您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。建议您根据您的偏好切换到下列变体之一:大陆简体香港繁體澳門繁體大马简体新加坡简体臺灣正體。(不再提示 | 了解更多


[阅读] [编辑]Template-info.png 模板文档

Plainlist creates a plain (i.e. unbulleted) list.


Parameter Description Default Status
1 The ‘normal’ list. empty required
class Adds a CSS class to the containing div. empty optional
style Adds CSS style options. empty optional
indent Indents the list by a number of standard indents (one indent being 1.6em) empty optional


The following code

* dog
* cat
* mouse
* budgerigar
* hamster
* canary
* guinea pig
* parrot
* goldfish

will display:

  • dog
  • cat
  • mouse
  • budgerigar
  • hamster
  • canary
  • guinea pig
  • parrot
  • goldfish