
第7行: 第7行:
 事件属于位于[[模组结构#Mod文件夹|root Mod folder]]正下方的<code>Events</code>目录中的.txt文件。每个文件可以容纳任意多个事件。<code>events</code>目录也可以有包含自己事件文件的子文件夹(如果愿意的话)。
 事件属于位于[[模组结构#Mod文件夹|root Mod folder]]正下方的<code>Events</code>目录中的.txt文件。每个文件可以容纳任意多个事件。<code>events</code>目录也可以有包含自己事件文件的子文件夹(如果愿意的话)。

== Structure ==
== 结构 ==

The overall structure is similar to that of a [[CKII:Event_modding|CK2 event]], with some tweaks to the syntax and a whole lot of extra features, many of them optional. The barest possible event is laid out here, and each element is described individually in a later section.
整体结构与[[CKII:Event_modding|CK2 的事件]] 相似,语法进行了一些调整,并添加了大量的额外功能,其中许多是可选的。以下是最基本的事件(其中每个元素会在后面的小节中提到):
<syntaxhighlight lang="coffeescript">
namespace = example
example.1 = {
example.1 = {
desc = example.1.desc
desc = example.1.desc
第19行: 第19行:
There you go! Add this to your mod, trigger it from the in-game console using "event triggers [example.1]", and you have got yourself a working event! Everything else is optional, but necessary to really flesh out the events.
好了!将这段代码添加到你的模组中,在游戏内控制台输入"event example.1" 来触发它,你就会得到一个可用的事件!这就是一个最基本的事件结构,其他的内容都是可选的,但是它们在完善事件时是必须的。以下是一个更为详细的活动示例(仅包含基础内容):
<syntaxhighlight lang="coffeescript">
## 这是一个基础事件,可将其作为其他事件的基础(参考)。不过,您可能希望先删除这段注释垃圾。
superexample.1337 = { # 请使用注释(比如这个!)在此处填写事件名称,这样其他模组编写者就可以在不知道ID的情况下找到你正在处理的事件。
type = character_event
title = "A Modding Example Worthy of Kings" # 专业提示:在编写时,你可以使用字符串,稍后再用本地化替换它。
desc = birth.1003.b # 对于Sublime用户而言,有一个非常出色的功能,即“在文件中查找”,非常适用于查找代码。
theme = mental_break
left_portrait = root
option = { # 在选项中使用注释来说明选项的内容或功能(例如:“不,我谴责你这个异端!”或“与孩子进行决斗”),这与事件标题的做法相似,这是一个很好的习惯。
name = stewardship_domain_special.1424.a

=== ID and namespace ===
=== ID 和命名空间 ===
Namespaces can be any alphanumeric string (without the '.' character), and are used as prefix in the form <code><namespace>.<id></code>. The ID uniquely identifies your event.
命名空间(Namespaces)可以是任何由字母和数字组成的字符串(不包含'.' 字符),并且用作前缀,形式为 <code><namespace>.<id></code> 。ID是对于一个事件的唯一标识。<br>
If an event file uses a namespace, it has to be declared at the beginning of the file with <code>namespace = <namespace></code>. This has to be done for every file the namespace is used in.
如果一个事件文件使用一个命名空间,那么它必须在文件开头声明 <code>namespace = <namespace></code> 。对每个使用该命名空间的文件都需要进行声明。

=== Flags ===
=== 旗帜 ===
These are top-level variables that determine your event's kind and appearance. They have a limited set of values.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Flag !! Meaning !! Possible values
! Flag !! 意义 !! 可能的取值
| type 
| type 
|| The kind of event. It determines what sort of scope the root is.
|| 事件的类型决定了根(root)的范围(scope)。
* character_event
* character_event
* letter_event
* letter_event
* none (when an event doesn't use the root scope at all)
* none (当一个事件完全不使用作用域时)
* empty (一个无角色事件必须的触发器。注意:这意味着输入 type = empty )
| hidden || Set this to true, and the event will not be shown at all; it will happen in the background. Useful for doing maintenance events that are not immediately relevant to the player.
| hidden 
|| 将此设置为true,事件将不会显示;它将在后台执行。适用于进行对玩家并不立即相关的维护事件。
|| true, false
|| true, false

2023年6月14日 (三) 12:44的版本

Events are the meat of every well-rounded mod; smaller and larger bits of story that can happen to a player during the campaign.


