History modding is about applying changes to the data stored at the path game/history. The history folder contains subfolders for characters, cultures, provice mapping, provinces, titles and wars. Character modding is explained on a dedicated article. Except for characters, where history (birth and death) and other data like name and traits are definded, history modding is only about changing the history not the existence of for example a title.
c_lyon = { 867.1.1 = { change_development_level = 8 } 1066.1.1 = { change_development_level = 10 } 765.1.1 = { liege = "k_lotharingia" holder = 91491 #乌笃,历史上的伯爵,作为占位符 } 855.8.23 = { liege = "k_burgundy" holder = 144998 } 863.1.1 = { holder = 168238 #吉扬一世·德·福雷 } 863.1.25 = { liege = d_dauphine } 871.1.1 = { holder = 168239 #吉扬二世·德·福雷 } 925.8.27 = { holder = 168240 #阿尔托德一世·德·福雷 } 933.1.1 = { liege = k_burgundy } 960.1.1 = { holder = 168241 #吉罗一世·德·福雷 } 993.1.1 = { holder = 168242 #阿尔托德二世·德·福雷 } 1000.10.11 = { holder = 168243 #阿尔托德三世·德·福雷 } 1017.1.1 = { holder = 10028 } 1032.1.1 = { liege = e_hre } 1058.1.1 = { holder = 20290 } 1079.12.1 = { holder = 212806 } 1097.6.1 = { holder = 212807 } 1107.1.1 = { holder = 205681 #吉格·德·阿尔邦 } 1138.10.27 = { holder = 205680 #吉格·德·阿尔邦 } 1163.1.1 = { liege = "k_france" } 1187.1.1 = { liege = "d_burgundy" } 1193.1.1 = { #从1193年到去世,吉格三世应该一直持有着里昂,之后他的兄弟总主教雷诺持有里昂。 holder = 205684 } 1202.11.28 = { holder = 205685 #总主教雷诺·德·阿尔邦 } 1226.10.21 = { holder = 138427 #总主教罗贝尔·德·奥弗涅 } 1234.1.1 = { holder = 138425 #总主教劳尔夫·德·拉罗什艾蒙 } 1236.1.1 = { holder = 138437 #主教艾默里克 } 1245.1.1 = { holder = 70913 #总主教腓力·德·萨伏依 } 1267.1.1 = { holder = 138438 #主教珪 } 1268.1.1 = { holder = 71827 #总主教皮埃尔·德·塔朗泰斯/未来的教宗诺森四世 } 1273.1.1 = { holder = 138439 #总主教阿代马尔·德·鲁西永 } 1283.1.1 = { holder = 138453 #总主教拉乌尔·德·图罗特 } 1288.1.1 = { holder = 138404 #总主教贝拉尔德·德·郭特,教宗克勉五世的兄弟 } 1294.1.1 = { holder = 138440 #总主教亨利一世·德·维拉尔,恩里克·德·维拉尔 } 1301.1.1 = { holder = 138441 #总主教路易·德·维拉尔 } 1308.1.1 = { holder = 70926 #总主教皮埃尔·德·萨伏依 } 1312.4.10 = { liege = "k_france" } 1332.11.1 = { holder = 138442 #总主教纪尧姆 } }
855.8.23 = { liege = "k_burgundy" holder = 144998 } 863.1.1 = { holder = 168238 #吉扬一世·德·福雷 } 863.1.25 = { liege = d_dauphine } 871.1.1 = { holder = 168239 #吉扬二世·德·福雷 } 925.8.27 = { holder = 168240 #阿尔托德一世·德·福雷 }
To change a liege at a certain date the line liege = "x" needs to be added inside the brackets of year.month.day = { }. This doesn't change the dejure liege, only which kingdom or duchy controls the county. The same can be done with the holder by inserting holder = id. Character ids can be found in the one of the culture.txt in game/history/characters.
If modding titles, it is advised to adjust the living dates to those of the assigned holder. For example if an newly added character is assigned as Count of Lyon his death should be identical to the date when a successor takes over the title. If forgotten the mod will keep working, but in the dynasty tree the predecessor won't be Count X of Lyon but instead X of Dynasty Y because he will have lost the title before his death.
Culture history modding
The folder game/history/cultures contains the culture files for all culture groups. For example the frankish culture groups file looks like this:
# Frankish # French # Occitan # Outremer # Norman in separate file 867.1.1 = { discover_innovation = innovation_bannus discover_innovation = innovation_catapult discover_innovation = innovation_quilted_armor # discover_innovation = innovation_development_01 discover_innovation = innovation_gavelkind discover_innovation = innovation_currency_01 discover_innovation = innovation_crop_rotation discover_innovation = innovation_ledger } 950.1.1 = { discover_innovation = innovation_motte discover_innovation = innovation_barracks discover_innovation = innovation_mustering_grounds # discover_innovation = innovation_city_planning discover_innovation = innovation_plenary_assemblies discover_innovation = innovation_casus_belli # join_era = culture_era_early_medieval } 1066 = { discover_innovation = innovation_horseshoes discover_innovation = innovation_mangonel discover_innovation = innovation_arched_saddle # discover_innovation = innovation_hereditary_rule discover_innovation = innovation_royal_prerogative discover_innovation = innovation_manorialism discover_innovation = innovation_currency_02 }
It only contains the innovations discovered at a certain date. The lines are only true for the specific starting date. For example starting in 867 catapults are already discovered, but the date of discovery of the innovation barracks now depends on the cultural heads fascination and not on the year mentionned in the file (which is 950). If starting at a newly created bookmark in 950, every mentioned innovation as well as the past ones from 867 will have been discovered at game start.
Any existing innovation can be added here at a specific date. For example primogenitur can already exist in year 1000:
1000.1.1 = { discover_innovation = innovation_primogenitur }
Innovation ids can be found in game/common/culture/innovations. Which culture is part of which culture group is defined by the associated file in game/common/culture/cultures. See also culture modding.
文档 | Effects • 触发器 • 修正 • 作用域 • 变量 • 数据类型 • 本地化 • 可定制的本地化 |
脚本 | AI • 剧本 • 角色 • 效果指令 • 内阁 • 文化 • 决议 • 宗族 • 事件 • 政体 • 历史 • 地产 • 生活方式 • 军队 • 宗教 • Story cycles • 头衔 • 特质 |
地图 | 地图 • 地形 |
图形 | 3D模型 • Exporters • 界面 • Coat of arms • Graphical assets • Fonts • Particles • Shaders • Unit models |
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其他 | 控制台指令 • 校验码 • 模组结构 • Troubleshooting |