
第2行: 第2行:
While {{icon|CK3}} [[Crusader Kings III]] allows players to select any landed [[ruler]] in either start date (867 or 1066), there are six bookmarks highlighting [[interesting characters]] to play. Many of these [[character]]s are required or otherwise well-suited for getting certain [[achievements]].
While {{icon|CK3}} [[Crusader Kings III]] allows players to select any landed [[ruler]] in either start date (867 or 1066), there are six bookmarks highlighting [[interesting characters]] to play. Many of these [[character]]s are required or otherwise well-suited for getting certain [[achievements]].

== 867 start date ==
==867 年开局==
=== Wrath of The Northmen ===
=== 北民之怒===
''"Two years ago, King Ælla of Northumbria threw the great Viking hero Ragnarr Loðbrók into a pit of snakes to die. Upon hearing the news, Ragnarr's sons set sail for England to avenge their father. The brothers have since established a firm foothold in York and The Isles. The Anglo-Saxon kings have lost battle after battle — their future looks bleak indeed. But all hope is not lost, and a great hero could still turn the tide of history. Will you lay all of England under Norse rule, or vanquish the Great Heathen Army from Anglo-Saxon soil?"''
'' “两年前,诺森布里亚国王埃拉将伟大的维京英雄朗纳尔·洛德布罗克投进蛇坑处死。听到这个消息后,朗纳尔诸子纷纷航向英格兰,为父报仇。''

==== Halfdan Whiteshirt ====
'' 此后,几兄弟在约克和不列颠群岛站稳了脚跟。盎格鲁-撒克逊诸王屡战屡败——他们的未来确实看起来黯淡无光。''
''"The first wave of the invasion has gone very well for Halfdan Whiteshirt. With the help of his brother Ivar, he has wrestled the control of York from King Ælla's hands. And he will take so much more. Will you follow in history's footsteps and have your bloody vengeance, or stake out a new path for Halfdan?"''

Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}
难度:{{green| 简单}}

==== Ivar the Boneless ====
'' 你会实现阿尔弗雷德伟大的天命,或是被异教徒大军碾碎?”''
''""Rumors say that Ivar is weak of body, but no one can claim he is weak of mind. Through cunning and confidence, he has united a great number of Norse warbands under his banner, and won great victories on these foreign shores. But not even the greatest viking can cheat death. In 870, Ivar will fade from history forever... Can you win Ivar's wars, and keep him alive to rule for many years to come?#!"''

Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}
难度:{{red| 困难}}

==== Sigurdr Snake-in-the-eye ====
''"As his brothers sailed off to England to exact their vengeance, Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye stayed behind to rule his late father's lands. Ragnarr Loðbrók has left him some very large boots to fill.<br>Sigurd's descendants will be Kings of Denmark, Norway and England for well over a century. Can you fulfill the destiny of his dynasty?"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
''“盛世王朝,亦起于尘土之间。人们常说,通往至高权冠的阶梯充满着艰难险阻。即使绞尽脑汁张罗联姻,或者穷兵黩武发动征伐,每代人也不过迈上漫长阶梯的一级。<br><br> 然而时代涌动,风云变幻。满怀勇气,以及一丁点运气,英雄儿女尽可崛起于草莽之中,腾达于庙堂之上。时代之轮业已转动,你,是否准备充分面对挑战?”''

==== Björn Ironside ====
==== 雅尔海斯泰因====
''"Björn has lived a true Norseman's life of adventure. A fearsome raider, he has pillaged across France, Iberia, and Italy, together with his friend Hæsteinn of Nantes. Now, the forces of Scandinavia gather to assault British shores once more.<br>Though Björn is promised to avenge the death of his father in England, his descendants will rule Sweden for the next two centuries. On which side of the North Sea does your destiny lie?"''
'' “既狡黠又勇猛,雅尔海斯泰因变得富有。他一度同“铁骨”比约恩一齐在地中海沿岸冒险,并亲自领导一支劫掠队,之后海斯泰因选择在布列塔尼安身立命。隔壁的法兰克人孱弱可欺,金库门洞大开,而一位强大的维京勇士也懂得在政治动荡中结交强大的盟友。<br><br> 然而,黄金万两,岂无觊觎之徒?海斯泰因是否终将因贪心而自食其果,或者,他的宗族能够在你的指引下繁荣昌盛?”''

Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}
难度:{{green| 简单}}

==== Earl Alfred the Great ====
==== 留里克====
''"As the Vikings push further south, Earl Alfred of Dorset is readying his troops.<br>In the coming years, Alfred will fight numerous battles against the Norsemen and put an end to the invasion. When he inherits his brother's throne, he becomes one of the greatest English kings throughout history.<br>Will you fulfill Alfred's great destiny, or be crushed by the Great Heathen Army?"''
'' “从一无所有到应有尽有,谁又能做到像勇敢的留里克这样!他同他的兄弟们一起,将秩序带到了东边的荒原,而随着兄弟们依次逝去,他成为了一个孤独的统治者,治下是广袤无垠的部落土地。当然,故事仅仅从此开始。''

Difficulty: {{red|Hard}}


=== The Great Adventurers ===
''"Every dynasty comes from humble beginnings. The climb to power is usually a slow process, each generation moving a few steps up the ladder, through carefully planned marriages and ceaseless wars.<br><br> But these are times of great change and upheaval. With a lot of courage, and maybe a little luck, a hero might raise their family name from obscurity to legend. Are you ready to take on the challenge?"''
'' “公元866年7月,维京掠夺者海斯泰因杀死了厄德的父亲,“强者”罗贝尔。数月之后,他的母亲阿德莱丝在诞下他的弟弟小罗贝尔时难产而死。命运无常,竟如此残酷,未来飘渺,如风中薄幕。不过,这两位孤儿命中注定要坐上法兰西的王位。他们的后裔,卡佩王朝,将统治法兰西长达数个世纪。<br><br> 中世纪法兰西的政治可谓波谲云诡,你能否理清其中的奥妙,并实现罗贝尔兄弟们的命运?”''

==== Jarl Hæsteinn ====
''"Through cunning and courage, Jarl Hæsteinn has become a rich man. After leading a lucrative raid through the Mediterranean together with Björn Ironside, Hæsteinn has settled in Brittany. The Franks have coffers ready for picking, and a mighty viking warrior makes a great ally in times of political turmoil.<br><br> Fortune does not come without enemies, however. Will Hæsteinn's greed get the better of him, or will his dynasty prosper under your guidance?"''

Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}

==== Rurik Rurikid ====
'' 你能否捍卫匈牙利人,并带领他们走向至伟?这是你的机会,再叙阿帕德王朝的奇妙冒险之旅!''
''"Few have risen from nothingness to greatness like the brave Rurik! Together with his brothers he brought order to the Eastern wilderness, and since their deaths, he is the lone ruler of a great Chiefdom. Yet, this is only the beginning.\n\n#bold One day, Rurik's descendants will found the Tsardom of Russia. Or will they? The destiny of this great dynasty rests in your hands."''

Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}
难度:{{orange| 中等}}

==== Eudes Capet ====
==== 道拉玛·道拉====
''"In July of 866, the viking raider Hæsteinn slew Eudes' father Robert the Strong. Mere months later, his mother Adelais died giving birth to his brother Robert. The world is cruel and the future might seem uncertain, but these orphan boys are destined to sit on the French throne. Their descendants, the Capets, will rule France for centuries to come.<br><br> Can you navigate the treacherous politics of medieval France and fulfill the destiny of the Robertine brothers?"''
'' “作为道拉的最后一位玛加吉娅,道拉玛是豪萨人古老道路的象征。她的新丈夫,巴亚吉达(原本来自伊拉克)则代表着改变,因为越来越多的外来者涌向豪萨之地,带来了他们古怪的信仰是文化。''

Difficulty: {{red|Hard}}

==== Álmos Árpád ====
''"When the seven Hungarian tribes united to elect a supreme leader, their votes fell on brave Álmos. One day, his son Árpád will pick up the mantle — but only if the Hungarians can keep their independence. Danger looms on the Eastern horizon. Can you defend the Hungarians and lead them to greatness? This is your chance to retell the adventures of the Árpád dynasty!"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

==== Daurama Daura ====
=== 加洛林王朝===
''"As the Last Magajiya of Daura, Daurama is a symbol of the old ways of the Hausa people. Her new husband, Bayajiddah (originally from Iraq), represents change, as more and more outsiders flock to Hausaland, bringing their strange faiths and cultures with them... Daurama is set to go down in history as the Last Magajiva, but does she have to be?"''
'' “在“虔诚者”路易离世之后,一度辉煌的加洛林帝国被分成了三个独立的王国,东、西以及中法兰克。自那以后,这些王国因为战争、叛乱分裂得愈发支离破碎,而混乱的继承也导致了民不聊生,山河破碎。<br><br> 加洛林诸子可有一强者,能重新统一帝国?抑或机会主义者们借着这场家庭纠纷趁虚而入,分得自己的一杯羹?”''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}


=== The Carolingians ===
''"After the passing of Louis the Pious, the once-great Carolingian Empire was divided up into the three separate Kingdoms of East, West, and Middle Francia. Since then, these realms have only splintered further as wars, rebellions, and inheritance variously cause instability and fragmentation.<br><br> Are any of the Karlings strong enough to reunite their empire? Or will their family squabbles leave them vulnerable to exploitation by opportunists?"''

