



CK3 packshot.png

常見問題[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png CK3將在何時發佈?

  • 十字軍之王3將在今年的P社嘉年華中公佈,敬情期待點此購買

Icon CK3b.png CK3預購有幾個版本?

  • 幾乎所有的零售渠道都能預購十字軍之王3。
  • 所有平台都提供以下兩種版本:
  1. 標準版 - 建議零售價:49.99$
  • 遊戲本體
  1. 皇家版 - 建議零售價:79.99$
  • 基礎遊戲
  • 擴展包,包含接下來的三個DLC和補充包: 阿拔斯宮廷風尚北境群雄皇家宮廷(已推出)與一個未知風味包。
  • 所有版本都包括預售獎勵: 神聖羅馬帝國服飾
  • 預售獎勵建議零售價2.99$

Icon CK3b.png什麼時候季票(兩年票)開始單賣?

  • 2020年9月1日開始,售價39.9$

Icon CK3b.png 購買皇家版有什麼好處?可以直接當國王嗎?

  • 省錢。

Icon CK3b.png 季票(兩年票)包含什麼內容?

  • 擴展包:
    • 擴展包獎勵:阿拔斯宮廷風尚
      • 中東和北非的一套額外服裝和化妝服裝選項。
    • 第一個風味包: 北境群雄
    • 第一個主要擴展包: 皇家宮廷(已推出)
    • 第二個風味包: 未知
  • 預售獎勵: 神聖羅馬帝國服飾
    • 為中歐的平民、戰士和統治者收集額外的服裝和頭飾。

Icon CK3b.png 預售獎勵與擴展包獎勵何時會解鎖?

  • 這兩個獎勵會在2020年9月1日CK3發佈時解鎖
  • 目前,獎勵只能通過以下方式獲得:
    • 要獲得預售獎勵,需要預購標準版或皇家版。
    • 要獲得擴展包獎勵,需要預購/購買皇家版或購買擴展包。

Icon CK3b.png 預售獎勵與擴展包獎勵的內容是不是額外服飾?如果我們不預購標準版或皇家版,是不是說所有角色都只會穿同款式的衣服?

  • 非也。在基礎遊戲裏角色也會穿不同款式的衣服。這兩個獎勵只是添加了更多款式而已。

Icon CK3b.png 發佈後我們可以期待什麼樣的內容?

  • 我們的DLC會有風味包與主要擴展包兩種形式:
    • 風味包 - 建議零售價:2.99$
      • 專注於某個地區或主題的遊戲內容。
    • 主要擴展包 - 建議零售價:29.99$
      • 更多,更豐富的擴展內容和機制來擴展和豐富您的體驗。
    • 免費更新:和往常一樣,每個主要擴展包都將附帶免費更新,其中將提供新功能、修復和更改,以改善我們的玩家體驗。
  • 如果你熟悉P社遊戲的尿性,你應該知道我們的CK3 DLC會比往常的遊戲更貴。這是因為我們希望將更多時間花在 CK3 擴展包上,並提供內容更豐富的DLC,以及更好、更令人興奮的內容和增強的機制。在主要擴展包之間,將發佈較小的風味包,為一個主題或世界上的某些特定地區增添一些趣味,讓每個人都有一些可以消磨時光的東西。

Icon CK3b.png CK3會有哪幾種語言?

  • 目前,CK3支持的語言會有英文、法文、德文、俄文、簡體中文,西班牙文與朝鮮文。
  • 雖然有人反應要波蘭文、意大利文、土耳其文,葡萄牙語-巴西(葡萄牙人實慘)與更多語言,但我們目前不打算在列表中中添加更多語言。但如果有變化,我們會告訴你。

Icon CK3b.png 你有十字軍之王 3 Discord 伺服器嗎?

Icon CK3b.png 我購買了CK3之後何時能開始遊玩?

  • 做好準備,你可以在歐洲中部夏令時間2020年9月1日星期二下午六點遊玩CK3。

Icon CK3b.png 如果我購買了XGP電腦版CK3,我會得到那個版本?將來我是否可以購買DLC?

  • XGP電腦平台上的CK3僅包含基礎遊戲,並且必須單獨購買 DLC。XGP訂閱者在參與Game Pass期間將享受任何CK3 DLC的10%折扣。

Icon CK3b.png 我可以預先加載遊戲嗎?

  • 遊戲不會預加載。CK3將於歐洲中部夏令時間9月1日星期二下午六點發佈。

Icon CK3b.png 統治者設計器?

  • CK3的統治者設計器將在未來的免費更新中提供。

Icon CK3b.png 會在Steam,Paradox Plaza與PC Gamepass跨平台嗎?

  • 當然!

Icon CK3b.png CK3在GeForce Now平台上可用嗎?

  • CK3會在發佈的同一天在GetForce Now可用。

Icon CK3b.png 多人遊戲中最都能有幾位玩家?

  • 最多能有64名玩家。

Icon CK3b.png 開始與結束日期是多少?

  • CK3的時間段是基於玩家在CK2里喜歡玩哪個時間段來選擇的。
  • 事實證明,玩家更喜歡在1066年開始或者以異教徒的身份在867年開始,所以在發佈時只有這兩個開始日期。結束日期依舊是1453年。

Icon CK3b.png 我們是否能跟歐陸風雲一樣在「官方」結束日期之後繼續遊戲?

  • 遊戲規則里有這一條,可以。

Icon CK3b.png CK3里會有白化病患者嗎?

Icon CK3b.png 3D模型會不會反應角色身上的一切,如畸形,沒有四肢等?

  • 會有的,我們正在做如疤痕、燒傷、沒有四肢,疾病等3D模型。

Icon CK3b.png 是新引擎嗎?

  • 我們使用的是最新版本的克勞塞維茨引擎。

Icon CK3b.png 對於沒有接觸過CK系列的玩家,遊戲中有沒有更詳細的教程呢?

  • 是的。我們不假設玩家在遊玩三代之前玩過二代(或一代)。可以看開發日誌與遊戲內置的百科全書。

Icon CK3b.png 當我給孩子取與他祖先相同的名字時,系統會自動添加輩分嗎?例如:詹姆斯→詹姆斯二世。

  • 當然。這些是領地輩分,與家族無關而與頭銜有關。例如有一個神羅皇帝叫詹姆斯,200年後又有一名神羅皇帝叫詹姆斯,那他就叫詹姆斯二世。

Icon CK3b.png 會有特定文化的頭銜前綴嗎?例如凱撒、巴西琉斯,雅爾等。

  • 是的!生成的貴族也會有來自哪裏的有關的名字。例如「·(of)約克」與「·德(de)·托特納姆」

Icon CK3b.png 遊戲中會有自建帝國嗎?

  • 一定。

Icon CK3b.png 角色搜索器會作報告還是或者在尋找潛在的內閣成員或配偶時會不會進入有機遊戲循環?

  • 哦,當然。我們有一個新版本的角色查找器!

Icon CK3b.png 你計劃在CK3里添加社團或類似的系統嗎?

  • 發佈時CK3沒有計劃社團系統。

Icon CK3b.png 還會有控制台或調試模式嗎?

  • 有一個要在調試模式下打開的控制台,你可以在控制台輸入命令。

Icon CK3b.png 角色會有聲音嗎?

  • 角色沒有聲音。

Icon CK3b.png 未來會加入游牧與異教徒嗎?

  • 異教徒開始時就有,游牧會成為部落。

Icon CK3b.png P社提不提供Mod開發工具?因為我們現在必須使用Notepad++,IntelliJ IDEA甚至PHPStorm(哭),更不用說缺少地圖編輯器了。

  • 就像IR一樣有地圖編輯器。
  • 對於腳本,我們內部使用文本編輯器。大多Sublime Text額不是Notepad++。

Icon CK3b.png 如果異教要進行活人祭祀,宗教認可的人體實驗(以適當的生活方式)是否是一種選擇?

  • 與你問的並不完全相同,但我們的確在其他情況下進行了人體實驗與活人獻祭。

Icon CK3b.png CK3會有自己原創的OST還是從CK2里搬運/抄襲大部分歌曲?

  • 全新的。

Icon CK3b.png 還會不會有不同文化的相關機制嗎?例如諾斯人能劫掠,愛爾蘭人有凱爾特繼承法之類。

  • 會。

Icon CK3b.png 遊戲速度選項是否還跟CKⅡ相似?

  • 是的,有一倍速到五倍速,大致與CK2匹配。

Icon CK3b.png 目前計劃有多少種寵物?

  • 貓和狗。取決於你在監獄裏有多孤獨,你還可以擁有更多寵物,例如寵物石頭。

Icon CK3b.png 在沒有擴展包的情況下,我們能玩哪幾種宗教?

  • 所有。

Icon CK3b.png 發佈時可以進行多人遊戲嗎?

  • 可以。

Icon CK3b.png Mod製作者可以添加影響其他角色外觀與服飾的變量(例如幻想種族)嗎?

  • 可以,您甚至能根據需要為自己的角色建模。肖像完全可修改。

Icon CK3b.png 如何描寫身體/心理障礙?

  • 儘可能尊重。雖然他們依舊有角色懲罰,但我們儘量確保這在醫學上是準確的,並注意不要陷入刻板印象中。

Icon CK3b.png 稍稍偏題一下,隨機生成紋章尊不遵循紋章規則?

  • 會,我們的美工師與文章設計師已經很用心了!

Icon CK3b.png 會有寵物嗎?在某些崇拜他們的信仰中會給我們虔誠增益嗎?

  • 會有的!您甚至可以親自命名他們。目前還沒有崇拜狗與貓的信仰。

Icon CK3b.png CK3的PEGI分級是多少?裸體/血腥/納垢能給我帶來的所有奇妙疾病,遊戲將變得多麼生動?

  • 16歲。

Icon CK3b.png 會有一個選項來禁用裸體模型嗎?

  • 會。

Icon CK3b.png 你們將如何處理關於淡水的乘船旅行時間不會很長的事實?

  • 軍隊在海上呆太久會有損耗。

Icon CK3b.png 我們可以重命名省份嗎?

  • 所有頭銜都能被重命名。

Icon CK3b.png 孩子們會不會像以前一樣有更高的死亡風險?

  • 貴族的兒童死亡率不如農民高,也就是說,孩子可能生來就有病,也可能在幼年時就病入膏肓。

Icon CK3b.png ck3 會像IR一樣有可通航的河流嗎?

  • CK3中有可通航的河流,就像CK2一樣。

Icon CK3b.png 我們可以用哪些不同的方式殺死我們的角色?

  • 謀殺、刺死、戰死、屈服于于疾病、自殺等等。 你應該找到你的選擇……只要你滿意。

Icon CK3b.png 一個統治者的最大年齡是多少?還有沒有永生特質?

  • 統治者的最大年齡是基於他們的健康(修改各種健康特質等等)所以這很難說。我們有人活過100歲了,但這很罕見。並且永生特質被移除了(但你也能永生:眨眼:)。

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王朝,家族[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 我們可以將男爵級別的封臣轉封給其他封臣嗎?

  • 你不能將男爵封臣轉封出指定的伯爵領,該伯爵領的持有者永遠是男爵的領主。

Icon CK3b.png 我們能從其他伯爵領繼承男爵領,並將這些男爵領變為我們的直系封臣嗎?

  • 不行。你可以從你自己的伯爵領繼承男爵領,但不能從別人的伯爵領繼承。如果這種情況要出現,這個男爵領只能被所屬伯爵領的持有者繼承。
  • 如上所述,男爵領是伯爵領的一部分。然而,我們確實有將男爵領租用給其他統治者的情況,例如說聖職。這能讓他們有效控制所持地產以及保證收益,但不會「離開」你的領地。

Icon CK3b.png 男爵角色是以社區,或者是「建築」的形式存在嗎?

  • 他們很大程度上仍然是真實角色。只不過我們不怎麼鳥他們罷了。

Icon CK3b.png 宗族傳承樹是怎麼「混着」點的?也就是說,當我積累了足夠的宗族威望來開啟傳承時,我是隨便點哪一個都可以嗎,還是只能按照路線的順序一個一個點?

  • 你可以隨便點,但是你只有解鎖了上一個傳承,才能開啟下一個。後面的傳承要比一開始的強力得多。

Icon CK3b.png AI角色可以自己建立家族嗎?這樣我們就可以看到一些震古爍今的王朝了。

  • 噢,當然可以。

Icon CK3b.png 如果我建立了一個家族,我可以選擇家族名稱和座右銘嗎?

  • 當然可以!

Icon CK3b.png 支系的盾徽會不會有原生家族紋章的元素在裏面,比如說波旁家族支系?

  • 支系的紋章會部分基於原生家族的生成。

Icon CK3b.png 所有已知的王朝/紋章都會在遊戲首發版本裏出現嗎?

  • 不,不是所有的。但我們正在積極努力,做入更多的已知王朝/紋章,儘量保證遊戲的歷史準確性和沉浸感。我想那些紋章愛好者會非常喜歡我們正在做的事情。

Icon CK3b.png 你有可能因家庭衝突而喪失宗族領袖地位嗎?比如說,你的一個弟弟和你爭奪宗族領袖?

  • 嚴格來說是的,如果那個兄弟建立了自己的家族,而且比你更強。

Icon CK3b.png 兩個支系宗族的聯姻會創建出一個新的宗族嗎?

  • 並不會。其後代將屬於主配偶所屬的宗族。

Icon CK3b.png 考慮到"Dynast" 一般來說指的是宗族中任何一個(有被選舉資格的/男性)成員,可以把"Dynast" 重命名嗎?例如改為"Head Dynast" 或者"Senior Dynast"。

  • 為了區分,我們已經把'Dynast'改成'Dynasty Head'了。

Icon CK3b.png 我知道最強力的家主會成為宗族領袖,但什麼因素會決定,誰是最強力的家主呢?哪些因素是最相關的?

  • 軍事力量是主要因素。

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中世紀地圖[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 我們可以用腳本來改變地形嗎,比如說事件或者其他東西?

  • 不行。

Icon CK3b.png 泰晤士河上有橋,是不是意味着,在CK3里部隊不能隨時隨地跨過主要河流?還有,會不會有更多可以乘船穿行的河流?

  • 事實如此。主要河流擁有指定渡口來過河,比如泰晤士河。

Icon CK3b.png 我想的是對的嗎?我看到一些空的男爵領,是不是意味着我們可以建設額外的城市/神殿/城堡?就和CK2的空格子一樣?

  • 完全正確。遊戲開始時,並不是所有地產都建好了,所以你得在遊玩過程中進行建設。

Icon CK3b.png 地圖長什麼樣子?是球面的還是平面的?

  • 地圖是平面的,並將大致與CK2匹配。地圖上沒有中國。
  • 不過,我們將加入如下內容:
    • 加入了整個西藏地區,不像CK2那樣移除了大部分東部地區。
    • 擴張到撒哈拉以南非洲,一直延伸到尼日利亞海岸。
    • 我們也將地圖擴展到蒙古和孟加拉地區!

Icon CK3b.png 我能放大到在地圖上顯示男爵領的名字嗎?

