
第119行: 第119行:
! width=40% | 描述
! width=40% | 描述
| rowspan=5 | '''Abrahamic'''
| rowspan=5 | ''' 亚伯拉罕宗教组'''
| '''Christianity'''
| ''' 基督教'''
* {{iconify|Compassionate}}
* {{iconify|Compassionate}}
第196行: 第196行:
| ''永恒之神创造了宇宙和祂的七位天使。居于首位的是孔雀天使,由神授予了管理世界的权柄。''
| ''永恒之神创造了宇宙和祂的七位天使。居于首位的是孔雀天使,由神授予了管理世界的权柄。''
| rowspan=5 | '''Eastern'''
| rowspan=5 | ''' 东方宗教组'''
| '''Buddhism'''
| ''' 佛教'''
* {{iconify|Honest}}
* {{iconify|Honest}}
第206行: 第206行:
* {{iconify|Wrathful}}
* {{iconify|Wrathful}}
* {{iconify|Impatient}}
* {{iconify|Impatient}}
| {{icon|heavy infantry}} Khandayat
| {{icon|heavy infantry}} 剑之师
| style="text-align: center; | 5
| style="text-align: center; | 5
| Siddhartha
| 斯达辣他
| Great Purification
| 大净化
| ''Buddhism follows the teachings of Gautama Buddha and subsequent "enlightened ones", in order to overcome the suffering of existence, inflicted by the endless cycle of change through death and rebirth. Achieving enlightenment is the path to release from Samsara, into the non-existence of Nirvana.''
| '' 佛教以释迦牟尼及其后的“觉者”们的教诲为基础,其目的是克服无尽的生死轮回带来的存在之苦。达成开悟是摆脱轮回转世,进入涅槃境界的道路。''
| '''Hinduism'''
| ''' 印度教'''
* {{iconify|Content}}
* {{iconify|Content}}
第221行: 第221行:
* {{iconify|Greedy}}
* {{iconify|Greedy}}
* {{iconify|Wrathful}}
* {{iconify|Wrathful}}
| [[File:Unit war elephants.png|24px]] War Elephants
| [[File:Unit war elephants.png|24px]] 战象
| style="text-align: center; | 7
| style="text-align: center; | 7
| Brahman
| Great Purification
| 大净化
| ''Hinduism is a dharma, a way of life, that includes a multitude of gods and religious practices. Shared is the belief in samsara, the endless cycle of the soul's continuous rebirth into the world, and moksha, the freeing from that cycle.''
| ''Hinduism is a dharma, a way of life, that includes a multitude of gods and religious practices. Shared is the belief in samsara, the endless cycle of the soul's continuous rebirth into the world, and moksha, the freeing from that cycle.''
第239行: 第239行:
| style="text-align: center; | 5
| style="text-align: center; | 5
| The Tirthankaras
| The Tirthankaras
| Great Purification
| 大净化
| ''Jains seek to follow the twenty-four teachers, the thirtankaras, to leave the world's eternal cycle of death and rebirth by attaining omniscience, Kevala Jnana. Non-violence and good lives is at the center of Jainism, for and the foremost prayer states that "the function of souls is to help one another."''
| ''Jains seek to follow the twenty-four teachers, the thirtankaras, to leave the world's eternal cycle of death and rebirth by attaining omniscience, Kevala Jnana. Non-violence and good lives is at the center of Jainism, for and the foremost prayer states that "the function of souls is to help one another."''
第254行: 第254行:
| style="text-align: center; | 5
| style="text-align: center; | 5
| Ahura Mazda
| Ahura Mazda
| Great Purification
| 大净化
| ''Following the teachings of Zoroaster, Zoroastrians believe in the lord of wisdom, Ahura Mazda, who is the source of all good, and who opposes falsehood, represented by Angra Mainyu. A Zoroastrian seeks the path of Truth through Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.''
| ''Following the teachings of Zoroaster, Zoroastrians believe in the lord of wisdom, Ahura Mazda, who is the source of all good, and who opposes falsehood, represented by Angra Mainyu. A Zoroastrian seeks the path of Truth through Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.''
第269行: 第269行:
| style="text-align: center; | 6
| style="text-align: center; | 6
| Tao
| Tao
| Great Purification
| 大净化
| ''Tao is the source, pattern, and substance from which all things exist. Living in harmony with the Tao leads to peace, contentment, and upon death, ascension to live within the Tao as an immortal spirit.''
| ''Tao is the source, pattern, and substance from which all things exist. Living in harmony with the Tao leads to peace, contentment, and upon death, ascension to live within the Tao as an immortal spirit.''
第285行: 第285行:
| style="text-align: center; | 5
| style="text-align: center; | 5
| Sangpo Bumtri
| Sangpo Bumtri
| Great Purification
| 大净化
| ''Bön is an ancient shamanistic religion indigenous to the region of Tibet. It is characterized by meditation, mystical rituals, and a strong belief in animistic spiritualism.''
| ''Bön is an ancient shamanistic religion indigenous to the region of Tibet. It is characterized by meditation, mystical rituals, and a strong belief in animistic spiritualism.''
第300行: 第300行:
| style="text-align: center; | 6
| style="text-align: center; | 6
| Amma
| Amma
| Great Holy War
| 大圣战
| ''The native faiths of the Mandé people focus on venerating both the great spirits of the land as well as the honoring the spirits of the dead.''
| ''The native faiths of the Mandé people focus on venerating both the great spirits of the land as well as the honoring the spirits of the dead.''

