
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2020年9月23日 (三) 16:59的版本 (同步到官方wiki  00:58, 22 September 2020‎ Hairy Dude)

绰号角色的称号。它们会在角色名称之前或者之后显示。[1] 它们主要通过决议事件获得。有些是为史实角色保留的,只能通过控制台指令获得。

绰号被分为“ 好的good”或“ 坏的bad”。一般来说,“好的”绰号将替换所有“坏的”绰号,但不会替代“好的”绰号。


绰号 ID 好坏? 要求
复仇者 nick_the_avenger 好的 为图尔战役复仇决议
萨奥希扬特 nick_the_saoshyant 好的 成为萨奥希扬特决议
造玻璃房的男人/女人 nick_the_glass 好的 建造玻璃建筑物决议
恶龙 nick_the_dragon 好的 Secret deviancy.png 食人者秘密被曝光(高于50恐怖值)
食人魔 nick_the_cannibal 坏的 Secret deviancy.png 食人者秘密被曝光(低于50恐怖值)
圣者 nick_the_divine 好的 祝圣血脉决议(宗教领袖
受膏者 nick_the_anointed 好的 祝圣血脉决议(不是宗教领袖
凯旋之人 nick_the_triumphant 好的 击败一位绰号“不败者”的角色
世间奇人 nick_the_stupor_mundi 好的 授权西西里议会决议(控制所有西西里法理地区的神圣罗马帝国皇帝, or mentally or treatably ill)
立法者 nick_the_lawgiver 好的 授权西西里议会决议(其他)
吞食者 nick_the_devourer 好的 Faith Cannibalism decision
加百列骑士 nick_the_knight_of_gabriel 好的 建立海外帝国决议(20%概率,仅男性
圣母侍女 nick_the_maiden_of_virgin 好的 建立海外帝国决议(20%概率,仅女性)
圣贤 nick_the_holy 好的 建立海外帝国决议(20%概率)
Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件
与宗教领袖 好感度
基督信使 nick_the_messenger_of_christ 好的 建立海外帝国决议(20%概率)
神之剑 nick_the_sword_of_god 好的 建立海外帝国决议(20%概率)
伟大者 nick_the_great 好的 成立葡萄牙决议
真福 nick_the_blessed 好的 与宗教领袖 好感度

史实 (Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheryn Gwerthrynion, prince of Powys 430–471, and his younger brother Gwerthefyr, sons of the legendary Vortigern (Gwrtheryn))

虔诚者 nick_the_pious 好的 与宗教领袖 好感度

史实 (Boleslav II, duke of Bohemia 972–999; Hugues de Lusignan, count of Lusignan 1026–1060)

