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第6行: 第6行:
* 完全重做了剧本界面;重组内容以允许更多剧本位置,且剧本以其所属年份(867/1066)进行排序。还有新出与改良的艺术元素和按钮,以及界面左下角的DLC显示栏。
* 完全重做了剧本界面;重组内容以允许更多剧本位置,且剧本以其所属年份(867/1066)进行排序。还有新出与改良的艺术元素和按钮,以及界面左下角的DLC显示栏。
* 为现在游戏中得每个核心教义添加了独特插图!
* 为现在游戏中得每个核心教义添加了独特插图!
* 增加了17个用于创建新的信仰的定制信仰图标,从生命之符安卡与博罗梅恩之戒 (三不互扣环) 到和平之鸽和☧凯乐符!
* 增加了17个用于创建新的信仰的定制信仰图标,从生命之符安卡与博罗梅恩之戒到和平之鸽和☧凯乐符!

== 硬件 ==
== 硬件 ==
第15行: 第15行:
== 游戏平衡 ==
== 游戏平衡 ==
* 现在,有争议血统或已知为私生子的孩子可以被无代价地剥夺继承权。然而在互动时,总是适用于一种世界性好感减益。
* 现在,有争议血统或已知为私生子的孩子可以被无代价地剥夺继承权。然而在互动时,总是适用于一种世界性好感减益。
* 穆扎赖卜派信徒现在可以通过强牵制以要挟/威胁教宗允许通过[[决议#与罗马 共融|与罗马 共融]] 决议。
* 穆扎赖卜派信徒现在可以通过强牵制以要挟/威胁教宗允许通过[[决议#与罗马 和解|与罗马 和解决议]]
* 更新了驱逐敌对信仰骑士团的后果,现在其信仰会增加宗教热情与可能的负面伯爵领修正。
* Updated the consequences for revoking hostile Holy order, it now adds Fervor to their Faith, and potentially a negative county modifier
* 字面解经核心教义现对所有信仰可用。
* Literalism is legal for all faiths to adopt
* 如果区域异端游戏规则为严格,那么穆扎赖卜派只会出现在伊比利亚和北非区域。
* If the game rule "strict regional heresy" is activated, the Mozarab faith will only appear in Iberia and North Africa
* 为建立阿拉贡王国决议增加了而外增益。
* Added additional reward to forming the Kingdom of Aragon
* 如果统治者从一个较其低级的统治者那里继承了一场暴政叛乱,那他们不会再因此被废黜。
* Rulers will no longer be deposed if they happen to inherit a tyranny war from a lower tier ruler
在桌游事件“时来运转”中,为“真正特别的棋盘 选项增加了金钱成本。
* Added gold cost to the "truly special board" in the board game event “A Stroke of Luck
* 现在[[决议#与罗马决裂|与罗马决裂]]决议需要你和你的信仰领袖好感为负
* Breaking away from Rome now requires you to be in poor standing with your HoF
* 适当地为神罗的某些特定封臣设定低义务
* Properly set low obligations on Custom Rulers who are vassals of the HRE
‘A Beautiful Specimen’ will be only triggered for lovers and soulmates now; not powerful vassals
* [[成就#伊比利亚调解|伊比利亚调解]]成就难度从中等调整为困难
* Iberian Conciliation achievement is now classified as "Hard" instead of "Medium"
* 宫廷司祭被绝罚后会被自动解雇,除非领主也被绝罚
* Auto-fire the Court Chaplain if they are excommunicated, except if you are also excommunicated yourself
* 签署援助契约互动现以部队规模计算金钱
* Contracting Assistance is now scaled by army size.

== AI ==
== AI ==
* 修复了迁都后劫掠部队无法找到回家路径的问题。现在部队会被AI解散
* Fixed a case where a raiding unit could not find a path to go home in case when the capital was moved. In that case the unit will be disbanded
* AI 不会再尝试使一个有宗教保护权利封臣的孩子改信
* The AI will not try convert children of a vassal with religious protection anymore
* AI 让年轻男性与老年女性结婚的情况将会减少:结盟权重和年龄影响已被重新平衡
* The AI will marry young men to old women less often: the weight of alliances and the impact of age has been rebalanced
* AI 将更少地挑战棋类
* The AI will now send fewer requests for chess challenges
* 阻止AI同时发起两个互动以免可能的UI错误
* Blocked the AI from sending two interactions simultaneously, which could cause UI issues
* 如果AI角色与你结盟,则会更容易拒绝与你敌对的签署援助契约互动
* AI characters are a lot less likely to accept a war assistance contract against you if they are allied with you