==== Charles the Bald ====
==== 国王洛泰尔二世====
''"At the time of Charles' birth, his fully grown half-brothers already ruled their own kingdoms within the Carolingian empire. Without a crown of his own, he became known as 'the Bald,' though he eventually did inherit Aquitaine and West Francia. In the future he will even inherit Italy and the Holy Roman Empire itself, but his line will not persevere — his last grandson will die childless just seven years after his own death. Can you change the course of history and ensure a long and prosperous line of Charles' decedents?#!"''
'' “虽然洛泰尔爱着他的情妇瓦尔德拉达,但他的父亲强迫他接受了与图特贝嘉的政治婚姻。他们的结合并没有诞生子嗣,洛泰尔的一生也在持续不断地争取着与妻子离婚,并让私生子合法化。虽然洛泰尔从未停止过尝试,但他将会在去世时仍然没有一个合法的子嗣。''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

==== King Lothaire II ====
''"Though he was in love with his mistress Waldrada, Lothaire's father forced him into a political marriage with Teutberga. Their union produced no children, and Lothaire's life has been a continuous struggle to divorce his wife and get his bastard children legitimized. Though he never stops trying, Lothaire will go on to die without a legal heir. Can you overcome the machinations of those who plot against you and ensure the continuation of your house?#!"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

==== Ludwig the German ====
'' 你能翻转路德维希的不幸,为其子孙重新赢得整个帝国吗?还是说他的儿子们注定沦落为一段历史的注脚?''
''""An ambitious man, Ludwig has long sought to reconquer the pieces of the Empire he considers his birthright. These ambitions have suffered from setback after setback however, as his various military campaigns all ended in failure and his rebellious sons have pried away most of his own lands from his control. Can you reverse Ludwig's misfortunes and regain the Empire for his descendants, or are his sons destined to be relegated to a mere footnote in history?"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
难度:{{orange| 中等}}

==== King Louis II ====
==== 国王路易二世====
''"Imperial power had diminished so much by the time Louis was crowned Holy Roman Emperor that the title no longer offered any real authority. Though he managed to reclaim the Kingdom of Provence, Louis' uncles and brother, unburdened by any sort of allegiance to the Imperial Crown, continue to act as they please. Saddled with quarrelsome neighbors and an unstable realm, Louis II will die before siring a son.<br><br>Can you regain all the lost territories of the Empire and reestablish the Imperial Crown as a real power?"''
'' “当路易加冕成为神圣罗马帝国皇帝的时候,皇权已经旁落,作为皇帝事实上的权威已经不复存在。尽管他成功收回普罗旺斯王国,路易的叔叔们和兄弟们,却没有对帝国皇冠展现出任何效忠之意,而是继续肆意妄为。由于好斗的近邻和混乱的领地,路易二世不堪重负,尚未诞下子嗣就撒手人寰。<br><br> 你能夺回帝国失去的领土,并重建帝国威严,成为真正的强权吗?”''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
难度:{{orange| 中等}}

==== Prince Karlmann ====
====Prince Karlmann====
''"The eldest son of Ludwig the German, Karlmann rebelled against his father and forced him to give him control over the lands of Bavaria. He will expand this domain in wars with Slavs to the east and later on will even be elected King of Italy — though an unfortunate stroke will force him to abdicate the thrones of Bavaria and Italy to his younger brothers. He will die just a few years later.<br><br>With a little luck, will you be able to avoid Karlmann's unfortunate demise and establish a legacy that will last the ages?"''
''"The eldest son of Ludwig the German, Karlmann rebelled against his father and forced him to give him control over the lands of Bavaria. He will expand this domain in wars with Slavs to the east and later on will even be elected King of Italy — though an unfortunate stroke will force him to abdicate the thrones of Bavaria and Italy to his younger brothers. He will die just a few years later.<br><br>With a little luck, will you be able to avoid Karlmann's unfortunate demise and establish a legacy that will last the ages?"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

== 1066 start date ==
==1066 start date==
=== The Fate of England ===
===The Fate of England===
''"When the childless King Edward the Confessor died it plunged England into a succession crisis unlike any that had come before. Three men attempted to secure the throne for themselves: Harold Godwinson, William the Bastard, and Harald Hardrade, while Svend and Malcom stood by, ready to pounce at any sign of weakness. Who will stand victorious after this tumultuous time in history?"''
''"When the childless King Edward the Confessor died it plunged England into a succession crisis unlike any that had come before. Three men attempted to secure the throne for themselves: Harold Godwinson, William the Bastard, and Harald Hardrade, while Svend and Malcom stood by, ready to pounce at any sign of weakness. Who will stand victorious after this tumultuous time in history?"''

