Max Piety cost
Enables the Meditate in Seclusion decision
Makes Temperate a Virtue
Makes Gluttonous a Sin
Makes Greedy a Sin
Makes Eager Reveler a Sin
Makes Famous Reveler a Sin
Makes Legendary Reveler a Sin
- 500 if Christian, Dualist, Buddhist, Jain or Taoist
- 1500 Zoroastrian or Pagan
- 1000 if any other
+25% Naval Speed
Enables the Divine the Stars decision
- 500 if Zoroastrian or Pagan
- 1500 if Christian, Muslim or Jewish
- 1000 if any other
Carnal Exaltation
+25% Fertility
Makes Lustful a Virtue
Makes Chaste a Sin
- 500 if Hindu
- 1500 if Christian or Jewish
- 2000 if Buddhist or Jain
- 1000 if any other
Communal Identity
+10 Same Faith Opinion
+50% Culture Promotion Speed if same Faith
+50% County Conversion Speed if same Culture
-50% County Conversion Speed if different Culture
- 1000 if Buddhist or Jain
- 500 if any other
Learning Education may also grant the Wise Man trait
Makes Wise Man a Virtue
Makes Mystic a Virtue
Makes Miracle Worker a Virtue
- 500 if Hindu, Jain, Zoroastrian or Pagan
- 1500 if Christian
- 1000 if any other
-10% Law Cost per Virtue trait
+10% Law Cost per Sin trait
Characters are less likely to join Factions if the Liege has a Virtue trait
Characters are more likely to join Factions if the Liege has a Sin trait
Electors are more likely to vote for the Liege's choice if it has the Just trait
Makes Just a Great Virtue
Makes Arbitrary a Great Sin
- 500 if Muslim, Jewish or Zoroastrian
- 1500 if Buddhist, Jain or Pagan
- 1000 if any other
Pursuit of Power
-50% Title Creation Cost
-50% Tyranny Gain
-10 Direct Vassal Opinion
Grants the Conquest Casus Belli
Grants the Invasion Casus Belli
Makes Ambitious a Virtue
Makes Content a Sin
- 1000 if Muslim, Hindu or Pagan
- 1500 if Jewish
- 100 if any other
Religious Law
- Variant Names:
Fatwa (Islam)
Halakha (Judaism)
-10% Law Cost
Enables the Temporal Condemnation interaction with Vassals
- 500 if Muslim or Jewish
- 1500 if Christian, Hindu, Zoroastrian or Pagan
- 1000 if any other
Ritual Cannibalism
Cannibal is no longer Criminal
Makes Cannibal a Great Virtue
- 1000 if Christian or Pagan
- 1500 if Hindu
- 2000 if any other
Ritual Celebrations
+5 Vassal Opinion
+5 Courtier Opinion
+100 Piety when holding a Feast
-100 Piety when refusing to attend a Feast
- 500 if Hindu, Zoroastrian or Pagan
- 1000 if any other
Sacred Lies
+50 Piety when successfully completing a Scheme
+20 Agent Acceptance
Makes Deceitful a Virtue
Makes Honest a Sin
- 1000 if Pagan
- 1500 if Muslim or Jewish
- 2000 if any other
Sanctity of Nature
+5 Popular Opinion
+5 Advantage in Forest, Jungle and Taiga terrain
-25% Attrition in Forest, Jungle and Taiga terrain
+10% Building Construction Gold Cost
- 500 if Pagan
- 1500 if Hindu
- 2000 if Abrahamic
- 1000 if any other
Tax Nonbelievers
- Variant Names:
Jizya (Islam)
+20% Domain Taxes if different Faith
+25% Levy Reinforcement Rate if same Faith
-25% Levy Reinforcement Rate if different Faith
- 500 if Muslim or Pagan
- 1500 if Christian or Dualist
- 1000 if any other
Unrelenting Faith
+4 Prowess
+2 Faith Hostility Advantage
Members of the clergy can serve as Commanders or Knights
- 500 if Muslim, Jewish or Pagan
- 1500 if Buddhist or Jain
- 1000 if any other
Vows of Poverty
