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File:Upgraded camp.png
A fully upgraded camp

All adventurers have a Camp. All buildings can be given various upgrades. The number of upgrades that can be added is equal to the level of the building. Many upgrades require a certain camp purpose. The appearance of buildings in the Camp window depends on the character's culture and the terrain depends on the terrain of the barony where the Camp is located.

The camp can have various buildings constructed. All of them have 6 levels.

  • Level 1 buildings cost 60  Gold and take 60 days to build
  • Level 2 buildings cost 120  Gold and take 70 days to build
  • Level 3 buildings cost 180  Gold and take 80 days to build
  • Level 4 buildings cost 240  Gold and take 90 days to build
  • Level 5 buildings cost 300  Gold and take 100 days to build
  • Level 6 buildings cost 360  Gold and take 120 days to build

If a building or upgrade is demolished half of its construction cost is refunded. This applies if the adventurer becomes landed as well.

Pavilion[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Every Camp contains a Pavilion, which determines how many buildings can be constructed in the Camp.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Health Medium Boost Medium Boost Medium Boost Medium Boost
Max Number of Men-at-Arms Regiments +1 +2 +3
(scheme phase lengthTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Enemy hostile scheme phase length +5 days +15 days +35 days
(provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Provisions capacity +100 +250 +500
Men-at-Arms Toughtness +5% +10%
Building slots +2 +3 +4 +4
Travel safety +2% +4% +6%
Cost 200 350 500
Build time 10 months 12 months 14 months

Supply Tent[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The Supply Tent unlocks the File:Quartermaster camp officer.png Quartermaster officer and allows the Activity feast.png Camp Revelry activity to use all options for the Food activity option.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
(provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Provisions Capacity +50% +75% +100% +130% +175% +220%
 Supply Capacity +25% +50% +75% +100% +125% +150%
Upgrade Slots 1 2 3 4 5 6

Upgrades[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The building can have the following upgrades:

Upgrade Unlocked officer Effects Cost Build time Camp purpose Description
File:Domicile building sutler.png Driven Sutler
  • +0.1 Monthly Tax
  • +50% Supply Capacity
  • Stewardship lifestyle.png +25% Monthly Stewardship Lifestyle Experience
60 6 months Yes Any Having a few petty shopkeeps always willing to find the best local deals is well worth their slight mark-up.
File:Domicile building mender.png Diligent Menders
  • +15% Archer Toughness
  • +15% Spearmen Toughness
  • +15% Skirmisher Toughness
  • +15% Heavy Infantry Toughness
120 6 months Yes Any Patched and padded gear isn't pretty, but it doesn't need to be to do its job.
File:Domicile building smithy.png Roaming Smithy File:Armorer camp officer.png Armorer
  • +0.1 Monthly Tax
  • -20% Friendly Fatal Casualties
  • +20% Light Cavalry Toughness
  • +10% Camel Cavalry Toughness
  • +20% Archer Cavalry Toughness
  • +10% Heavy Cavalry Toughness
180 8 months Yes Any A good tool is pricey in civilization, and priceless on the road.
File:Domicile building arsenal.png Stocked Arsenal File:Armorer camp officer.png Armorer
  • +1 Size of Men-at-Arms Regiments
  • +10% Army Damage
240 10 months Yes Any Swords shatter, spears break, arrows run low: unless, of course, you have a healthy stockpile of spares in the field.
File:Domicile building climbing.png Climbing Gear
  • +10 Advantage in Mountains and Desert Mountains terrain
  • +5 Minimum Battle Roll in Mountains and Desert Mountains terrain
  • -20 Danger in Mountains and Desert Mountains terrain
120 6 months File:Camp purpose explorers.png Explorers It's surprising how great an effect just a few well-tooled — and well-armed — climbers can have on a situation.
File:Domicile building reserve provisions.png Reserve Provisions File:Chief forager camp officer.png Chief Forager
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -10% Provisions Use in Drylands, Mountains and Steppe terrain
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -20% Provisions Use in Oasis terrain
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -25% Provisions Use in Jungle and Taiga terrain
60 8 months File:Camp purpose explorers.png Explorers Rationing is never popular, but it certainly beats starvation.
File:Domicile building reserve water.png Reserve Water File:Chief forager camp officer.png Chief Forager
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -10% Provisions Use in Drylands, Mountains and Steppe terrain
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -25% Provisions Use in Desert and Desert Mountains terrain
60 8 months File:Camp purpose explorers.png Explorers Any man or woman who doesn't appreciate the value of water is one who's never felt its lack.
File:Domicile building subdued gear.png Subdued Gear File:Master thief camp officer.png Master Thief
  • -25% Gallowsbait Trait Experience Gain
  • +20% Scheme Secrecy
120 8 months File:Camp purpose brigands.png Freebooters A fresh cloth on the face and a cloak round the shoulders do much to ward off a noose round the neck.

