the abduction scheme
- Removed unnecessary spacing in Hunt decision and cleaned up the loc file
- Removed unnecessary triggered event from imprisonment logic that was causing errors in the error log
- Removing the same dynasty requirement from elective succession close and extended family members.
- Resolved a logical mismatch that caused the game to simultaneously recommend and forbid revoking a title from allied vassals
- Robert I of France now correctly belongs to House Robertine instead of House Capet
- Ruler now gets notified when they receive an unpressed claim as a result of a foreign chancellor's blunder
- Scheme event now shows the name of the spy in toast instead of nothing (or the target's name in German)
- Someone else imprisoning people fairly will no longer make you relieved about not gaining tyranny yourself
- Spouses and lovers will only act as your wingman if they're ok with you bedding someone else
- Subtle Desire perk now correctly removes the penalty applied against seducing the spouse of someone of a higher rank
- The "Murderer at court" story cycle will now end if you send the courtier responsible away
- The 'Few Spouses' warning will now only appear if you're lacking spouses for your tier
- The AI will now dump all of their lovers that are far far away when they marry
- The Amnesty for False Conversions decision now gives correct tooltip about dread requirements
- The amount one gets from demanding payment is capped to 50 gold or based on how much ransom worth they have if less than 50 gold
- The cost for legitimizing a bastard in your dynasty is now collected in the right place
- The disembarked penalty is correctly applied and carried over when splitting an army or merging them
- The Earl of Desmond will now slip your net and avoid capture in combat during the tutorial
- The Greenhouse and Sicilian Parliament now gives tax as they should
- The Matrilineal Checkbox will now default to the correct state based on the character being married off when playing an equal faith
- The outliner will now be properly hidden when selecting a councillor task
- The realm you're in will no longer be described as "a faraway place" in pilgrimage event
- The retracting vassals interaction now gives tyranny if declined
- The University can now be founded in Fes, the Almohadi Holy Site was moved to the neighboring barony as to not cause conflicts
- The Vassalization and Subjugation CB's are now properly usable by non-independent players
- Trying to divorce your House head no longer confuses your House Head as much
- Uniting the West Slav Kingdoms as an Empire now drifts the kingdoms to your primary title
- Unjustified imprisonment now results in tyranny even if the imprisonment is declined
- Unlanded characters blocked from trying to raid
- Unlocked the "Inspire Opus Francigenum" decision for Frankish cultures as well
- Updated a bubonic event to not show the court physician twice
- Updated Jarl Haesteinn's age in the bookmarks to match the one in-game
- Updated personality and treason modifiers for characters accepting imprisonment
- Updated portrait position of vassal in a hunt event to be in the lower_right if they are not participating in the hunt but can receive a trophy gift
- Updated Slavia region borders. Added West Slavia and South Slavia as custom regions.
- Updated some event-backgrounds to be more appropriate
- Updated the Druze marriage doctrine from polygamous to monogamous
- Updated the Norman Yoke achievement so that it can be unlocked by descendants of William as well
- Visual traits like Blind or Disfigured now show up on children
- Wards and Guardians should now move in a way that makes sense, and properly go home if things doesn't work out
- When Asking a Spiritual HoF for Gold, they will now factor ongoing County-level and Kingdom-level Holy Wars into their considerations (instead of only Duchy-level Holy Wars)
- When you attempt to ransom yourself for whatever gold you have (but is unable to pay the full amount) the AI will now agree if you have at least half of the necessary gold, as long as the AI isn't too greedy and want all of it.
- When you embrace english culture all your vassals will now join in on the hug
- Whether you can imprison a vassal that refuses conversion or not is now made clearer in the interaction
- While considering whether to become your vassal or not characters will now consider their distance to you, not your liege
- Yemeni now uses East African ethnicity
- Your bastards will no longer sneak out of your court
- You can no longer convince the Grandmaster of a Holy Order to convert
- You can no longer declare war when you're behind bars
- You can no longer mistake your infant child for a serial killer
- You can no longer promise a Holy Order some land and then NOT give it after they give you cash for it
- You can no longer see two versions of your bored daughter sitting under a pavilion
- You can no longer take your daughter as concubine, unless your faith is cool with it of course
- You can now denounce and disinherit dynasty members that are not of your faith
- You can now hire a physician even if you have the black death
- You can now legitimize bastards of your house as the dynasty head
- You can now name children born in your court that are of your dynasty
- You can now try to convert people to witchcraft even if they're not of your "faith"
- You cannot confide in friends you do not have
- You no longer have to have negative learning to condemn your vassal's sins
- You now have to actively scheme to convert someone to witchcraft to discover that they're already a witch
- You now make sure that you CAN spy on your spouse before you do
- You will no longer be able to randomly lose a level of devotion if you're a religious head
- You will no longer be advised to Grant Titles to dead characters
- You will no longer be told about your bishop breaking their betrothal
- You will no longer be urged to imprison a vassal's random courtier
- You will no longer call people "vile" as a friendly greeting
- You will no longer refer to yourself as your wife's ex-husband if you marry her when she's your concubine
- You will no longer revert to confederate partition succession if you have primogeniture when you reform the Roman Empire
- You will no longer switch to the Reichskrone if Byzantium is your main title
- You will no longer think of your angry spouse as your vassal
- You will now be told clearly that you will gain no tyranny from executing a starving man
- You will now be told if a secret you're using for blackmail is exposed
- You will now be told in very clear words what will happen if you try to imprison the Pope
- You will now get more feedback and faster results when trying to gain/lose weight
- You will now only get an op. boost of Order Members and Crusaders if you're of the same faith
- You're no longer advised to increase control in a county your marshal is already working on
- Your court physician will now actually get some gold for taking up the knife
- Your friend will no longer support your scheme to claim their throne
- Your gender succession law no longer gets reset when converting from one gender-equal faith to a different gender-equal faith
- Your once upon a time bastard child will no longer be a bastard if they convert to your faith that doesn't believe in them
- Your overly talkative agent's arms will no longer clip through their clothes
- Your portrait will now only show once even if you ransom yourself from prison
- Your soulmate will no longer be peeved about you sleeping around if you have the polyamory tenet
- Your spymaster will no longer fabricate a secret about themselves
- Your vassals will no longer be less likely to accept a marriage because you have too many alliances already
- ↑ 论坛,CK3 Dev Diary #45 - 1.2 Patch Notes, 2020-11-24。