
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2020年12月19日 (六) 13:09的版本 →‎威尔士

这个页面列举了一些游戏内的有趣角色Interesting characters),这些人要么面临独特的挑战,要么在历史上拥有特殊地位或者作用。

查阅有趣角色指南条目以了解更多有趣角色;867或1066年的大部分角色在十字军之王 III也可玩。

867 开局

基督教 - 天主教 


  • 埃拉,诺森布里亚国王:异教徒大军的怒火倾泻在你和其他盎格鲁-撒克逊诸王的身上,要想不被做成血鹰,可不仅仅是一个蛇坑那么简单。是你能够戳破这些强盗们的虚张声势,把他们扔回海里去,还是那些贪婪的异教徒能够报仇成功呢?
  • 阿尔弗雷德·威塞克斯,多塞特伯爵:当维京人进一步南下时,多塞特伯爵阿尔弗雷德正在整顿旗鼓。在接下来几年,阿尔弗雷德将会与诺斯人展开无数次战斗,最终终结这次入侵。在他继承了兄长的王位后,他会成为历史上最伟大的英格兰国王之一。你会实现阿尔弗雷德伟大的天命,或是被异教徒大军碾碎?


  • “日耳曼人”路德维希,东法兰克国王:路德维希是一个雄心勃勃的人,长久以来都在谋求重新征服这个四分五裂的帝国,在他看来这是他与生俱来的权利。然而,由于他的各种军事行动都以失败告终,这些雄心壮志便遭受了一次又一次的挫折,他悖逆的儿子们也夺走了大部分他控制下的土地。你能翻转路德维希的不幸,为其子孙赢得整个帝国吗?还是说他的儿子们注定沦落为一段历史的注脚?
  • 卡尔曼王子,巴伐利亚公爵:作为“日耳曼人”路德维希的长子,卡尔曼向他的父亲举起叛旗,并强迫他把巴伐利亚的土地交予自己。他将领土东扩,和斯拉夫人大打出手;之后又通过选举成为了意大利的国王——然而,一次不幸的中风迫使他退位,将巴伐利亚和意大利的王位让给年轻的弟弟们。他在数年之后溘然长逝。要是运气好一点,你能否规避卡尔曼不幸的离世,并建立一个延续数代的世家?
  • 维尔纳·萨利安,克林根贝格:你是萨利安家族的祖先,这个家族之后会产生四位皇帝。
  • 柳特贝特·巴本堡,克恩滕伯爵:也许有人能够在五百年后拯救这个家族的命运?


  • 路易二世·加洛林,意大利国王:作为中法兰克国王洛泰尔一世(他自己又是“虔诚者”路易的长子)的长子,路易二世是整个法兰克帝国的正统继承人。然而,在路易被加冕为神圣罗马帝国皇帝时,帝国的权力已被大大削弱,因此这个头衔并没有真正的权威。即使他成功夺回了普罗旺斯王国,路易的兄弟和叔叔们却没有为皇权尽忠,依旧我行我素。因此,他仅仅是意大利的国王:没有领主愿意拱手让出自己的头衔。然而,作为加洛林宗族的一员,你在开局时便至少是一个王国的继承人,在其他几个王国的继承顺位中也排名靠前,所以一些谨慎的暗杀和适时的战争能够最终让你成为西欧大部分地区的统治者,凭此你可以致力于创建法兰克帝国或神圣罗马帝国。或者你可以将重心移向南方的土地,最终加冕为意大利亚皇帝。历史上,伴随着好争吵的邻居和动荡的领地,路易二世无嗣而终。你能夺回帝国的失地,重建真正的皇权吗?
  • 兰贝特·圭多,斯波莱托公爵:自从罗马帝国灭亡以来,意大利一直被来自北方的蛮族统治着。你的祖先可能是他们中的一员,但你已经成为意大利人了。你是弱小的领主下最强大的封臣之一,虽然他可以召集强大的家族镇压你的叛乱,但是你也可以依靠那些对异族的国王同样心怀不满的同僚们,包括你在托斯卡纳的姻亲兄弟。或者你不愿见到鲜血玷污美丽的意大利,那么请注意国王有两位待嫁的女儿。不管怎样,在合适的时间,有了合适的派系,国王将很容易被推翻。此外,南方伦巴第人的土地对你来说也是唾手可得。这之后,你可以在闲暇时扩展,但要注意拜占庭。或许你甚至可以证明,意大利的文艺复兴不需要异端希腊人的参与。


