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欢迎来到十字军之王 III的入门指南,这是一个了不起的战略游戏,你可以在这里通过战争、外交以及阴谋手段带领你的宗族在中世纪走向辉煌。无论你是同名前作的回归玩家还是这一系列的新玩家,你都可以通过这个指南在游戏中先人一步地娱乐并获得成功。

编写此条目时十字军之王 III还未拥有扩展,因此这篇入门指南假设你启用DLC。


Template:EvtCK3 中你将扮演一个宗族或统治者,而不是一个国家。在开始的时候,通过点击“新的游戏”在867或1066年代中选择一个有趣的角色。你可以从屏幕顶部的标签选择这两个时间段的不同而有趣的人物,或者,通过点击屏幕左下角的“以任意统治者开始游戏”在你选择的年份中选择地图上的任意合适的统治者。


  • 芒斯特的小国王穆尔哈德,他在南爱尔兰统治着面积不大却很强悍的疆域,你可以通过他恢复祖父的王国的过程中学习怎样成为一位征服者。 这个开局相当容易,因为你可以将更多的注意力放在爱尔兰岛上,并且爱尔兰岛有独立的教会并且很少受到岛外的干扰。如果你选择进入游戏教程,你将被指定为该角色。
  • 波西米亚公爵弗拉季斯拉夫,他作为神圣罗马帝国的一个封臣统治着捷克人;一旦他积攒了足够的财富,他就会加冕为波希米亚国王。波希米亚王国使用年长者继承法,这个继承法降低了在换代时领地被分给几个心怀鬼胎的兄弟的风险。作为一个神圣罗马帝国的封臣,你不用担心外部的侵略,并且你可以学习如何做为一个强大的封臣而成为领主的内阁成员。
  • 阿普利亚公爵罗贝尔,他是一个在南意大利有很大声望的诺曼征服者。作为一个想要创建王国的独立统治者,你有足够的上升空间,并且有足够的机会与强大的相邻统治者结为同盟。









  • 明白你的政体类型的优缺点。
  • 查看你的文化的革新。如果你是文化领袖,你可以选择一项革新作为文化偏好以加快发现进度。
  • 查看你的宗教的核心教义与教义。
  • 确认并钉选(右键点击角色肖像,在互动窗口的右上角有钉选标志)你的玩家继承人,你的领地继承人(如果他们不是同一人),以及你的头衔的觊觎者或宣称者。通过这样做,在继承人或宣称者死亡时,你会受到通知,这可能会改变你的政治局势。
  • 查看地形(点击游戏窗口右下角地图选择中的加号,找到“地形”)以了解哪些兵士在你的领地内最具优势或劣势。




  • 缺少宗族继承人,可以通过以下方式解决:
    • 寻找配偶或次级配偶,或者寻找庶夫/侍妾,尤其是有高生育力的角色。
    • 求爱,勾引或同意与其他角色上床。
    • 选择增加生育力的生活方式技能
    • 对于结合自错误婚姻类型(父系/母系)或者低生育力的配偶,和ta离婚、谋杀ta或处决ta,以寻找其他配偶。
    • 雇佣一个有能力的医师或者采取其他措施来改善你的角色的健康以及/或者勇武能力(如果他们是男性的话),这样他们就可以在年老时仍可生育子女。
  • 谋杀,通过以下方式获得保护:
    • 提升角色对你的好感度(在你的间谍首脑对你有负面好感时最为重要,因为不满的间谍首脑不会警告你有阴谋),通过提升君权(如果你宫廷中的许多贵族不喜欢你),修改封建契约以使封臣获利,拉拢,邀请到宫廷,雇佣,要求加入他们的战争,求爱,勾引他们(小心不满的配偶以及被抓住通奸时不满(取决于你的宗教禁忌)的同宗教信徒)或者在事件中选择提升他们好感度的行动。
    • 通过以下方法除掉不喜欢你的角色(特别是拥有高谋略能力或者拥有阴谋增益的角色):
      • 让讨厌你的无用廷臣离开你的宫廷。
      • 强迫讨厌你的无用封臣和廷臣成为骑士,希望他们战死。
      • 逮捕讨厌你的封臣或者剥夺他们的头衔(绝罚他们或揭露他们所犯的罪行可以让你无暴政地执行)
      • 谋杀讨厌你的角色(但不要被抓到)
  • 绝罚