  • 不行,但是你可以放大到看見伯爵領名字。這裏有三種縮略級別。

Icon CK3b.png 地圖變大了,會對性能有什麼影響嗎?

  • 地圖的尺寸,省份,頭銜和角色的數量當然會影響性能。但請記住,CK3是一個新遊戲,你從一開始就應該注意到這點。

Icon CK3b.png 關於不可通過地形和阻塞點,如果戰爭依賴於這兩個因素,AI會打你嗎?遊戲中存在軍隊只能從這裏通過的山口嗎?

  • AI不會試圖在對其非常不利的地形上展開戰鬥,如果你在阻塞點安營紮寨,它更傾向於做別的事情,例如說圍攻你的次級地產。
  • 對的,主要山脈有一些你只能從此通過的隘口。

Icon CK3b.png CK3里大概有多少男爵領,如果同IR的城市或EU4的省份相比的話?

  • 要比EU4多,但不確定與IR的相比如何。
  • 空的男爵領視為由伯爵領持有者擁有。

Icon CK3b.png CK3的地圖投影屬於哪一類?

  • 為滿足CK3的特殊需求,這是我們內部開發的定製投影。因此它不屬於任何標準投影或之前使用的PDS格式。

Icon CK3b.png 地圖會延伸到歐洲的大西洋島嶼嗎,還是我們又只能看到加那利群島的一部分?

  • 地圖在加那利群島以西就結束了。整個西非海岸都囊括在內。

Icon CK3b.png 地圖會延伸到非洲南部嗎?

  • 遊戲地圖包含了整個非洲海岸,邊界幾乎抵達了赤道。

Icon CK3b.png 地圖會向東延伸到哪裏?和CK2一樣嗎?

  • 遊戲地圖甚至延伸到了緬甸,所以自然比CK2遠。

Icon CK3b.png CK3中,阿茲特克人會出現在歐洲海岸嗎?

  • 不。

Icon CK3b.png 地圖的可修改性如何?CK3里製作地圖要比CK2容易嗎?

  • 你完全可以DIY你的地圖,就像IR一樣,我們在CK3內置了地圖模擬器。

Icon CK3b.png 在地形模式中,玩家邊界是否會像IR那樣,發出一些帶顏色的光芒,這樣我們就能更容易區分我們自己的邊界了?

  • 是的,我們擁有漸變邊界,放大時還會發出微弱的光芒來顯示這個國家。

Icon CK3b.png 從歷史上來說,一些地形因素,如高加索山脈,在幾個世紀以來阻擋了各種大規模入侵(從北到東),並在阻塞點給予了防守方巨大優勢。除了限制敵人進入你的領土外,這些阻塞點會在戰鬥中提供額外優勢嗎?

  • 地理上的阻塞點限制了敵軍移動,但這也讓你更容易摸清他們是從哪裏來的。
  • 你也可以很輕鬆地部署軍隊,從而阻擋敵軍。如果你恰好把軍隊放在山地,你會因此得到巨大的戰鬥優勢。
  • 記住,你還可以修建防禦性建築,以此進一步提高你的戰鬥優勢。

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戰爭[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Will there be set Cultural bonuses to men at arms like in CK2 with retinues, or are we able to customize them if they appear at all?是否會像CK2中的近衛軍那樣,給兵士設置文化獎勵?還是等他們解鎖時,我們可以定製特殊兵種?

  • Not as such, but as mentioned in the DD, there are plenty of different Men-at-Arms that are unique to different cultures.並不是這樣的,但正如日誌中提到的,不同文化擁有不同的特殊兵種。
  • Steppe cultures will for example, have access to Horse Archers, while Greeks have access to superior Heavy Cavalry in the form of Cataphracts.例如說草原文化可以招募弓騎兵,而希臘文化可以組建鐵甲聖騎兵。
  • Men at arms are not constantly raised, unlike in CK2. They're also very different from levies, while in CK2 they were pretty similar. They're costly to change, but not prohibitively so.不像CK2那樣,兵士不會保持常備。兵士也和徵召兵有很大區別,但與CK2的近衛軍非常相似。改變兵士的代價很高,但不至於搞不起。(沒玩過CK2,不知道說的什麼)

Icon CK3b.png 城堡會擁有要塞控制區嗎?

  • 與EU4的情況不一樣。對敵國軍隊的損耗可被視作一種「軟要塞控制區」,它不會阻礙敵軍移動,但如果不加考慮就移動軍隊的話,它會造成懲罰。

Icon CK3b.png 這是不是說,如果你攻下了帶有防禦工事的男爵領,你會立刻獲得該伯爵領其他男爵領的控制權,就不需要踩它們的地了?

  • 你實際上是在爭奪整個伯爵領的控制權。攻佔伯爵領內的所有要塞將會讓你自動佔領伯爵領的其他男爵領。

Icon CK3b.png CK3中那些允許女性成為盾女的文化/宗教(例如北日耳曼)是否允許擁有女性騎士和/或者女性將領?

  • 是的。

Icon CK3b.png 我之前讀到過,20名騎士的戰鬥力等同於200名徵召兵。但老實講,我覺得這些騎士除了用於角色扮演之外,就毫無用處了。這裏有些事需要考慮:首先,我假設自己是統治者,我要負責一個一個給這些人授予騎士爵位。然後,我還不想仔細打理這三四十個小頭銜,因為這些騎士只有300-400名徵召兵的實力。

  • 騎士並非你可以隨意分封的頭銜。他們默認為你的領地中最能幹的角色(基於勇武能力),然後你可以按自己想法隨意調整。遊戲仍在數值平衡的過程中。我不敢說一個騎士會有多強,但請你放心,我們想要騎士變得強大,成為不可忽視的力量。
  • 騎士會和你的部隊一起戰鬥,但要比任何的徵召兵和兵士強,同時他們也會造成和承擔傷害。他們可能受傷,被俘,或者更糟的情況,被殺掉......所以在選擇誰上戰場時,一定要當心!或者你可以故意把他送入一場實力懸殊的戰鬥中......

Icon CK3b.png AI會如何應對敵國領土的損耗機制?這個機制會阻止AI像CK2那樣直接沖你首都嗎?

  • 衝進敵人的領地會讓你的軍隊遭受非常嚴重的損耗,並且AI也知道這一點。AI會試圖圍攻戰爭目標。

Icon CK3b.png 將領的存在會像CK2那樣做得抽象嗎?是戰鬥事件的觸發會獨立於戰鬥之外,還是將領在戰場上會成為具體的存在,也許會當做一個額外的騎士?

  • 戰鬥事件在一定程度上受戰鬥狀態的影響。將領包含一些,騎士包含另外一些。

Icon CK3b.png 在戰鬥中俘獲對手的概率仍然像CK2那樣隨機嗎?俘獲敵方國王會不會給你帶來100%戰爭分數?戰鬥會變得更加致命和危險嗎,比如說更多角色會被殺死或是被俘?

  • 俘獲對手的概率決定於將領或騎士在戰場上的表現。一場壓倒性的勝利更有可能俘獲對方。俘虜敵方統治者即可贏得戰爭。
  • 由於我們讓角色(騎士)直接參與進戰鬥中,所以比起CK2,當然會有更多角色承擔戰鬥的風險了。當騎士很危險。

Icon CK3b.png 在戰爭中,CK3是潰退,還是有一條遊戲規則,可以設定是潰退還是直接撤退到鄰近省份?

  • 直接潰退。

Icon CK3b.png 我們有騎士數量限制嗎?非騎士角色和非將領角色仍然可以參與戰鬥嗎?

  • 有騎士數量限制,並且受一系列因素決定(例如說級別,政體)。只有騎士和將領才能參加戰鬥。

Icon CK3b.png 有海戰嗎?

  • 首發版本裏沒有海戰,而且我們將來也不會做。

Icon CK3b.png CK3的和平談判同CK2的有多大區別?還是像CK2那樣,你只能根據你的宣戰理由奪取利益?

  • 就和CK2一樣。

Icon CK3b.png 人物肖像會披甲嗎?

  • 當然。

Icon CK3b.png 決定地圖上兵模形態的因素是什麼?

  • 目前兵模形態取決於軍隊質量以及文化。

Icon CK3b.png CK3的首發版本是有CK2《神聖之怒》DLC那樣的十字軍機制,還是基於CK2原版的十字軍機制?

  • CK3十字軍機制很大程度上受到了《神聖之怒》DLC的啟發。

Icon CK3b.png 會像CK2那樣,在戰鬥中使用不同的半隨機戰術嗎?

  • CK3的戰鬥系統已完全重製。

Icon CK3b.png 可以把俘虜娶為配偶嗎?

  • 可以。

Icon CK3b.png 吉哈德會有自己風格的UI嗎,就像新的十字軍UI那樣?

  • 是的。

Icon CK3b.png 軍隊質量完全是由兵士在軍隊中的佔比決定的嗎?還是你可以提高徵召兵的質量?

  • 軍隊質量是士兵的平均水平同士兵數量比較後給出的指標。其由兵士和騎士數量和強度所決定。例如說,麾下擁有幾個強力騎士要遠遠好過指揮一群烏合之眾。

Icon CK3b.png 當軍隊乘船時,乘船成本是否受你要去的地方和行駛距離影響?比如說,如果我在愛爾蘭,我要我的軍隊乘船去耶路撒冷,成本是不是要比去聖地亞哥的情況多?

  • 在某種程度上說是的。無論你要讓軍隊去哪裏,初始登船成本肯定是一樣的。然而,你的軍隊會在海上有一個額外的軍隊維護費。

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發展度&建築[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 每個公國的首府是否固定為特定男爵領? 如果沒有,如果你移動首都,那麼公國的首府會被摧毀嗎?

  • 公國建築都將建在一個特定的男爵領地。例如,埃塞克斯公國建築必須在倫敦建造。

Icon CK3b.png 現在還存在奇觀嗎?

  • 他們不會像CK2奇觀系統那樣複雜,只會代表歷史特殊建築。

Icon CK3b.png 那麼是什麼構成了少數地產?

  • 部落和空地產。

Icon CK3b.png 既然男爵領現在在地圖上,我猜一個省份不能再獲得新地產槽,對嗎?

  • 郡無法獲得一開始沒有的地產槽,但許多省份確實有許多可以建地產的空地產,尤其是在867年開局。

Icon CK3b.png 省份發展度可能會因劫掠或破壞而迅速降低嗎?

  • 有降低發展度的許多方法。

Icon CK3b.png 會有獨特的文化建築嗎?

  • 不可以。您可以在男爵領中建造哪些建築物的主要因素取決於地形。
  • 例如,農田和沙漠之間的差異非常顯著。農田將有更高的經濟產出,而沙漠則允許出更強壯的戰士。

Icon CK3b.png 關於管理值和發展度,有沒有更多經濟方面的數值來保持王國的強大,比如食物和人口,或者所有這些又被抽象為金錢?

  • 建築、發展度、控制力、封臣稅。大概還有一些。但這一切都歸結為金錢,是的。

Icon CK3b.png 是否有可能進行影響多個省份的修繕?比如修路或灌溉?

  • 有影響公國所有省份的公國建築。

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計謀,秘密,牽制[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 任何人都可以試圖勾引對方嗎,還是要看目標人物是同性戀/異性戀?

  • 如果想要成功的話,目標人物必須要有能被誘惑者勾引的可能性。
  • 默認情況下,你也只能勾引你能夠勾引得到的角色。

Icon CK3b.png 你可以自願公開一個秘密嗎,這樣別人就會放棄對你的牽制了?

  • 你可以拒絕被他人勒索,到時候你的秘密就會暴露了。

Icon CK3b.png 如果秘密在當事人/多數同謀都死了或消失無蹤後,很長一段時間裏沒有被發現,那秘密被發現的概率會降低嗎?

  • 目前這與秘密沒被發掘沒有任何區別,但若是同謀死亡的話,某些秘密確實有可能「丟失」。當然,為了加快計劃,你需要一個*全新*的謀殺秘密。邪惡的人可沒有休息時間。

Icon CK3b.png 這是否意味着,如果一個同謀被發現,其他同謀仍然會保持隱秘?

  • 是的!目標人物會知道誰是策劃者,但他們不會知道還有誰參與進這場密謀來。讓這個同謀最好的朋友看起來有點可疑,不是嗎?

Icon CK3b.png 策劃者知道所有參與謀殺的人,參與過這場謀殺的秘密嗎?

  • 現在沒有。我們已經試過了,若是這樣做,會「泄露」出很多秘密,發現這些秘密可能很有用,但這樣做也沒有真正告訴你發生什麼事了。所以,只有陰謀正在進行時,同謀才有風險。

Icon CK3b.png 還有些問題:如何評估同謀與目標人物的「親密度」?

  • 通過各種方式,主要看目標人物和同謀間的關係。所以家庭成員,內閣成員等關係,都能增加計謀強度。

Icon CK3b.png 你之前講過,如果一個陰謀在執行前被發現,也有可能不會追溯到你頭上。這指的是一個很難達到的「無論任何情況下都不會發生的情形」,還是說受一個你同你的同謀之間的忠誠因素影響?

  • 目前這是一個強制限制,但如果你的計劃被發現了,你還要繼續執行下去,那麼你被發現的概率會大大增加。

Icon CK3b.png 同謀會對你保守秘密嗎?

  • 現在沒有。我們不希望每個同謀回頭就勒索你。

Icon CK3b.png 為了真正改善這一繁瑣的過程,你們能夠做的也就是添加一個小小的檢查按鈕,把一個非封建制頭銜(即不是男爵)分封給隨機生成的廷臣,搞得這就是個專門分發頭銜的遊戲一樣。

  • 關於這一點,我只能說,我們很清楚CK3有哪些部分要比實際情況更無聊。這不是信口開河,但我們確實明白這一點。

Icon CK3b.png 你可以當同謀嗎?比如說協助你領主的陰謀?如果是的話,有沒有一系列的事件和決議可供選擇呢?

  • 不,目前為止我們僅限AI當同謀,因為這樣做會造成很大風險,你很難控制得住......CK3里有很多因素會影響計謀中斷和泄露概率,不是只靠你高超的謀略本領決定!

Icon CK3b.png 我們能用牽制來勾引人嗎?

  • 不行。

Icon CK3b.png 關於宣稱頭銜陰謀呢?

  • 我們在獲得宣稱一章再討論吧;)

Icon CK3b.png 那麼誹謗呢?

  • 目前還沒什麼可聊的(也就是說沒做!)。

Icon CK3b.png 我們可以用計謀勾引我的妻子,然後對她使用我們從她那裏獲取的牽制(有一個神秘情人)嗎?

  • 你不能用你參與過的秘密來勒索他人!

Icon CK3b.png 某些事件可以加速或跳過步驟嗎?

  • 計謀(成功概率以及其他因素)進會受事件影響。

Icon CK3b.png 如果我是兒童,能謀殺兄弟姐妹/朋友嗎?

  • 目前兒童不能策劃謀殺。但你給了我靈感......