==== King Harold of England ====
====King Harold of England====
''"Harold Godwinson was the leader of a powerful noble house, and the brother-in-law of the King, when the childless King Edward died. Now, elected the new King of England by his peers, he is faced with the challenge of holding onto the throne, as the covetous Duke of Normandy, as well as King Harald of Norway, spurred on and aided by Harold's exiled brother, seek to replace him! With a large army at your back and the support of the Anglo-Saxon lords — will the wolves find that they have bitten off more than they can chew?"
''"Harold Godwinson was the leader of a powerful noble house, and the brother-in-law of the King, when the childless King Edward died. Now, elected the new King of England by his peers, he is faced with the challenge of holding onto the throne, as the covetous Duke of Normandy, as well as King Harald of Norway, spurred on and aided by Harold's exiled brother, seek to replace him! With a large army at your back and the support of the Anglo-Saxon lords — will the wolves find that they have bitten off more than they can chew?"''

Difficulty: {{red|Hard}}
Difficulty: {{red|Hard}}

==== William the Bastard ====
====William the Bastard====
''""The House of Normandy trace their lineage back to Norse vikings, and established themselves on the mainland of Europe over 200 years ago. Now, William II dreams of leading his family to rule the Kingdom of England, and he believes his status as successor to the throne was promised by the late King Edward, and even recognized by Harold Godwinson himself. However, now that Edward is gone, Harold has broken his oath and taken the crown for himself! William is at war with England. Can you muster your forces and claim what is rightfully yours?"''
''""The House of Normandy trace their lineage back to Norse vikings, and established themselves on the mainland of Europe over 200 years ago. Now, William II dreams of leading his family to rule the Kingdom of England, and he believes his status as successor to the throne was promised by the late King Edward, and even recognized by Harold Godwinson himself. However, now that Edward is gone, Harold has broken his oath and taken the crown for himself! William is at war with England. Can you muster your forces and claim what is rightfully yours?"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

==== Harald Hardrada ====
====Harald Hardrada====
''"Having displayed formidable military talent since youth, Harald has recently tried, and failed, to conquer Denmark. Now, he looks beyond the sea — by ancient contract, the crown of England should have passed to Harald, when the last King died without an heir. But, instead, the Anglo-Saxons have put Harold Godwinson on the throne! Luckily, the false King has made enemies, and Tostig Godwinson, Harold's own brother, lives in exile in Norway... By using his own enemies against him, can you give this Varangian viking control over the North Sea?"''
''"Having displayed formidable military talent since youth, Harald has recently tried, and failed, to conquer Denmark. Now, he looks beyond the sea — by ancient contract, the crown of England should have passed to Harald, when the last King died without an heir. But, instead, the Anglo-Saxons have put Harold Godwinson on the throne! Luckily, the false King has made enemies, and Tostig Godwinson, Harold's own brother, lives in exile in Norway... By using his own enemies against him, can you give this Varangian viking control over the North Sea?"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

==== King Svend of Denmark ====
====King Svend of Denmark====
''"With blood ties to England and Norway, Svend has strong claims to both thrones. Unfortunately, his armies are small and undisciplined, making a war of conquest unfeasible. However, there are other ways to pursue one's dreams... If your children were to be married into powerful families, it could grant many useful alliances — alliances you could leverage to found an empire that would rival Rome itself!"''
''"With blood ties to England and Norway, Svend has strong claims to both thrones. Unfortunately, his armies are small and undisciplined, making a war of conquest unfeasible. However, there are other ways to pursue one's dreams... If your children were to be married into powerful families, it could grant many useful alliances — alliances you could leverage to found an empire that would rival Rome itself!"''

Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}
Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}

==== King Malcolm of Scotland ====
====King Malcolm of Scotland====
''"Known to Scotland as the "Great Chief", Malcolm III's situation is tenuous, but full of opportunity. To the south, the rich lands of Northumbria lie vulnerable as England is torn apart by war, but Norse warlords and Gaelic highlanders yet contest the king's rule at home. The British Isles teem with dangers and opportunities: can you pluck a rose from this garden of thorns?"
''"Known to Scotland as the "Great Chief", Malcolm III's situation is tenuous, but full of opportunity. To the south, the rich lands of Northumbria lie vulnerable as England is torn apart by war, but Norse warlords and Gaelic highlanders yet contest the king's rule at home. The British Isles teem with dangers and opportunities: can you pluck a rose from this garden of thorns?"''

Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}
Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}

=== Rags to Riches ===
===Rags to Riches===
''"Throughout Europe, families fight and scheme for power. A lot of land lies disputed, as battles are won and lost, and dynasties come and go, as their rulers are outmaneuvered.<br>Kings of old are being replaced, while newcomers reach for the stars. Which will you be?"
''"Throughout Europe, families fight and scheme for power. A lot of land lies disputed, as battles are won and lost, and dynasties come and go, as their rulers are outmaneuvered.<br>Kings of old are being replaced, while newcomers reach for the stars. Which will you be?"''

Most of these characters are well-suited for beginners.
Most of these characters are well-suited for beginners.

==== Petty King Murchad ====
====Petty King Murchad====
''"In the beginning of the 11th century, the High Kingship of Ireland has fallen in and out of house Briain's grasp, as the Irish noble houses have warred over territory, against each other and Viking settlers. Yet, while hailing from a line of men deemed destined for Kingship, not much is known about Murchad's brief reign over the smaller area of Munster. With your help, perhaps a member of the house of Briain can sit on the throne of Ireland once more?"''
''"In the beginning of the 11th century, the High Kingship of Ireland has fallen in and out of house Briain's grasp, as the Irish noble houses have warred over territory, against each other and Viking settlers. Yet, while hailing from a line of men deemed destined for Kingship, not much is known about Murchad's brief reign over the smaller area of Munster. With your help, perhaps a member of the house of Briain can sit on the throne of Ireland once more?"''

第131行: 第161行:
As in Crusader Kings II, Murchad is recommended for players new to Crusader Kings III, and is used for the in-game tutorial mode. As the strongest ruler of Ireland in 1066 start date, he can easily form the Kingdom of Ireland, getting the [[Achievements#Emerald Isle|Emerald Isle]] achievement. 
As in Crusader Kings II, Murchad is recommended for players new to Crusader Kings III, and is used for the in-game tutorial mode. As the strongest ruler of Ireland in 1066 start date, he can easily form the Kingdom of Ireland, getting the [[Achievements#Emerald Isle|Emerald Isle]] achievement. 

==== Duchess Matilda ====
====Duchess Matilda====
''""By skill or circumstance, Matilda of Canossa is destined to inherit a substantial territory in Northern Italy. She will move on to become a powerful and well-connected ruler, eventually rising to the unique rank of Imperial Vicar and Vice-Queen of Italy. Long after her death, she shall remain a figure legendary for both her piousness and suspected witchcraft. Can you ensure Mathilda's legacy endures, and continue the Canossa line for generations to come?"''
''""By skill or circumstance, Matilda of Canossa is destined to inherit a substantial territory in Northern Italy. She will move on to become a powerful and well-connected ruler, eventually rising to the unique rank of Imperial Vicar and Vice-Queen of Italy. Long after her death, she shall remain a figure legendary for both her piousness and suspected witchcraft. Can you ensure Mathilda's legacy endures, and continue the Canossa line for generations to come?"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

==== Emir Yahya ====
====Emir Yahya====
''""The Kingdom of Toledo will be established in the late 11th century, when the King of León takes over the eponymous city. This eradication of Emir Yahya and his influence means that the Dhunnunid family will lose its hold on the region, where they have reigned for generations. Through manipulating your rivals, and finding more allies, do you have what it takes to challenge the Kings of the Iberian peninsula and change history for the Dhunnunid house?"''
''""The Kingdom of Toledo will be established in the late 11th century, when the King of León takes over the eponymous city. This eradication of Emir Yahya and his influence means that the Dhunnunid family will lose its hold on the region, where they have reigned for generations. Through manipulating your rivals, and finding more allies, do you have what it takes to challenge the Kings of the Iberian peninsula and change history for the Dhunnunid house?"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

==== Duke Vratislav ====
====Duke Vratislav====
''""The Přemyslid family has ruled the region of Bohemia for hundreds of years. They have relied heavily on Seniority for their succession, which, in Duke Vratislav's case, will eventually lead to serious strife with his brothers. To become King of Bohemia, Vratislav will need to be tactical with his resources, both material and not — are you up for the task?"''
''""The Přemyslid family has ruled the region of Bohemia for hundreds of years. They have relied heavily on Seniority for their succession, which, in Duke Vratislav's case, will eventually lead to serious strife with his brothers. To become King of Bohemia, Vratislav will need to be tactical with his resources, both material and not — are you up for the task?"''

