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[阅读] [编辑]Template-info.png 模板文档

The {{ifeqall}} template extends the #ifeq: parser function, allowing it to pass multiple case strings against a single comparison string.


This meta-template compares if the comparison string (parameter compare) equals case string 1 and case string 2 and case string 3 (up to 10 unnamed numeric parameters) then returns a single result string (parameter output) if equal or returns a single optional default result string (parameter default) if not equal.


Required parameter. The comparison string against which all (up to 10) case strings will be compared with.
Required parameter. The result string which is outputted if the comparison string equals all of the inputted case strings.
The default result string which is outputted if the comparison string does not equal all of the inputted case strings.


Assume there is a WikiProject banner that should make sure all B-Class criteria on the checklist are checked before assigning the article as B-Class. By using...

{{ ifeqall | compare = yes | {{{B-Class-1|}}} | {{{B-Class-2|}}} | {{{B-Class-3|}}} | {{{B-Class-4|}}} | {{{B-Class-5|}}} |
output = B-Class | default = C-Class }}

...this template will check the compare value (i.e., yes) against all the case strings (i.e., {{{B-Class-1|}}}, {{{B-Class-2|}}}, {{{B-Class-3|}}}, {{{B-Class-4|}}}, {{{B-Class-5|}}}) and, if they are all equal, will return the output value (i.e., B-Class). If the compare value is not the same as all of the case strings, then it will return the default value (i.e., C-Class).

Please note: The comparison string and case strings are not case-sensitive, meaning it treats uppercase and lowercase letters as the same. The result string and default result string are case-sensitive and will be returned exactly as inputted.

Full blank syntax[编辑源代码]

| compare = 
| output  = 
| default = 
<!-- place up to 10 case strings beneath this line with a pipeline (|) before each -->


See also[编辑源代码]