Icon CK3b.png 可以添加雙性戀特質嗎?把性傾向一分為二也太蠢了,尤其是我們還有證據表明這三種傾向在古時候就有了。

  • 有的,遊戲裏有雙性戀角色。我們已經在很多地方都討論過了。現在,性傾向已經移出特質系統單獨出現了,有了更多細微差別。

Icon CK3b.png 在認定一件事是秘密或者是值得勒索的東西上,存在文化差異嗎?

  • 這確實值得考慮,我們將來再說!

Icon CK3b.png 有什麼辦法能讓我知曉別人知道的秘密?比如說,我打算勒索國王,但其他人又發現他和他妹妹間的不當關係,我很想幹掉那個傢伙,這樣一來我就能獨自威脅國王了?

  • 可以,但這可不好辦。畢竟,秘密嘛,這是個秘密。我們不僅要知道這個秘密,還要知道是誰知道這個秘密,這樣一來不就又變成新的秘密了嗎!

Icon CK3b.png 謀殺成功的概率是五五開,還是會有其他因素改變概率?

  • 成功概率取決於各種各樣的因素,包括你的同謀。

Icon CK3b.png 我們可以謀殺自己孩子嗎(當然,要等到他們成年後)?

  • 可以,但前提是,你得是虐待狂角色!

Icon CK3b.png 讓AI使用CK3複雜的計謀系統是不是挺有挑戰的?AI會衝動行事還是以某種合理的方式達成目標?

  • 與CK2中的角色不同,CK3的角色通常會採用更合理的計劃。例如,他們會嘗試謀殺,獲得繼承(取決於他們當前地位),報復仇敵,等等。

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內閣,強力封臣,配偶[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 主教現在只做內閣成員,而不是神殿地產的持有者嗎?難道說,一個伯爵會有一個掌管神殿的主教,然後是他的公爵領主,然後是他的國王領主?

  • 既是,又不是。這是宮廷司祭機制,但神職人員也完全可以擁有自己的土地。比如,大主教拒絕向你納稅,且約克大主教(直接持有約克公國及其附庸)正與你作對。或者教會是你最大的支持者。真的,這取決於你。每個統治者都有自己的主教。

Icon CK3b.png 現在只有強力封臣的態度會決定你是否能更改領地的繼承法,那麼你如何給「普通」封臣彌補損失的權力,將其與強力封臣拉平?或者我們現在(甚至是)更不該關心他們了嗎?

  • 這與一些子系統有關,我覺得現在我還不能討論這些子系統,但本質上會有一些綜合因素讓你擁有更少,但更強大的封臣,同時也在一定程度上增強派系的潛在威脅(因為多個角色的參與意味着更多的騎士和兵士)。

Icon CK3b.png 如果一半領地信仰一個宗教,另一半信仰另外一個,那麼每個宗教都有各自的政治領袖嗎?或者領地只能有一個。如果該領地的領主信仰這個宗教,那麼他可以從信仰其他宗教的神職人員那裏收稅嗎,還是基於他們對領主的好感,但這些神職人員仍然受宗教領袖的控制?

  • 好的,如果你有宮廷司祭的話,那麼他就是你領地的神學顧問。他將向他管理的,擁有同個信仰的神職人員徵稅(例如,天主教主教不會向東正教神職人員徵稅),以及你直轄領地下的神殿地產收錢,而這與伯爵領內神殿地產信仰什麼宗教無關。宮廷司祭負責打理你直轄的神殿地產,即使他們並沒有持有這些地產,平民仍然會向這些租賃者納稅,哪怕他們信仰不同宗教。

Icon CK3b.png 你能解釋下CK3的主教有什麼區別嗎?

  • 如果忽略那些擁有自己土地的主教(「我是馬克主教,我現在直轄圖盧茲伯爵領,所以我是圖盧茲主教」),主教就是一種宮廷司祭職位的變種,有些宗教會有,有些沒有。
  • 如果你有主教,他就會從你直轄的每個神殿地產徵稅和徵兵,以及從你信仰同宗教的封臣的主教那裏徵稅(如果你的封臣有主教的話)。你主要與你的主教打交道,而且他與CK2的相比,會更麻煩,也更敏感。
  • 開發日誌中寫的「大主教」是一種稱謂;主教的具體類型取決於你信仰的宗教和你的等級。伯爵或許只有主教,而公爵會有大主教,等等等等。因為這就是個稱謂,這些都能很容易去改變,我們目前在給不同宗教下的神職人員編寫稱謂。

Icon CK3b.png 如果失去了配偶,有沒有考慮過擴展「配偶」內閣職位,允許繼承人與我共治?

  • 這想法在將來會很有意思,但現在沒有得到實現。所以不能。

Icon CK3b.png 似乎配偶會在管理領地方面有更重要的作用。你同他/她的關係會高度影響他/她的工作效果嗎?會出更多與配偶相處的事件嗎?如果你欺騙了配偶,他/她會主動謀殺你嗎?

  • 是的!配偶對你的好感度很高的話,他/她會積極地幫助你以及打理你的領地。如果配偶擁有一些特質的話,還會解鎖獨特事件,而用其他方式是無法觸發的......

Icon CK3b.png 由於秘密和牽制,在CK3,如果有人出生後被揭露是私生子,那麼他們有可能失去頭銜宣稱嗎?

  • 一半對。如果角色出生後出現了新的證據,讓他們的出身備受質疑,那麼他們會承受外交和威望懲罰。然而,他們不會失去宣稱。當然,發現有爭議的血統秘密是勒索別人的好方法;)

Icon CK3b.png 如果面板足夠好,可以直接在大街上拉一個出身卑微的平民當管家嗎?

  • 只要他們在你的宮廷內,或者是賓客,就可以。然而,你的貴族封臣並不樂意......

Icon CK3b.png 內閣任務啟動後,仍然是以每年多少百分比進行的嗎?

  • 像「改變伯爵領信仰」這樣的任務有一個進度條,所以你大概知道什麼時候會完成。在內閣成員執行任務時也有可能會發生一些隨機事件。

Icon CK3b.png 同CK2相比,封臣和領主間的互動如何?還有法律,內閣權力和人情系統嗎?

  • 人情系統被更加複雜的牽制系統取代。會有法律來管理你的封臣和繼承法的。

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人物,肖像[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 我們能自定義角色服裝嗎?髮型和配件呢?

  • 遊戲裏會有一個設計器,你可以在那裏設計髮型,鬍子形狀,選擇服裝以及有限的發色。(沒有稀奇古怪的顏色)

Icon CK3b.png 幾個星期前出現的"should_be_naked_trigger"是幹什麼用的?

  • 它主要用於一些宗派。

Icon CK3b.png 能力值是不是有點高了。Emir Djafir擁有24點能力,而似乎大多數人在十幾歲時就擁有高能力。我覺得能力值高過20點就不正常了,不應該像在CK2里那麼常見。

  • 能力值是有變化的,不要在意它們現在的數值,它們很可能會變。

Icon CK3b.png 一個人獲得或失去性格特徵有多容易呀?如果這些特徵對角色來說是決定性的,我希望不要一個隨機事件就讓我徹底改變。

  • 要想改變你的性格是*十分*困難的,隨機事件永遠不會改變。隨着時間推移,會有幾種方式潛移默化改變性格,這取決於你的玩法。壓力也會對此產生影響。

Icon CK3b.png 你能說一下,除了年齡和姓名外,那顆小心心代表什麼啊?黃色的和綠色的又是什麼?

  • 這代表角色的總體健康。它相當抽象(你永遠不會確切知道一個角色什麼時候會去世),但它會給你指示——例如,一個病入膏肓的角色可能會有黑色乾癟的心心。

Icon CK3b.png 先天特質是看得見的,還是看不見?

  • 看得見,儘管角色還會攜帶隱性特質......而這些是看不見的,但可以遺傳給後代!

Icon CK3b.png 會有任何類型的事件動畫嗎?比如說角色移動,簡單互動,等等。

  • 會有與事件前後相關的動畫。例如說,一個角色的配偶被揭發出軌時,他會覺得震驚。

Icon CK3b.png 成年年齡還是像CK2那樣固定在16歲,還是會有所不同,或者更加動態,以反映中世紀的價值觀念?

  • 成年年齡都是一樣的,但現在人物肖像會隨着時間推移變老,而不是每個階段一個畫像的硬性限制。16歲沒有大鬍子!

Icon CK3b.png CK3里種族融合做得好嗎?比如,一個非洲摩爾黑人同一個西班牙白人生了小孩,他們看起來會像是現實生活中的混血兒嗎,還是他們的容貌會更傾向於父母中的一個種族?

  • 這裏面是有一些隨機性來模擬現實生活的,但確實,孩子們的外貌看起來就像其父母外貌的混合。

Icon CK3b.png 同性戀是遊戲的一部分,那麼可以收養兒童嗎?

  • 收養行動並不在發佈計劃中。

Icon CK3b.png 角色服飾是否同他們的頭銜緊密相關,比如說伯爵和公爵的服飾差異,還有我們可以改變角色服飾和配件嗎?

  • 是的,角色的等級決定他們可以穿戴多華麗的服飾和頭飾。對,你可以在設計器改變服飾/髮型和鬍子。

Icon CK3b.png 我的角色可不可以在耶路撒冷帶領部隊,然後一瞬間傳送到英格蘭玩字謎遊戲,之後下一瞬間又回到耶路撒冷?

  • 多數事件需要"is_available_for_events"觸發,如果你在率軍奮戰,這個觸發就會判定失敗。

Icon CK3b.png 家族成員可以離開你的宮廷,自己去建立頭銜嗎?

  • 可以,如果他們沒有某些東西的繼承權,他們就有可能變成流浪者。

Icon CK3b.png 在不使用謀殺的前提下,有什麼方法能與孩子斷絕關係?

  • 宗族領袖會有一個交互,剝奪宗族成員的繼承權。

Icon CK3b.png 即使文化變了,角色也會長得像他們的父母嗎?

  • 是的,角色的DNA和種族,是同文化分開的。你可以融入一個文化並改變這個文化,同時種族和DNA保持不變,因為這些決定了孩子的相貌。

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宮廷,賓客,奇觀[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 是否有機制能在全圖範圍內清除多餘的廷臣,或者隨着遊戲進程放慢創建他們的速度?

  • 設立流浪者機制的目標之一,就是利用那些多餘的廷臣。他們會離開宮廷,去那些更需要他們的地方。
  • 我們一半只會在沒有流浪者的情況下創建廷臣,如果一些流浪者無地可去,他們最終都會被清除掉。

Icon CK3b.png 已婚角色或帶有孩子的角色會獨自旅行嗎,還是同他們的家庭旅行?或者兩者皆可,根據他們的背景故事決定?

  • 角色會試圖同他們的配偶和未成年孩子一起旅行,除非他們因一些非常不幸的因素分隔開來。

Icon CK3b.png 只能有7個廷臣嗎?

  • 一般情況下你的廷臣和賓客數量會大於7個。你的廷臣越少,來你宮廷拜訪的賓客就越多。
  • 你想招募每一名前來的賓客,是完全沒問題的——只要你想,你就能打造出賓客滿堂的大宮廷。要想維持這樣的宮廷,最大的挑戰是,你要讓每個人都有理由待下去!

Icon CK3b.png 流浪者是隨機出現的還是只能在相鄰領地移動?我想說的是,歐洲中部的領地相比於斯堪的納維亞的窮山惡水來說,更能吸引到流浪者。這也許是一個有趣的方面。

  • 大部分情況下,流浪者會移動到相鄰地區。然而,有些時候,他們可以神奇地穿越整個地圖!

Icon CK3b.png 我可以邀請特定角色來宮廷嗎?

  • 你可以邀請特定角色來宮廷,但是與CK2相比,他們可能會更猶豫要不要答應。然而,你可以使用牽制(Voffvoffhunden在之前的發展日誌中提到過)來「說服」他們加入宮廷,即使他們寧願留在原地。

Icon CK3b.png 可不可以使用廷臣的宣稱,從而打下土地,讓他們成為我們的封臣,而不是先給他們一個男爵領或者用其他方法,讓他們變成我們的封臣後再用?

  • 使用廷臣的宣稱會讓他們成為你的封臣(如果可能的話)。

Icon CK3b.png 他們被招募後,大概能「無理由」在這裏待多長時間?

  • 在發佈之前,這裏需要重新調整一下。不過目前對可以離開的廷臣而言,他們平均會在三年後離去。然而,這個數字可能會有很大變化。
  • 比如說,那些覺得你能幫助他們打下宣稱的人會更耐心。真正對你抱有好感,或者與你有關係的廷臣一般也願意多待一段時間。

Icon CK3b.png 在角色扮演里,廷臣會發揮出更大作用嗎?

  • 是的,比如說成為陰謀中的同謀,或者事件的參與方。

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生活方式[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


Icon CK3b.png 生活方式機制的可修改性如何?

  • 很高,你可以添加新技能,改變技能樹中技能間的上下關係,或者加入新的技能樹,重心,甚至新的生活方式!

Icon CK3b.png 生活方式與傳承間有關聯嗎?比如說,家長是建築師,他會宣佈所有家庭成員都要學習建築設計,從而讓每個新出生的兒童都能擁有建築技能樹中一個免費的技能嗎?

  • 一些傳承會給予整個宗族經驗獲得加成。

Icon CK3b.png 點完整棵技能樹後,可以繼續這棵樹,拿一些被動獎勵嗎?

  • 是重心提供經驗,而不是技能樹。你可以選擇任何重心。

Icon CK3b.png 當你選擇一項生活方式時,特質會對經驗獲取產生影響嗎?

  • 有些可以,比如「天才」系列先天特質。

Icon CK3b.png 能永生嗎?

  • 不能,但你可以寫Mod。當你做Mod時,你可以選擇「有效年齡」和「真實年齡」。

Icon CK3b.png 這種機制可以讓我們在其他生活方式上獲取經驗嗎?

  • 不行,你只能在事件中獲取目前進行的生活方式的經驗。
  • 比如,如果你選擇了「管理——行政家」線,也可能會觸發「管理——建築家」和「管理——愛財如命」線的事件。
  • 然而,在極少數情況下,你有可能得到其他生活方式的經驗,甚至得到一個其他生活方式的技能。

Icon CK3b.png 這和CK2的事件沒什麼區別嘛。

  • CK3的事件和選項會比CK2的產生更明顯的影響。設計這些事件的其中一個核心目標就是,減少「垃圾互動」,讓你觸發的每一個事件都更有意義。

Icon CK3b.png 在統治者的一生中,他們是被完全鎖定,用單一的生活方式嗎(除非他們重置了技能)?換其他生活方式的同時,保留上一個生活方式的技能是絕不可能的嗎?

  • 當你改變重心時,你可從其他四種生活方式中選取重心。即使換了生活方式,你也能保留原生活方式的所有技能。
  • 在選定新的重心後,會有一段冷卻時間,除此之外你完全可以隨時變更重心(也就是生活方式)。

Icon CK3b.png 壓力增加後,性格特徵會變得更有意思嗎?

  • 這就是開發壓力系統的主要原因之一。在某些情況下,一些帶來好處的特質可能會鼓勵你採取其他行動,避免增加壓力。

Icon CK3b.png 哪些玩法會影響角色性格,抑鬱或其他事情能改變性格嗎?

