
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2020年9月15日 (二) 21:10的版本

一个宗族代表着一条连续的贵族路线,它是由建立宗族的有地人物继承下来的。每一个宗族都是由多个家族组成的,他们为宗族带来宗族威望。一个宗族可以在任何时候由宗族族长更名。所有宗族成员对彼此都有 +5 修正。



Creating a Cadet Branch has the following requirements:

  • The character must be blood-related to their current House Head
  • The character must not stand to inherit any of their current House Head's titles
  • The character must have sufficient Prestige
  • All ancestors of the character are dead

If a House Head demands the religious conversion of a House member and the member refuses, it will result in the creation of a new Cadet Branch.

Each character born from a Marriage will belong to the father's House unless the marriage is Matrilineal.


The House Head is the leader of a House. House Heads have the power to legitimize bastards, call House members to war at no cost and demand that they convert to their Faith. In addition, House Heads will get a  Weak Hook on all newly born House members. House Heads gain monthly prestige from living and landed members of their house, up to a maximum of +5; +0.02 for every living member, +0.02 for Barons, +0.04 for Counts, +0.06 for Dukes, +0.08 for Kings, and +0.1 for Emperors. When a House Head dies, its Primary Heir becomes the next House Head.

When a character creates a Cadet Branch, they become its House Head, and free from the direct influence of their old House Head unless he or she was the Dynasty Head.


The most powerful House Head of a Dynasty (as determined by military strength) will always become the Dynasty Head upon the death of the current one. Dynasty Head ownership may take up to a year to update on succession.[1] The Dynasty Head gains Monthly Prestige from living and landed members of their dynasty, up to a maximum of +3; +0.01 for every living member, +0.01 for Barons, +0.02 for Counts, +0.03 for Dukes, +0.04 for Kings, and +0.05 for Emperors. The Dynasty Head has access to the following interactions with dynasty members of the same faith:

Interaction Effects Cost
召集宗族成员加入战争 Targeted Dynasty Member may join the Dynasty Head's current war 75  Renown
宣称头衔 Gain an  Unpressed Claim on the targeted Dynasty Member's Primary Title and a temporary -50  Opinion 150  Renown
剥夺继承权 Targeted Dynasty Member gains the Trait disinherited.png Disinherited trait and a permanent -75  Opinion
  • 75  Renown and 150  Prestige if Dynasty Member is Unlanded
  • 150  Renown and 300  Prestige if Dynasty Member is Heir to a title
  • 225  Renown and 900  Prestige if Dynasty Member is Landed
谴责 Targeted Dynasty Member gains the Trait denounced.png Denounced trait and a permanent -50  Opinion
  • 50  Renown and 150  Prestige if Dynasty Member is Unlanded
  • 100  Renown and 300  Prestige if Dynasty Member is Heir to a title
  • 125  Renown and 500  Prestige if Dynasty Member is Landed
终止宗族内战 All wars between members of the same Dynasty end in White Peace
  • 75 Renown
原谅 Targeted Dynasty Member loses the Trait denounced.png Denounced trait and the  Opinion malus
  • 25  Renown
恢复继承权 Targeted Dynasty Member loses the Trait disinherited.png Disinherited trait and the  Opinion malus
  • 75  Renown


Renown is a resource accumulated by a Dynasty and is used for the most powerful Dynasty Head interactions, unlocking Dynasty Legacies and increasing a Dynasty's level of Splendor. A Dynasty gains Monthly Renown for the following:

  • +0.02 for each living member
  • +0.12 for each independent baron
  • +0.25 for each independent count
  • +0.5 for each independent duke
  • +1 for each independent king
  • +2 for each independent emperor
  • +0.1 for each member married to a baron
  • +0.2 for each member married to a count
  • +0.4 for each member married to a duke
  • +0.8 for each member married to a king
  • +1.6 for each member married to an emperor


Firstly, all renown earned by a Dynasty counts towards its Level of Splendor, which determines how known the Dynasty is in the eyes of the world, how much Prestige characters get from being born or marrying into it the maximum long reign Opinion characters can get and how decorated the Dynasty's coat of arms will be. Having a high level also makes it much easier to arrange marriages, especially with Dynasties with a Lower Level of Splendor. The Level of Splendor will never decrease. Peasant Dynasties start at Base Origins.

宗族威望等级 出生威望 联姻获得威望 最高长期统治好感 最高先天特质等级 宗族威望要求
Icon dynasty prestige 00.png 不见经传 0 -100 +5 1 0
Icon dynasty prestige 00.png 鲜为人知 +100 0 +10 1 0
Icon dynasty prestige 01.png 无关紧要 +200 +100 +15 1 700
Icon dynasty prestige 01.png 值得关注 +300 +200 +20 2 1000
Icon dynasty prestige 02.png 小有名气 +400 +300 +25 2 2000
Icon dynasty prestige 02.png 众所周知 +500 +400 +30 2 3000
Icon dynasty prestige 03.png 名声显著 +600 +500 +35 2 4000
Icon dynasty prestige 03.png 闻名于世 +700 +600 +40 3 5000
Icon dynasty prestige 04.png 辉煌灿烂 +800 +700 +45 3 6000
Icon dynasty prestige 04.png 有口皆碑 +900 +800 +50 3 7000
Icon dynasty prestige 05.png 永世传奇 +1000 +900 +55 3 8000


Dynasty Legacies are permanent modifiers and unlocks that can be unlocked by the Dynasty Head and affect every member of a Dynasty. Each Legacy contains five unlocks, each costing a progressively higher amount of  Renown to unlock. If an AI character becomes Dynasty Head it will only unlock Legacies belonging to the tree with the highest current progress.

传承 1级传承效果 2级传承效果 3级传承效果 4级传承效果 5级传承效果
Warfare legacy track.png
  • +2 勇武
  • +15% 骑士战斗力
-20% 宣战理由花费 +10% 每月军事生活方式的经验值 +5 优势 +1 兵士军团的最大数量
Law legacy track.png
+5 公众好感度 +0.2 每月控制力增长 +10% 每月管理生活方式的经验值 +5 强力封臣好感度 +1 直辖上限
Guile legacy track.png
+20% 恐怖值 +10 阴谋成功概率 +10% 每月谋略生活方式的经验值 -0.05 每月暴政 77%概率阻止一次针对宗族成员的谋杀
Blood legacy track.png
+30% 继承正面先天特质的概率
+30% 获得新正面先天特质的概率
+30% 加强先天特质的概率 -30% 继承负面先天特质的概率
-30% 获得新负面先天特质的概率
Trait beauty good 1.png 眉清目秀,Trait intellect good 1.png 敏锐,Trait physique good 1.png 硬朗, Trait fecund.png 多产,Trait albino.png 白化病,Trait giant.png 巨人,Trait dwarf.png 侏儒,Trait scaly.png 鱼鳞病
+5 预期寿命(年)
学识传承Erudition legacy track.png +10 廷臣与宾客好感
+10% 每月虔诚 +10% 每月学识生活方式的经验值 +3 相同信仰的好感度 +10% 基础进度和内阁成员能力对内阁任务的影响
Glory legacy track.png
+30 婚姻接受度 +10% 威望 +10% 每月外交生活方式的经验值 -20% 短暂统治期限 +10 大众好感
Kin legacy track.png
+10% 生育力 宗族成员获得更好的教育特质 +10 配偶好感
+5 宗族好感度
+30% 私人计谋成功概率:针对宗族成员时
每年 +1随机能力点数,从40岁开始

See also


  1. forum:1416565/page-2#post-26861541 Meneth's Post in Patch 1.0.3 thread