  • 邻国拥有强大的军力、强大的同盟以及/或者拥有足够雇请佣兵的金钱,他们有或有能力创造对你的领地的宣称。通过以下方式以获得保护:
    • 和拥有强大军力的统治者结盟。
      • 离婚或者破坏婚约,以寻找能带来更强大同盟的配偶。
    • 积存金钱以雇请雇佣兵。
    • 投资工事建筑和军事建筑
    • 创建在你的领地地形上有增益,同时/或者克制敌方单位的兵士军团。
    • 向拥有强大军力的邻国宣誓效忠
  • 派系
  • 封臣同僚
  • 未达到自己的直辖上限,并且远强过你的领主


During the course of their lives, rulers will focus on many different aspects of governance and personal development that will determine how effective their rule is. In the choose a lifestyle menu, shown in a red diamond with three gold arrows pointing upwards, you will be prompted to choose from 5 different categories of lifestyles, each with three subcategories. If your ruler is a child, you will not be able to unlock a lifestyle until you reach the age of 16, but you will be able to choose which type of Education Trait to pursue.

The five categories are connected to the five main skill point groups in-game, being diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue and learning. Depending on what kind of education your character received, you will receive a bonus in experience gain in the relevant category. It can sometimes be advisable to choose a lifestyle that does not match your character's Education Trait if another lifestyle would benefit them more, especially if your character's Lifestyle experience bonus is small.

Choosing a focus will immediately give you a bonus to skills or attributes and will begin to unlock further bonuses as you progress in-game. Your choice of focus should reflect the priorities in your realm, which could include earning money, fighting in wars or murdering your enemies. Choosing a focus does not stop you from taking actions connected to other focuses, but you may miss out on benefits from other choices.


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Many rulers in-game will start unmarried, although others may already have a spouse and children. If you have no other eligible family members of your dynasty to inherit, getting married will be a crucial early step to avoid a sudden game over. Finding a spouse before you unpause is crucial because many of the best choices will be married off to other rulers very quickly.

Marriages and betrothals (an arrangement to become married after both of the betrothed come of age at 16) can be used to secure alliances (which can help you to survive early on with support in wars), or to gain claims on titles, which under specific circumstances can be passed on to children. Marriages have an impact on the prestige of the spouses as well, based on their house and and the relative title ranks of their highest ranking close relative.

Congenital traits (which can potentially be passed on to children, or even augmented if both parents have the trait, and can be either beneficial or detrimental) and fertility, (which is influenced by age, especially for females, who become completely infertile after the age of 45) are important considerations when selecting a spouse. Keep in mind that marrying close relatives (inbreeding) can also result undesirable congenital traits.

Spouses can also help manage your court, based on their own skills (you can direct your spouse to focus on helping with a particular skill by clicking Choose Task under their portrait on the Council screen, or leave them on the default task of Assist Ruler, which adds a small degree of each of their skills to yours). An especially important skill for the spouse of a ruler is stewardship, as every five points of stewardship increases a character's domain by 1.

A matrilineal marriage will cause any offspring of the marriage to be of the wife's instead of the husband's dynasty. This is important for multiple reasons, including determining which court the couple resides at and the inheritance of titles and claims. The potential spouse's liege (which may be themselves) may prefer a patrilineal or matrilineal marriage, depending on the balance of power between the potential spouses. Note: as of version 1.0.3, female AI rulers won't enter matrilineal marriages. This will inevitably move titles held by independent female rulers out of your dynasty. Until this is patched, female preferred/dominated games or equal gender rights are much harder.

To find a spouse for an unmarried character in your court, click on the silhouette with wedding rings to the right of their character in the character screen, or right click on the character and under the Diplomacy heading, choose Find Spouse. To find a spouse for a character from among your own court, right click on that character's portrait and under the Diplomacy menu, click Arrange Marriage. To select a potential spouse, click on the rectangle that contains the potential spouses' attributes (not the prospective spouse's portrait). A hook or a gift may be used to help persuade the character's liege to allow the marriage. You can narrow down the list of potential spouses by clicking the magnifying glass icon to Toggle Filters, or click the arrow icon, drop-down list or a skill icon to sort the list in ascending or descending order.