蓝蛇 nick_blue_snake 好的 史实 (Signjótr Rurikid, deceased brother of Rurik)
蓝牙 nick_bluetooth 好的 史实 (Harald Gormsson af Gorm, king of Norway 970–986)
大头 nick_canmore 好的 史实(苏格兰国王马尔科姆 IIIMalcolm III Dunkeld, king of Scotland in 1066)
美发 nick_fairhair 好的 史实 (Harald Halfdansson Yngling, king of Norway 872–931)
无情者 nick_haardraade 好的 史实(“无情者”哈拉尔Harald IV Sigurðrsson Yngling, king of Norway in 1066)
哈德克努特 nick_hardeknud 好的 史实 (Knud Knudsson Knytling, 11th century king of Denmark and England)
战牙 nick_hildetand 好的 史实 (Haraldr Skjöldung, duke of Sjælland 729–770)
洛德布罗克 nick_lodbrok 好的 史实 (Ragnar Sigurdrsson af Sigurdr, father of the leaders of the Great Heathen Army)
指环 nick_ring 好的 史实 (Sigurdr Randversson af Sigurdr, jarl of Uppland 761–800)
蛇眼 nick_snake_in_the_eye 好的 史实(“蛇眼”西尔古德Sigurdr Ragnarrson af Sigurdr, duke of Sjælland 860–917
秃头 nick_the_bald 好的 史实(“秃头”查理Charles II Karling, king of West Francia 840–877
无骨者 nick_the_boneless 好的 史实(“无骨者”伊瓦尔Ivar Ragnarsson Ivaring, petty king of the Isles 855–873
筑城者 nick_the_builder 好的 史实 (Nerses III Mangaphas, Catholicos of the Apostolic Church 641–661)
黄瓜王 nick_the_cucumber_king 好的 史实 (Nyaung-u Sawrahan, duke of Pagan 956–1001)
短袜 nick_the_curthose 好的 史实 (Robert de Normandie, count of Maine in 1066)
深思熟虑者 nick_the_deep_minded 好的 史实 (Auðr Flatnefr, countess of Vestisland 867–900)
毁灭者 nick_the_destroyer 好的 史实 (Máel-Coluim Ailpin, king of Scotland 1005–1034)
日耳曼人 nick_the_german 好的 史实(“日耳曼人”路德维希Ludwig Karling, king of East Francia 843–876)
启蒙者 nick_the_illuminator 好的 史实 (Gregory I Gregorid, Catholicos of the Apostolic Church 288–325)
敬爱殉道者之人 nick_the_martyrophile 好的 史实 (Gregory II, Catholicos of the Apostolic Church in 1066)
传教士 nick_the_missionary 好的 史实 (Hasan Alavid, Atabeg of Tabaristan 864–884)
和平主义者 nick_the_peaceful 好的 史实 (Prince Olav Haraldsson Yngling of Norway, count of Ránriki in 1066, but didn't earn the name until he became king)
红脸 nick_the_red 好的 史实 (several characters)
先知 nick_the_seer 好的 史实 (Helgi Ruriksson, king of Ruthenia 882–912)
斩蛇者 nick_the_slayer_of_the_snake 好的 史实 (Galadima Bayajidda Durbawa, high chief of Kano 865−910)
异乡人 nick_the_stranger 好的 史实 (Dyre Oskyldr, Grand Prince of Kiev 860–882)
磨刀石 nick_the_whetstone 好的 史实 (Prince Harald Svendsen Estrid of Denmark, duke of Jylland in 1066)
白肤者 nick_the_white 好的 史实 (Olafr Guðröðrsson Yngling, earl of Dublin 855–866)
森林之子 nick_the_wild 好的 史实 (Eadric Eadricson Aelfricson, earl of Shropshire in 1066)
年幼者 nick_the_younger 好的 史实 (Ludwig Karling, king of Lotharingia 877–882; Louis II Karling, king of Italy 855–875)
破坏和平者 nick_troublemaker 好的 史实 (Rurik Umilasson Rurikid, grand prince of Novgorod 862–879)
白衫 nick_whiteshirt 好的 史实(“白衫”哈夫丹Halfdan Ragnarrson Hvitserk, duke of Deira 866–875)
碎心者 nick_the_heartbreaker 坏的 Intrigue lifestyle.png 谋略生活方式事件
摧心者 nick_the_mindbreaker 好的 Intrigue lifestyle.png 谋略生活方式事件
剥皮者 nick_the_flayer 好的 Intrigue lifestyle.png 谋略生活方式事件
噬怖者 nick_feareater 好的 Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件
勇敢者 nick_the_brave 好的 Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件

Historical (Bolesław I Piast, king of Poland 1025; Alfonso VI Jimena, king of León in 1066)

蠢蛋 nick_the_foolish 坏的 Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件
狂怒者 nick_the_fury Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件
鹰隼 nick_the_hawk Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件
专横者 nick_the_imperious Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件
残酷者 nick_the_merciless Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件
坚守战士 nick_the_stalwart Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件
冷酷者 nick_the_unrelenting Martial lifestyle.png 军事生活方式事件
教会合一者 nick_the_ecumenist 弥合东西方教会大分裂决议
征服者 nick_the_conqueror Martial lifestyle.png Martial lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
作为诺曼底公爵威廉 II赢得诺曼人征服英格兰战争
和平缔造者 nick_the_peacemaker Diplomacy lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
达努之子 nick_the_tuatha_de_danann 作为爱尔兰文化角色,采用收复不列颠尼亚决议
牧羊人 nick_the_shepherd 重建以色列决议(50%概率)
裁决者 nick_the_judge 重建以色列决议(50%概率)
丹麦人 nick_the_dane 重建丹麦法区决议
荣耀者 nick_the_glorious 重建罗马帝国决议
贪婪者 nick_the_greedy 坏的 出售次要头衔决议

Mental break when having or gaining  Comfort Eater

正直之人 nick_the_honorable 出售次要头衔决议
学者 nick_the_scholar 配偶教导事件

Found University decision

智者 nick_the_wise 配偶教导事件

Historical (Berengar Unruochinger, duke of Barcelona 832–837; Baithené Néill aka St Baoithin, a cousin of the famous missionary St Columba)

霸凌者 nick_the_bully 坏的 Stewardship lifestyle.png 管理生活方式事件
细致者 nick_the_meticulous Stewardship lifestyle.png 管理生活方式事件
西班牙的父亲/母亲 nick_the_motherfather_of_spain 统一西班牙各邦决议
不败者 nick_the_undefeated 连续赢得100场战斗 (currently disabled)
nick_little 好的,前缀 Easter egg character
潘德拉贡 nick_pendragon 作为威尔士文化角色,采用收复不列颠尼亚决议
受诅咒者 nick_the_accursed 坏的 Historical (Ioannes II Lantpertidi, duke of Salerno 983–999)
和蔼者 nick_the_affable Diplomacy lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)