Barber's Tent[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The Barber's Tent has the following effects:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
 Plague Resistance +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35
Disease resistance Small Medium Significant Huge Huge Massive
Friendly Fatal Casualties -3% -6% -9% -12% -15% -18%
Monthly tax +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.8 +1.0 +1.20
Plague Danger -10 -15 -20 -27 -34 -44
Upgrade Slots 1 2 3 3 3 3

Upgrades[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The building can have the following upgrades:

Upgrade Disease resistance Effects Cost Build time Camp purpose Description
File:Domicile building dentist.png Dentist's Tools Small -10% Friendly Fatal Casualties 60 6 months Yes Any Good for gum rot, good for arrowheads, and in a pinch an excellent way to settle an argument.
File:Domicile building torture.png Torturer's Tools
  • Yes Can Torture Prisoners
  • +10 Natural Dread
  • Intrigue lifestyle.png +25 Monthly Intrigue Lifestyle Experience
  • +0.1% Knight Effectiveness per Dread
  • -30 Prisoner Opinion
120 6 months Yes Any In the close quarters of a camp, you really learn how far a human scream can travel.
File:Domicile building surgeons tools.png Surgeon's Tools Medium
  • -20% Friendly Fatal Casualties
  • +10 Personal Physician Aptitude
240 6 months Yes Any Precision isn't a necessary component of healthcare, but it certainly helps.
File:Domicile building morticians tools.png Mortician's Tools
  • +1 Gold per 100 soldiers in the loser's army when a battle ends in the camp's county
  • +30 Natural Dread
60 6 months Dig 'em up, dust 'em down, and crack out the teeth and cut away any valuables before they bloat too far.
File:Domicile building reference corpus.png Reference Corpus Small
  • (scheme phase lengthTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -10 Days Learning Scheme Phase Length
  • Learning lifestyle.png +25% Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience
180 8 months File:Camp purpose scholars.png Scholars There's a good book, manual, or scroll applicable to most situations. Often with helpful pictures.

Baggage Train[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The Baggage Train unlocks the File:Head porter camp officer.png Head Porter officer and also makes it 25% more likely to receive File:Icon contract escort.png Transport contracts. It also makes it 5 times more likely to get recruitment events when using the File:Adventurers scout for talent option.png travel option but this does not stack with the one from the Roaring Campfire.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
(provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Provisions Capacity +10% +20% +30% +40% +50% +60%
 Supply Capacity +20% +40% +60% +80% +100% +120%
 Travel Speed +2% +4% +6% +8% +10% +12%
Max Size of Men-at-Arms Regiments +3 Skirmishers +3 Skirmishers
+3 Archers
+3 Skirmishers
+3 Archers
+3 Heavy Infantry
+3 Skirmishers
+3 Archers
+3 Heavy Infantry
+3 Light Cavalry
+3 Skirmishers
+3 Archers
+3 Heavy Infantry
+3 Light Cavalry
+3 Heavy Cavalry
+3 Skirmishers
+3 Archers
+3 Heavy Infantry
+3 Light Cavalry
+3 Heavy Cavalry
+3 Siege Weapons
Upgrade Slots 1 2 3 4 5 6

Upgrades[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The building can have the following upgrades:

