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(重定向自Customizable localization

Flavorization is defined in the "common\flavorization" folder

Game files[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Both "00_title_holders" as "00_flavorization" have a short description at the top of the files.

Accepted categories are: governments, cultures, culture_groups, faiths, religions, flags [not in the game files, as added in patch 1.2].

A Flavorization will apply if ALL specified categories have ANY of their entries represented in the character/title. So for example: governments = { feudal_government } culture_groups = { mongolic_group central_germanic_group } religions = { christianity_religion } cultures = { norse } faiths = { catholicism } For this to apply a character MUST BE feudal, AND must also be EITHER altaic OR germanic priority is used to determine priority, if they are the same then the LAST will be selected, and honorifics will be prefered over landed titles. Default priority is 1.

If a flavorization does not have a tier it can apply to all tiers of characters, too many non-tiered flavorizations is bad for performance though, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

'top_liege = no' means that its the holder of the title causing the honorific that is tested for the various categories, so for a prince it is the king that is tested, for a queen mother it is her son if this is not specified ( or 'top_liege = yes' the default ) then it is the top liege of that character that is tested, this means that most title flavor comes from the top liege of the title not the holder.


sultan = { #Example
	gender = male
	special = holder
	tier = kingdom
		governments = { feudal_government clan_government }
	religions = { islam_religion }

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