Enables the Take Vow of Poverty decision
Makes Generous a Great Virtue
Makes Greedy a Great Sin
- 500 if Christian, Dualist, Buddhist or Jain
- 1500 Zoroastrian or Pagan
- 1000 if any other
+2 Learning
-2 Stewardship
Giving away titles reduces Stress:
-5 Stress when granting a County Title
-15 Stress when granting a Duchy Title
-65 Stress when granting a Kingdom Title
-160 Stress when granting an Empire Title
Faiths with the same tenet are considered Righteous
Makes Temperate a Virtue
Makes Gluttonous a Sin
- 500 if Dualist, Zoroastrian
- 1500 if Muslim, Jewish, Hindu or Pagan
- 1000 if any other
Eastern Syncretism tenet
Mendicant Preachers
+33% County Conversion Speed
Completing a pilgrimage grants a Holy Order Hire Cost modifier
Makes Temperate a Virtue
Makes Gluttonous a Sin
- 500 if Christian, Dualist, Buddhist or Jain
- 1500 if Hindu, Zoroastrian or Pagan
- 1000 if any other
Hedonistic tenet
Enables the Ask to Take Vows interaction with Courtiers
Makes Temperate a Virtue
Makes Gluttonous a Sin
- 500 if Christian, Dualist, Buddhist or Jain
- 1500 Zoroastrian or Pagan
- 1000 if any other
Hedonistic tenet
Enables the Seek Indulgences interaction with the Head of Faith
Head of Faith can Excommunicate characters
Makes Honest a Virtue
Makes Deceitful a Sin
Makes Excommunicated a Crime
- 500 if Christian or Jewish
- 1500 if Pagan
- 1000 if any other
 None head of faith doctrine
- Variant Names:
The Pentarchy (Christianity)
+0.1 Monthly Fervor per Holy Site
Completing a pilgrimage grants a Clergy Opinion modifier
- 1000 if Christian, Hindu or Zoroastrian
- 1500 if any other
 Pluralist religious attitude doctrine
+30% County Conversion Resistance
+15 Different Faith Liege Opinion
-25% Different Faith Popular Opinion
Different faith vassals are less likely to join Independence and Populist factions
- 500 if Jewish, Buddhist, Jain or Pagan
- 1500 if Christian or Muslim
- 1000 if any other
Pluralist religious attitude doctrine
Divine Marriage
+100% Fertility with Close Family members
+10 Vassal Opinion if married to a Close Family member
+1000 Piety if first marriage is with a Close Family member and is Monogamous
- 1500 if Muslim, Dualist, Buddhist or Jain
- 1000 if any other
Unrestricted Marriage consanguinity doctrine
No penalties from extramarital relationships
- 500 if Hindu
- 1500 if Abrahamic, Buddhist or Jain
- 1000 if any other
 Shunned male adultery doctrine
 Criminal male adultery doctrine
 Shunned female adultery doctrine
 Criminal female adultery doctrine
Natural Primitivism
+25% Stress Loss
-25% Stress Gain
+50% Law Cost
+100% Tyranny Gain
Characters don't wear clothes if the Character Nudity game rule is set to Default
- 1000 if Hindu or Jain
- 1500 if Christian, Dualist, Buddhist or Pagan
- 2000 if any other
 Criminal same-sex relations doctrine
 Criminal male adultery doctrine
 Criminal female adultery doctrine
 Criminal deviancy doctrine
 Criminal witchcraft doctrine
 Criminal kinslaying doctrine
+100 Piety when holding a Feast
Makes Gluttonous a Great Virtue
Makes Temperate a Great Sin
- 500 if Hindu
- 1500 if Muslim or Jewish
- 2000 if Christian, Buddhist or Jain
- 1000 if any other
All except Dualism
Mendicant Preachers tenet
Monasticism tenet