事件属于位于root Mod folder正下方的Events目录中的.txt文件。每个文件可以容纳任意多个事件。events目录也可以有包含自己事件文件的子文件夹(如果愿意的话)。



namespace = example
example.1 = {
	desc = example.1.desc
	option = {
		name = example.1.a

好了!将这段代码添加到你的模组中,在游戏内控制台输入"event example.1"来触发它,你就会得到一个可用的事件!这就是一个最基本的事件结构,其他的内容都是可选的,但是它们在完善事件时是必须的。以下是一个更为详细的活动示例(仅包含基础内容):

## 这是一个基础事件,可将其作为其他事件的基础(参考)。不过,您可能希望先删除这段注释垃圾。
superexample.1337 = { # 请使用注释(比如这个!)在此处填写事件名称,这样其他模组编写者就可以在不知道ID的情况下找到你正在处理的事件。
	type = character_event
	title = "A Modding Example Worthy of Kings" # 专业提示:在编写时,你可以使用字符串,稍后再用本地化替换它。
	desc = birth.1003.b # 对于Sublime用户而言,有一个非常出色的功能,即“在文件中查找”,非常适用于查找代码。

	theme = mental_break
	left_portrait = root

	option = { # 在选项中使用注释来说明选项的内容或功能(例如:“不,我谴责你这个异端!”或“与孩子进行决斗”),这与事件标题的做法相似,这是一个很好的习惯。
		name = stewardship_domain_special.1424.a

ID 和命名空间

命名空间(Namespaces)可以是任何由字母和数字组成的字符串(不包含'.'字符),并且用作前缀,形式为 <namespace>.<id> 。ID是对于一个事件的唯一标识。
如果一个事件文件使用一个命名空间,那么它必须在文件开头声明 namespace = <namespace> 。对每个使用该命名空间的文件都需要进行声明。



Flag 意义 可能的取值
type 事件的类型决定了根(root)的范围(scope)。
  • character_event
  • letter_event
  • none (当一个事件完全不使用作用域时)
  • empty (一个无角色事件必须的触发器。注意:这意味着输入 type = empty )
hidden 将此设置为true,事件将不会显示;它将在后台执行。适用于进行对玩家并不立即相关的维护事件。 true, false




Portrait Position Description
left_portrait 在事件框的左侧显示肖像。
right_portrait 在事件框的右侧显示肖像。
lower_left_portrait 在事件框的左下方显示肖像。
lower_center_portrait 在事件框的正下方显示肖像。
lower_right_portrait 在事件框的右下方显示肖像。


example_event.1001 = {
	left_portrait = {
		character = ROOT # Whoever this is scoped to will show up in this event window position, exhibiting the chosen animation. 
		animation = fear # Take note that characters with SOME genetic traits (for example, gigantism, dwarfism) that change their character models have different animations, and if you assign one of THOSE animations to a character that does not have that model, crashes may occur.
	right_portrait = {
		character = ROOT
		animation = scheme
	lower_left_portrait = {
		character = ROOT
	lower_center_portrait = {
		character = ROOT
	lower_right_portrait = {
		character = ROOT


参数 描述 示例
character 展示哪个角色的肖像 character = scope:event_target
animation 角色将显示哪种动画 animation = anger
triggered_animation 如果符合条件,人物将显示这种动画。如果不符合,将显示以animation = 语句设置的动画。
triggered_animation = {
	trigger = {}
	animation = fear
triggered_outfit 设置事件中使用的服装
triggered_outfit = {
	trigger = {}
	outfit_tags = no_clothes (also accepts multiple tags, in the format outfit_tags = { tag1 tag2 }
	remove_default_outfit = yes/no
hide_info 避免显示人物的任何信息 (提示文字, 盾徽, clicks等). 只会显示人物肖像 hide_info = yes/no


admiration anger beg boredom
disapproval disbelief disgust dismissal
ecstasy fear flirtation flirtation_left
grief happiness idle love
newborn pain paranoia personality_bold
personality_callous personality_compassionate personality_content personality_coward
personality_cynical personality_dishonorable personality_forgiving personality_greedy
personality_honorable personality_irrational personality_rational personality_vengeful
personality_zealous prison_dungeon rage sadness
schadenfreude scheme severelyinjured severelywounded
shame shock sick stress
war_attacker war_defender war_over_win worry


abduct_scheme alliance bastardy battle
befriend_scheme claim_throne_scheme corruption crown
culture_change death default diplomacy
diplomacy_family_focus diplomacy_foreign_affairs_focus diplomacy_majesty_focus dread
dungeon dynasty education fabricate_hook_scheme
faith family feast_activity friend_relation
friendly generic_intrigue_scheme healthcare hunt_activity
hunting intrigue intrigue_intimidation_focus intrigue_skulduggery_focus
intrigue_temptation_focus learning learning_medicine_focus learning_scholarship_focus
learning_theology_focus love lover_relation marriage
martial martial_authority_focus martial_chivalry_focus martial_strategy_focus
medicine mental_break mental_health murder_scheme
party pet physical_health pilgrimage_activity
pregnancy prison realm recovery
rival_relation romance_scheme secret seduce_scheme
seduction skull stewardship stewardship_domain_focus
stewardship_duty_focus stewardship_wealth_focus sway_scheme unfriendly
vassal war witchcraft