  • 成年後,性格基本上就固定了。成年後能改變性格的主要原因,基本上是壓力等級提升引起的中年危機了。

Icon CK3b.png 我們可以從另一面看到自己的封臣和領主觸發的生活方式事件嗎?

  • 是的,你有時會參與進你封臣和領主的生活方式事件中去,並且對他們的選擇造成些許影響。

Icon CK3b.png 會有超自然事件嗎?

  • 首發版本明顯沒有超自然事件。

Icon CK3b.png 事件能改變生活方式嗎,比如說一個走騎士重心的角色,他可能會因一些原因徹底改變生活方式,例如說從俠義騎士變為拷打者?

  • 不,改變生活方式由玩家意志決定。

Icon CK3b.png 鍊金術和巫術怎麼樣了?

  • 遊戲中沒有超自然事件。但是,你在追求鍊金術或巫術的過程中獲取的知識,也許會有其他用……

Icon CK3b.png 存不存在與統治者信仰相關的特定生活方式事件?比如說特定的遜尼派事件和天主教事件?

  • 我們已經在許多文化與宗教中設計出生活方式事件了,所以我們不會在首發版本裏寫出特定宗教事件了。

Icon CK3b.png 看起來,隨着年歲增長,你獲取的特質會越來越好,但現實生活中可不一定這樣子。你怎麼看?

  • 即便在現實生活中,人也會越做越好。

Icon CK3b.png 教育特質現在更重要了嗎?是因為他們能增加經驗獲取,還能帶來主要的能力提升嗎?

  • 是的,CK3中教育更加關鍵。一個受過良好教育的繼承人能在其統治期間取得更好的成效。

Icon CK3b.png 點完一棵技能樹大概要花多久?

  • 在沒有經驗獲取加成和生活方式事件的情況下,點完一棵技能樹大概要花25年時間。

Icon CK3b.png 在上一個角色去世前,如果其繼承人是無領地的角色,那他的技能如何工作?

  • 如果他們沒有領地,根據年齡獲得相應的經驗,進而可按玩家自己想法解鎖技能;如果他們擁有領地了,那他們就已經積累一定技能了,但你可以重置技能,而這要以壓力為代價。 (譯註:現版本裏,即使是無領地的繼承人也會在成年後選擇生活重心獲取經驗值,進而自己點出技能。不過其重心一定在教育特質所加成的生活方式里。)

Icon CK3b.png 學識技能樹會對你改革原始宗教/創建異端的能力產生影響嗎?

  • 是的,而且是很大程度上。

Icon CK3b.png 求愛/私奔/勾引事件在CK3里會有變化嗎?是像CK2那樣機械重複嗎,還是會有很大變化?

  • 在不同計謀中,事件會有非常大的變化,我也覺得事件因人而異是很重要的。你一定會因你求愛/勾引的對象有不同感受的!

Icon CK3b.png 從CK2的游牧政體演變來的CK3部落政體,同其他部落政體有區別嗎?遊戲會表現出這兩者的不同嗎?

  • 首發版本裏並沒有游牧政體;CK2中的游牧政體會變成部落政體。

Icon CK3b.png 可以用Mod創建更多生活方式嗎?

  • 用Mod創造更多生活方式,重心和技能樹是相當容易的。

Icon CK3b.png 你提到過一個技能,它可以在統治者去世前一年提醒你。這是不是說人物壽命是用硬編碼寫的?(譯註:硬編碼指將可變變量用一個固定值來代替的方法。用這種方法編譯後,如果以後需要更改此變量,就非常困難了。)

  • 不,人物壽命不是用硬編碼寫的,它仍然是隨機的,只不過這個警告發出時,我們偷偷延後了人物死亡時間(也就是說沒有這個警告的話,警告發出的一瞬間人就應該死了),而不是用硬編碼。

Icon CK3b.png 在使用醫學生活方式時,你可以發現帶避孕效果的草藥(殺精劑),從而在為愛鼓掌時更不容易懷上私生子嗎?

  • 我們有類似的東西,但這不是醫學重心提供的特殊效果。

Icon CK3b.png CK3每個角色的生活方式和CK2的效果是差不多的嗎?

  • 生活方式特質是由技能樹本身解鎖的,而非事件。這也就是說,CK3沒有CK2那樣的半線性事件來推進生活方式。相反,對所有生活方式來說,有一大群事件可能會發生。

Icon CK3b.png 可以把你的孩子推向特定的生活方式嗎,還是AI會自己選一種?

  • 你的孩子會非常傾向於選擇與他們教育特質相關的生活方式,而身為監護人,你完全可以控制這個選擇。

Icon CK3b.png 只有統治者才有生活方式,那麼當他失去領地時,會發生什麼?

  • 他們會停止獲取經驗,直到重掌領地。

Icon CK3b.png CK3會有一些狩獵選項,來補償它不是一種生活方式的缺失嗎?

  • 就像CK2一樣,你同樣可以點擊決議,出去打獵,它是你的角色宣洩壓力的主要方式。另外,CK3的狩獵決議沒有性別限制。

Icon CK3b.png 走騎士重心的角色可以通過技能樹獲得同性的靈魂伴侶嗎?

  • 可以。

Icon CK3b.png 如果角色活得夠長(永生或者其他情況),你可以獲取不同生活方式特質(比如同時獲取勾引者和學者特質),還是你只能在特定時間裏讓每個角色只能點一個特質?

  • 你可以擁有多個生活方式特質;即便不靠永生,這也是很常見的情況。你可以自己做永生Mod,但原版里是沒有的。

Icon CK3b.png 你可以看到其他角色選定的生活方式和技能嗎?

  • 當然,你可以隨便看其他人的生活方式技能樹。

Icon CK3b.png 蘇格蘭是氏族制,還是部落制政體?

  • 蘇格蘭在1066年是封建制政體,867年是部落制政體。

Icon CK3b.png 如果你得到了像「酒鬼」這樣的綽號,然後征服了整個歐洲,你的綽號會變成像「征服者」這樣的嗎,還是你的封臣仍然會記得你是那個喝得爛醉如泥的傢伙?

  • 稱號是可以變的,我們在具有「特殊意義」的稱號上設置了優先級。「征服者」是會取代「酒鬼」的。

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勾引,折磨和謀略技能[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Roughly how long does it take to fill up one perk tree?

  • Depends on a few things (particularly whether your Lifestyle matches your Education), but a long-lived character will typically be able to fill out between 2 and 3 trees.
  • That might change for release, of course, but that's what we have it at right now.

Icon CK3b.png Can you choose to seduce someone even if your character's sexual orientation doesn't match their gender?

  • Yes. Without the perk you'll have some significant penalties, but the perk removes those.

Icon CK3b.png Just to clarify, does this mean that e.g. a homosexual woman can seduce a straight man but that the reverse wouldn't work? If so, does the AI still prefer to seduce based on their preferences?

  • Yes, you can act against your own sexual orientation, but you cannot make others do the same.

Icon CK3b.png What penalties are there if you get caught seducing e.g. the heir apparent's wife?

  • There will be consequences. Exactly what kind depends on how your faith views adulterous behavior, so keep your eyes open for a future dev diary on religions

Icon CK3b.png Can you start more than one lifestyle trees from specific category? Like could I start Seducer and then start Schemer mixing both, but mastering none?

  • Yes, you can mix and match perks from different trees, and even from different Lifestyles as you please.
  • It is the entire Lifestyle (Intrigue, in this case) which gets a perk unlock, and then you can choose to spend it on any one of the three trees.
  • So you can for example pick the first Torturer perk even though you've so far gone halfway down the Seducer tree.

Icon CK3b.png Is the Romance scheme available for same-sex targets with the right orientation?

  • Yes, you can use romantic schemes on people whose orientation matches your gender. You can try and romance anyone but the Success Chance factors will vary greatly depending on their personality

Icon CK3b.png Will I be able to seduce the Pope?

  • Yes, and there's a special event for it

Icon CK3b.png How realistic is your character's seduction ability? As some random Countess, can I seduce the Pope, or the Byzantine Emperor?

  • Tier differences affect success chances for succession, so it's harder to seduce above your station. You can definitely seduce the Pope or Emperor if you're good enough, though, no matter how lowly a Countess you are.
  • Whether that's "realistic" or not really comes down to your real-life seduction abilities, I guess

Icon CK3b.png Are you able to seduce your wife/husband with seduction?

  • Yes, you can make them your lover or soulmate.

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教程&百科全書[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 百科全書是只能有網絡時使用還是可以跟遊戲一起下載,即使離線遊玩也可以用?

  • 它不需要任何在線連接或下載,它只是作為遊戲的一部分運行。

Icon CK3b.png 鼠標捲動是什麼?是好是壞?

  • 鼠標捲動是當鼠標光標靠近遊戲窗口邊緣時圍繞地圖移動相機的行為。如果禁用,當光標點擊或接近邊緣時,相機將不再移動。
  • 一些玩家希望在窗口模式下玩遊戲或使用多個顯示器時禁用鼠標捲動,因為他們通常傾向於將鼠標光標移到遊戲窗口之外,但在這樣做時又不希望相機移動。
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政體,封臣管理,法律和劫掠[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Is it possible for a third party to intercept a raiding army and steal their hard-earned gold, or is it only the invaded realm that can benefit from this?

  • If your realm hasn't been raided, you won't be hostile, and thus won't be able to do that.

Icon CK3b.png If an army defeating raiders earns the gold, then can this be exploited to take gold from your vassals? That is, you wait until raiders have looted your vassals' land and then crush them to gain your vassals' gold?

  • You can do that, yes. Your vassals won't lose gold, but they will have the Recently Looted modifier on the affected baronies.
  • Which does indirectly affect you, but will definitely be worse for your vassals than you personally.

Icon CK3b.png Can you build buildings from the Domain tab? That would be very convenient.

  • Currently not *directly* from there, but the holding view can be shown while the Domain tab is shown, and clicking on a holding in the Domain tab will open it.
  • So you can get there pretty quickly, though it certainly would be neat to be able to do it directly.

Icon CK3b.png Are the governments moddable? Can we mod it to be Republics and Theocracies?

  • Yes, modding will be easy
  • I don't think we've decided yet how moddable that will be. Republics and theocracies don't work well with the dynastic gameplay of CK3 though.

Icon CK3b.png What happens when the vassal dies and their heir inherits? What if their heir was already a vassal duke under you (so they're now, say, a double duke)? Is the contract inherited or does it default to normal?

  • If I remember correctly, inheritance will override an existing contract if it causes a change in liege or an increase in tier.
  • So a duke dying and giving his stuff to his count or unlanded son will cause the contract to still apply. But if the son was a duke or king, the son would keep his own contract.

Icon CK3b.png Why did you change the name Gavelkind?

  • The name "gavelkind" was inaccurate outside the British Isles. We'd rather have a clear, unambiguous, and easily understood name than one which is highly regional.

Icon CK3b.png No succession type for the Byzantine and Germanic Empires?

  • Byzantium is its own beast, and requires a lot of thought to do right. The CK2 solution was not optimal, and we didn't want to repeat what we did there.
  • Just slapping an elective variant on it and renaming its government to 'Imperial' doesn't do it justice, we would want actual mechanics to represent the intricacies of byzantine politics.
  • All I can say at this point is that whenever in the future we choose to deal with Byzantium we will make sure that we do it well.

Icon CK3b.png Do we get at least viceroyalties in the base game?

  • Viceroyalties was one of the main examples of a feature from CK2 that we absolutely did not want to carry over to CK3.
  • Not only was it way too micromanagement heavy and spammy, but you also had to constantly interact with the system to play optimally - even during stressful times such as during wars.
  • Again, if we choose to make a Viceroyalty feature post-release, we're going to start from scratch and do it properly.

Icon CK3b.png Powerful vassals still needing to occupy important seats on the council instead of honourary roles, even if they're completely incompetent, why?

  • This is a conscious choice as it creates drama and interesting choice. Do you want to have an actually competent Steward, or bite the bullet and put your angry but powerful vassal in the position to placate them? Also, the Council roles come with very powerful bonuses to the holder, so there's no surprise that they want to hold them!

Icon CK3b.png Clan invasion potentially being OP depending on requirements to use it (unsure how difficult reaching high levels of fame will be)

  • It's very hard to get to that point, much harder than the Invasion requirements in CK2. Essentially, not every ruler will reach that level of fame, and those who do probably get to work for it!
  • Another omission about the Clan government form is that vassals will insist on having an alliance with their liege, which will most likely have to be arranged through marriage.
  • The power of Clans rises and wanes as the years pass - at their peak, they can challenge very powerful Feudal realms where the contracts are negotiated favorably, but at their lows, they are more than susceptible to both factions and being picked apart from the outside. In that sense, Clans are somewhat similar to how Feudal realms played in CK2.
  • Note that we have overhauled the Feudal Contract.

Icon CK3b.png Since we won't have to raise fleets, how will raiding work. In ck2 fleet has its own wealth storage and you get event increasing province's output after arriving there with raid fleet.

  • The raid loot is stored on the army, and you get it when the army returns to your lands.

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兵士,僱傭兵,宣戰理由[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 部隊的力量現在隱藏了嗎?

  • 不,這個在開發日誌類型的視圖隱藏了它,但在其他地方可以看到部隊數量。

Icon CK3b.png 武裝兵士和騎士的最大數量是如何確定的?

  • 它們由您的等級和各種修正決定。儘管它們有一些相同的因素,武裝兵士數量和騎士數量是分開計算的。所以更大的領地通常會有更多的兵士與騎士。

Icon CK3b.png 可不可以分別調動徵召兵、騎士和武裝兵士?

  • 可以。可以將您的部隊分配到不同的軍隊中,這樣您就不必一次召集所有部隊。

Icon CK3b.png 當我們徵集封臣部隊時,我們能否只徵召武裝兵士或徵召兵?

  • 封臣不提供武裝兵士。

Icon CK3b.png 如果我們升級兵士規模,他們是否仍然使用一個軍團槽或更多。所以理論上有可能成為完整的職業部隊。

  • 仍然只佔用一個軍團槽,所以如果你有金錢,即使插槽數量有限,也可以招募很多。

Icon CK3b.png 我們可以升級兵士等級還是他們從戰鬥經驗中獲得經驗?

  • 都不能,他們的戰力主要取決於他們的規模。

Icon CK3b.png 地形加成仍然只適用於防禦方還是無論你現在是否是進攻方都可以獲得加成?

  • 即使您是進攻方,地形加成也適用於武裝兵士。
  • 至於對雙方優勢的整體影響,主要有利於防守方。

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派系,內戰[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Can a Duke or Count join a peasant revolt against their liege? To use it to their own advantage?

  • Landed vassals who share a Faith with a Populist Faction may join it. If the Populist Revolt succeeds, they will become part of the new realm which is split off of their former leige's realm.
  • Landed characters can never join the Peasant Rabble faction.

Icon CK3b.png Are populist/peasant faction's military power based on province development or something else?

  • County military power is based off of how many levies it provides to its holder, which is indirectly influenced by development.

