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Each Faith has a large number of Doctrines. Doctrines determine what is allowed and what is forbidden within a Faith.

Main Doctrines

Main Doctrines determine the rules of the Faith itself and have a considerable impact on how the realm is governed.

Category Doctrine Effects Max Piety cost Requirements
View on Gender Doctrine gender male dominated.png Male Dominated
  • Enables the Male only and Male Preference Succession Laws
  • Claims of women can only be pressed against other women, children or incapable rulers
  • Claim implicit.png Women do not get Implicit Claims
  • No Women cannot be granted Titles
  • No Women cannot become Commanders and Knights
  • No Only men and Vassals can be appointed Chancellor, Marshal or Steward
  • -10 Opinion of Female Rulers
300 if Doctrine gender male dominated.png Male Dominated
600 if Doctrine gender equal.png Equal
900 if Doctrine gender female dominated.png Female Dominated
Doctrine gender equal.png Equal
  • Enables the Male Preference, Equal and Female Preference Succession Laws
600 if Doctrine gender male dominated.png Male Dominated
300 if Doctrine gender equal.png Equal
600 if Doctrine gender female dominated.png Female Dominated
Doctrine gender female dominated.png Female Dominated
  • Enables the Female only and Female Preference Succession Laws
  • Claims of men can only be pressed against other men, children or incapable rulers
  • Claim implicit.png Men do not get Implicit Claims
  • No Men cannot be granted Titles
  • No Men cannot become Commanders and Knights
  • No Only women and Vassals can be appointed Chancellor, Marshal or Steward
  • -10 Opinion of Male Rulers
900 if Doctrine gender male dominated.png Male Dominated
600 if Doctrine gender equal.png Equal
300 if Doctrine gender female dominated.png Female Dominated
Religious Attitude Doctrine pluralism fundamentalist.png Fundamentalist
  • Task conversion.png +20% County Conversion Speed
  • +100% Opinion penalties with other adherents of other Faiths
  • Heresy.png +100% Heresy Risk
  • Factions.png Counties of other Faiths are more likely to join Factions
  • Can revoke landed titles from adherents of a Hostile or Evil Faith without incurring Tyranny
200 if Doctrine pluralism fundamentalist.png Fundamentalist
400 if Doctrine pluralism righteous.png Righteous
600 if Doctrine pluralism pluralistic.png Pluralist
Doctrine pluralism righteous.png Righteous
  • Can revoke landed titles from adherents of an Evil Faith without incurring Tyranny
400 if Doctrine pluralism fundamentalist.png Fundamentalist
200 if Doctrine pluralism righteous.png Righteous
400 if Doctrine pluralism pluralistic.png Pluralist
Doctrine pluralism pluralistic.png Pluralist
  • Task conversion.png -20% County Conversion Speed
  • -50% Opinion penalties with other adherents of other Faiths
  • Heresy.png -50% Heresy Risk
  • Factions.png Counties of other Faiths are less likely to join Factions
  • Winning a Holy War will vassalize Rulers of other Faiths instead of seizing their Titles
600 if Doctrine pluralism fundamentalist.png Fundamentalist
400 if Doctrine pluralism righteous.png Righteous
200 if Doctrine pluralism pluralistic.png Pluralist