2020年9月4日 (五) 01:29的版本





所有信仰都属于一个宗教组,决定了宗教和信仰如何看待彼此。拥有  Ecumenism, Sunni, Shia 或  Muhakkima 教义的信仰认为其他拥有同一教义的信仰是迷途。也有一些核心教义能够修正信仰敌对度。

宗教组 不同信仰 不同宗教 不同宗教组 Susceptible to Heresies
亚伯拉罕宗教组 敌对 邪恶 邪恶 Yes
东方宗教组 迷途 迷途 敌对 No
原始宗教组 迷途 敌对 邪恶 No



看法 角色好感 公众好感度 通婚 篡夺头衔 圣战 描述
正义 0 0 Yes Yes No 此信仰被认为是合法的。
迷途 -10 -15 Yes Yes No 此信仰在不是特别重要的方面有所不同。
敌对 -20 -30 Yes No Yes 此信仰大大偏离正道。
邪恶 -30 -45 No No Yes 此信仰被认为当受咒诅。



有组织的 未改革
决议:采用封建制/氏族制 可用 不可用
传教 效率高 效率低
封建制、共和制或氏族制封臣的好感 0 -20
每月威望 0 +20%
皈依未改革信仰的花费 +500% 0
宣战理由:征服 不可用 可用
创建信仰 新的信仰 改革



  • 视作美德的特质给予角色 +10 相同信仰好感和 +1 每月虔诚
  • 某些核心教义增加的美德将给予角色 +20 相同信仰好感和 +2 每月虔诚
  • 视作罪恶的特质给予角色 -10 相同信仰好感和 -1 每月虔诚
  • 某些核心教义增加的罪恶将给予角色 -20 相同信仰好感和 -2 每月虔诚