Icon CK3b.png Do you have to deal only with counties you have directly ? Meaning counties ruled by vassals can't join a faction against you? If no, do vassal who rules counties which have joined a faction will automatically join this faction too ? If no what happen if the faction win and your vassal didn't joined this faction, does he lose his counties?

  • Populist Factions always target the top liege in a realm, regardless of who personally holds the county. Peasant Rabble always target the actual holder of the county.
  • Vassals join and leave factions independent of counties. It is possible for 100% of a vassal's holdings to be part of a Populist Faction without the vassal themselves being in the Faction, and visa versa.
  • Indeed, this is likely if the vassal and the counties have differing cultures/religions.

Icon CK3b.png Do vassals who didn't pledge the faction will join you to defeat a civil war or just lurking at you like in CK2?

  • Non-faction vassals will not help you directly in civil wars, but will continue providing levies and taxes to you as normal.

Icon CK3b.png More about Factions management.

  • Claimant Factions and Liberty Factions are primarily governed by opinion, but keeping your vassals even moderately happy (around +30 opinion currently, numbers subject to change) will keep them out of both of those factions.
  • If you don't want to play a benevolent ruler, a high dread value is just as effective at keeping them in line.
  • By contrast, opinion and dread have only a minor impact on Independence Factions and Populist Factions. Those two are more concerned about structural problems with your realm, and can generally be fixed by re-arranging your liege <-> vassal hierarchy to achieve the following objectives:
    • Ensure you are the Rightful Liege of all of your direct vassals (by creating or usurping the appropriate Duchy/Kingdom/Empire title, or transferring them to someone who holds it).
    • Ensure your direct vassals share your religion and culture. This is less important if your religion is more tolerant, such as when playing in India.
    • Ensure the holders of individual counties share a culture and/or faith with those counties.
  • Discontent is mostly out of your control, but it won't be ticking up all of the time; only Factions whose military power rivals your own can gain Discontent, and if you manage to reduce the power of the faction back below 80% discontent will start going down instead.
  • In addition, several events you can receive (especially within the Stewardship - Duty Focus) give you the option to reduce discontent in active Factions, or 'persuade' Faction members to leave them for a minimum of 10 years.

Icon CK3b.png What is the stance of populist factions against other realms, and would it possible to interact with them if you are ruler of their religion and culture?

  • The realities of our warfare system require all parties in competing wars to be hostile to each other.
  • Otherwise you can end up in the extremely frustrating situation where as Asturias you have occupied half of the Umayyad's territory, the Catholic rebellion has occupied the other half, and neither of you can earn enough war score to actually win the war.

Icon CK3b.png Can I use a hook to persuade a fellow vassal to join my faction?

  • Absolutely!

Icon CK3b.png Will there be some kind of "exhaustion" in counties to prevent endless rebellions?

  • Crushing a Peasant or Populist Revolt will give all counties in the faction a substantial opinion boost of their holder for 10 years (subject to change, balance, and of course modding) which heavily disincentives them from creating or joining new factions.
  • This gives you time to address whatever problems were making the counties unhappy in the first place (including converting their culture or religion to yours, if that is how you want to solve it).

Icon CK3b.png So, successful populist can create always not existed or random realm, or also currently established for example king of France hold Duchy of Normandy as secondary and Normandy populist want his own, local ruler?

  • Populist Factions prefer to usurp an appropriate existing title if possible.
  • For example, if the Umayyads conquers all of Spain and then lose to a Castillian Catholic Revolt, the new King will take the title of the King of Castille, either usurping it from the Umayyads (if they hold it) or creating it (if it has been destroyed).
  • Only if that is not possible will they generate a new dynamic revolt title, which will be named after the most powerful county in the faction.

Icon CK3b.png Will foreign powers have the ability to influence a faction or civil war?

  • Not currently, but that is an excellent idea. Probably won't make it in for release, but hopefully we can add it in a future patch.

Icon CK3b.png So how does a vassal or vassals leaving a faction with over 80% military affect growing discontent?

  • If a vassal leaving a faction drops it below 80% military power, discontent will stop growing and begin shrinking instead.

Icon CK3b.png If a claimant is placed on the throne, will members of the faction that placed them there like the ruler more and be liked by them more?

  • Claimants and the faction members who put them on the throne gain mutual opinion bonuses of each other.
  • In addition, all of the faction members will gain a favor hook on their new liege, which the AI often uses to reduce their feudal obligations if possible.

Icon CK3b.png Can people not of the populist faction's religion/ethnicity join it and then become part of the new realm?

  • As the ruler of a realm, you are ultimately responsible for the actions of your vassals.
  • If one of your vassals abuses their power and greatly upsets the populace, you face the decision of either being forced to revoke their titles to place someone more competent in charge, or dealing with the inevitable fallout when the populace revolts.
  • Imprisonment as a way to force an early revolt can be a powerful tool, absolutely. Unjust imprisonments will cause you to gain Tyranny however, so make sure the trade-off is worth it before you do!

Icon CK3b.png Can you join rebellions that are ongoing in your realm?

  • You can not join a faction after the rebellion has already begun.

Icon CK3b.png Lets say I am a vassal and my liege has a hook on me for some reason or the other. If he tries to use it to stop me from supporting a faction can I choose to ignore the hook under great penalty?

  • Currently no, you can not ignore the hook just because you really don't want to have it. In general, you really want to avoid people getting hooks on you, especially if they are your liege.
  • It would be pretty simple to mod in a decision that lets you remove a hook in exchange for substantial prestige penalties or something, though.

Icon CK3b.png Will there be Varangian Guard still as mercenaries or as something else?

  • Yes they exist as mercs!

Icon CK3b.png Can you have mercenaries hired, but not raised? Can they raid?

  • Yes. No.

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宗教,信仰[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png How will this affect events? Will there be events which require 'catholism' or will there be events that require a faith that does have all of catholism's tenets?

  • We have both kinds of events. Doctrinal or tenet events are more about specific practices, while catholic-specific ones would go beyond the tenets and doctrines into more nuanced stuff.
  • Due the the massive scope of the religion system, there are only a handful of the later.

Icon CK3b.png The interface says something about "clerical appointment: spiritual, for life". So there is some kind of investiture system? How are they appointed?

  • Investiture mechanics are fixed for each faith.
  • Dynamic investiture, along with the addition of anti-papacies, is something we really want to add in a future patch.
  • Sacred lies is only for custom religions.

Icon CK3b.png What is fervor?

  • The religious hierarchy only consists of those 3 'levels'. There are no sub-Faiths; Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Cathar, and Paulicianism are all co-equal Faiths under Christianity.
  • What each Faith considers to be heretical is based on the religious hostility system, which will be discussed in a future Dev Diary (along with fervor).
  • Just because all 4 are Christian Faiths doesn't mean Catholics will view Cathars the same way they view an Orthodox!

Icon CK3b.png Can the number of Tenets for a Faith be modded?

  • Technically yes. However the game's GUI only supports 3. With 4 it looks really janky and with 5 important information starts going off the screen.

Icon CK3b.png Let's say we're interested in a different religion. From the Learning Lifestyles Diary we learned about a tenet in the Scholar tree (Apostate) that made faith conversion cost -75%. Is any person able to convert to any faith as long as they have the piety for it? Or do you need a spouse/concubine/consort/ to convert like in CK2?

  • You can convert to any Faith at any time, but the cost to change your faith is dynamic which makes your situation have a large impact on how easy (or even how possible!) it is to convert.
    • Switching to another Faith within the same Religion is cheapest/easiest. Switching to another Religion is harder, and switching to another Religion Family is the hardest.
    • Being married to (or having a concubine of) your target Faith provides a significant discount to the above cost.
    • The Apostate perk, as mentioned, also provides a significant discount.
    • Converting from an organized/reformed Faith to an unreformed pagan Faith carries a hefty penalty.
    • Non-tribal rulers trying to convert to an unreformed pagan Faith also suffer an additional penalty.
    • Converting to a 'dead' Religion (no living followers) carries an absolutely massive penalty, making it impossible for all but the most learned and determined rulers.

Icon CK3b.png Will be Hellenism playable like in CKII Holy Fury?

  • The Hellenistic period may be seen to end either with the final conquest of the Greek heartlands by Rome in 146BC following the Achaean War, with the final defeat of the Ptolemaic Kingdom at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, or even the move by Roman emperor Constantine the Great of the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople in AD 330.
  • 867 is the earlier date you can start in Crusader Kings 3 so it doesn't make a lot of sense for it to be playable within the game's time frame.
  • Technically, you could play it. It's there so you can potentially play as it. It's not really meant to be playable though.

Icon CK3b.png Is Celtic Paganism in the game?

  • Celtic paganism is not in.

Icon CK3b.png And Egyptian paganism?

  • Egyptian paganism is... kind of in? Kushitism (shown in the DD's screenshot) draws many elements and influences from it, including the inclusion of various Egyptian gods as part of its pantheon. However, it is not immediately recognizable as the Egyptian paganism that was popularized after Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign, since it focuses more on Upper Egypt/Nubia than Lower Egypt.

Icon CK3b.png And Gnostic Christianity?

  • Gnostic Christianity is in. Several varieties, in fact. They all have special relationships with each other (and manicheanism). Pantheons are also represented for all polytheistic Faiths, as well.
  • Not all of them have the 'pick a god' mechanics that existed in CK2, but when a character goes to war they'll pray to their Faith's war deity, when they pray for a bountiful harvest they'll pray to their harvest/wealth deity, when lamenting a misfortune your character might curse their Faith's fate deity, etc.

Icon CK3b.png And Zorastrianism?

  • Zoroastrianism is part of the Oriental family. It's quite different from the other Oriental religions though, so we gave it some unique mechanics to separate it from them. It will be in the base game.

Icon CK3b.png Magyar and Tengrism?

  • Yes, Magyar and Tengrism are separate religions.

Icon CK3b.png Hinduism?

  • No, the Hinduism Religion is comprised of many different Faiths.

Icon CK3b.png Will you be able to make a same sex positive religion?

  • You can make same-sex relations acceptable, but marriage will still only be opposite due to historical constraints.

Icon CK3b.png Will there be polyandry in doctrines?

  • Yes, if you set Polygamous Marriage along with Female Dominated. Female Rulers will then be able to have up to 4 husbands.

Icon CK3b.png Will the sympathy for others religion work same as in CK2?

  • Not like in CK2 but there are some tenants that effect how faiths view each other.

Icon CK3b.png How are faiths where people choose one of multiple gods in a pantheon to follow represented? Will it be possible to create such custom faiths?

  • Some Hindu Faiths have a 'Bhakti' Tenet which allow followers to devote themselves to a single god.
  • Custom Hindu Faiths keep this feature, but allowing other Faiths to do this will require mods.

Icon CK3b.png Is Slavic paganism a single Faith, or is divided into multiple ones?

  • Single Faith.

Icon CK3b.png how many Muslim faiths are there in total?

  • Around 20.

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自建信仰,原始宗教改革[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Where would the holy sites be located for newly created faiths?

  • Holy sites will be inherited from the parent Faith.

Icon CK3b.png Can the AI create heresies and custom faiths?

  • The AI does not use this feature, and will only spawn historical heresies like Lollardy and Waldensianism.
  • Only players can form historically inaccurate heresies.

Icon CK3b.png What will be the benefits of non-temporal head, considering its created only after controlling 2 holy sites it should bring nice things.

  • As a temporal head you can direct your faith's Great Holy Wars, choosing both the target and personally keeping all of the land after the war.
  • Spiritual heads cannot be played by players, but will launch undirected Great Holy Wars (similar to crusades) and can grant gold and claims to pious followers.

Icon CK3b.png Can pagan religions be reformed multiple times? (Someone reforms it first, but I did not convert and later create my own reformed version?)

  • No, but if you convert to the reformed pagan faith you can schism off your own branch as normal.

Icon CK3b.png Can you choose the Icon and the Name? Can you name the reformed pagan faith?

  • Yes and yes.

Icon CK3b.png Can the tenets be changed through a religious council dynamically?

  • The codebase can support this, but there will not be any in-game content for this on release. We plan on adding events/mechanics around this in the future (mods, of course, will also have free reign to do whatever they want with this.)

Icon CK3b.png Is human sacrifice going to be something Pagan faiths start with, looking at the Norse, or are they going to have to reform into it?

  • Two pagan faiths start with Human Sacrifice. You've guessed one of them.

Icon CK3b.png Will female-dominated, enatic faiths have the ai focus on matrilineal marriage properly this time around?

  • Female rulers should always try to arrange matrilineal marriages, yes. This is especially true in female-preference succession realms.

Icon CK3b.png Will the AI reform pagan faiths like in CK2?

  • Yes, but they will not modify their Faith's Tenets/Doctrines. The only thing they will do is remove the Unreformed Doctrine and create a Head of Faith, if possible.

Icon CK3b.png Will reformed pagan faiths have any heresies the AI can adopt?

  • Reformed Paganism can occasionally have heresy outbreaks of 'Old Paganism'.
  • Additional custom heresies do not currently exist (but could potentially be modded in).

Icon CK3b.png Can multiple faiths have the exact same set of tennants/etc. and how will those faiths treat each other?

  • You cannot form a Faith that has identical Tenets/Doctrines to an already existing one.

Icon CK3b.png Is the prophet lifestyle trait still being hidden for a future dev diary?

  • The prophet perk reduces the Piety cost of creating a new Faith or reforming a pagan Faith by 50%.

Icon CK3b.png Will you be able to reform the Roman empire?

  • Yes the Roman Empire exists as a title that can be created.

Icon CK3b.png Which dead faiths can be brought back to life besides hellenism and zunism?

  • Any dead faith.

Icon CK3b.png Can you make your own descriptions to custom faiths?

  • yes.

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中世紀繪卷[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png I presume in default settings in Catholic realms for example homosexual characters will still be expected to marry someone of the opposite gender, but will it be just the same small reduction to fertility it was in CK2?

  • Concubines/Consorts will always be of the opposing gender. It's more a relationship of convenience rather than an actual loving relationship.
  • Your sexuality will not affect the way your culture and religion expects you to live your life, so in default Catholic realms a man will be expected to marry a woman no matter his sexuality!
  • People will still get married to the opposite sex even if they're not attracted to them, yes. Lack of attraction mainly affects things like seduction, romance, becoming a lover, and such. Being your spouse's lover boosts fertility, so that's something a homosexual character would not be likely to obtain.

Icon CK3b.png And to clarify, you mention how characters determine their sexuality & gender - does this have bearing on what they are allowed to do, too? e.g. as an edge-case, if a woman wanted to identify as a man, could she secretly enter knightly training?

  • The granularity of the View on Gender doctrine will be limited on release, but things such as who is allowed to be a knight is decided in script, so it will be easy to mod if you want to tweak it! Currently, we do not support changing gender identification.

Icon CK3b.png Can we start as a homo/bi/a/sexual character?

  • You can start as a character that's not heterosexual, yes! There are some on game-start.

Icon CK3b.png Once the game has launched, how to become homo/bi/a/sexual?