== 界面 ==
== Interface ==
* 修正了交互列表中的更改/ 恢复按钮实际触发位置过小的问题
* Fixed issue with change/revert buttons in interaction lists only being responsive on a small part of it
* 修正了部队移动时部队重组互动滚动区滚动至顶部的问题
* Fixed so the Army Reorganization scroll area no longer scroll to the top when unit is moved
* 剧本界面上埃米尔叶海亚领地现在匹配实际的游戏形状
* The bookmark lands of Emir Yahya now match the actual in-game shape
* 骑士团现在不再使首府男爵领的“授予……”按钮消失
* Holy orders no longer cause "Grant to..." button to disappear in the county capital
* Offer Guardianship notification and window now use the ‘Offer Guardianship’ title instead of ‘Send Proposal’
* 不可选择的受益人现在将显示在列表中,并有提示栏解释其原因
* Unselectable beneficiaries will now be shown in the list with a tooltip explaining why they cannot be selected
* {{ruby|通奸事件|adultery.2001&adultery.2002}}现在改进了决斗文本
* Adultery events (adultery.2001 & adultery.2002) now have improved texts for duels
* 现在即使在没有人同意加入计谋的情况下您仍可以打开潜在同谋列表。这可以用来预估你可以通过拉拢或制造牵制以使其加入的潜在同谋
* You can now always open the list of potential agents, even if none will accept to join the scheme. This can be used to, for example, plan who to seduce or fabricate hooks against to further your interests.
* 修改封臣契约窗口现在会有领主非法理领主的警告
* Vassal contract modification window now warns when current liege is not the rightful liege
* 为伯爵级角色激活Regnal数字,以避免不确定血统(不确定意思)
* Activated Regnal numbers for Count-tier characters to avoid non immersive lineages
* “{{icon|no}} 被监禁”条件现在被隐藏
* The "Is imprisoned = no" condition for all court positions is now hidden
* 宫廷职位界面不再显示相反的要求
* Court positions no longer display requirements that are the opposite of what they seek
* 添加了一个显示已安装与激活DLC的部分。它可以在主菜单和剧本界面中找到
* Added a section for showing the DLCs that are installed and active. It can be found in the main menu and the bookmark area