A child tends to develop traits that belong to their guardian, especially their education trait, which gives a bonus to experience gained toward a specific lifestyle. When your own character educates a child, you can make choices that direct what traits the child develops, but some of these choices may produce stress if they are contrary to your character's personality.


As a general rule, always fully control at least the duchy where your Realm Capital is located; doing so helps consolidate your power and avoids offending your vassals who might desire your titles. Conversely, if you have domain counties who are de jure part of your vassals' titles, you might want to make a mental note to eventually dispose of these counties. If you are playing as a count-level ruler and hold multiple titles, its important to note that early game succession for the majority of rulers is limited to a form of partition, which will see the titles divided and made independent upon death. To avoid this, you will want to get to a duchy level title, or higher, as soon as possible, or in rare instances, adopt a different form of succession.


Look around the neighbourhood and the foreign rulers nearby. Check if they have any claims on your (or your vassals') titles. Also, see if any marriages (and thus alliances) can be made. If playing as a vassal, should your Liege becomes weakened or distracted by other adventures, you should be prepared to join your Liege as an ally to defend your titles. If you are playing as a vassal of a stronger liege lord, check the status of factions in your realm and make sure you are not inadvertently part of a faction that might draw you into an early war (i.e. Duke Vratislav of Bohemia in the 1066 start is a member of the Independence faction in the HRE.)


In 867, many cultures are missing innovations, such as Casus Belli (for De Jure County Claims) and Plenary Assemblies (for Limited Crown Authority, vital for Feudal and Clan rulers as this allows them to revoke titles). Before unpausing, you'll have to decide if you want to pursue the goal of becoming your Culture's Head and thus be able to pick the Innovation for your culture to be Fascinated by. If not, a possible way to hasten Innovation discovery is by increasing the Development of counties of your culture.


After unpausing the game (␣ Space), you can adjust the speed (+/-), as the default speed of 1 is very slow. Faster speeds allow things to go by quickly in peacetime while slower speeds make managing wars easier. Speed 5 causes game time to pass as quickly as your computer can run the simulation and should only be used to pass a large amount of time quickly. Be warned that running the game on Speed 5 can make it difficult to micromanage the different aspects of your realm.


In addition to foreign affairs, there are often many small domestic affairs that need handling in the first few days. It is important to ensure that your Court Chaplain endorses you, which provides a boost to levies. This can be as simple as appointing them to the position of court physician, or might require you to win their approval with gifts or a sway scheme. You might also want to adjust the composition of your council and ensure that powerful vassals are represented to avoid them creating or joining factions against you, and also assign them tasks to perform throughout the realm. Finally, check the status of your laws and succession.



  • 确保你的玩家继承人也是你的主要继承人。注意你领地的继承法和任何进行的选举,并在有必要时修改它们。选择可能的最有利的继承法来保证你的继承人得到你领地的最大份额。
  • 如果你同时拥有多个继承人和多个最高等级头衔,可以通过创建一个更高等级头衔或者摧毁主要头衔之外的其他最高等级头衔来防止领地在继承时分裂。
  • 其他角色对你的好感会在继承时影响他们对你的继承人的好感。恐怖值在你存活时很有用但是它并不会被继承。当你年事已高,有健康惩罚,或者你怀疑有针对你的角色的谋杀计谋在暗中进行时,补偿你在国内的敌人,或者让他们中立。
  • 如果在继承时你的领地分裂了或者你的封臣创建了针对你的强大派系,不必惊慌。你会获得任何你失去的领地的宣称。用你的谋划夺取你之前的领地,即使你可能要花不止一代人的努力来实现它。值得注意的是,你的弱宣称只有在你在世时为它宣战过,它才会被你的孩子继承。
  • 让你的继承人和你的一个强大封臣联姻可以保护你的继承人免受派系的威胁。