Individidual elements of the theme can be overridden using override_background, override_icon, override_sound, and override_environment.


alley_day alley_night armory army_camp
battlefield bedchamber burning_building corridor_day
corridor_night council_chamber courtyard docks
dungeon farmland feast gallows
garden market market_east market_india
market_tribal market_west physicians_study sitting_room
study tavern temple temple_church
temple_generic temple_mosque temple_scope terrain
terrain_activity terrain_scope throne_room throne_room_east
throne_room_india throne_room_mediterranean throne_room_scope throne_room_tribal
throne_room_west wilderness wilderness_desert wilderness_forest
wilderness_forest_pine wilderness_mountains wilderness_scope wilderness_steppe


When you've selected a background, the appropriate environment is automatically selected. Only overwrite it when necessary.

environment_body environment_council environment_cw_east_main
environment_cw_east_spouse environment_cw_east_throneroom_main environment_cw_east_throneroom_spouse
environment_cw_india_main environment_cw_india_spouse environment_cw_india_throneroom_main
environment_cw_india_throneroom_spouse environment_cw_mediterranean_main environment_cw_mediterranean_spouse
environment_cw_mediterranean_throneroom_main environment_cw_mediterranean_throneroom_spouse environment_cw_tavern
environment_cw_tavern_spouse environment_cw_tribal_main environment_cw_tribal_spouse
environment_cw_west environment_cw_west_spouse environment_event_alley
environment_event_alley_day environment_event_armory environment_event_battlefield
environment_event_bedchamber environment_event_church environment_event_corridor_day
environment_event_courtyard environment_event_desert environment_event_docks
environment_event_dungeon environment_event_farms environment_event_feast
environment_event_forest environment_event_forest_pine environment_event_gallows
environment_event_garden environment_event_genericcamp environment_event_market_east
environment_event_market_tribal environment_event_market_west environment_event_mosque
environment_event_mountains environment_event_sittingroom environment_event_standard
environment_event_steppe environment_event_study environment_event_study_physician
environment_event_tavern environment_event_temple environment_event_throne_room_west
environment_frontend_east_heir environment_frontend_east_main environment_frontend_east_secondary
environment_frontend_india_heir environment_frontend_india_main environment_frontend_india_secondary
environment_frontend_mediterranean_heir environment_frontend_mediterranean_main environment_frontend_mediterranean_secondary
environment_frontend_tribal_heir environment_frontend_tribal_main environment_frontend_tribal_secondary
environment_frontend_west_heir environment_frontend_west_main environment_frontend_west_secondary
environment_head environment_hud environment_portrait_editor
environment_shoulders environment_standard environment_torso


This is an additional requirement for an event to work.


Runs when the trigger fails.


Explain how a description can be composed of multiple strings; with stuff like first_valid, and all the alternatives.


This is a block of effect script: it will be ran immediately as your event is triggered, before the title, description, portraits, are even evaluated let alone rendered. This block is useful for setting variables and saving scopes to use in your text or for portraits; or for functional effects that you want to happen without the player having any control over it.

"has happened" tooltip.


Options within events are able to be pressed by the user. Each event may have any number of options, including none at all (a common example includes hidden events). Each option in defined in the main event block, like so:

example.1 = {


	option = {
		# option info



The table below describes available keys within the option block:

Key Required Description Example
name Yes Points to a localization key for the event option button text. name=example.1.a
(effects) No Any effects that the option may have can be written directly in the option block. play_music_cue = mx_cue_banquet
trigger No Defines a trigger that has to be fulfilled for the option to be valid and thus available to the user. Not to be confused with the main event trigger.
trigger = {
	has_trait = shy
show_as_unavailable No If the option is invalid, but this trigger is, the option will be shown, but disabled. This behavior is also influenced by the EVENT_OPTIONS_SHOWN_HIDE_UNAVAILABLE define.
show_as_unavailable = {
	short_term_gold < medium_gold_value
trait No If the player has the given trait, show it on the left side of the option. Hovering over it will say the option is available because of the trait. This is only providing flavor, and does not actually affect the functionality of the option.