Clerical Tradition Doctrine theocracy temporal.png Theocratic
  • Religious councillor job.png Enables the Realm Priest Council Position
  • Holding church.png Temple Holdings must be leased
200 if Doctrine theocracy temporal.png Theocratic
600 if Doctrine theocracy lay clergy.png Lay Clergy
NoDoctrine temporal head.png Temporal Head of Faith
Doctrine theocracy lay clergy.png Lay Clergy
  • Religious councillor job.png Enables the Court Chaplain Council Position
600 if Doctrine theocracy temporal.png Theocratic
200 if Doctrine theocracy lay clergy.png Lay Clergy
Head of Faith Doctrine no head.png None
  •  Fervor cannot go below 25%
  • No Faith does not have a Head of Faith
200 if Doctrine no head.png None
400 if Doctrine spiritual head.png Spiritual
400 if Doctrine temporal head.png Temporal
Doctrine spiritual head.png Spiritual
  • -500 Piety when declaring was against own Head of Faith
  • Yes The Head of Faith Title is given to a prominent clergy member
  • Yes The Head of Faith can grant Gold or Claims of landed Titles
  • Yes The Head of Faith can declare Undirected Great Holy Wars if the Faith allows Great Holy Wars
600 if Doctrine no head.png None
300 if Doctrine spiritual head.png Spiritual
600 if Doctrine temporal head.png Temporal
Doctrine temporal head.png Temporal
  • -100 Piety when declaring was against own Head of Faith
  • Yes The Head of Faith Title is given to the founder of the Faith and passed on to the Primary Heir as long as they have the same Faith
  • Yes The Head of Faith can declare Directed Great Holy Wars if the Faith allows Great Holy Wars
1000 if Doctrine no head.png None
1000 if Doctrine spiritual head.png Spiritual
500 if Doctrine temporal head.png Temporal
NoDoctrine theocracy temporal.png Theocratic Clerical tradition
Muhammad's Succession Muhammad succession sunni doctrine.png Sunni Muhammad succession sunni doctrine.png Considers Faiths with the same Doctrine to be Astray 0 if Muhammad succession sunni doctrine.png Sunni
200 if any other
Icon piety islam 01.png Islam Religion
Muhammad succession shia doctrine.png Shia Muhammad succession shia doctrine.png Considers Faiths with the same Doctrine to be Astray 0 if Muhammad succession shia doctrine.png Shia
200 if any other
Icon piety islam 01.png Islam Religion
Muhammad succession muhakkima doctrine.png Muhakkima Muhammad succession muhakkima doctrine.png Considers Faiths with the same Doctrine to be Astray 0 if Muhammad succession muhakkima doctrine.png Muhakkima
200 if any other
Icon piety islam 01.png Islam Religion
Muhammad succession zandaqa doctrine.png Zandaqa Muhammad succession zandaqa doctrine.png +5 Advantage against enemies of the same Religion 0 if Muhammad succession zandaqa doctrine.png Zandaqa
200 if any other
Icon piety islam 01.png Islam Religion
Ecumenism Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Ecumenism Doctrine ecumenical christian.png Considers Faiths with the same Doctrine to be Astray N/A Religion catholicism.png Catholicism
Religion orthodox.png Orthodoxy
Religion coptic.png Coptic
Religion christianity armenian.png Apostolic
Religion insular celtic.png Insular Christianity
Religion bosnian church.png Krstjani
Religion conversos.png Conversos

