游戏中总共有三种对于大部分行动都是必不可少的 资源 (Resources)、威望、虔诚和财富。每种资源都可以用在不同的事情上,并且都可以在事件中花费和获得。
威望代表了一个角色的社会地位。它主要由持有头衔所获得。 威望可以被用于封臣关系,决议和宣战上。
Level of fame
A character's level of fame measures their general reputation and how well perceived they are by everyone. Each time a character gains prestige, it will increase progress towards their next level of fame, which grants various benefits. Prestige lost from doing dishonorable actions will lower a character's level of fame. A character can pay a prestige cost with fame if it doesn't have enough prestige.
Piety is a measure of how virtuous a character is in the eye of others and is gained primarily from religious relations and the character's learning skill. Traits a character's religion considers virtues grant +1 piety/month, while sins cost -1 piety/month; great virtues and great sins have these effects doubled. Piety is spent when interacting with the church and declaring holy wars. The icon displayed for representing piety depends on the character's religion.
Level of devotion
Each time a character gains piety, they will increase progress towards their next level of devotion, which grants various benefits. A character will lose a level of devotion if they are caught doing something their faith doctrines consider shunned. A character can pay a piety cost with devotion if they don't have enough piety.
Gold is a measure of a character's wealth reserves. If a character has negative Gold it enters Debt. During Debt the character can experience various negative events, cannot declare war, its Counties can acquire Corruption, its Men-at-Arms cannot reinforce and its armies gain -10 Advantage.
Most rulers start the game with Gold equal to 12 months of income.
Gold can be gained from: | Gold can be spent on: |
Your holdings (and their buildings) | Buildings |
Vassals | Recruiting Men at Arms |
Ransoming prisoners | Creating Titles |
Raiding | Hiring Mercenaries |
Inheriting | Hosting Feasts & Hunts |
Asking the pope | Bribing characters |
... (and more) | ... (and more) |