  • 洛泰尔二世,洛塔林吉亚国王:虽然洛泰尔爱着他的情妇瓦尔德拉达,但他的父亲强迫他接受了与图特贝嘉的政治婚姻。他们的结合并没有诞生子嗣,洛泰尔的一生也在持续不断地争取着与妻子离婚,并让私生子合法化。虽然洛泰尔从未停止过尝试,但他将会在去世时仍然没有一个合法的子嗣。你能挫败那些反对你的阴谋,保证家族的延续吗?


  • 格雷戈里俄斯,那波利伯爵:你是年近半百的希腊东正教一省小伯爵。在867年,你需要对付伦巴第、法兰克和穆斯林,他们大都强于你,更不用提你的大多数儿子都是独身主义者。教宗(和罗马)就在两个省份之外呢!但你知道吗?你可以打败他们。当然,最简单的办法就是向你能找到的任何强大的邻国宣誓效忠,但你为什么要这样做呢?克服重重困难,成为独立的专制君主,将带来巨大的满足感。


  • “伟大者”罗德里·阿伯弗劳,圭内斯小国王:这位威尔士公爵有8个儿子。但谁知道呢,也许你能让他变得伟大?哦,没希望了。他已经有“伟大者”的称号了……


  • “秃头”查理,西法兰克国王:在查理出生时,他已成人的同父异母的兄长们已经在加洛林帝国治内统治着属于自己的王国了。由于头上还没有一顶自己的王冠,他便被称为“秃头”,不过最终他还是继承了阿基坦和西法兰克。未来他还将继承意大利和神圣罗马帝国本身,然而他的世系并没有坚持太久——他死后七年,他最后一名孙子无嗣而亡。你能改变历史的行程,确保查理的后代能有一个长远而繁盛的世系吗?
  • “结巴”路易二世·加洛林,贝克拉伯爵:Louis II of Aquitaine was a ruler famous, and named so, for his physical weaknesses. He was crowned twice, the second time by Pope John VIII, after succeeding his father's rule of West Francia. Three of his sons would become kings of West Francia, the last known as Charles III the Simple, with a reputation of being straightforward. You start as a count in West Francia. You'll have a lot of decisions to make with Karling Lotharingia to the east, Karling Italy to your south-east, Muslims just across the mountains to the south, and Asturias needs help to your south-west. Just putting your own house in order and maintaining independence will be tough, but you also stand to inherit the Kingdom of West Francia and finally unite France. Then what direction will you focus on? Turn back the Moors? Try to retroactively outdo Napoleon? Who knows?
  • 厄德·罗贝尔,安茹伯爵:公元866年7月,维京掠夺者海斯泰因杀死了厄德的父亲,“强者”罗贝尔。数月之后,他的母亲阿德莱丝在诞下他的弟弟小罗贝尔时难产而死。命运无常,竟如此残酷,未来飘渺,如风中薄幕。不过,这两位孤儿命中注定要坐上法兰西的王位。他们的后裔,卡佩王朝,将统治法兰西长达数个世纪。中世纪法兰西的政治可谓波谲云诡,你能否理清其中的奥妙,并实现罗贝尔兄弟们的命运?