== Bug 修复 ==
== Bug fixes ==
* 修复了玩家不能接受/ 拒绝宝物礼物的问题
* Fixed issue where players couldn't accept/decline artifact gifts
* 修复了事件{{ruby|次经|learning_theology_special.1001}}中同一组教义不会替换而是共存的问题
* Fixed issue with event learning_theology_special.1001 were doctrines from the same group wouldn't be removed before applying the new one
* 修复了东法兰克宫廷显赫度提示栏以让其高于预期等级
* Fixed German court grandeur tooltip for being above expected level
* 修复了自定义规则无法禁用成就的问题
* Fixed issue where achievements would still be enabled after creating a custom ruler and not * starting the game as them
* 如果你已经有了一个积极绰号,你就不再得到绰号[[绰号#盗贼克星|盗贼克星]]。
* You no longer get "the Thief Slayer" nickname if you already have a positive nickname.
* 修复了宝物修复成本在修复窗口中显示错误的问题,现在显示与修复按钮提示栏中相同的值
* Fixed issue where artifact repair cost would show wrong value in the repair window, now shows same value as in the repair button tooltip
* 修正了选择任意统治者时铁人模式重置的问题
* Fixed issue where ironman would reset when going into select any ruler
* 修复了多次自定义统治者会禁用成就的问题
* Fixed issue where overwriting same ruler multiple times would block achievements to be enabled
* 赐予皇家恩惠内阁任务现在会在目标封臣反叛时自动取消
* Bestow Royal Favor chancellor task is now canceled if the target vassal declares war on you
* 修复了某些享乐主义罪恶特质变为美德及相反情况的问题
* Fixed an issues that would cause some hedonistic sins to be incorrectly categorized as virtues or vice versa
* 创建了 <code>threatened_by_buildup_opinion</code> 的缺失本地化文本
* Created missing localization for threatened_by_buildup_opinion
* 俄语本地化中的请愿领主互动现在使用正确文本
* Petitioning liege in Russian now uses correct localization macro
* 斗争消息现在只会为其搅局者与参与方角色显示
* Struggle messages will now only be shown for interlopers and involved characters
* 修复了中文本地化文件无限递归的问题
* Fixed chinese localization doing infinite recursion on localization macro
* 移动了特内里费的特殊建筑泰德峰的地图定位以使其从水中回到陆地
* Moved the locators for special buildings in Tenerife to spawn buildings on landmass rather than * in the water
* 经过确切讨论,降服宣战理由现在每个人只能使用一次
* We now properly communicate in advance that the Subjugation war is only available once per lifetime
* 斗争结束提示现在只发送给参与斗争或距斗争区域较近的玩家而不是所有玩家
* Notifications for struggle endings are no longer sent to every single player in the lobby, instead selecting those either involved in the struggle or within a certain proximity of the region.
* fp2_struggle.2021.a.a 不再显示错误信息
* fp2_struggle.2021.a.a is no longer blatantly misleading
* “邀请参加活动”互动提示栏会在无可用项时显示正确解释
* The tooltip of Invite to Activity displays a proper explanation when none of them is available
* {{ruby|精神崩溃:淫欲满盈|stress_threshold.1011}}事件在选择信奉信仰前会检测所在区域
* "Desires of the Flesh" now checks what world region you are in before selecting a faith for you to follow
* 正确处理斗争中的公国和王国圣战
* Properly handle Duchy and Kingdom Holy Wars within the Struggle
* 删除了对加入某些派系的角色的冗余检测
* Removed duplicated check that were done for characters joining some factions
* 斗争文化之间的圣战在缓和结局后正确禁用
* Holy Wars properly deactivated after the Detente ending for the relevant cultures
* 修正了<code>fp2_Struggle.2024</code>事件的命名空间问题(现为<code>martial_chivalry.4001</code>)
* Fixed namespace issues with fp2_Struggle.2024 (now martial_chivalry.4001)
* 明确指出一种信仰或文化需要控制80% 区域内伯爵领才能参与伊比利亚斗争
* Explicitly say that a Faith or Culture needs to control 80% of the counties to get involved within the Iberian Struggle
* 修复了 FP2 3D 资源被通用对应资源覆盖的问题。
* Fixed issue where FP2 3D assets were being overwritten by their generic counterparts.
* “邀请活动”互动的正确花费现正常显示(曾被更换)
* We now display the right cost for the "Invite to Activity interaction"; it used to be swapped
* 现在不能授予封臣信仰领袖头衔(注:未发现实质内容,疑似撤销)
* Head of Faith titles can no longer be granted to vassals
* 玩家现已不能克隆雇佣部队
* Prevent players from cloning their mercenary armies
* 修复了西班牙语本地化中领主内阁邀请的错误
* Fixed localization in invitation to lieges council letter for Spanish
* {{ruby|抓到神秘盗贼|fp2_struggle.2009}}事件中窃贼的角色信息现已隐藏
* Character info is now hidden for the thief in fp2_struggle.2009
* 玩家现在在皈依嗣子论派时会获得异端头目特质
* Player now receives heresiarch trait when converting to Adoptionism
* [[决议#建立一个新帝国|建立一个新帝国]]决议现已对伊比利亚斗争中的参与方与搅局者禁用。但新要求仅对斗争信仰或文化且居住在附近的角色显示
* The Found an Empire is now blocked for Involved and Interloper of the Iberian Struggle. The new condition is however only displayed for characters with an involved Faith or Culture, and living nearby
* 修复了{{ruby|灵感:创作自由|fund_inspiration.2080}}事件的解析问题
* Fixed parsing issues with fund_inspiration.2080
* 修复了当玩家热加入会话时多人游戏不同步的问题
* Fixed an issue where multiplayer got out of sync when a player hot joined the session
* {{ruby|提供宽慰|befriend_ongoing.6016}}事件不再提升对自己的好感。但即使没有这个错误,也要记住自爱十分重要。你做得很好,继续努力!
* Offering Relief events no longer gives you an improved opinion towards yourself. With that fixed, it's still important to remember to love thy self, you're doing good, keep it up!
* 扩大了基督教圣骨的接受标准,基督教综摄主义者现在可以在其宫廷上展示基督教圣骨并享受其增益。最终巴斯克异教徒也被允许享有基督教圣骨增益
* Expanded acceptance criteria for christian bones, christian syncretists can now display christian bones in their court. Finally allowing Basque pagans to equip and enjoy christian bones.
在{{ruby|草原和鞍鞯在我心中驰骋,|fund_inspiration.6001}}事件描述中英文本地化的"I have riding"中添加"been"以符合语法
* Added the word “been” to “I have riding” to result in “I have been riding” in fund_inspiration.6001

== 其他 ==
== Other ==
* “收复失地运动”文化革新名称更加符合历史(更名为[[革新#宗教扩张|宗教扩张]])
* Updated name of "Reconquista" cultural innovation to something more historically accurate
* 为哈穆德家族中一些缺失的角色添加了赛义德特质
* Added the Sayyid trait to some characters from the Hammudid house who were missing it
* 为棋盘游戏添加了新结果
* Added new outcomes to boardgames
* 修复了选定中文本地化键值中的换行符问题
* Fixed line breaks in select Chinese localization keys
* 阿拉贡文化语言现为奥克通俗拉丁语
* Aragonese now speak the Oc´Romance language
* 将旺达设定为克拉库斯一世的女儿
* Set Wanda as a daughter of Krak I as it should be in 867
* 桌上战士传统现在有更自然的描述文本
* Tabletop Warriors now has a more natural reading description
* 修正了中华薛宗族的参考资料
* Fixed the dynasty reference for the Chinese Xue Dynasty
* 讲明了解体派系的诉求
* Clarified the consequences of Dissolution faction
* 添加了新的本地化以让创建新的信仰互动中前教宗变为现教宗
* Added new localization for creating a new faith that keeps the former pope as the new pope
* 玩家角色更改后刷新针对领主的派系
* Refresh factions against liege after player character change
* [[成就#伊比利亚冲突|伊比利亚冲突]]结局成就现在更清楚地表明了它们所需的结局
* Fate of Iberia: the Struggle Ending Achievements now have greater clarity as to what ending they refer to
* 精底格角色效忠哈里发时可以被拒绝
* Zandaqa can now be rejected when pledging submission to a caliph

== 参考资料==

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