Upgrade Unlocked officer Effects Cost Build time Camp purpose Description
File:Domicile building porters.png Able Porters
  • Yes Can get events to recruit skilled porters
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +25% Provisions Capacity
  • +25% Supply Capacity
  • -50% Manually Reinforce Interaction Cost
  • +1% Knight Effectiveness per Stewardship
180 6 months Yes Any What cannot be carried must be left behind, so it's imperative that we can carry as much as possible.
File:Domicile building bartering grounds.png Bartering Grounds
  • Yes Unlocks the Pawn Gear interaction
  • +50% Stewardship Contract Rewards
  • Stewardship lifestyle.png +25% Monthly Stewardship Lifestyle Experience
240 6 months Yes Any The camp is awash with trade anyway, giving it a place and focus just lets us structure it.
File:Domicile building pleasure tents.png Private Tents
  • Yes Can get events to recruit interesting characters
  • +20% Fertility
  • +10% Stress Loss
  • +10 Courtier Opinion
  • (scheme phase lengthTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -10 Days Intrigue Scheme Phase Length
  • Intrigue lifestyle.png +25% Monthly Intrigue Lifestyle Experience
180 6 months Yes Any Even more so than most dwellings, a camp is a communal space — one ill-suited for personal intimacy. Most followers appreciate having an area to simply be... alone together.
File:Domicile building ample steeds.png Ample Steeds File:Head groom camp officer.png Head Groom
  • -50% Manually Reinforce Interaction Cost
  • +10 Travel Speed
  • +10% Light Cavalry Pursuit
  • +10% Heavy Cavalry Pursuit
  • +10% Archer Cavalry Pursuit
120 8 months Yes Any Horses, like people, tire. A good stable of spares does wonders for letting them rest when it matters most.
File:Domicile building trackers.png Proficient Trackers File:Huntperson camp officer.png Huntsman
  • +25% Contract Scheme Success Chance
  • (army speedTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +10% Army Movement Speed
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +50% Provisions from the Gather Provisions decision
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -25% Provisions Use in Drylands, Forest, Jungle, Plains and Taiga terrain
120 8 months Yes Any On the road, there's always something that needs trailing, from boar to bandits.
File:Domicile building kennel.png Kennels File:Kennelperson camp officer.png Kenneler
  • Unlocks the Adopt a Kennel Dog decision
  • +5 Courtier Opinion
  • +20% Skirmisher Damage
  • +20% Skirmisher Pursuit
120 8 months Yes Any The dogs were following us anyway, may as well put 'em to use.
File:Domicile building camp shrine.png Portable Shrine File:Camp priest camp officer.png Camp Priest
  • Yes Unlocks the Demand Conversion interaction
  • +1 Learning
  • +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • +5 Same Faith Opinion
60 8 months Yes Any Faith follows us wherever we go, but a locus for it can't hurt.
File:Domicile building siege engineers.png Siege Engineers File:Chief engineer camp officer.png Chief Engineer +25% Siege Weapon Effectiveness 240 10 months It's uniquely impractical to maintain the resources and specialists required to perform good siegecraft whilst traveling. Unless you commit to it.
File:Domicile building scribes.png Loyal Scribes
  • +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • +50% Learning Contract Rewards
240 8 months Parchment may be a luxury, but with suitable help, it can be turned into a useful tool for some.
File:Domicile building ransom cages.png Ransom Cages File:Person haggler camp officer.png Man-Haggler 240 8 months Secure transportation and display of prisoners is imperative to getting the best price for them.
File:Domicile building negotiators.png Expert Negotiators
  • Diplomacy lifestyle.png +25% Monthly Diplomacy Lifestyle Experience
  • -35 Experienced removed by the Wipe Slate decision
60 8 months File:Camp purpose brigands.png Freebooters Reputations are malleable things — especially if you put in the effort.
File:Domicile building ascetics.png Drifting Ascetics
  • +3 Monthly Piety
  • -50% Holy Order Hire Cost
  • Learning lifestyle.png +25% Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience
120 8 months File:Camp purpose scholars.png Scholars These spiritual questers bring dignity and wisdom that's unusual site in a wandering band, but not unnatural.
File:Domicile building proof of claims.png Proof of Claims File:Witness camp officer.png Witness +1 Diplomacy per Level of Fame 120 10 months File:Camp purpose legitimists.png Legitimists Words are cheap, but there are ways to make them more alluring.