Difficulty: Easy
Difficulty: Easy

==== Duke Robert 'The Fox' de Hauteville ====
====Duke Robert 'The Fox' de Hauteville====
''"Robert started out his career a thief and head of a band of highwaymen. Being one of many siblings, the adventurous son was never predicted to become a brilliant strategist and statesman, ruling vast areas of land — yet here he is, a powerful Duke of southern Italy, ready to take on the path of history, which will enable the Hautevilles to have a foothold in Sicily for over a hundred years. If you can consolidate the power in the realm, the Kingdom of Sicily awaits its ruler!"
''"Robert started out his career a thief and head of a band of highwaymen. Being one of many siblings, the adventurous son was never predicted to become a brilliant strategist and statesman, ruling vast areas of land — yet here he is, a powerful Duke of southern Italy, ready to take on the path of history, which will enable the Hautevilles to have a foothold in Sicily for over a hundred years. If you can consolidate the power in the realm, the Kingdom of Sicily awaits its ruler!"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

=== Iberia in Pieces ===
===Iberia in Pieces===
'"When the old king Ferdinand I passed away his three sons all inherited a piece of his Iberian kingdom. Greed, ambition, and holy wars soon push the Iberian Peninsula to boil, and the bonds between family members start to fray. Are any of the Fernandez siblings strong, or cunning, enough to emerge victorious over the rest? How will war and diplomacy mold the Iberian peninsula?"
'"When the old king Ferdinand I passed away his three sons all inherited a piece of his Iberian kingdom. Greed, ambition, and holy wars soon push the Iberian Peninsula to boil, and the bonds between family members start to fray. Are any of the Fernandez siblings strong, or cunning, enough to emerge victorious over the rest? How will war and diplomacy mold the Iberian peninsula?"

==== King García ====
====King García====
''"Given the most troubled kingdom of the three brothers, García tried many extreme remedies to stabilize his rule. However, the fragile land was soon too tempting for his brother Alfonso who invaded in 1071. This attack kicked off the many wars that followed between the brothers, but García would spend most of this time behind bars. Take up arms against your brothers and lead this unstable kingdom to glory and victory!#!"
''"Given the most troubled kingdom of the three brothers, García tried many extreme remedies to stabilize his rule. However, the fragile land was soon too tempting for his brother Alfonso who invaded in 1071. This attack kicked off the many wars that followed between the brothers, but García would spend most of this time behind bars. Take up arms against your brothers and lead this unstable kingdom to glory and victory!#!"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

==== King Alfonso VI ====
====King Alfonso VI====
''"The middle son, and his father's favorite, Alfonso inherited the rich middle kingdom of León. He moved on to outsmart and subjugate both his brothers, and he ruled over the reunited kingdom of his father.<br>Through political and familiar diplomacy and aggression, do you have what it takes to unite the three kingdoms under one banner?"''
''"The middle son, and his father's favorite, Alfonso inherited the rich middle kingdom of León. He moved on to outsmart and subjugate both his brothers, and he ruled over the reunited kingdom of his father.<br>Through political and familiar diplomacy and aggression, do you have what it takes to unite the three kingdoms under one banner?"''

Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}
Difficulty: {{green|Easy}}

==== King Sancho II ====
====King Sancho II====
''"Sancho was cheated out of his full inheritance by his father's division of the land among all three brothers. A man of opportunity, he quickly took up arms against his brothers as soon as the peace started to crumble, but only briefly got to rule the reunited kingdom before he was assassinated. Through military action and planning, can you restore the full kingdom to its glory under the one rightful ruler, and hold on to power?"
''"Sancho was cheated out of his full inheritance by his father's division of the land among all three brothers. A man of opportunity, he quickly took up arms against his brothers as soon as the peace started to crumble, but only briefly got to rule the reunited kingdom before he was assassinated. Through military action and planning, can you restore the full kingdom to its glory under the one rightful ruler, and hold on to power?"''

Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}
Difficulty: {{orange|Medium}}

==== Infanta Urraca ====
====Infanta Urraca====
''"The oldest of Ferdinand's children, Urraca had widespread influence over both her brothers and the Church. She and her sister Elvira received lordship over all the monasteries in the three kingdoms, and she did not sit idly by as her brothers tore each other apart. To outmaneuver her brothers and secure her place in history Urraca needs both patience and daring – will you succeed?"''
''"The oldest of Ferdinand's children, Urraca had widespread influence over both her brothers and the Church. She and her sister Elvira received lordship over all the monasteries in the three kingdoms, and she did not sit idly by as her brothers tore each other apart. To outmaneuver her brothers and secure her place in history Urraca needs both patience and daring – will you succeed?"''