Historical (Ranulf Taillefer, count of Angouleme 962–975)

使徒 nick_the_apostle Historical (the first three Nestorian Popes, plus St Andrew, considered the first Ecumenical Patriarch)
建筑师 nick_the_architect Stewardship lifestyle.png Stewardship lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
吟游诗人 nick_the_bard Easter egg character
私生子 nick_the_bastard 坏的 史实(“私生子”威廉
美髯公 nick_the_beautiful_beard Easter egg character
仁慈者 nick_the_benevolent Stewardship lifestyle.png Stewardship lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
瞎子 nick_the_blind 史实 (Manso II Musconidi, doge of Amalfi intermittently 1028–1051; Louis III Bouvinid, king of Italy 902–905)
血之父亲/母亲 nick_the_blood_motherfather Strengthen Bloodline decision
博加特里 nick_the_bogatyr Unite the Slavs decision (if male)
英勇者 nick_the_bold Historical (Bolesław II Piast, king of Poland in 1066)
贞洁者 nick_the_chaste Historical (Aldefonso II de Asturias, king of Asturias 791–842)
撰史者 nick_the_chronicler Learning lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
乌鸦 nick_the_crow Intrigue lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
加冕者 nick_the_crowned Unite the Southern Slavs decision
残忍者 nick_the_cruel 坏的 Historical (Fruella I de Asturias, king of Castille 757–768)
十字军战士 nick_the_crusader Form the Outremer Empire decision (20% chance)
(神)守护者 nick_the_defender_of_highgod Defenders of [God] decision
恶魔 nick_the_devil 坏的 Unused (historical: Robert de Montgomery, 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury, in 1066 a 9 year old courtier in the County of Bayeux)
外交家 nick_the_diplomat Diplomacy lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
醉鬼 nick_the_drunkard 坏的 Historical (Michael III Amorios, basileus of the Byzantine Empire 842–866)
热切者 nick_the_eager 坏的 Easter egg character
优雅者 nick_the_elegant Stewardship lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
觉悟者 nick_the_enlightened Learning lifestyle nickname (rarely after completing two perk trees)
美人 nick_the_fair Historical (Donald Dunkeld, brother of King Malcolm III of Scotland in 1066; Eadgifu Swanneshals, countess of Bedford in 1066; Eadwig of Wessex, king of England 955–959)
胖子 nick_the_fat 坏的 Historical (Umar Hafsid, emir of Crete 827–855; Sanchu I de León, king of Castille, León and Galicia intermittently 956–966; Guiges d'Albon, heir to the county of Viennois in 1066)
无畏者 nick_the_fearless Historical (Richard I de Normandie, duke of Normandy 942–996)
鱼人 nick_the_fishy 坏的 Learning lifestyle event
捕禽者 nick_the_fowler Historical (Heinrich I Ludolfinger, Holy Roman Emperor 918–962)
狐狸 nick_the_fox 史实(罗贝尔·吉斯卡尔 Robert de Hautville, duke of Apulia in 1066)
园丁 nick_the_gardener 坏的 Stewardship lifestyle event
慷慨者 nick_the_generous Stewardship lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
壮汉 nick_the_girthy Easter egg character
好人 nick_the_good Historical (Richard de Normandie, duke of Normandy 996–1026; Hywel II Dinefwr, prince of Deheubarth (and later the rest of Wales) 909–950; Parsman Parnavaziani, count of Tblisi 116–135)
痛风患者 nick_the_gouty 坏的 Historical (Bermudu II de León, king of Castille, León and Galicia 984–999)
守护者 nick_the_guardian Martial lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
铁锤 nick_the_hammer Historical (Karl Karling, count of Vermandois 714–741)
美男子 nick_the_handsome Historical (Ota Přemyslid, count of Olomouc in 1066; Elidyr Rheged, duke of Lancaster 560)
异教徒 nick_the_heathen 坏的 Historical (Prince Erik Emundrsson af Munsö, duke of Uppland in 1066)
史学家 nick_the_historian Learning lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)

Historical (John V Zohrabian, Catholicos of the Apostolic Church 897–898)

驼背 nick_the_hunchback 坏的 Historical (Prince Pepin Karling, son of Karl the Great, Holy Roman Emperor)
猎人 nick_the_hunter Historical (Hugues de Lusignan, count of Lusignan 915–930)
穿刺者 nick_the_impaler 坏的 Intrigue lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
天命 nick_the_inevitable Easter egg character
铁骨 nick_the_ironside 史实(“铁骨”比约恩Björn Ragnarsson af Munsö, jarl of Uppland 860–868; Eadmund II of Wessex, king of England 1016)
公正者 nick_the_just Stewardship lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
善人 nick_the_kind Diplomacy lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)