trait = honest

skill No Show the chosen skill on the left side of the option. Hovering over it will say the option is available because of your high skill. This is only providing flavor, and does not actually affect the functionality of the option.

skill = prowess

add_internal_flag No Can take the values "special" or "dangerous". The key "special" highlights the option as yellow, "dangerous" highlights the option as red. This is only providing flavor, and does not actually affect the functionality of the option.

add_internal_flag = special

highlight_portrait No Highlights the event portrait of this character while this option is hovered. This is in addition to the automatic highlighting when hovering an event option that has an effect that affects portrait characters. highlight_portrait = scope:custom


This is a block of effect script that runs after the event has ran its course and an option has been chosen. Won't do anything if the event has no options (for hidden events, for example).


What types of widgets are there, with screenshots for each of what they look like.


On_actions are divided into two main types:

  1. Those that are called from code.
  2. Those that are called from script.

On_actions from code

Name Description From code Expected scope Other
on_prestige_level_loss Yes None
on_rank_down Yes None
on_weight_changed Yes Character
on_faith_monthly Yes Faith
on_knight_combat_pulse Yes Character
on_war_invalidated Yes None
on_war_transferred Yes Character
on_divorce Yes None
on_leave_court Yes Character
on_guest_ready_to_move_to_pool Yes Character
on_guest_arrived_from_pool Yes Character
on_siege_completion Yes Character
on_war_won_attacker Yes Casus belli
on_alliance_added Yes None
on_pregnancy_mother Yes Character
on_raid_action_start Yes None
on_county_faith_change Yes Landed Title
on_title_gain_usurpation Yes None
on_release_from_prison Yes Character
random_yearly_playable_pulse Yes Character
on_raid_action_completion Yes Army
on_death Yes Character
on_birth_father Yes None
on_betrothal_broken Yes None
on_war_white_peace Yes None
three_year_playable_pulse Yes Character
on_defeat_raid_army Yes Army
on_army_enter_province Yes Character
on_join_court Yes Character
on_fired_from_council Yes Character
on_raid_loot_delivered Yes Army
on_pregnancy_ended_mother Yes None
on_title_lost Yes None
on_title_gain Yes Character
on_character_culture_change Yes Character
on_birth_child Yes Character
on_holy_order_hired Yes None
on_great_holy_war_invalidation Yes Great Holy War
on_combat_end_loser Yes Combat Side
on_concubinage Yes None
on_commander_combat_pulse Yes Character
random_yearly_everyone_pulse Yes Character
five_year_everyone_pulse Yes Character
on_perks_refunded Yes None
quarterly_playable_pulse Yes None
on_prestige_level_gain Yes None
on_faith_created Yes Character
on_holy_order_new_lease Yes None
on_title_gain_inheritance Yes None
on_game_start Yes None
on_character_faith_change Yes Character
on_combat_end_winner Yes Combat Side
on_courtier_decided_to_move_to_pool Yes Character
on_culture_era_changed Yes None
on_birthday Yes Character
on_faith_conversion Yes Character
on_raid_action_weekly Yes None
on_explicit_claim_gain Yes Character
on_courtier_ready_to_move_to_pool Yes Character
on_potential_great_holy_war_invalidation Yes Great Holy War
on_holy_order_destroyed Yes None
on_war_won_defender Yes Casus belli
yearly_global_pulse Yes None
on_great_holy_war_countdown_end Yes GreaT Holy War
yearly_playable_pulse Yes Character
three_year_pool_pulse Yes Character
on_pregnancy_father Yes None
on_piety_level_loss Yes None
on_piety_level_gain Yes None
on_siege_looting Yes None
on_title_destroyed Yes None
on_army_monthly Yes None
on_game_start_after_lobby Yes None
on_imprison Yes Character
on_birth_mother Yes Character
on_dynasty_created Yes None
on_alliance_removed Yes None
on_county_occupied Yes None
on_rank_up Yes None
on_vassal_become_powerful Yes None
on_join_war_as_secondary Yes Character
on_explicit_claim_lost Yes Character
on_alliance_broken Yes None
on_natural_death_second_chance Yes None
on_leave_council Yes Character
on_county_culture_change Yes None
on_war_started Yes None
on_marriage Yes Character
on_great_holy_war_participant_replaced Yes Character
five_year_playable_pulse Yes Character
on_birth_real_father Yes None
on_game_start_with_tutorial Yes None

On_actions from script


Triggering the event

Should probably become its own page.

Techniques and design patterns

Pinging events, message events.

Other fancy ideas.