Difficulty: {{red|Hard}}
Difficulty: {{red|Hard}}

==== King Antso IV ====
====King Antso IV====
''""Many lords in the west of the kingdom deserted King Antso after he ascended to the throne following the passing of his parents. He was soon embroiled in a war with his cousin King Sancho which saw Antso defeated, and after a rule marked by warfare and defeat he was assassinated by his own siblings.<br>Rewrite history, outsmart your family, and secure your domain and heritage!"''
''""Many lords in the west of the kingdom deserted King Antso after he ascended to the throne following the passing of his parents. He was soon embroiled in a war with his cousin King Sancho which saw Antso defeated, and after a rule marked by warfare and defeat he was assassinated by his own siblings.<br>Rewrite history, outsmart your family, and secure your domain and heritage!"''

2020年9月17日 (四) 09:35的版本

While Icon CK3.png Crusader Kings III allows players to select any landed ruler in either start date (867 or 1066), there are six bookmarks highlighting interesting characters to play. Many of these characters are required or otherwise well-suited for getting certain achievements.










难度: 简单




难度: 简单








难度: 简单





难度: 困难







难度: 简单




难度: 简单




难度: 困难




























Prince Karlmann

"The eldest son of Ludwig the German, Karlmann rebelled against his father and forced him to give him control over the lands of Bavaria. He will expand this domain in wars with Slavs to the east and later on will even be elected King of Italy — though an unfortunate stroke will force him to abdicate the thrones of Bavaria and Italy to his younger brothers. He will die just a few years later.

With a little luck, will you be able to avoid Karlmann's unfortunate demise and establish a legacy that will last the ages?"

Difficulty: Medium

1066 start date

The Fate of England

"When the childless King Edward the Confessor died it plunged England into a succession crisis unlike any that had come before. Three men attempted to secure the throne for themselves: Harold Godwinson, William the Bastard, and Harald Hardrade, while Svend and Malcom stood by, ready to pounce at any sign of weakness. Who will stand victorious after this tumultuous time in history?"

King Harold of England

"Harold Godwinson was the leader of a powerful noble house, and the brother-in-law of the King, when the childless King Edward died. Now, elected the new King of England by his peers, he is faced with the challenge of holding onto the throne, as the covetous Duke of Normandy, as well as King Harald of Norway, spurred on and aided by Harold's exiled brother, seek to replace him! With a large army at your back and the support of the Anglo-Saxon lords — will the wolves find that they have bitten off more than they can chew?"

Difficulty: Hard

William the Bastard

""The House of Normandy trace their lineage back to Norse vikings, and established themselves on the mainland of Europe over 200 years ago. Now, William II dreams of leading his family to rule the Kingdom of England, and he believes his status as successor to the throne was promised by the late King Edward, and even recognized by Harold Godwinson himself. However, now that Edward is gone, Harold has broken his oath and taken the crown for himself! William is at war with England. Can you muster your forces and claim what is rightfully yours?"

Difficulty: Medium

Harald Hardrada

"Having displayed formidable military talent since youth, Harald has recently tried, and failed, to conquer Denmark. Now, he looks beyond the sea — by ancient contract, the crown of England should have passed to Harald, when the last King died without an heir. But, instead, the Anglo-Saxons have put Harold Godwinson on the throne! Luckily, the false King has made enemies, and Tostig Godwinson, Harold's own brother, lives in exile in Norway... By using his own enemies against him, can you give this Varangian viking control over the North Sea?"

Difficulty: Medium

King Svend of Denmark

"With blood ties to England and Norway, Svend has strong claims to both thrones. Unfortunately, his armies are small and undisciplined, making a war of conquest unfeasible. However, there are other ways to pursue one's dreams... If your children were to be married into powerful families, it could grant many useful alliances — alliances you could leverage to found an empire that would rival Rome itself!"

Difficulty: Easy

King Malcolm of Scotland

"Known to Scotland as the "Great Chief", Malcolm III's situation is tenuous, but full of opportunity. To the south, the rich lands of Northumbria lie vulnerable as England is torn apart by war, but Norse warlords and Gaelic highlanders yet contest the king's rule at home. The British Isles teem with dangers and opportunities: can you pluck a rose from this garden of thorns?"

Difficulty: Easy

Rags to Riches

"Throughout Europe, families fight and scheme for power. A lot of land lies disputed, as battles are won and lost, and dynasties come and go, as their rulers are outmaneuvered.
Kings of old are being replaced, while newcomers reach for the stars. Which will you be?"