基督教 - 科普特派


  • 扎卡利亚斯,马库里亚国王:You rule what is easily the most powerful realm in Nubia, with lots of small counties and chiefdoms just waiting to be conquered, with good martial and a young son to match. If you can buy the Tulunids off long enough to take some more land, you might just be able to declare yourself a true king of all Nubia. From there, the world is your oyster. Reestablish Coptic power by invading Egypt? Form the Empire of Abyssinia? You can do anything from here. And all it takes is some money, cunning, and a little bit of luck!

基督教 - 聂斯脱里派


  • 登哈·亚巴拉哈,亚巴拉哈埃米尔 - Unfortunately, keeping Nestorian Socotra independent for as long as the real Socotrans did will be difficult, to say the least. In-game, your duchy is titular, and Socotra itself is part of the Duchy of Mahra, meaning the Muslims over on the peninsula don't just have a CB against you, they have a choice of CBs against you. Everyone on the mainland has a bigger demesne then you, so you'll have to pick your target carefully and stay on the offensive. If you can survive and grow in the early years, Socotra is effectively the crossroads of the East in CK2, so you can expand wherever you want, Africa, Arabia, India, Persia, or all of the above.

基督教 - 东正教


  • 利奥·福卡斯,塞琉基亚伯爵:You are the father to Nikephoros Phokas the Elder and great grandfather to Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas. The perfect start for the ultimate martial dynasty to lead the Empire back to glory.

二元神教 - 摩尼教


  • 火州公爵,波古德 毗伽 - Starting as an Uyghur Manichean Duke, your rule is immediately under threat due to a significant amount of your realm being Tocharian Buddhists and the fact you are an easy raiding target for the numerous nomadic clans to the north.

伊斯兰教 - 伊巴德派


  • 阿弗拉·鲁斯塔姆,鲁斯塔姆埃米尔:You are the Berber Emir of Alger, an adherent of a Muslim sect that predates the Shia-Sunni schism, and you represent the group of them that fled to North Africa. Your neighbors are the Sunni Aghlabid sultans of Africa to the East, the Shia Idrisid sultans of Mauretania, and to the North just across the sea, the Umayyads and the Karlings. All of the above are more powerful than you, and they can all declare Holy War on you... Can you claim Mecca and Medina for your creed and establish your Caliphate?

伊斯兰教 - 艾什尔里派


  • 穆塔兹,阿拔斯及逊尼派哈里发:Theoretically, Al-Mu'tazz should be the most powerful man in the Islamic world. But the youngest Caliph since the establishment of the institution is an indulgent wastrel: greedy, cynical, arbitrary, lustful, and callous. He is beset by powerful vassals, ready to rebel, including his half-brothers Al-Muwaffak and Al-Mu'tamid. Historically, he was one of the Caliphs who ruled during the "Anarchy at Samarra." His reign (and the reigns of his two predecessors) were marked by a tremendous loss of power by the Caliphs to regional emirs. Can you turn around the historical decline of the Caliphate? Alternatively, you can play as one of Al-Mu'tazz's arguably more deserving brothers, Al-Muwaffak or Al-Mu'tamid, and try to overthrow your corrupt ruler and claim the Caliphate for yourself. Note: May not be as easy as it looks.
  • 阿里夫·咄夫哈尔,佐法儿酋长:You start as an independent tribal chief on the shore of the Indian Ocean, and your neighbors, the Ibadi tribe of Mahra, are ripe for conquest. That’s enough to form the Duchy of Mhara, but beware: you’ll have to contend with the Abbasids, the Abyssinians, and potentially even the Pratiharans.

犹太教 - 海马诺特派


  • 大卫·基甸,丹比亚拉瑟

犹太教 - 卡巴尔派


原始宗教 - 博里教


  • 道拉玛·道拉,道拉女伯爵:作为道拉的最后一位玛加吉娅,道拉玛是豪萨人古老道路的象征。她的新丈夫,巴亚吉达(原本来自伊拉克)则代表着改变,因为越来越多的外来者涌向豪萨之地,带来了他们古怪的信仰和文化……道拉玛是最后一位载入史册的玛加吉娅,但她必定如此吗?

