
(重新導向自Tours and Tournaments
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類型 擴展包
發行日期 / 補丁 2023-05-11 / 1.9
商店: Paradox / Steam

巡遊與比武Tours and Tournaments)是十字軍之王 III的第二個擴展包,發布於 2023 年 3 月 6 日[1],於 2023 年 5 月 11 日和1.9 版本同步發行。

DLC要素[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

這段翻譯取自 Steam 商店頁面[2]

統治者,人生就是一場充滿騎士精神的冒險之旅,何不盡情享受您的旅程?利用大型擴展包《Crusader Kings III: Tours & Tournaments》打造屬於您的史詩故事。等待著您的景象和事件保證令您讚嘆,包括長槍比武場驚心動魄的模擬戰鬥,以及與皇家隨從一起勇闖危險荒野。

發起大型「出巡」,讓旅遊的渴望勝過您統治者的欲望,並在既危險又充滿娛樂性的國度之中尋找臣民。參與國內外眾多形式的英勇錦標賽來證明自己,也可以利用慶祝活動謀殺與您爭執不休的政敵。舉辦全新的大型活動,像是盛大的婚禮,或是刺激的獵鷹活動。不過要小心!許多慶祝活動其實是天衣無縫的障眼法,背後隱藏著對付敵人... 或家人的完美陰謀。

《Crusader Kings III: Tours & Tournaments》呈現出勇敢的嶄新中世紀世界,充滿考驗與磨難、事跡與冒險,以及令人耳目一新的故事情節。

Icon CK3b.png 準備好展開冒險:不安分的雙腳將其主人帶往遠方。在個性化的壯闊旅程中,以精緻的細節旅行並探索您的國度。

  • 親手挑選隨從並審慎自定義路線。前方的道路或許漫長,但充滿各種豐富多彩的人物、奇異的文化,還有足以改變人生的事件。
  • 拜訪您的附庸國並與他們親密互動。檢查臣民的財產並了解他們如何在您國度最遙遠的角落生活。
  • 彰顯您的仁慈並賞賜禮物與獎賞。也可以帶上一大群稅吏,向那些天高皇帝遠的附庸國索討長年的積欠。

Icon CK3b.png 新穎的錦標賽形式:對於擁有雄心大志的戰士或追求聲望的貴族來說,錦標賽是展示實力的絕佳場合。您會在無數的全新錦標賽、選秀會和騎士長槍比武中讓大家留下深刻印象嗎?

  • 參加競賽即可贏得超棒獎品,並在新技能方面獲得寶貴的經驗。
  • 舉辦一場盛大的錦標賽,包含所有輝煌時刻與慶祝活動。訪問鐵匠或在地方的小酒館喝點酒壯壯膽,做好充分的準備。
  • 設置意圖來迷惑對手,然後用出色的長槍技巧給他們迎頭痛擊或贏得獵物的芳心。

Icon CK3b.png 盛大活動、騎士榮譽和全新美術:少了精心設計的婚禮與騎士,可就沒有中世紀生活的感覺了。有了《Crusader Kings III: Tours & Tournaments》,婚禮與騎士都將更加精彩動人!

  • 藉由舉辦一場盛大婚禮,在幕後的外交往來中獲得優勢。協商有利的婚前協議、取悅您的宮廷附庸,並在這些新的複雜儀式上獲得青睞。
  • 授予騎士榮譽,讓您的戰士貴族專攻政治權術或沙場戰術。訓練他們,派他們參加錦標賽或戰爭以獲得更多經驗。
  • 欣賞值得博物館收藏的全新角色美術設計,詳細展示了從中世紀早期到晚期的盔甲演變,以及西方中世紀服裝令人眼花繚亂的變化。

視頻[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

預告片[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Tours and Tournaments - Release trailer. It is a big world, and a life spent behind the high walls of one castle would be a wasted one. See and experience this wide world through exciting new activities.

Travel the length of your realm. Host a tournament that will live forever in the memories of all that compete. Relieve stress with a falconry hunt, or show your prowess by hunting a legendary beast.

Tours and Tournaments - Pre-order trailer. Don't get too comfortable at court, because some of the greatest stories are out there in the world. Travel your realm, plan great hunts and take part in grand demonstrations of arms.
Tours and Tournaments - Announcement trailer. The pomp and pageantry of medieval tournaments are only a part of the new adventures waiting for you in "Tours and Tournaments". Travel across your realm to survey your vassals, or bring a powerful regent to heel as you make history altering decisions across dozens of new events.

視頻日誌[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Tours and Tournaments - Feature breakdown. Travel through your realm to check on your vassals. Attend royal weddings to demonstrate your loyalty to a distant lord. Or, if you are brave enough, enter competitions of body or mind in tournaments. As always, there are no guarantees, and danger still lurks around every corner. But with great risk, comes great renown...
A Crusader Kings III Documentary - Melodies of the Middle Ages. This episode of our Documentary series focuses on the music of Crusader Kings III. How did we reconstruct medieval music for Tours & Tournaments? How did we find the balance between authentic melodies from the past and modern styles of music? And why did we visit Prague?
A Crusader Kings III Documentary - Medieval Jousts and Tournaments. Jousting with a group of knights in Visby. The Knight of Knowledge, the Knight of Two Arrows and the Chief Squire have shared their knowledge of both the medieval mounted fighting and its modern reenactment. What are the challenges? What are the differences?
A Crusader Kings III Documentary - Medieval Tournament Combat. The Middle Ages were the time when fighting prowess was highly valued. Even in times of peace, the knights trained and clashed during tournaments, showing off their skill. A visit to Warsaw and the Center Of Ancient Martial Arts, run by Robert Szatecki. He and his knights will show us what the buhurt - the art of melee fighting looked like back then and how does it look now, as a sport.
A Crusader Kings III Documentary - The Art of Medieval Sword Crafting. The Middle Ages were a violent time that resulted in the sword being a very common part of medieval life. Renowned Swedish swordsmith Peter Johnsson will journey with us to the Middle Ages to take a close look at sword crafting and how swords were used in daily life.

開發者日誌[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]