Marriage Doctrines

Marriage Doctrines determine who a character can marry, when can it marry or divorce as well as the status of Bastard children.

Category Doctrine Effects Max Piety cost Description
Doctrine marriage type.png Marriage Type Monogamous
  • Characters can have one Spouse
  • Choose to gain +350 Prestige or a scaled amount of gold when first marrying
200 if Monogamous
400 if Polygamous
400 if Consorts & Concubines
Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals. Attempting to form such a bond with multiple people at once is sacrilege.
  • Characters can have 4 Spouses
  • Having fewer Spouses than the Primary Title rank incurs a Piety Penalty
400 if Monogamous
200 if Polygamous
400 if Consorts & Concubines
Since marriage is a holy union, having multiple marriages is clearly more holy than having just a single marriage — so long as each marriage is holy in and of itself.
Consorts & Concubines
  • Characters can have one Spouse
  • Rulers can have up to 3 Consorts or Concubines
400 if Monogamous
400 if Polygamous
200 if Consorts & Concubines
Marriage is a sacred bond, but as long as their spouse takes priority one may be permitted to have concubines or consorts to engage with as well.
Doctrine divorce.png Divorce Disallowed
  • Characters cannot divorce
100 if Disallowed
200 if Must be Approved
300 if Always Allowed
The vows of marriage are final and binding. Only death may do us part.
Must be Approved
  • If there is a Spiritual Head of Faith characters require its approval to divorce
  • If there is no Spiritual Head of Faith characters require the approval of the House Head to divorce
200 if Disallowed
100 if Must be Approved
200 if Always Allowed
While the bonds of marriage should not be taken lightly, extenuating circumstances can sometimes make divorce a necessity.
Always Allowed
  • Characters can spend 100 Piety to divorce
300 if Disallowed
200 if Must be Approved
100 if Always Allowed
Marriage is merely a partnership between two people, and like all partnerships, can be ended at will.
Doctrine bastardry.png Bastardry No Bastards
  • Children born outside Marriage or Concubinage have the Trait wild oat.png Wild Oat trait
200 if No Bastards
400 if Legitimization
600 if No Legitimization
Blood determines lineage, not marriage. Children born out of wedlock are just as legitimate as any other.
  • Children born outside Marriage or Concubinage have the Trait bastard.png Bastard trait
  • House Heads can legitimize characters with the Trait bastard.png Bastard trait
400 if No Bastards
200 if Legitimization
400 if No Legitimization
Marriage is holy, so children born outside of it must be blessed in another way if they are to be considered legitimate.
No Legitimization
  • Children born outside Marriage or Concubinage have the Trait bastard.png Bastard trait
600 if No Bastards
400 if Legitimization
200 if No Legitimization
The bonds of marriage are sacrosanct, and children born outside of wedlock will always be illegitimate.
Doctrine consanguinity.png Consanguinity Close-kin Taboo
  • Characters cannot marry Family members
  • Characters sleeping with Family members gain the Incest Secret
300 if Close-kin Taboo
600 if Cousin Marriage
900 if Avunculate Marriage
1200 if Unrestricted Marriage
It is a sin to permit two relatives to marry each other or engage in sexual relationships.
Cousin Marriage
  • Characters can marry cousins
  • Characters sleeping with Family members except cousins gain the Incest Secret
600 if Close-kin Taboo
300 if Cousin Marriage
600 if Avunculate Marriage
900 if Unrestricted Marriage
Cousins may be related, but distantly enough that it is acceptable for them to marry in order to preserve their lineage.
Avunculate Marriage
  • Characters can marry Extended Family members
  • Characters sleeping with Close Family members gain the Incest Secret
900 if Close-kin Taboo
600 if Cousin Marriage
300 if Avunculate Marriage
600 if Unrestricted Marriage
As long as they are not directly related, family members are permitted to marry each other for the good of the dynasty.
Unrestricted Marriage
  • Characters can marry Family members
1200 if Close-kin Taboo
900 if Cousin Marriage
600 if Avunculate Marriage
300 if Unrestricted Marriage
It is natural and healthy for family members to love each other, and those who say that love should be restricted to non-sexual relationships are fools.

Crime Doctrines

Crime Doctrines determine whether a certain Trait is accepted, shunned or a  Crime. Shunned character lose a Level of Devotion and Opinion with all characters who consider the Trait sinful.