  • The only way you can affect a character's sexuality is if you're playing a child as they discover theirs and you get a specific event that lets you "chose".
  • This event is pretty rare, and you can not change your sexuality once it is set. We don't want to portray sexuality as a choice.

Icon CK3b.png What about claim inheritance?

  • Women do not get implicit claims if the Male Dominated tenet is active, and vice versa, but they will still inherit claims just like anyone would.
  • An implicit claim is a new type of claim in CK3 where a child has the claim even while their parent is alive. The tooltip is unclear on this, and it has been clarified!

Icon CK3b.png What are the proportions of heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals and asexuals in the default setting ?

  • Currently 89%, 5%, 5%, 1%.

Icon CK3b.png Will there be in-game rules for altering the percentages of how prevalent sexualities are?

  • Yes!

Icon CK3b.png Will character traits affect/be affected by the sexuality of the characters? Because if not, It would be hilarious but also a bit depressing to try to imagine the mindset/sexual frustration of an asexual character who also happened to be lustful.

  • No, you can still be lustful and asexual (in real life too).

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騎士團[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 在角色被要求誓發終身願之前,我們能否判斷角色會不會加入騎士團或成為神職人員?

  • 能,它會在您發送請求之前顯示在交互預覽窗口中!

Icon CK3b.png 雖然每個國王/皇帝擁有騎士團數量從零到一左右,但每個信仰也都會有自己的騎士團?

  • 是的,每個信仰都可以擁有自己的騎士團。
  • 大多數國王/皇帝不會有,因為這相當昂貴,但假設有一個信仰的信徒都很富有,那麼一個信仰最終可能會得到一堆騎士團!

Icon CK3b.png 創建新的騎士團時,名稱是如何決定的? 您可以作為建立者或庇護者自定義名稱嗎?

  • 不可以。我們預先編寫了跟信仰和宗教相對應名稱(基督騎士團有:聖杯騎士團、裹屍布衛士和醫院騎士團),如果名字用完了,騎士團將以您租給的男爵領地命名他們。

Icon CK3b.png 我們可以選擇我們騎士團的名字嗎?

  • 你不能選擇他們的名字,它是從歷史名稱池中挑選出來的,如果名稱用完了,就會根據總部生成一個。

Icon CK3b.png 自建信仰也可以創建騎士團嗎?

  • 自建信仰絕對可以打造自己的騎士團!

Icon CK3b.png 騎士團還能控制多個領地的地產嗎?如果能的話,對於那些不控制他們總部,因此不是他們庇護人的國王/皇帝來說,這有什麼好處?

  • 能,他們可以分佈在多片領地上。這我不太記得了,但你應該會因為給他們地產而獲得獎勵。

Icon CK3b.png 是什麼阻止每人擁有數十個騎士團?

  • 一個騎士團的庇護人不能創建新騎士團。

Icon CK3b.png 自建信仰如何命名? 它會基於統治者、頭銜,還是您可以自己選擇?

  • 自己命名。

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宗教熱情,信仰敵對度,核心教義[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Is there any way to change the religious hostility value in game without changing tenets? Could you in some fashion manage to make Catholics and Orthodox consider each other "Righteous", and thus co-valid paths to salvation?

  • You need to use either a Tenet or a Doctrine to change religious hostility. Either option works just as well; Ecumenism is a Doctrine for example, while Christian Syncretism is a Tenet.
  • Currently only Gnostics are able to achieve a Righteous view of other Faiths, but mods can change or expand upon this to enable schism reformations and the like without too much trouble.

Icon CK3b.png Will fervor be a map encompassing thing for that entire faith? Or is there any chance we might have more localized fervor / moral authority?

  • Fervor is global for the entire Faith.
  • However, the more dynamic nature of the Fervor system means that Faiths simply won't end up in the 'heresy death-spiral' that CK2 had, since Fervor will jump back up after an outbreak and give the original Faith some breathing room to recover and deal with the heretics.

Icon CK3b.png How many custom faiths can we create in one game?

  • Only one per lifetime, but there's no campaign limit.

Icon CK3b.png Are basic and fundamental religion doctrines moddable?

  • Yes! All the doctrines and tenants are very moddable!

Icon CK3b.png Will Magyar paganism have the same holy sites as Tengrism?

  • No they have their own.

Icon CK3b.png Will all these new features concerning Holy Orders be already in the base game, or will there features left out for future DLCs?

  • Everything we presented in the DD will be available for release!

Icon CK3b.png Does the Nestorian faith appear on the map in the default start date?

  • Yes, in Socotra and parts of Mongolia.

Icon CK3b.png Can multiple pagan faiths exist under a wider Religion and be reformed independently?

  • Yep!

Icon CK3b.png Will different Muslim faiths have their own caliphs? Or will every Sunni and Shia faith have one caliph representing them?

  • Each Faith has its own Head of Faith.

Icon CK3b.png Can holy orders do banking?

  • Yes, and you generally do not want to default on your loans...

Icon CK3b.png If i owe a lot of money to holy orders and im really poor can i just pull a Philip the IV and destroy them to fix my debt?

  • If you are their patron, you can revoke their lease and there isn't much they can do about it. Otherwise you can just refuse to pay, but the Pope will not be happy...

Icon CK3b.png Will CK3 address the issue of rulers hating heretics more than infidels?

  • Yes with the faith hostility setup, someone who is a hostile faith compared to just somewhat astray from yours will be disliked more.

Icon CK3b.png Will ck3 have a way to 'mend a schism' between 2 related faith similar to th decision in ck2? Maybe even a way to mend the sunni/shia split?

  • There is a Decision to mend the Catholic/Orthodox split on launch. Other schisms may be mend-able in future patches.

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地圖特性,地圖模式和地圖範圍[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Will we still be able to break down realms into sub-realms by holding Ctrl and left clicking on them? That was a very cool CK2 feature.

  • Yes. CTRL-Left and Right clicking is still available in Realm map mode.

Icon CK3b.png Will there be hot keys for these map modes?

  • Indeed! All map modes have hot keys.

Icon CK3b.png What does development do? And how does CK3 treat supply limit?

  • Development is a value representing the infrastructure and technological advancements of a county, increasing taxes, levies, and supply limit.
  • Supply limit is very similar to our other games. If you army is large enough to go above the supply limit, the army will lose supply. When the supply of the army is low, it will start to take attrition.

Icon CK3b.png The Notre Dame building states it is Level 1 Notre Dame: does that mean like Great Works in CK2, these special buildings would have levels?

  • Some special buildings do. Such as the mentioned Alhambra. Notre-Dame doesn't however. The "Level 1" is always displayed by default. We'll look into that though.

Icon CK3b.png Special building will only be constructable in specific counties ? Like Notre-dame only in Paris?

  • Correct. Special buildings are located in specific locations only.

Icon CK3b.png Can you build more Great Works/Special buildings?

  • We have a number of pre-defined special buildings. Some of these exist at game start, while other will have to be constructed.
  • They are spread out across the map fairly evenly, though certainly not everywhere. They are intended to be something of a contested hotspot that you'll want to conquer.

Icon CK3b.png Are holdings within the province fixed? Like do you have a fixed amount of construable holdings like CK2?

  • A barony may only have a single holding, and the amount of baronies are fixed.
  • Not all will be constructed from game start however, leaving room for new holdings to be built as you make progress.

Icon CK3b.png Will buildings like the Pyramids and the Hagia Sophia get graphical models on the map like they have in CK2?

  • Some special buildings will be visible on the map. Both the Pyramids and the Hagia Sophia are examples of those. We haven't added them all of them to the map just yet.

Icon CK3b.png Is there a graphical distinction between buildings of different cultures on the map? I honestly can't really see any.

  • There is a difference, yes. It might be difficult to tell from the zoom level I used for most of the screenshots though. They won't look the same in India as in Europe for example.

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文化和革新[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Is there a Briton culture? Icelandic?

  • We have three Brythonic cultures (Cornish, Welsh, & Breton), but Briton in the Roman sense is long-dead by 867, and British in the modern sense is almost a thousand years away.
  • Icelandic, as in CK2, is represented by Iceland alone retaining Norse culture in 1066.

Icon CK3b.png Does the technology you have access to, say succession laws, depend on the characters culture or the province culture of the capital?

  • Character culture! And, well, sure! I don't think your vassals are likely to necessarily take that well, and the peasants will resent some uppity foreigner coming in and telling them that their traditions are bunkum (at least until you educate them till they think they're Greek too). Selling your local traditions down the line for technological advancement is, sadly, a bit of a human tradition, I'm afraid.

Icon CK3b.png Does this imply that cultural heads don't have to be independent? some of the earlier screenshots seem to imply they had to be independent?

  • Cultural heads do not have to be independent.
  • Indeed, many won't be, since we have more than a few mighty empires scattered around that totally subsume cultures within their borders.

Icon CK3b.png Also how hard a requirement is there on the system for there to always be a cultural head?

  • It is actually technically possible not to have a head (you'd need to have absolutely _no_ landed rulers of that culture), but you're not disadvantaged for it.
  • Such cultures just get a random fascination and innovate as though they had a cultural head with poor (but not terrible) learning.

Icon CK3b.png How will new, but historical cultures (e.g. Portuguese) emerge in CK3?

  • Depends on the culture: some come about via decision, some via event, so it's fairly case-by-case.
  • Typically, a new culture takes all non-special innovations from its predecessor(s): for instance, Norman takes all of the non-special innovations from both French and Norse.

Icon CK3b.png Are there still cultural specific features like Basque/Zhangzhung equality and Tanistry?

  • With some exceptions, those are mostly special innovations now (or decided by faith doctrine, if appropriate), but yes, they're still around!
  • To be clear: special innovations are restricted in where/who can develop them, but not where they can be used. Irish characters could still use tanistry in India, if they ended up there.

Icon CK3b.png Since technology is related to culture; if I’m a Celtic ruler and own a lot of Norse provinces; will I be able to have Viking Longships?

  • Actually, yes! Per the dev diary, if either a certain percentage of counties within Scandinavia were to become Irish, or if a certain total percentage of Irish counties were in Scandinavia, you'd be able to start unlocking the longships innovation, as your culture would have effectively become a part of the Scandinavian cultural sphere.

Icon CK3b.png Will spouses' culture have an effect on culture opinion?

  • At launch, no, but we really want to do more with spouses in the game over-time, emphasizing the important role they often tended to play in administering to the realm and as a figurehead for popular (and unpopular) policies.

Icon CK3b.png Will Dutch be in the German culture group? Will French in the finished game be more culturally divided? Lastly, as a Belgian, I'm bothered by the cultural division in what's modern day Belgium...

  • Dutch is in the Central Germanic culture group, I'm afraid. Not that it didn't have close links to the Scandinavian cultures, just not as close as to Franconian (and, to a much lesser extent, sorta-Saxon).
  • Culture is also not always based on language, even if the judgement is a bit arbitrary and that's the usual baseline: see the Vlachs chumming it up with the South Slavs despite speaking Romance languages which would very determinedly not be mutually-intelligible with Bulgarians, Serbians, and so on.
  • French will just be Occitan and French at release. :) A little unfair, I know, but polishing the culture map is one of those tasks that we can keep going at on and on and on forever. Aaaaaaaand, to be honest, probably will. So, as with most other culture fractalising suggestions so far, never say never!
  • On Brabant & Flanders: I'll have a discussion with some people internally and see if we've got a specific reason for why they are the way they are. ;) Won't promise you anything back, but if it's an oversight, we'll look into it!

Icon CK3b.png Let's say I'm Finnish and embraced Greek culture, will my Finnish provinces be able to train cataphracts?

  • Cataphracts, and all cultural MaA, are men-at-arms, so they're not trained directly by a county.
  • In your scenario, you'd purchase them as normal, and they'd effectively be imports from Greece coming to serve at your court in exchange for their pay. Sort of a reverse-Varangian thing, which is kinda a cool AAR concept.

Icon CK3b.png How will empires thrive/decay?

  • Similarly to CK2 - it is all up to the top liege and their vassals on how they decide to work.
  • The larger the realm, the harder it's to control as a single person. With added personal schemes, factions, vassal contracts and factions there is a lot more granularity as to how an empire can be controlled, or how it can be destroyed from the inside.

Icon CK3b.png Will we be able to create our own/custom Kingom and Empire titles?

  • Yes, forming Custom Kingdoms and Empires is a thing

Icon CK3b.png Will "In Taberna" be available in the game as a background song?

  • Fan favourite La Taberna will make a return.

Icon CK3b.png What are some ways that a character can change his or her culture?

  • Through Education or a Decision is the most common, events can change it too

Icon CK3b.png If a culture acquires a region-specific innovation, will it keep it if it moves to a different region?

  • Innovations are never lost once they are unlocked, the knowledge has been gained by your culture

Icon CK3b.png City sprawl will be a thing?

  • It will not be something we have for release.

Icon CK3b.png Approximately how many cultures have unique innovations?

  • Every cultures will have access to a special Innovation that is only available to a select group of cultures.
  • Sometimes it is completely unique to them (Scottish Schiltron, for example) while in other instances it is shared among several related cultures (such as Horse Archers).

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聚焦美術[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Do characters portraits change if they become fat or malnourished, or if ladies become pregnant?

  • Yes, yes and yes.

Icon CK3b.png I would love to see buildings sprawling around holdings!

  • When making the holdings for the base game our main focus was on making sure that they were easily readable and a clear sense of progression could be seen over time.
  • For release we aren't including a building sprawls system, but we have heard the feedback and we have people in the project that are keen to see the sprawl make a return. So while it wont make it in for release, we may see it come back in the future to help show the growth of provinces.

Icon CK3b.png What about cavalry unit models?

  • There are no cavalry unit models at release, but we don't rule it out that might be something we add in the future.

Icon CK3b.png Coat of arms seems off-centered and cutting off animal parts on the shields.

  • Those cantons obscuring the charges are actually based directly on some historical references, mostly English and Norman. Here's a real example of the Sharingbourne arms from the Powell Roll (c. 1348).
  • Good spot with the frame being off-centre, we're checking this.

Icon CK3b.png How flexible is the heraldic system going to be? Will it change my coat of arms when I manage to unite the Kingdoms of England and Bohemia? Will this be represented in the coat of arms when I form the Anglobohemian empire?

  • We do have dynamic quartering for cadet dynasties, but for realms/titles we played it safe and only made a handful of historical examples ready for release.
  • It's entirely possible that it's something we could expand on in the future though.

Icon CK3b.png Will there be an ingame CoA editor at launch, like with the ck2 ruler designer DLC?

  • No fancy editor at launch, unfortunately. The script that drives our CoA is really powerful though, and it's what we use in-house, so it will be possible to make some really nice stuff if you take the time to learn it.

Icon CK3b.png Can we mod the Coat of Arms?

  • Very editable! The textures are simply raw elements (e.g. a lion or a cross) and then we position and colour them in script.

Icon CK3b.png Will the hair colors for the barber be locked based on your ethnicity?

  • Barber will be unlocked for hairstyles, hair types, hair colors and any mixture of clothing.
  • You can be an European Duke wearing Indian Armor, or a Mongolian raider wearing crusader armor if you wish.