Mess Tent[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The Mess Tent unlocks the File:Camp cook camp officer.png Chief Cook officer and allows the Activity feast.png Camp Revelry activity to use the second level of Tour option luxuries.png Drinks activity option. It also doubles the (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Provisions obtained from the Gather Provisions decision.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
 Stress Loss +5% +10% +15% +20% +25% +30%
Courtier and Guest Opinion +3 +6 +9 +12 +15 +18
(scheme phase lengthTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Prowess Scheme Phase Length -5 days -10 days -15 days -20 days -25 days -30 days
Upgrade Slots 1 1 2 2 3 3

Upgrades[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The building can have the following upgrades:

Upgrade Monthly tax Courtier opinion Effects Cost Build time Description
File:Domicile building bakers.png Roving Bakers +0.2 +10
  • +40% Skirmisher Pursuit
  • +40% Light Cavalry Pursuit
  • +40% Archer Cavalry Pursuit
120 6 months Fresh bread is a wonderfully restorative way to start the day.
File:Domicile building cooks.png Skilled Cooks +20
  • Yes Unlocks a beneficial option during Camp Revelry events
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -25% Provisions Use
  • +5 Heavy Infantry Pursuit
  • +40% Heavy Cavalry Pursuit
120 6 months Doing more with less is a fine motto to preach, but few practice it like cooks on the move.
File:Domicile building curers.png Adept Curers +0.2
  • (provisionsTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +50% Provisions Capacity
  • +25% Supply Capacity
120 8 months Any fool can rub salt into meat, but it takes a professional to do it at scale and keep it tasting edible months later.
File:Domicile building brewers.png Mobile Brewers +0.3 +10 120 8 months There's an art to the brewing and transporting of fine ale, and a supreme luxury to having your own supply.
File:Domicile building herbalists.png Knowledgeable Herbalists +0.1 240 8 months Knowing the difference between what's safe to eat and what's violent, hemorrhaging-death is always valuable.

Roaring Campfire[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The Roaring Campfire unlocks the Crash wedding intent.png Fireside Chat intent and makes it 5 times more likely to get recruitment events when using the File:Adventurers scout for talent option.png travel option. The bonus does not stack with the one from the Baggage Train.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Number of Knights +1 +2 +4 +6 +9 +12
Max Number of Men-at-Arms Regiments +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Upgrade Slots 1 1 2 2 3 3

Upgrades[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The building can have the following upgrades:

Upgrade  Knight effectiveness Effects Cost Build time Camp purpose Description
File:Domicile building capering fools.png Capering Fools
  • Yes Can get events to recruit cunning fools
  • +10% Stress Loss
  • +25% Stooge officer Aptitude
60 6 months Yes Any Slapstick may not be high art, but damned if it isn't funny when the little one smacks his head on the log.
File:Domicile building libations for the lost.png Libations for the Lost +1% per  Learning
  • +0.1 Monthly Piety
  • -20% Stress Gain
  • +10 Courtier Opinion
60 10 months Yes Any We gather in memory of those we won't see again, and to remember the faces we may yet lose.
File:Domicile building trailing musicians.png Trailing Musicians +1% per  Diplomacy 120 6 months Yes Any It's astounding how much more motivating it is to listen to one who can actually play than one who definitely can't.
File:Domicile building wandering poets.png Wandering Poets +1% per  Intrigue 120 6 months Yes Any Gravitas, wordplay, a sense for the profound, the profane, and the bawdy — a good poet needs all of these and more.
File:Domicile building local hangers on.png Local Hangers-On
  • Yes Can get events to recruit useful locals
  • (scheme phase lengthTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -10 Days Contract Scheme Phase Length
  • Intrigue lifestyle.png +25 Monthly Intrigue Lifestyle Experience
60 6 months File:Camp purpose explorers.png Explorers Life tied to one place really can get dreary enough to motivate any amount of spilled gossip.
File:Domicile building nightly debates.png Nightly Debates
  • +0.15 Monthly Prestige per Officer
  • (scheme phase lengthTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -40 Days Learning Scheme Phase Length
120 10 months File:Camp purpose scholars.png Scholars Ask two scholars about one subject and you'll receive five conflicting opinions. Educational, if loud.
File:Domicile building juicy rumors.png Juicy Rumors
  • +4 Intrigue
  • +50% Criminal Contract Rewards
240 8 months File:Camp purpose brigands.png Freebooters There's a lot of easily-gathered material to work with out there, if you're willing to play the right games.
File:Domicile building future dreams.png Grand Aspirations +2% per  Diplomacy
  • Yes Unlocks the Receive Oath of Loyalty Interaction
  • +2 Number of Knights
180 10 months File:Camp purpose legitimists.png Legitimists It's easy to lose sight of a long-term goal, unless you weave it into every deed, every conversation, every drunken boast.