Historical (Hugues II de Lusignan, count of Lusignan 930–967)

恒河大人/女士 nick_the_ladylord_of_the_ganges Take Stewardship of the Sacred River decision
解放者 nick_the_liberator Historical (Tengil Karmanjaka, courtier in the Republic of Visby in 1066 – this is an ironic reference to the novel The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren)
猛狮 nick_the_lion Historical (Guiraud d'Armagnac, count of Armagnac 1010–1011; Sangrama I Vijaya, king of Khotan 130–132)
狮心 nick_the_lionheart Unused (historical after 1066)
口齿不清的瘸子 nick_the_lisp_and_lame 坏的 Unused (historical after 1066)
小不点 nick_the_little 坏的 Mental break when having or gaining  Comfort Eater (ironic)
忠贞者 nick_the_loyal Historical (Þórvar Umilasson Rurikid (brother of Rurik), count of Pskov 860–862)
大度者 nick_the_magnanimous Diplomacy lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
伟岸者 nick_the_magnificent Diplomacy lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)

Historical (Robert de Normandie (father of William), duke of Normandy 1027–1035; Eadmund I of Wessex, king of England 939–946)

殉教者 nick_the_martyr Historical (many characters)
修士 nick_the_monk 史实 (Alfonsu IV de León, king of León and Castille 925–931 (abdicated))
高贵者 nick_the_noble Martial lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)

史实 (Alfonsu V de León, king of Castile 999–1028; Alfonso V of León)

长者 nick_the_old 坏的 Historical (many characters)
哲学家 nick_the_philosopher Stewardship lifestyle event

Historical (John III Arakelian, Catholicos of the Apostolic Church 717–728)

Easter egg character

丰满者 nick_the_plump 坏的 Mental break when having or gaining  Comfort Eater

Easter egg character

诗人 nick_the_poet 坏的 Stewardship lifestyle event
英雄骑士 nick_the_polyanitsa Unite the Slavs decision (if female)
吵闹者 nick_the_quarreller 坏的 Historical (Heinrich Ludolfinger, duke of Bavaria etc. intermittently 955–995)
复兴者 nick_the_restorer Historical (Kazimierz I Piast, king of Poland 1039–1058)
智者 nick_the_sage Learning lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
圣人 nick_the_saint Historical (many characters, notably Ildebrando da Soana, future Pope Gregory VII, in 1066 a courtier in the county of Parma)
自私者 nick_the_selfish 坏的 Mental break when having or gaining  Comfort Eater
诡影者 nick_the_shadow Intrigue lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
沉默者 nick_the_silent 坏的 Historical (Bernat d'Armagnac, count of Armagnac 1011–1064)
狡黠者 nick_the_sly Intrigue lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
蜘蛛 nick_the_spider Intrigue lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
结巴 nick_the_stammerer 坏的 Historical (Louis II Karling, king of West Francia 877–879)
强力者 nick_the_strong 史实(莱昂和加西利亚国王桑乔 II“强力者”many characters, notably Sancho II Jimena, king of Castille in 1066)
战术家 nick_the_tactician Martial lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
可怖者 nick_the_terrible 坏的 Mental break when having or gaining  Comfort Eater
怯懦者 nick_the_timid 坏的 Historical (Hugo Etichonen, count of Sundgau 820–837)
特洛伊人 nick_the_trojan Restore Dumnonia decision
信实者 nick_the_trustworthy Easter egg character
求真者 nick_the_truthseeker Learning lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
真言者 nick_the_truthspeaker Historical (Saga Ingjerðrsdottir, fictional daughter of Halfdan Whiteshirt)
非洲统一者 nick_the_unifier_of_africa Unite Africa decision
决策无方者 nick_the_unready 坏的 Historical (Æthelræd of Wessex, king of England intermittently 978–1016)
卑鄙小人 nick_the_unworthy 坏的 Mental break when having or gaining  Comfort Eater
篡位者 nick_the_usurper Historical (Aeddan ap Blegywryd Ynys Môn, prince of Gwynedd 1005–1018)
勇者 nick_the_valiant Martial lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
胜利者 nick_the_victorious Historical (Eirikr Björnsson af Munsö, first king of Sweden 970–995)
维京人 nick_the_viking Easter egg character
文德人 nick_the_wend Unite Western Slavs decision
教唆者 nick_the_whisperer Intrigue lifestyle (rarely after completing two perk trees)
妖邪者 nick_the_wicked 坏的 Mental break when having or gaining  Comfort Eater
年轻人 nick_the_young 坏的 史实
nick_tiny 好的,前缀 彩蛋角色


  1. game\common\nicknames\00_nicknames.txt, is_prefix = yes