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'''Unique Building Plus'''
'''Unique Building Plus'''

2021年5月8日 (六) 23:12的最新版本

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Unique Building Plus 20210507;4.6MB;154
To do List

  • 为所有圣地添加适当的独特建筑
  • 基于决策的独特建筑:罗德岛巨像(图标就绪),升级原始建筑(恢复斗兽场或哈德良墙)

Extended Outliner 20210505;0.7MB;930

Battlefield Duel 20210503;265MB;122
Mod Description :

1. Character interaction (Right click on your character) : > You can choose your weapon (Each weapon should provide some unique soundcue) > You can choose the frequency of duels (Knight Strategy)

2. Action in battlefield : While you are leading an army, you will be able to face off knight in a duel :

> Attack (Sweep) : taking load of conditions (like blademaster / intellect / prowess / etc. :) to define %chance Note : Try to be a blind dwarf (best combo).

> Attack (Normal) : Core system of duel

> Winning (Choices): Kill, Spare (Weak hook), Imprison, Extorcate, Ask for secret. The more you win, the more you get stronger (ending in blademaster lifestyle if you live long enough).

> Losing : Die, get injured, taken prisoner An extra event occures when the enemy commander decide to take you has prisoner (Choices : surrender - flee - call for help - fight back)

VIET Events - A Flavor and Immersion Event Mod 20210502;23MB;1899
Version 1.3.3 "Benevolence"


  • 新增了24个有关以下主题的活动:9医学、15仁慈
  • 一些以前给予健康加成的修饰符现在取而代之的是抵消健康惩罚。
  • 古代遗址背景现在有了更合适的噪音
  • 修复了非乱伦宗教发生的乱伦辩论事件

Lulu's Events 20210501;21MB;195