Proving Grounds[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The Proving Grounds unlock the File:Master of arms camp officer.png Master of Arms officer.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Men-at-Arms Recruitment Cost -5% -5% -10% -10% -15%
 Knight Effectiveness +2% +4% +6% +8% +10% +12%
Size of Men-at-Arms Regiments +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Men-at-Arms Damage +1% +2% +4% +6% +10% +14%
Upgrade Slots 1 2 3 4 5 6

Upgrades[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The building can have the following upgrades:

Upgrade Unlocked officer Effects Cost Build time Requirements Description
File:Domicile building horse run.png Horse Run File:Light cavalry captain camp officer.png Light Cavalry Captain
  • +30% Light Cavalry Damage
  • +30% Light Cavalry Screen
180 8 months Horses, like men, need exercise and training regularly, beyond just trotting from place to place.
File:Domicile building mock battle drill.png Mock Battle Drills File:Pike captain camp officer.png Pike Captain
  • +20% Spearmen Damage
  • +30% Spearmen Toughness
180 10 months A wall of spears is still a wall. It stands strong together, or it crumbles as one.
File:Domicile building nightly barding drills.png Nightly Barding Drills File:Heavy cavalry captain camp officer.png Heavy Cavalry Captain
  • +10% Heavy Cavalry Damage
  • +10% Heavy Cavalry Toughness
240 10 months Links twist, leather snaps, plates rust, and drill fades as much for the elite heavy cavalry as anyone else.
File:Domicile building personal bouts.png Personal Bouts File:Heavy infantry captain camp officer.png Heavy Infantry Captain
  • +30% Heavy Infantry Damage
  • +20% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • +40% Heavy Infantry Screen
180 10 months It's entirely possible to build up a resistance to skull trauma based largely on prior skull trauma.
File:Domicile building the stump.png The Stump File:Archer captain camp officer.png Archer Captain
  • +30% Archer Damage
  • +5 Archer Pursuit
120 10 months See that over there? See the target on it? That's today's mark. Bows up!
File:Domicile building training circle.png Training Circle File:Light infantry captain camp officer.png Light Infantry Captain
  • +30% Skirmisher Damage
  • +30% Skirmisher Toughness
  • +30% Skirmisher Pursuit
120 10 months You don't practice to become skilled, you practice to stay skilled.
File:Domicile building camel run.png Camel Run File:Camelry captain camp officer.png Camelry Captain
  • +30% Camel Cavalry Toughness
  • +30% Camel Cavalry Screen
180 8 months  War Camels innovation They may be recalcitrant, turbulent beasts, but that's all the more reason to train our camelry on the regular.
File:Domicile building elephantry reserves.png Elephantry Reserve File:Elephantry captain camp officer.png Elephantry Captain
  • Can recruit War Elephants men-at-arms
240 10 months  Elephantry innovation A stock of spare elephants, the greatest and large of all [high god name]'s creatures, is something most kings cannot boast of.
File:Domicile building life in the saddle.png Life in the Saddle File:Horse archer captain camp officer.png Horse Archer Captain
  • +15% Archer Cavalry Damage
  • +15% Archer Cavalry Toughness
  • +40% Archer Cavalry Screen
240 10 months Yes Horse Lords tradition Some are born to this, others are raised to it later in life.
File:Domicile lock wagons.png Lockwagon File:Master of spoils camp officer.png Master of Spoils
  • +50% Mercenary Contract Rewards
  • -2.5 Dread cost for Impress Mercenaries in Scrape the Barrel
240 8 months Yes Swords-for-Hire or Freebooters camp purpose We're a band who moves, fights, and loots as one. Gear goes into the pot, and we distribute from there. Or else.
File:Domicile building martial study.png Martial Study
  • +5 Maximum Battle Roll
  • +1% Knight Effectiveness per Learning
  • +1 Monthly Martial Lifestyle Experience
  • +1 Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience
240 10 months Yes Scholars or Legitimists camp purpose Every battle has been fought before, every war waged a result of another. Why not refer to the results?
File:Domicile building the stick game.png The Stick Game
  • +20% Scheme Secrecy
  • +1% Knight Effectiveness per Intrigue
120 6 months Yes Freebooters camp purpose First to grab it without snapping wins the pot: fleshwounds only, knives blunt, and if you're spotted, you're out.
File:Domicile building bodyguard drills.png Bodyguard Drills
  • Can recruit Handpicked Faithful men-at-arms
  • +15% Scheme Discovery Chance
  • (scheme phase lengthTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +10 Days Enemy Hostile Scheme Phase Length
180 10 months Yes Legitimists camp purpose Our present... situation, provides unique threats and challenges to our charge. Take them as seriously as death.