Most of these characters are well-suited for beginners.

Petty King Murchad

"In the beginning of the 11th century, the High Kingship of Ireland has fallen in and out of house Briain's grasp, as the Irish noble houses have warred over territory, against each other and Viking settlers. Yet, while hailing from a line of men deemed destined for Kingship, not much is known about Murchad's brief reign over the smaller area of Munster. With your help, perhaps a member of the house of Briain can sit on the throne of Ireland once more?"

Difficulty: Easy

As in Crusader Kings II, Murchad is recommended for players new to Crusader Kings III, and is used for the in-game tutorial mode. As the strongest ruler of Ireland in 1066 start date, he can easily form the Kingdom of Ireland, getting the Emerald Isle achievement.

Duchess Matilda

""By skill or circumstance, Matilda of Canossa is destined to inherit a substantial territory in Northern Italy. She will move on to become a powerful and well-connected ruler, eventually rising to the unique rank of Imperial Vicar and Vice-Queen of Italy. Long after her death, she shall remain a figure legendary for both her piousness and suspected witchcraft. Can you ensure Mathilda's legacy endures, and continue the Canossa line for generations to come?"

Difficulty: Medium

Emir Yahya

""The Kingdom of Toledo will be established in the late 11th century, when the King of León takes over the eponymous city. This eradication of Emir Yahya and his influence means that the Dhunnunid family will lose its hold on the region, where they have reigned for generations. Through manipulating your rivals, and finding more allies, do you have what it takes to challenge the Kings of the Iberian peninsula and change history for the Dhunnunid house?"

Difficulty: Medium

Duke Vratislav

""The Přemyslid family has ruled the region of Bohemia for hundreds of years. They have relied heavily on Seniority for their succession, which, in Duke Vratislav's case, will eventually lead to serious strife with his brothers. To become King of Bohemia, Vratislav will need to be tactical with his resources, both material and not — are you up for the task?"

Difficulty: Easy

Duke Robert 'The Fox' de Hauteville

"Robert started out his career a thief and head of a band of highwaymen. Being one of many siblings, the adventurous son was never predicted to become a brilliant strategist and statesman, ruling vast areas of land — yet here he is, a powerful Duke of southern Italy, ready to take on the path of history, which will enable the Hautevilles to have a foothold in Sicily for over a hundred years. If you can consolidate the power in the realm, the Kingdom of Sicily awaits its ruler!"

Difficulty: Medium

Iberia in Pieces

'"When the old king Ferdinand I passed away his three sons all inherited a piece of his Iberian kingdom. Greed, ambition, and holy wars soon push the Iberian Peninsula to boil, and the bonds between family members start to fray. Are any of the Fernandez siblings strong, or cunning, enough to emerge victorious over the rest? How will war and diplomacy mold the Iberian peninsula?"

King García

"Given the most troubled kingdom of the three brothers, García tried many extreme remedies to stabilize his rule. However, the fragile land was soon too tempting for his brother Alfonso who invaded in 1071. This attack kicked off the many wars that followed between the brothers, but García would spend most of this time behind bars. Take up arms against your brothers and lead this unstable kingdom to glory and victory!#!"

Difficulty: Medium

King Alfonso VI

"The middle son, and his father's favorite, Alfonso inherited the rich middle kingdom of León. He moved on to outsmart and subjugate both his brothers, and he ruled over the reunited kingdom of his father.
Through political and familiar diplomacy and aggression, do you have what it takes to unite the three kingdoms under one banner?"

Difficulty: Easy

King Sancho II

"Sancho was cheated out of his full inheritance by his father's division of the land among all three brothers. A man of opportunity, he quickly took up arms against his brothers as soon as the peace started to crumble, but only briefly got to rule the reunited kingdom before he was assassinated. Through military action and planning, can you restore the full kingdom to its glory under the one rightful ruler, and hold on to power?"

Difficulty: Medium

Infanta Urraca

"The oldest of Ferdinand's children, Urraca had widespread influence over both her brothers and the Church. She and her sister Elvira received lordship over all the monasteries in the three kingdoms, and she did not sit idly by as her brothers tore each other apart. To outmaneuver her brothers and secure her place in history Urraca needs both patience and daring – will you succeed?"

Difficulty: Hard

King Antso IV

""Many lords in the west of the kingdom deserted King Antso after he ascended to the throne following the passing of his parents. He was soon embroiled in a war with his cousin King Sancho which saw Antso defeated, and after a rule marked by warfare and defeat he was assassinated by his own siblings.
Rewrite history, outsmart your family, and secure your domain and heritage!"

Difficulty: Hard