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Legends of the Dead
Banner Legends of the Dead.jpg
类型 Expansion
发行日期 / 补丁 2024-03-04 / 1.12
商店: Paradox / Steam

Legends of the Dead is the 3rd expansion for Crusader Kings III. It was announced on 2024-02-07[1] and was released alongside patch 1.12 "Scythe".

DLC features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

What good are grand accomplishments and heroic deeds if no one sings of them after you have gone? A royal legacy is only useful, after all, if it can provide cover and legitimacy for those who come after you. Live on in the memory of your subjects and rivals in Legends of the Dead, a Core Expansion for Crusader Kings III.

Crusader Kings III: Legends of the Dead adds new heroic gameplay, as you stoke the flames of your fame into a towering bonfire.

Icon CK3b.png Legends: Commission an epic retelling of your family history or build your own heroic reputation through great deeds. P]urn your actions into art.

Icon CK3b.png Two New Legacies: A new Heroic dynastic Legacy for the heirs of legendary characters, even using the great deeds of ancestors to justify claims from the distant past, as well as a Legitimacy Legacy that promotes your dynasty as the true rulers of the realm.

Icon CK3b.png Illness and Mourning: New diseases like the Bloody Flux, Measles and Holy Fire may ravage your court, but you can honor your deceased loved ones with dignified Funeral rites, according to your faith.

Icon CK3b.png The Black Death: The greatest scourge of the Middle Ages strikes down noble and commoner alike, radically transforming the political and social environment. Prepare your realm and prepare your soul, because a rampaging plague may be the strongest enemy facing your rule.

Icon CK3b.png New Art: Both life and death are given new energy with the celebrated art style that Crusader Kings III fans have come to appreciate. A new exclusive Map Table, new varieties of clothing, unit models and holding designs for extra flavour.

Videos[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Cinematic trailers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Legends of the Dead - Release trailer. Legends of the Dead brings your heroic deeds to life, allowing you to build and spread your legend, construct legendary buildings, and celebrate feasts that will be remembered for generations. Face the Black Death itself, navigate new illnesses, and ensure your dynasty's legacy is immortalized through tales of valor and the legitimacy of your rule.
Legends of the Dead - Announcement trailer. What good are grand accomplishments and heroic deeds if no one sings of them after you have gone? Crusader Kings III: Legends of the Dead adds new heroic gameplay, letting you stoke the flames of your legends into a towering bonfire, as the greatest scourge of the Middle Ages strikes down noble and commoner alike. Prepare your realm and your soul to face the Final Enemy, and live a life worth singing about.

Tutorials[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Legends of the Dead Tutorial - Legends. You'll learn how to obtain and spread legends, the significance of legend seeds, and the impact of legends on gameplay. Exploring myths or fabricating stories, you'll be able to enhance your legend's quality and benefits, ensuring your bloodline's legacy.
Legends of the Dead Tutorial - Plagues. You'll learn more about plagues, how they begin and spread across the map, and most importantly: how to protect yourself from them. From minor outbreaks to the Black Death itself, diseases will change the face of the world in CK3!

Dev diaries[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

主条目:Developer diaries

References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]