Camp Perimeter[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The Camp Perimeter unlocks the File:Adventurers forward scouts option.png Forward Scouts travel option.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
(scheme potentialTemplate:Icon中的未知key) Enemy Hostile Scheme Potential -5% -10% -15% -20% -25% -30%
Move Domicile Travel Speed +5% +10% +15% +20% +25% +30%
Travel Speed +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30
Travel Safety +3 +6 +9 +12 +15 +18
Upgrade Slots 1 2 3 3 3 3

Upgrades[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The building can have the following upgrades:

Upgrade Effects Cost Build time Camp purpose Description
File:Domicile building camp hygiene.png Camp Hygiene -15 Plague Danger 60 6 months Yes Any If it smells bad, it goes far away from the rest of us. A simple rule, enforced by studious whipping.
File:Domicile building fixed layout.png Fixed Layout
  • +3 Size of Men-at-Arms Regiments
  • +25% Move Domicile Travel Speed
60 10 months Yes Any A fixed and unchanging layout for what goes where at camp builds character and a sense of place regardless of location.
File:Domicile building good siting.png Good Siting
  • +10% Scheme Discovery Chance
  • (scheme phase lengthTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +10 Days Enemy Hostile Scheme Phase Length
60 10 months Yes Any Only a fool makes camp wherever they are when evening begins to fall: you move till you find the right place.
File:Domicile building extra watch.png Extra Watches
  • +10% Scheme Discovery Chance
  • (scheme phase lengthTemplate:Icon中的未知key) +40 Days Enemy Hostile Scheme Phase Length
  • +10% Archer Damage
  • +5% Archer Cavalry Damage
60 6 months File:Camp purpose explorers.png Explorers In strange climes far from home, we are reminded most of how vulnerable we are — and what we can best do about it.
File:Domicile building palisade.png Palisade Builders
  • +10% Travel Safety
  • -10% Friendly Fatal Casualties
  • (scheme potentialTemplate:Icon中的未知key) -10% Enemy Hostile Scheme Potential
60 10 months File:Camp purpose mercenaries.png Swords-for-Hire Thinking about defense is easiest when you make it such a habit that you do it unthinkingly.
File:Domicile building ditches.png Ditch Digging
  • +5 Defender Advantage
  • -30% Retreat Losses
180 10 months File:Camp purpose mercenaries.png Swords-for-Hire Nothing regiments soldiers quite like forcing them to dig an earthwork a day, every day, at the end of the day, forever.

References[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]