Sanctioned False Conversions
- Variant Names:
Taqiya (Islam)
+30% County Conversion Resistance
Counties and characters may sometimes reconvert to this faith
- 500 if Zoroastrian
- 1500 if Dualist, Buddhist, Hindu or Jain
- 1000 if any other
All except Christianity
Christian Syncretism
+30 Christian Faith Opinion
Christian faiths cannot be considered or consider this faith Evil
Makes Compassionate a Virtue
Makes Callous a Sin
Makes Sadistic a Sin
- 500 if Muslim or Dualist
- 1000 if any other
Islamic Syncretism tenet
Jewish Syncretism tenet
Eastern Syncretism tenet
Syncretic Folk Traditions tenet
Islamic Syncretism
+30 Muslim Faith Opinion
Muslim faiths cannot be considered or consider this faith Evil
Makes Generous a Virtue
Makes Arbitrary a Sin
Makes Greedy a Sin
- 500 if Christian or Dualist
- 1000 if any other
Christian Syncretism tenet
Jewish Syncretism tenet
Eastern Syncretism tenet
Syncretic Folk Traditions tenet
Jewish Syncretism
+30 Jewish Faith Opinion
Jewish faiths cannot be considered or consider this faith Evil
Makes patient a Virtue
Makes Cynical a Sin
Makes Greedy a Sin
- 500 if Christian or Dualist
- 1000 if any other
Christian Syncretism tenet
Islamic Syncretism tenet
Eastern Syncretism tenet
Syncretic Folk Traditions tenet
Eastern Syncretism
Faiths of eastern religions cannot be considered or consider this faith Evil
Makes Honest a Virtue
Makes Wrathful a Sin
- 500 if Dualist or Pagan
- 1500 if Muslim
- 1000 if any other
Gnosticism tenet
Christian Syncretism tenet
Islamic Syncretism tenet
Jewish Syncretism tenet
Syncretic Folk Traditions tenet
Syncretic Folk Traditions
+30 Unreformed Faith Opinion
Faiths of unreformed religions cannot be considered or consider this faith Evil
Makes Humble a Virtue
Makes Arrogant a Sin
- All Abrahamic
- All Eastern
Christian Syncretism tenet
Islamic Syncretism tenet
Jewish Syncretism tenet
Eastern Syncretism tenet
Cannot declare Holy Wars or Raid
+10 Opinion of Other Pacifists
- Rulers at peace for at least two years will have their
Piety change by 1 each month
Makes Calm a Virtue
Makes Wrathful a Sin
- 500 if Christian or Taoist
- 1500 if Muslim
- 1000 if any other
- All Abrahamic
- All Pagan
- Zoroastrianism
- Taoism
Armed Pilgrimages tenet
Human Sacrifice tenet
+20% County Conversion Resistance
4% Chance of a child to gain the Reincarnation trait and an ancestor's personality trait at age 9
- 500 if Dualist, Buddhist, Hindu or Jain
- 1500 if Muslim
- 1000 if any other
- All Eastern
- All Pagan
- Islam
- Dualism
- Miletê Tawûsê Melek
Human Sacrifice
Grants the Raid for Captives Casus Belli
+50 Piety per executed Count
+100 Piety per executed Duke
+500 Piety per executed King
+1000 Piety per executed Emperor
- 1000 if Pagan
- 1500 if Hindu
- 2000 if any other
- All Eastern
- All Pagan
- Dualism
- Miletê Tawûsê Melek
Dharmic Pacifism tenet
Pacifism tenet
Members of the clergy can serve as Commanders or Knights
Grants the Conquest Casus Belli
Grants the Invasion Casus Belli
No Offensive War Opinion
Being at peace for more than 6 months lowers Vassal Opinion
Can declare Great Holy Wars if Faith has a Head of Faith and is Organized
- 2000 if Buddhist, Jain or Taoist
- 1000 if any other
- All Eastern
- All Pagan