原始宗教 - 诺斯原始宗教


  • 海斯泰因,蒙泰居伯爵: 集狡黠与勇猛于一身,雅尔海斯泰因富可敌国。他一度同“铁骨”比约恩一齐在地中海沿岸冒险,发了大财,之后海斯泰因选择在布列塔尼安身立命。隔壁的法兰克人孱弱可欺,金库门洞大开,而一位强大的维京勇士也懂得在政治动荡中结交强大的盟友。然而,黄金万两,岂无觊觎之徒?海斯泰因是否终因贪心而自食其果,或者,他的宗族能够在你的指引下繁荣昌盛?


  • 霍尔姆约·哈默,博恩霍尔姆酋长 Note: officially has the best dynasty name.
  • “蛇眼”西古尔德,西兰雅尔:当他的兄弟们扬帆远航,前往英格兰复仇之时,“蛇眼”西古尔德留守后方,经营着他父亲的土地。朗纳尔·洛德布罗克留给了他一大片土地,他需要惨淡经营,耐心打点。西古尔德的后人将会成为丹麦、挪威和英格兰的国王,长达一整个世纪。你能为他的宗族实现这一命中注定之伟大吗?


  • “白衫”哈夫丹,约维克雅尔:第一波入侵由“白衫”哈夫丹进行得非常顺利。在他兄弟伊瓦尔的帮助下,哈夫丹将约克的控制权从国王埃拉的手中夺来。未来,更多的土地将被纳入他的旗下。 你会追寻历史的脚步完成你血腥的复仇,还是为哈夫丹标明一条新的道路呢?


  • 加达·斯瓦瓦松,东冰岛酋长 Note: Can one man (literally) build an empire from the far corner of the world?


  • “无骨者”伊瓦尔,南方群岛雅尔:传言伊瓦尔体质虚弱,但是没有人会称他是意志虚弱。由于他的心计和自信,一大批诺斯战帮统一于其麾下,在异国的海岸上赢得了不少重大的胜利。不过,即使是最伟大的维京人也骗不过死亡。在870年,伊瓦尔永远地从历史中消失了……你能赢得伊瓦尔的战争,并让他活下来继续统治多年吗?


  • 赫罗杜尔夫尔·阿克拉,东弗里斯兰伯爵:你是洛塔林吉亚王国内唯一的原始宗教封臣。你的叔叔——荷兰公爵赫勒雷克尔——是你的领主。赫勒雷克尔背叛旧神,改信了天主教。他们称你是害群之马。你能向他们展示你的价值吗?


  • “美发”哈拉尔,西福尔酋长:Play as Harald Fairhair Jarl of Ostlandet, he is considered to be the man who unified the Kingdoms of Norway into one. Harald Fairhair was the first king of Norway, which he united to marry the woman he loved (the daughter of chieftain Eirikr of Hordafylki, who is in-game as Gyda Eiriksdotter, the only Norwegian in 867); that is what the sagas tell. Take the challenge yourself and see if you can follow the sagas of the Norse king, who would not shave his hair until he ruled over Norway.
  • 杰约特加德·拉德,纳姆森河谷酋长:The Jarls of Lade ruled over all Trondelag. They allied Harald Fairhair and remained the true power in Northern Norway. During the later conflicts with Denmark over the Norwegian Crown, the Jarls of Lade would play kingmakers.


