Prestige is a measure of how honorable and respected a character is. Prestige can be spent on vassal interactions, decisions and declarations of war.
Level of Fame
Each time a character gains Prestige it will increase their Level of Fame, which increases the opinion of all secular characters, gives more Knights and unlocks certain special interactions. Prestige lost from doing dishonorable actions will lower a character's Level of Fame.
Level of Fame | Effects |
Exalted among Men | |
Piety is a measure of how pious a character is in the eye of others. Piety is spent when interacting with the church.
Level of Devotion
Each time a character gains Piety it will increase their Level of Devotion, which increases the opinion of all clergy characters and allows declaring Holy Wars among other effects.
Level of Devotion | Effects |
Wealth is a measure of a character's monetary reserves.