Icon CK3b.png What is the pixel size of the dynastic emblems?

  • 128x128.

Icon CK3b.png Is there an option to make the interface a smaller or bigger?

  • There is an option available to change the GUI scaling.

Icon CK3b.png Is there support for vector graphics for heraldry and CoA?

  • CoA are puzzled together with .dds file elements that are up to 256x256.

Icon CK3b.png What is the resolution of the map files? (asking for modding purposes)

  • 8192x4096.

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決議[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 人物頭像下的「蝴蝶」標誌是什麼?

  • 您選擇了哪種生活方式的標誌!在那張照片裏它是神學的一雙手。

Icon CK3b.png 朝聖時我可以攜帶我的配偶和/或孩子嗎?

  • 這是您必須在沒有家人的情況下進行的旅程,但您可能會在旅途中遇到其他信仰的角色!

Icon CK3b.png 是否存在特定於宗教的節日? 齋月,復活節之類的事情?

  • 此類系統不會在發佈時出現在遊戲中,但如果我們可能在下一步添加,這樣的話會很好。

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事件腳本[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png If you would like to utilize one "minor inline trigger" for another seperate script. Would it be best to referense to that file, create an identical inline trigger or edit it out from the original and move the trigger to an shared file?

  • Assuming the new use case is in a separate file, you'd move the trigger to a shared scripted trigger database (for maximum Script Hygiene).

Icon CK3b.png Do we have variables in ck3 to work with?

  • Yes! We have a set_variable function with a fairly broad amount of utility, which can act as an ordinary variable (taking value from a number of places), a boolean, a flag, or a few other sundry options.

Icon CK3b.png These ordered_lists and the math will be quite nice. And the first_valid trigger is neat as well. Is there something similar for the scene background?

  • There isn't currently a first_valid system for anything but triggered copy, as far as I know, I'm afraid.
  • As for lists, certainly! We've got scripted lists (per the diary), temporary lists (existing for a single block of script), & global lists (as you're wanting here).

Icon CK3b.png Is there an "overwrite/update" functionality for events? And speaking of all those fancy new triggers, commands and on_actions: What are your favourite new additions when compared to CK2?

  • Currently, we do not have an overwrite/update function.
  • As for which is my favourite, gosh, difficult. I didn't get a chance to show it off this dev diary, but I think I'd have to say random_in_list is the one that I personally get the most use out of! Filter through a load of appropriate characters for an event, add them to a list, then pick a random character from that list according to a set of weights I tweak to my preference for interest. Lots of flexibility, and let's you put in just so much drama tailored to your personal preference.
  • Want to grab all your vassals, courtiers, close family, then pick out the one with the most and largest claims? Boom, simple, easy, robust. Want to do the same but instead find the one that has the best murder/attempted murder secret against someone important to you? Same list, different weights, only marginally more difficult. Want to find the character in that list with the most missing body-parts and infectious diseases? Easy, doable. :D

Icon CK3b.png Does that mean that they can have more than 4 options (or that the "more" option to cycle through is automatically generated)?

  • Although the "more" option is not automatically generated, we do not have a hard limit of four options, though the base title certainly prefers to remain at four options or less without a more cycle.

Icon CK3b.png Do you use a GUI of some kind to manage all these, and visualize the relationships?

  • Hand-crafted in the editor, m'friend. Which editor varies according to personal taste (as long as it works), but the most common ones by far are Sublime & Notepad++.

Icon CK3b.png Are the ai_values the same ones as in CK2? And what's their value range?

  • I believe we have a couple of new ones, though I think it's outside my purview to discuss which ones. The range is -100 to +100.

Icon CK3b.png Is event_target still around and has there been any important changes to how it works?

  • They are called saved scopes these days, mainly cause event target got conflated with what that means in code and script documentation, they function pretty much the same you do save_scope_as = name to save them and then scope:name to find them.

Icon CK3b.png Are pre-triggers still in?

  • No, they proved to be fairly unnecessary when you don't use mean time to happen for everything so aren't checking lots of things regularly all the time to the point that going into the script system to evaluate triggers becomes a noticeable overhead.

Icon CK3b.png in CK2 a common scripting sleight of hand was to have the Pope trigger certain maintenance or narrative events since he's always around - will CK3 use a similar system or is there something in-built to take care of those kinds of situations?

  • There is a yearly_global_pulse which is fired one on Jan 1st every year and has no scope set as root or any saved scopes, that can be used as a master caller to run maintenance effects and trigger events reliably instead of needing to use a character as a dummy stand in like the Pope.

Icon CK3b.png Does the code for creating characters differ in CK3 from CK2 significantly, and/or has any new functionalities been added to it?

  • There are a fair few more bells and whistles on it, mainly to make it generate better random characters in an entire culture group or inheriting a dynasty into a new house and being able to be given random traits from a list of valid ones.
  • To make it a bit easier to generate nicer random characters more easily there is also a new database of scripted character templates so you can make something like new_warrior_character as a template and give them a list of things you want them to be able to get for example always giving them a martial education and a lifestyle trait that is military or fighting based as well as being able to specify some min-max bounds for martial skill and prowess.
  • The rest of the character's info will be determined via defaulting to whoever employs them for things like faith or specified/overridden in the create_character invocation in script.

Icon CK3b.png So if I understand it there won't be the CK2 system where it's create_character and then five different types of create_character for every attribute/education type (i.e. create priest, create soldier, etc.), and instead I can make a custom create_character like, for example, "new_hot_character" which will make a character that always as a minimum has traits to make them attractive?

  • Exactly! There is a line in the effect where you would do template = new_hot_character and that will then be the base for them

Icon CK3b.png When you say there's a database of scripted character templates, do you mean there's a unique file or folder that is focused purely on scripting new character creation templates, or this is more just a standard scripted effect?

  • Its a unique database folder, common/scripted_character_templates, where the entries made in files there have a key and then all the various values you want and can use it in the effect like I mentioned above by doing template = key_of_entry.

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壓力[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 寵物會減輕壓力嗎?』'

  • 會!

Icon CK3b.png AI 通過決議時會考慮壓力嗎?

  • AI自然會做出符合自己個性的決定,這應該會限制他們總體上增加的壓力。
  • 但是,我們正在研究他們已經處於高壓力等級時,如何進一步阻止他們選擇會增加壓力的選項。

Icon CK3b.png 角色可不可能在嘗試減輕壓力時無意中自殺?

  • 這是可能的。要小心!

Icon CK3b.png 會不會有零壓力等級,還是壓力等級最低是一? 會不會有一些事件與實現較低的壓力水平有關?

  • 會有,所有人開始時都是沒有懲罰的零壓力等級。
  • 現在我們沒有相對應的壓力應對機制特質;然而,如果我們決定在以後重新審視這些東西,遊戲也許會支持此類Mod。

Icon CK3b.png 自殺是某些三壓力等級角色的選擇之一嗎?

  • 自殺是某些情況下角色的一種選擇,包括當他們處於高壓力水平時。
  • 但這不是一個輕率的決定,因為該行為可能會對您的繼承者產生嚴重影響……

Icon CK3b.png 所有的壓力應對機制都是基於令人上癮的「放縱」嗎?

  • 還有更多合法的形式! 雖然不是每個統治者都會發現自己傾向這些,但其他應對機制包括寫日記和鍛煉。

Icon CK3b.png 有應對機制是否有任何不利之處?或者相反,沒有應對機制是否有任何有利之處?

  • 除了十分罕見的健身,傾訴者與寫日記者之外,幾乎所有的應對機制都有缺點。事實上,如果有人找到你的日記,我認為寫日記者也可能有缺點。
  • 無論如何,舉幾個例子:經常去妓院會導致性病、煩躁和選擇「猛烈抨擊」會下降你封臣對你的好感等。

Icon CK3b.png 我會死於壓力嗎?

  • 壓力會導致您的死亡。儘管必須處於極端水平才能發生,但依舊能通過惡化您的健康狀況還是使您心肌梗塞讓你魂歸天國。

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音頻[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png CK2在音頻方面有許多問題。大多數事件觸發時我聽到的聲音是錯誤的4秒,並且很快變得刺耳。遊戲的前 100 小時配樂很好聽,但在無數的遊戲會話中他無法提供你應擁有的良好體驗。高興的開發人員似乎意識到了這些問題。

  • 因為音樂會在100小時候變得令人厭煩(只是原因之一),我們做了不同的音樂系統。希望這更能貼合情景。(笑)
  • 此外,我們的任何其他遊戲中都有更多的音樂。

Icon CK3b.png 會使用我們這個時代製作的中世紀音樂嗎?或者只是在遊戲時代創造的音樂?

  • CK3 的音樂現在是動態的,可以對玩家的動作做出反應(例如你開戰了,音樂會改變以反映你處於戰時狀態)。有很多情景提示可以修改環境聲音和音樂。
  • 音樂是為了保持在中世紀統治領地的身臨其境的感覺。

Icon CK3b.png 地圖上的氛圍聲音是與地理位置相關還是與地形類型相關?

  • 好吧,不要太死板,它是不同系統的混合。有些是基於地形類型的,而其他氛圍是基於位置產生的。

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封臣契約[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png When a vassal dies, does their same contract get passed to their heir?

  • If the person dying is a higher tier than the heir then the heir gets the person's dying's contract.
  • If they are the same tier or below then the heir if already landed will keep their current contract.

Icon CK3b.png What does coinage rights do? Also, in one of the preview videos of the game we could see something called fortification rights that you could also grant to your vassals. Is that still a thing? How does it work?

  • Coinage rights give the vassal 0.3 monthly development growth in their capital county and costs the liege 0.02 in development growth.
  • Fortification rights is still in, the character I was playing just did not have that innovation unlocked in their culture. If they do then it appears and can give the vassal cheaper castle holding and build costs and a fort level whilst making the liege pay more for their castle build costs.

Icon CK3b.png How does the Council Right work? The vassal is automatically added to council in Advisor role? Or just that when a vassal asks for a position on the council, refusing would incur tyranny/bad rep?

  • They get free use of the demand council position interaction, which the liege cannot refuse, allowing them to pick a council position and get it. Hooks can also be used for that interaction if you do not have the council rights.
  • Of course, this means the council rights position is limited to only as many council positions you have that your vassals can occupy.

Icon CK3b.png Will we be able to negotiate with a group of vassals at once, or copy-paste contracts? For example, it might be interesting for a King of England and Scotland to have a different set of obligations for his English and Scottish vassals, but it would be quite a hassle to have to change half a dozen contracts in the same fashion if, say, one wants their English vassals to provide more taxes and less levies.

  • Currently they are handled individually, which to a degree self mitigates it by virtue of encouraging you to make dukes to control the counts and kings to manage the dukes etc.
  • But it is something we are keeping in mind for the future to see if the management of them becomes too annoying and how we can ease that.
  • I would argue that if we need a copy and paste button then the system has become too micro and that is in itself another issue.

Icon CK3b.png When taking over a vassal from someone else, or vassalizing an independent ruler, what will the contract be set to? Will we immediately start negotiating?

  • I answered this at the top of this post, but its basically you keep yours unless you had none of the person you are inheriting from is better.
  • If you are a brand new vassal then its default tax and levies and no fine print options.

Icon CK3b.png When granting an unlanded courtier a title, will we be able to freely set the contract? I mean, i they don't like it, sure, we can find someone else...

  • It will be the default as above.

Icon CK3b.png How does it look on the other side when the liege (or vassal) presses the magic button?

  • You will be informed of the change to your contract and deal with it ;)
  • The AI won't do too many changes at once though and of course if you really dislike it you can rebel to be free of it all.

Icon CK3b.png How will the contract work for non-feudal realms (e.g. Clans)? Do they have similar feature?

  • Only Feudal characters use the contract with individual obligations, the Clans have a static contract which scales based on opinion.

Icon CK3b.png Is is moddable? If a mod adds new government types, can they be set to use the Feudal contracts mechanic?

  • Yep it is fully moddable, the government definitions have a list of the contract options they have available to them so you can add different contract options there to new or existing governments.

Icon CK3b.png Poor Duke Otto is being forced to pay higher taxes against his will and wishes, but he still likes his king even more? as seen by the +5 opinion modifier, despite this being an act of tyranny by his liege.

  • That value is the opinion modifiers directly from the contract options, so the +5 there is coming from the fact he still has low levies which gives a +5.
  • The tyranny is then separate from the contract's obligations but because you gave an unfair one.
  • Could probably clear up that is not Duke Otto's opinion of you overall but the modifier sum from the obligations picked. Will note that down.

Icon CK3b.png Wouldn't it make more sense to have feudal contracts tied to titles rather than people?

  • I'd disagree it offers more technical flexibility, it'd offer more technical confusion and nightmarish rule managing scenarios.
  • And what you really are asking for here is multiple lieges and independent people partially being vassals, which is a whole other can of worms that would be a technical, user experience, and design nightmare for, in my opinion, pretty limited gain.

Icon CK3b.png Is the opinion penalty from high obligations permanent?

  • As far as I remember yes, the penalty is permanent for the passive opinion from obligation levels.

Icon CK3b.png If a liege and a vassal have different cultures, and therefore access to different fine print options through different innovations, which ruler's culture determines what options are available?

  • They are taken from the liege.

Icon CK3b.png Can vassals force their liege to change their contracts via factions or rebellions?

  • They can force them to change crown authority levels, but factions cannot change individual contracts.
  • That can be done through trading points (e.g. lower taxes for more troops) or risk gaining tyranny if you do this unjustly.
  • Hooks will let you change them without having to trade off points!

Icon CK3b.png Can you suggest contracts as a vassal to your liege?

  • Vassals can negotiate a different contract with their liege yes, they have the added requirement of proposing a fair trade unlike the liege who can make unfair ones and gain tyranny.

Icon CK3b.png will you be able to use stress as a weapon against your rivals?

  • Well, in a way. Murdering their close family if they're compassionate will definitely stress them out.
  • Keeping them in your dungeon/torturing them will also induce a lot of stress. There are ways.

Icon CK3b.png If a liege and a vassal have different cultures, and therefore access to different fine print options through different innovations, which ruler's culture determines what options are available?

  • They are taken from the liege.

Icon CK3b.png Are vassal levy/tax contributions also dependant on their relations with you in addition to the feudal contract?

  • Feudal Contracts are just that - a contract. Opinion/relations do not play into it, but a pissed-off vassal will be likely to go for the Liberty faction in order to lower their obligations. The more extortionate the contract, the less they will like you. Opinion is still a thing in Clan realms though, so there you have to make sure all your vassals love you!

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肖像系統[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Will all physical traits (aside from the obvious ones like dwarfism and gigantism) of characters be decided by genetics, and not just facial ones? Like height, length of arms, etc?

  • There are giant, dwarf, hunchbacked, clubfoot and spindly traits that affect your physique aside from face.
  • You can genetically inherit height or type of body build as well, but you can't genetically engineer yourself a family with naturally long arms if that's what you are asking for.

Icon CK3b.png In this Dev Diary, what disease do they all have, respectively?

  • Respectively: Typhus, Smallpox, Leprosy, Great Pox (Syphilis), Bubonic plague, Bubonic plague

Icon CK3b.png What about Attractive or Ugly traits?