  • “破坏和平者”留里克,霍姆加德(诺夫哥罗德)雅尔:从一无所有到应有尽有,谁又能做到像勇敢的留里克这样!他同他的兄弟们一起,将秩序带到了东边的荒原,而随着兄弟们的逝去,他成为了一位孤独的统治者,治下是广袤无垠的部落土地。当然,故事仅仅从此开始。未来的某一天,留里克的后裔们会成立伟大的俄罗斯沙皇国。他们真的能吗?现在,这个伟大宗族的命运归你掌握了。


  • “异乡人”迪雷,克努加德雅尔:The first Norse ruler of Kiev remains a mystery to historians. The Norse coming from Holmgard settled Kiev to have better access to the Black Sea and the riches of Miklegardr (Constantinople). Historically Askold and/Dyre were slain by Helgi the Seer (son of Rurik of Holmgardr), and Konungardr would become the center of the Rus territory whose rulers would go on to raid Constantinople before converting to Orthodoxy. As a Norse petty king, your targets for raiding are limited. However, when you do get a port, Crete, Cherson, and Cyprus will make easy pickings. You have a son, and you are a genius. But the vast lands of Russia and the Crimea (especially after the Magyars settle) are open for conquest, and there are many paths you could take.


  • 里库尔夫尔·伍尔夫,东约特兰酋长 - Note: Not Beowulf's dynasty, but a member of a dynasty who makes an appearance in the saga. Still, one of the only two Geatish dynasties in the game (along with House Gautske).
  • “铁骨”比约恩,乌普兰雅尔:比约恩过着一段真正勇于冒险的诺斯人的人生。作为一位可怖的劫掠者,他和他的朋友南特的海斯泰因洗劫横扫过法兰西、伊比利亚和意大利。如今,斯堪的纳维亚的军队为袭击不列颠海岸,再度集结了起来。虽然比约恩要去英格兰替父报仇,但他的后代将会在接下来的两个世纪里统治瑞典。那么,你的命运又会落在北海的哪一边呢?

原始宗教 - 斯拉夫真理教


  • 谢莫维特·皮雅斯特,大波兰大酋长: The semi-legendary founder of the Polish state. Consolidate the Polish and Pomeranian tribes and then take the battle to the Romuva Balts to the east to form the Wendish Empire. Will you Christianize your people, or unite all the Slavs under a reformed pagan faith?

原始宗教 - 乌戈教


  • 纳尔卡·莱内玛,利沃尼亚大酋长:Have a solid plan to consolidate your power, or you'll be soon forced to contend with stronger rivals both to the East and South and even to the West across the sea. Will you unite the lands of Finland and become the true King of the North? Or will you find yourself lured into the endless power-struggles of the Norse-ruled East and make a bid for dominance? Will you perhaps subjugate the potentially rich coast of the Baltic and eradicate the false-pagans of Lithuania? Or are you going to carry out the Will of God and save your people from eternal damnation and join the Kaiser and his Schwertbrüder in His noble quest to bring Light to these darkest reaches of the World? Or perhaps the promise of bountiful gold instead of naive ideals will bring you to control the trade of the Western Sea and beyond? As Livonia stands at the crossroads between East and West on the edge of the North, so will you have many paths to walk down and claim your destiny from.

原始宗教 - 塔尔托什派

  • 阿尔莫什·阿帕德,马扎尔邦联大公:七个匈牙利部落联合了起来,他们选择勇敢的阿尔莫什来领导自己。而未来的某一天,他的儿子阿帕德也将拾起这面大旗——但在此之前,匈牙利人必须保证自己的独立。东边的地平线上,危险正在酝酿。你能否捍卫匈牙利人,并带领他们走向至伟?这是你的机会,再叙阿帕德王朝的奇妙冒险之旅!

原始宗教 - 腾格里


  • 巴哈图尔·洪扎哈尔,维谢格拉德公爵:Your lands are the last remnant of the Avar Khaganate, the most feared power in the region some 200 years earlier. Reduced to a mere vassal of the Christian Bulgars, you can take advantage of the Magyar invasion to secure your independence. Then outrace and outfight the new invaders to dominate the Pannonian Basin and reform the Khaganate.