Category Trait Doctrine Max Piety cost Description
Doctrine homosexuality.png Same-Sex Relations Trait sodomite.png Sodomite Criminal 200 if Criminal
400 if Shunned
600 if Accepted
The sinful desires of sodomites are a danger to society itself, so they shall be punished and locked away for their transgressions
Shunned 400 if Criminal
200 if Shunned
400 if Accepted
It is unnatural for two men to engage in sexual relations with one another, regardless of the circumstances.
Accepted 600 if Criminal
400 if Shunned
200 if Accepted
Love transcends physicality into something so profound and wondrous that it cannot be restricted by mere gender.
Doctrine adultery men.png Male Adultery Trait adulterer.png Adulterer (men only)
Trait fornicator.png Fornicator (men only)
Criminal 200 if Criminal
400 if Shunned
600 if Accepted
It is a crime for men to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, and they shall be punished accordingly.
Shunned 400 if Criminal
200 if Shunned
400 if Accepted
It is sinful for men to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, but like all sins it is the divine who must judge them for their failings.
Accepted 600 if Criminal
400 if Shunned
200 if Accepted
There is nothing inherently wrong about a man deciding to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, so the decision is his alone.
Doctrine adultery women.png Female Adultery Trait adulterer.png Adulterer (women only)
Trait fornicator.png Fornicator (women only)
Criminal 200 if Criminal
400 if Shunned
600 if Accepted
It is a crime for women to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, and they shall be punished accordingly.
Shunned 400 if Criminal
200 if Shunned
400 if Accepted
It is sinful for women to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, but like all sins it is the divine who must judge them for their failings.
Accepted 600 if Criminal
400 if Shunned
200 if Accepted
There is nothing inherently wrong about a woman deciding to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, so the decision is hers alone.
Doctrine deviancy.png Deviancy Trait deviant.png Deviant Criminal 100 if Criminal
200 if Shunned
300 if Accepted
It is clear that there is only one proper way to love another. Any deviations from that form are sinful and should be punished.
Shunned 200 if Criminal
100 if Shunned
200 if Accepted
There are some sexual practices which are simply abnormal and strange. It stands to reason that people with those desires are equally abnormal and strange.
Accepted 300 if Criminal
200 if Shunned
100 if Accepted
Love is beautiful and sacred, no matter the form it takes. Everyone should be permitted to love and do as thou wilt.
Doctrine witchcraft.png Witchcraft Trait witch.png Witch Criminal 100 if Criminal
200 if Shunned
300 if Accepted
Only the divine have the right to work miracles on this earth. Any who make profane attempts to do the same shall be punished for their hubris and arrogance.
Shunned 200 if Criminal
100 if Shunned
200 if Accepted
The divine have the rightful jurisdiction over supernatural forces in this world, so any attempt to coerce those forces into obeying a mortal's will is inherently misguided.
Accepted 300 if Criminal
200 if Shunned
100 if Accepted
Magic fills the world around us, and it is our right and our privilege to engage with it the way our ancestors did.
Doctrine kinslaying.png Kinslaying Trait kinslayer 1.png Dynastic Kinslayer
Trait kinslayer 2.png Familial Kinslayer
Trait kinslayer 3.png Kinslayer
Dynastic is Criminal 200 if Dynastic is Criminal
400 if Familial is Criminal
600 if Close-kin is Criminal
800 if Shunned
1000 if Accepted
All kin are bound by blood, and to kill even a distant relative is a grievous crime against the entire dynasty. Such transgressions will not be forgotten.
Familial is Criminal 400 if Dynastic is Criminal
200 if Familial is Criminal
400 if Close-kin is Criminal
600 if Shunned
800 if Accepted
The murder of one's own family is one of the most abhorrent crimes one can commit. Anyone who does such a thing will be severely punished.
Close-kin is Criminal 600 if Dynastic is Criminal
400 if Familial is Criminal
200 if Close-kin is Criminal
400 if Shunned
600 if Accepted
Fratricide and acts like it can not be tolerated in a just and righteous society. Those who commit such offenses will be punished.
Shunned 800 if Dynastic is Criminal
600 if Familial is Criminal
400 if Close-kin is Criminal
200 if Shunned
400 if Accepted
While it is appalling to murder one's own relatives, such acts are not inherently more criminal than any other murder.
Accepted 1000 if Dynastic is Criminal
800 if Familial is Criminal
600 if Close-kin is Criminal
400 if Shunned
200 if Accepted
The murder of one's family is no different from any other murder, and shall be treated in the same way.

Clerical Doctrines

Clerical Doctrines have various effects that only apply to Court Chaplains, Realm Priests, Temple holders and characters with the Monk trait.