- Miletê Tawûsê Melek
Dharmic Pacifism tenet
Pacifism tenet
Ritual Hospitality
- Variant Names:
Pūjā (Hinduism)
+0.3 Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
Enables the Host as Honored Guest interaction with landed characters
Makes Generous a Virtue
Makes Callous a Sin
- 500 if Buddhist, Hindu or Jain
- 1000 if any other
Sky Burials
Enables the Give your Ancestor a Sky Burial decision
Small Disease Resistance Boost
-50% Short Reign Duration
Enables the Initiate Consolamentum decision
- 1500 if Dualist, Hindu or Jain
- 1000 if any other
- All Eastern
- Christianity
- Dualism
- Miletê Tawûsê Melek
-33% Temple Holding and Building Construction Cost
-33% Temple Holding and Building Construction Time
- 500 if Christian, Muslim or Jewish
- 1000 if Dualist or Miletê
All Abrahamic
Enables the Literalist Debate interaction with characters of the same faith
Makes Scholar a Virtue
Makes Astute Intellectual a Virtue
Makes Mastermind Philosopher a Virtue
- 500 if Muslim or Jewish
- 1000 if Christian, Dualist or Miletê
All Abrahamic
Ancestor Worship
+100% Prestige from Level of Splendor
+5 Close Family Opinion
+50% Maximum Long Reign Opinion Bonus
Completing a pilgrimage grants Close Family Opinion modifier
All Pagan
Inner Journey
Enables the Meditate in Seclusion decision
Makes Patient a Virtue
Makes Impatient a Sin
- Buddhism
- Hinduism
- Jainism
- Taoism
Dharmic Pacifism
+20% County Conversion Resistance
+10 Opinion of other Pacifists
Cannot declare Holy Wars or Raid
Makes Calm a Virtue
Makes Wrathful a Sin
- 500 if Buddhism or Jainism
- 1000 if any other
- Buddhism
- Hinduism
- Jainism
- Taoism
Armed Pilgrimages tenet
Human Sacrifice tenet
Armed Pilgrimages
-20% Holy War Piety Cost
+25% County Conversion Speed per owned Holy Site if no Head of Faith
Can declare Great Holy Wars if Faith has a Head of Faith
Completing a pilgrimage grants a Monthly Piety from Knights modifier
- 500 if Christian
- 1000 if Jewish
Dharmic Pacifism tenet
Pacifism tenet
Struggle and Submission
+50% Piety and Devotion from Holy Wars
+25% County Conversion Speed per owned Holy Site if no Head of Faith
Can declare Great Holy Wars if Faith has a Head of Faith
Completing a pilgrimage grants a Same Faith Opinion modifier
- 500 if Muslim
- 1500 if Dualist
Sacred Childbirth
- Variant Names:
Kūdikis Lemti (Baltic)
+10% Fertility
-50% Pregnancy Complication Chance
Alexandrian Catechism
+20% Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience
 Fundamentalist religious attitude doctrine
Pastoral Isolation
+10 Different Faith Liege Opinion
+30% County Conversion Resistance
-10% Monthly Development
+20 Enemy Demand Conversion Acceptance
Christian Faiths are considered Righteous
Counties and characters may sometimes reconvert to this faith
None head of faith doctrine
Sanctioned False Conversions tenet
Enables the Determine Bhakti decision
Enables the Seek Aid of the Spirits decision
Makes Possessed a Great Virtue
Auspicious Birthright
5% Chance a child is born with the Miracle Worker trait
Makes Miracle Worker a Great Virtue
Sun Worship
-25% Attrition in Desert and Desert Mountains terrain
Enables the Sun Trial interaction with Prisoners
Hosting Feasts during summer months grants Piety