祆教 - 拜马兹达教


  • 万达德·凯伦,戈尔甘瓦利:你的家族声称自己的血统可以追溯到古老的帕提亚帝国,但那些辉煌的日子早已一去不复返了。Your family has been driven to the fringe of Persia, and the Muslim rulers to the south grow more entrenched with every passing day. However, you possess some powerful tools to turn the tide and rekindle the flames once more. You're surrounded by unfriendly Muslim realms who will not hesitate to invade if you look like a soft enough target. Will you stay on the offensive and become the one who brings benefit, or will you be holy warred into oblivion?
  • 罗斯塔姆·巴文德, 马赞达兰谢赫:A Zoroastrian count vassal of a Shia ruler in the mountainous region of northern Persia. Rostam starts with three counties in his demesne, which makes him thrice as big as the neighboring Justanids. Even if he can overthrow his liege, he is stuck between the regional Muslim powers. Can you make him rise to power, drive out the Mohammedans, and lead the Persian Empire to a new golden age?
  • 瓦苏丹·朱斯坦,吉兰郡守:Starts right next to the Caliphate so survival will be a struggle. Still, the weak Alavids are right next door, and you can always try to swear fealty to the Caliphate and destroy it from within. According to legend, it was Wahsudan who built the future Hashshashin stronghold of Alamut.

印度教 - 湿婆派


  • 卡拉·沙希,沙希(迦布罗)迦布罗沙阿国迦布罗沙阿:Bordered by Muslim nations it could become difficult quickly enough. It’s an interesting character to play Indian, but outside of India. The Shahis are possibly also descendants of the Hephthalites.

耆那教 - 耶波尼耶派


  • 阿牟伽伐里沙·罗湿陀罗拘陀,罗湿陀罗拘陀(摩诃剌侘)王国摩诃罗阇:罗湿陀罗拘陀王朝第六代统治者,也是最伟大的统治者。Already an old man will you continue his legacy as his successors of a cultural powerhouse expanding only through marriage, or will you form a lasting Jain empire across all of India by the sword?


Unlanded characters may vary between courts upon starting the game. Although their home may not be pre-defined, these characters have a historical basis and will appear in every game.

  • 威尔弗雷多·德·巴塞罗那:巴塞罗那家族的创建者,he has historically granted the County of Barcelona (the Duchy, in-game) after siding with Charles and his son Louis against a faction of noble rebels, among them the previous Count of Barcelona, Bernard of Gothia (Bernard Gellones in-game). He's the founding father of the independent Catalan counties and maybe the main hero in medieval Catalan folklore. A legend tells that the Arms of the House of Barcelona (which became the Catalan national flag) were created by Emperor Louis, who gave him a golden shield and blotted it with the blood of his wounded vassal.
  • 哈桑·伊本·阿里·法蒂玛: It is not safe being an adherent of the Shi'at Ali (Party of Ali) at this time. Hussayn claims direct descent from the Prophet Muhammad himself, through the line of the Prophet's daughter Fatima and Ali ibn Abu Talib. The blood of the great Shia martyr Husayn ibn Ali flows through your veins as distant kin. How long will you let Al-Mu'tazz and the other pretenders usurp the Muslim community? It is time to unite the people once more under the family of the Prophet.
  • 韦奇卡斯·梅谢拉维德:Historical leader of the dwindling and displaced Meshchera people, can you prevent the historical extinction and assimilation of your people? Can you keep Moscow out of Russian hands?
  • 凯库思老·达拉乌特:游戏中为数不多的胡天派角色之一。
  • 赫罗尔夫尔·德·诺曼底:著名的维京战士,征服者威廉的五世祖。Historically, he settled in Normandy and founded the dynasty that would one day take England's throne. The character Rollo in the History Channel television show Vikings is based on Hrolfr.

1066 开局

基督教 - 天主教


  • “美人”埃德吉富·斯旺内沙尔斯,贝丹福德女伯爵:王国哈罗德的情妇,mother of his three legitimized sons and last of the Swanneshals dynasty. At 41 years old, time is running out to have children of your own dynasty. Will your dynasty survive the Norman and Norwegian invasions? How will you handle the 3 Godwins before you in the partition? Plenty of room for charm, intrigue and maybe even darker plots.