Category Doctrine Effects Max Piety cost Description
Doctrine clerical function.png Clerical Function Control
  • +20% Clergy Control Growth
100 if Control
200 if Alms and Pacification
200 if Recruitment
The priest derives its authority from the divine, and that still applies here on Earth.
Alms and Pacification
  • +10 Clergy Popular Opinion
  • -5% Clergy Domain Taxes
200 if Control
100 if Alms and Pacification
200 if Recruitment
Our prists are entrusted with ensuring that the poor and downtrodden have sufficient food and shelter when they can not provide it for themselves."
  • +2 Clergy Prowess
  • -30% Clergy Levy Reinforcement Rate if same Faith
  • -3% Clergy Domain Taxes if same Faith
  • Members of the clergy can serve as Commanders or Knights
200 if Control
200 if Alms and Pacification
100 if Recruitment
Every able-bodied person has a duty to take up arms and defend our faith, and it is the responsibility of our priests to remind everyone of this.
Doctrine clerical gender.png Clerical Gender Only Men
  • Yes Men can be granted Temple holdings or be appointed as Court Chaplains or Realm Priests
100 if Only Men
200 if Either
300 if Only Women
Only men can shoulder the great responsibility of serving as prists of our faith.
  • Yes All characters can be granted Temple holdings or be appointed as Court Chaplains or Realm Priests
200 if Only Men
100 if Either
200 if Only Women
Anyone who has felt the call of the divine should be able to serve as a priests, no matter their gender.
Only Women
  • Yes Women can be granted Temple holdings or be appointed as Court Chaplains or Realm Priests
300 if Only Men
200 if Either
100 if Only Women
Only women are wise enough interpret the divine will and serve as priestesses of our faith.
Doctrine clerical marriage.png Clerical Marriage Allowed
  • Yes Clergy members can marry
100 if Allowed
300 if Disallowed
Marriage is a holy institution, and priests should be able to take part in it just like any other faithful adherent.
  • No Clergy members cannot marry
300 if Allowed
100 if Disallowed
Becoming a priest means devoting one's life to the divine. It is inherently unfaithful to consider taking a mortal spouse in addition to that.
Doctrine clerical succession.png Clerical Appointment Temporal, Revocable
  • Court Chaplains and Realm Priests are appointed by the Liege
  • Yes Court Chaplains and Realm Priests can be fired or replaced
300 if Temporal, Revocable
900 if Spiritual, Revocable
900 if Only Temporal, for Life
1350 if Only Spiritual, for Life
Priests are ultimately servants of the realm, and so should be able to be hired and fired by their liege as any other vassal.
Spiritual, Revocable
  • Doctrine spiritual head.png Court Chaplains and Realm Priests are appointed by the Head of Faith
  • Yes Court Chaplains and Realm Priests can be fired or replaced
900 if Temporal, Revocable
300 if Spiritual, Revocable
1350 if Only Temporal, for Life
900 if Only Spiritual, for Life
While the head of faith should appoint all priests, secular rulers should still be able to fire those who fail them.
Temporal, for Life
  • Court Chaplains and Realm Priests are appointed by the Liege
  • No Court Chaplains and Realm Priests cannot be fired or replaced
900 if Temporal, Revocable
1350 if Spiritual, Revocable
300 if Only Temporal, for Life
900 if Only Spiritual, for Life
While a ruler should be able to select their own priests, their responsibilities are holy and sacred, and their appointment should not be subject to revocation.
Spiritual, for Life
  • Doctrine spiritual head.png Court Chaplains and Realm Priests are appointed by the Head of Faith
  • No Court Chaplains and Realm Priests cannot be fired or replaced
1350 if Temporal, Revocable
900 if Spiritual, Revocable
900 if Only Temporal, for Life
300 if Only Spiritual, for Life
Priests are servants of the divine, and as representative of the divine, the choice that the head of faith makes for the position is final and absolute.

Special Doctrines

Special Doctrines are encountered on some Faiths as an additional Doctrine.

Doctrine Effects Faith Description
Teachings of Jesus
  • Yes Faiths with the Christian Syncretism Tenet are considered Hostile instead of Evil
  • +30 Opinion with Faiths with the Christian Syncretism Tenet
All Christian There are those in the world who adhere to the teachings of Jesus without acknowledging his divinity. Though blasphemous, we should still show compassion to these misguided souls, as they may one day become converts to the true faith.
Teachings of the Prophet
  • Yes Faiths with the Islamic Syncretism Tenet are considered Hostile instead of Evil
  • +30 Opinion with Faiths with the Islamic Syncretism Tenet
All Muslim Although they do not follow all of the laws of the Prophet, there are some in this world who are more guided by the will of Allah than they know. With time, these half-converts may even give up their evil ways and become true members of the Ummah!
Teachings of Moses
  • Yes Faiths with the Jewish Syncretism Tenet are considered Hostile instead of Evil
  • +30 Opinion with Faiths with the Jewish Syncretism Tenet
All Jewish Not all among the gentility dwell in sin. There are those who respect God's chosen people, and these deserve a measure of our respect in turn.
Naked Priests Yes Priests and Zealous characters do not wear clothes Digambara Our priests know that clothes entrap the spirit and prevent us from achieving true enlightenment. Only by shedding our garbs can we awaken our souls and experience The Tirthankaras' love.
Rightful Rulers of the World Icon piety eastern 01.png -50% Holy War Piety Cost Dharmic Religion that Unites India We are those who will usher in an era of peace and prosperity for all peoples. We are the rightful rulers of the world.
Full Tolerance Rules.png All Faiths are considered Righteous All (requires the Faith Tolerance game setting set to Full) Everyone is free to choose their own faith. Our differences do not divide us, they make us stronger.