  • we have tiered traits for beauty and ugliness. Characters with pretty traits will also visually age slower.

Icon CK3b.png Is there any Inbred trait?

  • Yes, there is an Inbred trait, though we don't have genetics for inbreeding.
  • Characters with "pretty" traits will look (on average) "prettier", while "ugly ones" will look "uglier".

Icon CK3b.png How will the characters look once they are dead?

  • They will be grayed out, but you can click on them to see how they were before they died.

Icon CK3b.png Will there be an option for lepers to hide their faces behind masks?

  • The masks are used by disfigured characters by default.
  • If you're using the option to hide graphical looking diseases they would be worn by lepers as well.
  • It's a good idea to make them selectable in the barbershop though, I'll note that down.

Icon CK3b.png Will all characters age with the same speed, or could you have grey hair already in your twenites in CK3? Same with balding or wrinkles?

  • There is some randomness (and inheritance) in the way people age.
  • Also, as Nicou pointed out, beautiful people age more slowly in the game.

Icon CK3b.png It is perfectly possible to mod DNAs as well as adding new ones? Should I interpret this as a sign that entirely new sets of body parts could technically be modded in?

  • Yes it should technically be possible to mod in new types of attachments to the body.

Icon CK3b.png What is it that prevents the drift towards averages on the inter-regional scale? Are environmental factors accounted for in any way? It seems to me that over numerous generations nobles from different regions will start to look similar.

  • Newly generated characters should reduce this effect as they will use one of the preset ethnicities.

Icon CK3b.png Do characters instantly grow a huge beard when they reach a certain age or do they start with more subtle ones?

  • Beards are one of the few things that we couldn't make gradual, unfortunately. So they will appear from age 18. Stubble, however, does fade in gradually. I would love to add growing beards at a later point though.

Icon CK3b.png What do the less nightmarish versions of diseased characters look like?

  • They use either the "common illness" effect (pale and hollow eyed) or a face mask for the very severe ones.

Icon CK3b.png Do we inherit our parents body types?

  • There is some inherited variation in body types making characters genetically more skinny, chubby or muscular. Those are all sliders of course. But the greatest variation comes from in-game factors.
  • Height will vary quite greatly even when not affected by a trait. The height distribution is based roughly on medieval peoples' heights (meaning averages are shorter than today but tall people - even by modern standards - will still appear occasionally)

Icon CK3b.png Why is some of the clothing so extremely shiny? Even for silk I think this is somewhat overdone and could be scaled back. It also seems like way too many characters wear silk if that's what it's supposed to be.

  • The selection of characters in the diary are heavily skewed towards more high ranking characters, simply because they are more important in the game and also have a bit more of the cool stuff when it comes to clothes and headgear.
  • In hindsight, I probably could have included more low ranking characters for a better representation in the screenshots. But there's a lot of characters wearing clothes of simpler fabrics as well.

Icon CK3b.png Can characters that spend time in the south or north get tan/pale temporary modifiers?

  • That's a very nice idea but unfortunately not something we have implemented. Characters of Mediterranean ethnicity do have more tanned skin though, of course.

Icon CK3b.png Is it possible for you to see if your spouse has cheated on you? For example if you are both french in CK2 and she cheated on you with a German, you could sometimes see a German child.

  • It will usually not be super obvious when the spouse and the real father are of similar ethnicities but there might be giveaway signs such as hair colour or an unusual feature.
  • Of course, in the case of less closely related ethnicities, it would be more apparent.

Icon CK3b.png Is there an option to turn of the 3D animations specifically? Or is performance impacted greatly by the 3D animations/portraits?

  • Yes there is an option to turn off portrait animations.

Icon CK3b.png Do we inherit our parents hair colour?

  • It is a simplified system compared to real genetics so it will have roughly the same chance to pick either parents' hair colour.

Icon CK3b.png You have probably researched it but pretty faces are mostly symmetrical faces. It should therefore be possible to create pretty faces. Is this the solution you chose?

  • Pretty and beautiful faces will generally be closer to the average (less extreme features) as well as have smoother and more youthful looking skin.
  • And the opposite is the case for ugly characters.

Icon CK3b.png I think I spotted a little case of incomplete beheading, or possibly a neckseam?

  • Well spotted. It's a known issue and I'm hoping we can get a fix in.

Icon CK3b.png I know we have giant and dwarf traits for height, but will there be varying heights for normal characters without those traits as well??

  • Yes "normal height" characters will have heights that vary quite a bit, and it is inherited like other genes

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性能和AI[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Will we as modder able to start our own thread?

  • No, but significant parts of the script system is handled in parallel.

Icon CK3b.png How much does the GPU have to say for the performance? I have a i5 6600 CPU, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, so slightly better CPU than your old rig and sameish RAM I guess, but my current GPU is an AMD RX460, which I believe is somewhat lower than your old GPU.

  • GPU performance can be a bit odd. Usually the impact is pretty minimal as long as it is powerful enough to maintain 60 FPS, and then gets a bigger and bigger impact on tick speed as it gets worse than that.
  • Going beyond what's needed for 60 FPS does tend to speed the game up a bit, but it's less of a difference than a CPU makes.
  • Your CPU is a bit worse than my old CPU (15% or so weaker), and your GPU significantly worse (4x weaker), so chances are your performance will be worse than in my video.
  • Your GPU is worse than our recommended GPU (40% or so worse), but significantly better than our min spec GPU. So you might need to turn down some graphical settings.
  • My best guess is that with lower settings your framerate will be fine but less stable than mine, while your tick rate will probably be a decent amount lower but still pretty fast.

Icon CK3b.png Will big scripts affect the performance? I know you guys used the same scripting system in development, so did you run any tests to see the extend of say an immersion mod will slow the game down? Any optimization done to this?

  • Definitely. Script is a major performance cost. The main optimization is the parallelization. In some cases we also provide triggers or list builders that have more constraints but are more performant.

Icon CK3b.png Will there be an AI difficulty setting?

  • There's no AI difficulty setting. There's an overall difficulty setting, but that has no effect on the AI code.
  • You almost never see AI settings in strategy games that actually make the AI smarter at higher levels, because strategy games are usually so complicated that it's usually not feasible to make an AI that corresponds to more than "normal" difficulty. Which is why they tend to get boosts instead. Only going down in difficulty tends to make the AI less smart.

Icon CK3b.png What would've been the disadvantages of having the rendering done on the main thread and the gamestate management on a sub-thread?

  • The thread that handles all the UI updating tells the render thread to talk to the GPU, so we haven't run into any issues there.

Icon CK3b.png What I take away from this dev diary is, that CK3 will most likely run even faster than CK2 on most systems, is that correct?

  • On my machine (before upgrading) the tick rate is the same, but the frame rate significantly better and more stable.
  • So the main difference I expect most people (with good enough GPUs to run CK3 well) is improved frame rate.
  • Machines beyond 4 physical cores likely do a bit better than CK2 on the tick rate thanks to improved threading.

Icon CK3b.png I have Intel Core i7-4700HQ CPU and Nvidia Geforce GT 745M laptop, can I play this game at all?

  • That GPU is less than half as powerful as the Intel one we currently have listed in the min spec, so your chances probably aren't great I'm afraid.
  • The CPU would do fine though.

Icon CK3b.png What's the horizontal axis of that graph? Seconds, minutes, in-game years?

  • Years

Icon CK3b.png How many types of graphical settings are there in CK 3?

  • The standard 3D graphics settings, plus some CK-specific stuff.

Icon CK3b.png Do you have SSAO option for people with high-end gpu ?

  • We've got SSAO (Screen space ambient occlusion) for the character portraits.

Icon CK3b.png Did you experiment with double buffering game state, or at least parts of it?

  • While double buffering definitely has some advantages, it also massively complicates a lot of things, and essentially means having to rework a lot of systems from the ground up.
  • The time spent locking is low enough at this point that it seems unlikely for double buffering to be worth it.

Icon CK3b.png Max speed seems to be a lot faster than in CK2 depending on your specs, are the other speeds similarly effected?

  • Speed 5 is uncapped, speeds 1 through 4 have a target tick rate, so don't depend on the speed of your PC (unless your PC isn't fast enough to achieve that speed).
  • The target tick rates don't match exactly to CK2; they've been tweaked a bit.

Icon CK3b.png Sometimes in CK2 the AI does stupid stuff like wasting piety and gold when it really should be saving them to become a king

  • The AI does have some systems specifically for this. The AI prioritizes atm keeping the counties in its capital duchy.
  • All money the AI earns is divided between a few different pools:
   Short term: Vast majority of expenses
   Long term: Creating titles, buildings, a few other things
   Warchest: Savings in case of war; needs to be full in order for it to declare
   Special: Things like the Pope trying to always keep some money around in case people ask for money

Icon CK3b.png Does AI see the whole map? Or are they properly constrained by the fog of war?

  • The AI simulates fog of war to some extent, so it'll stop chasing you once you're in fog of war.
  • It's still vaguely aware of how many troops you have and such though

Icon CK3b.png Does CK3 still disappear unimportant characters (no titles, not married, no children, etc...) or were you able to get rid of that optimization from CK2?

  • That's no longer a thing.
  • People with no reason to stay in your court might go wandering however.
  • And once a character has been stuck wandering a while (due to there being no relevant court for them to go to, and them not matching the criteria for any of the many things that pull from the wandering character pool), their health slowly gets worse.
  • So the lifespan of wanderers with nowhere to go is shorter, but they don't simply get disappeared.

Icon CK3b.png Will the AI have their own gameplay style procedurally generated based on existing traits, or can you set the AI personality before the game starts? ex. Setting ALL rulers to warmongering conquerors, peaceful and defensive rulers, etc.

  • It's a tricky one. AI will have a personality based on their traits and will try to act accordingly, but you can't set all AI in the world to be the same, since every character is so unique.
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模組製作[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png Will there be a documentation of all the available conditions, commands, scopes etc. on release?

  • There is a script_docs console command which outputs all triggers, effects, scope types, event target links, modifiers, and on actions to log files.

Icon CK3b.png What about mods changing localisation files (like improved localisations for other languages)? Will they affect checksum?

  • Localization and gui still effects the checksum yes as both need to be checked otherwise using the new more powerful gui and localization system mods could cause cheating and out of sync issues.

Icon CK3b.png In terms of modding, is it possible to create non-human characters, such as the dragons in AGOT?

  • It should be possible but with some limitations. Humanoids like orcs and elves should be easier to achieve

Icon CK3b.png Where else can we add new UI elements? Will we be able to create new interfaces like Empire of China's?

  • You can add new elements under any existing interface, so it should be entirely possible to create your own interfaces for mod only features

Icon CK3b.png Will it be possible to mod higher tiers than Emperors?

  • No, the tiers are not moddable, its too core a part of the game code to be changeable in mods easily

Icon CK3b.png Can we add new holding types via modding?

  • Yes, that's pretty easy to do

Icon CK3b.png Will we be able to add new levels to traits?

  • Yes

Icon CK3b.png How will map modding work? One of my biggest gripes with Imperator Rome modding was that the map, country, and history setup was all in a single massive setup file.

  • We have a similar split of files like CK2 did with various map, province and history folders containing the files to change. Not a handful of massive csv files like Imperator has.

Icon CK3b.png Has the character id system been changed?

  • Historical Character IDs can be any string now.

Icon CK3b.png How moddable are succession laws?

  • You can mod in new ones but they will need to pick a specific rule to use which does have a hardcoded number, you can make your own partition law with extra requirements or fancy names but you cannot make a new type of succession as that is in code.
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傳承[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 在特定的遊戲過程中,一個宗族獲得的威望合理的漲幅是多少?

  • 這取決於你的遊戲風格。如果你是那種想當圖長的玩家(經典的地圖填色家)那麼比起讓宗族開枝散葉的玩家,你獲得的宗族威望相對會更低,要保證你的子嗣要不斷地於強大的外部君主結婚,等等,我是說宗族威望漲幅在1-2.5算「普通」。如果你將你宗族的種子撒向全世界,那麼也可以解鎖所有宗族傳承,但你不管怎麼做,這件事要達成必定不會很快。

Icon CK3b.png 傳承有「歷史」嗎?例如塞爾柱王朝會在1066年開局中會獲得一些軍事傳承?

  • 我們考慮過這件事,最初也同意過,但最終被廢除。因為我們真不想你扮演其中一個角色時沿着特定的道路前進。但是像塞爾柱家族這樣的著名皇家將比大多數宗族點出第一項傳承快很多。

Icon CK3b.png AI宗族族長會根據什麼來點宗族傳承?性格特質?

  • 他們會堅持一條路線。所以你不必擔心他們奪取了你宗族族長之位後浪費你來之不易的宗族威望。

Icon CK3b.png 生育力增益有上限嗎?

  • 有趣的是,我們開發遊戲時發現我低估了親族傳承的生育力增益,所以我逐漸降低了此數值。第一版本的親族傳承第一項的生育力加成為25%,這看起來會讓世界人口大爆發。10%更加合理,但仍然顯著。多產特質實際上使用了兔子的圖標!

Icon CK3b.png 傳承會不會隨着遊戲進展而自動點出還是我們必須對此作些什麼,就像生活方式一樣?

  • 只要你的宗族由一位有地君主,整個宗族就會獲得一丁點的宗族威望,但真要解鎖一些東西,你必須要讓你宗族開枝散葉。你不需要選擇重心或其他的,這是為生活方式準備的。

Icon CK3b.png 多級封臣都是宗族成員時此效果是否會疊加,還是僅適用於最高領地/每個伯爵領一次?

  • 控制修正僅適用於你的領地,否則堆疊起來會很恐怖。
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成就[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Icon CK3b.png 我認為鐵人模式會不會成為達成成就的必然條件?

  • 的確是!

Icon CK3b.png 「手足相爭」成就是需要讓希梅納諸子獲得西班牙皇冠還是只需要以他們開局?

  • 只需以他們開局。希梅納諸子指烏拉卡、桑喬,阿方索與加西亞。我們也允許以埃爾薇拉開局做成就,但因為她開局沒有領地,所以實際上不能以她開局遊玩。

Icon CK3b.png 我對用來結束CKⅡ的「結局標籤」(例如CKⅡ中可建立的印度,海外與斯拉夫聯盟等等)感到好奇——能否確認一下CKⅢ中會不會有類似的標籤?如果沒有,我可能會對我的第一個Mod有想法。

  • 即使我們沒有像EUⅣ一樣的結局標籤系統,但印度,海外與斯拉維亞也都可以通過決議建立。

Icon CK3b.png 圖爾戰役發生在遠離伊比利亞的普瓦捷,這對給定的成就意味着什麼?

  • 在比利牛斯山脈的兩側,圖爾象徵着伊斯蘭向西歐擴張的結束。老實說,這件事是真是假還有待考究。(畢竟,那時的倭馬亞哈里發國經歷過阿拔斯革命僅約二十年),但這場戰役任然具有一定的情感與文化意義(笑)。除了作為戰場外,普瓦捷本身並沒有特別重要的意義。
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