  • 雷蒙德·德·图卢兹,鲁埃格伯爵: Raymond de St Gille (or Raymond of Toulouse) was one of the leaders of the the first crusade. He would be the only Crusader to refuse to take an oath of loyalty to the Byzantine Emperor and would form a rivalry with Bohemund of Antioch. At the end of the Crusade he became the count Tripoli.
  • 若弗鲁瓦·安茹,安茹伯爵: The ancestor of the Angevin kings of England and the Plantagenet dynasty.


  • 弗里德里希·冯·霍恩施陶芬,拉芬斯堡伯爵: The Hohenstaufen dynasty would bring the Holy Roman Empire its greatest Emperors: Frederick I Barbarossa, Henry VI and Frederick II. For the moment, you are only a count though. Historically, Frederic was close to the emperor and when his liege Rudolf von Rheinfelden revolted, he was made Duke of Swabia.
  • 维尔·冯·哈布斯堡,阿尔高伯爵: The Habsburg dynasty played a major role in European history: they would rise to be Archdukes of Austria and Holy Roman Emperors and wear a good number of crowns across Europe. For now, you are just a small count though, so remember the motto: 'Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria, nube, Nam quae Mars aliis, dat tibi regna Venus' (Leave wars to other, you happy Austria shall marry, for the realms Mars gives to others, Venus grants to you).
  • 康拉德·冯·卢森堡,卢森堡公爵: Another great imperial house the Luxemburgs would struggle with the Habsburgs and Wittelsbach for the Imperial Crown after the fall of the Hohenstaufen. Only a small Duke in 1066, the Luxemburgs would become Margraves of Brandenburg and Kings of Bohemia and even Hungary. Their most famous member is emperor Sigismund.


  • “英勇者”博莱斯瓦夫·皮雅斯特,波兰国王:你是一位强大的国王,西邻神圣罗马帝国,东接异教徒的土地。You have lots of expansion options for a Catholic and several endgame options including the Wendish Empire and Slavic Kingdom.


  • 罗杰·德·欧特维尔,墨西拿伯爵: Although Robert was the 'Terror of the World' it was Roger's line who founded the Kingdom of Sicily. A bold warrior and great statesman he is remembered as 'The Great Count'. His son would be the first true 'Sicilian' and King of Sicily.
  • 理查·德亨古,卡普阿公爵: The Hauteville may be the strongest power in southern Italy but you were there first. Historically the Drengot family came from Normandy and became the first landed Norman in southern Italy. Although they were not match for the Hautevilles, they often served as a counterpower. Richard's son Jordan will play a key role in the struggle between the sons of Robert Guiscard by supporting Bohemund.


  • “异教徒”埃里克·蒙索,瑞典王子,乌普兰雅尔:Erik's historicity is debated and quite uncertain. He is the last great Norse pagan ruler and has a shot a taking the throne in Sweden for the Old Gods.

基督教 - 东正教


  • 阿莱克修斯·科穆宁,部刻拉里翁公爵:Arguably the last great Emperor in the East, he took power and saved the empire more than once. He is also directly responsible for the Crusades.

伊斯兰教 - 马图里迪派


  • 穆罕默德·阿拔斯兹德,古尔伯克:90 years later, his descendants would become the ruler of the Ghurid sultanate who conquered Northern India, paving the way for one of the generals who would become the Sultan of Delhi, creating many extravagant tales and changing history forever. At this point in history however, Abbas have to pay tribute to his Ghaznavid overlord, but later would be defeated by the Seljuks and have to pay them tribute instead. His son would inherited a post war mess with revolts and other problems. Perhaps you can change that, and save your descantdants the harsh life of war, and became the Shahanshah of Hindustan yourself?