宗教组 宗教 美德 罪恶 骑士团兵种 圣地 至高神的名称 大圣战的名称 描述
亚伯拉罕宗教组 基督教
  •  Compassionate
  •  Chaste
  •  Forgiving
  •  Sadistic
  •  Lustful
  •  Vengeful
教团骑士 5 十字军 基督教专注于纳匝肋人耶稣的生活和教导,以救赎的概念为中心,其信徒在来世获得赦罪和神的欣然接受。
  •  Generous
  •  Just
  •  Temperate
  •  Greedy
  •  Arbitrary
  •  Gluttonous
  • Trait drunkard.png Drunkard
铁甲圣骑兵 5 安拉 吉哈德 伊斯兰教是亚伯拉罕宗教的终极启示,由真主的话语引导并由先知穆罕默德启示。其关注善的生活,侍奉独一无二普慈特慈的真主。
  •  Compassionate
  •  Just
  •  Patient
  •  Cynical
  •  Greedy
  •  Lustful
守卫 5 大圣战 按照希伯来民族与独一绝对之神订立的圣约生活才是善的生活。
  •  Honest
  •  Humble
  •  Patient
  •  Deceitful
  •  Arrogant
  •  Impatient
穆巴里尊 5 大净化 二元神教通常信仰存在有两个相互敌对的根本力量;一个仁善的精神力量,诞生了人类的灵魂,和一个恶毒的物质力量,创造了人类的肉体。
  •  Generous
  •  Just
  •  Temperate
  •  Greedy
  •  Arbitrary
  •  Gluttonous
铁甲圣骑兵 5 孔雀天使 吉哈德 永恒之神创造了宇宙和祂的七位天使。居于首位的是孔雀天使,由神授予了管理世界的权柄。
东方宗教组 佛教
  •  Honest
  •  Calm
  •  Generous
  •  Deceitful
  •  Wrathful
  •  Impatient
剑之师 5 斯达辣他 大净化 佛教以释迦牟尼及其后的“觉者”们的教诲为基础,其目的是克服无尽的生死轮回带来的存在之苦。达成开悟是摆脱轮回转世,进入涅槃境界的道路。
  •  Content
  •  Temperate
  •  Honest
  •  Ambitious
  •  Greedy
  •  Wrathful
Unit war elephants.png 战象 7 大净化 Hinduism is a dharma, a way of life, that includes a multitude of gods and religious practices. Shared is the belief in samsara, the endless cycle of the soul's continuous rebirth into the world, and moksha, the freeing from that cycle.
  •  Calm
  •  Compassionate
  •  Honest
  •  Wrathful
  •  Sadistic
  •  Deceitful
Khandayat 5 The Tirthankaras 大净化 Jains seek to follow the twenty-four teachers, the thirtankaras, to leave the world's eternal cycle of death and rebirth by attaining omniscience, Kevala Jnana. Non-violence and good lives is at the center of Jainism, for and the foremost prayer states that "the function of souls is to help one another."
  •  Diligent
  •  Honest
  •  Just
  •  Lazy
  •  Deceitful
  •  Sadistic
Mubarizun 5 Ahura Mazda 大净化 Following the teachings of Zoroaster, Zoroastrians believe in the lord of wisdom, Ahura Mazda, who is the source of all good, and who opposes falsehood, represented by Angra Mainyu. A Zoroastrian seeks the path of Truth through Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.
  •  Compassionate
  •  Content
  •  Humble
  •  Sadistic
  •  Ambitious
  •  Arrogant
Chu-ko-nu Archers 6 Tao 大净化 Tao is the source, pattern, and substance from which all things exist. Living in harmony with the Tao leads to peace, contentment, and upon death, ascension to live within the Tao as an immortal spirit.
Pagan Tibetan
  •  Humble
  •  Calm
  •  Compassionate
  •  Arrogant
  •  Lustful
  •  Greedy
Mountaineers 5 Sangpo Bumtri 大净化 Bön is an ancient shamanistic religion indigenous to the region of Tibet. It is characterized by meditation, mystical rituals, and a strong belief in animistic spiritualism.
  •  Calm
  •  Humble
  • Trait twin.png Twin
  •  Wrathful
  •  Arrogant
  •  Vengeful
Bush Hunters 6 Amma 大圣战 The native faiths of the Mandé people focus on venerating both the great spirits of the land as well as the honoring the spirits of the dead.
  •  Content
  •  Temperate
  •  Forgiving
  •  Honest
  •  Ambitious
  •  Greedy
  •  Wrathful
No None 5 Mubyasei Great Purification The folk religions of the Qiangic tribes focus on the worship of the Gods of nature and their ancestors, as well as the veneration of white flint stones which are said to possess spirits of nature.
  •  Content
  •  Temperate
  •  Forgiving
  •  Honest
  •  Ambitious
  •  Greedy
  •  Wrathful
No None 5 Donyi-Polo Great Purification The religion of the Tani Lhoba and their neighbors focuses around a duality of natural deities who are worshiped as the Suprume Being. To the Tani, these dual deities are Donyi, the sun goddess, and Polo, the moon god.
  •  Content
  •  Temperate
  •  Forgiving
  •  Honest
  •  Ambitious
  •  Greedy
  •  Wrathful
No None 5 Tagera Ningwaphuma Great Purification Mundhumism is a religious tradition of the Kirati peoples of the Himalayas that focuses on the ancient stories and songs called Mundhum, which they consider to be their scriptures. Mundhumism is a syncretic religion, that incorporates many deities and practices from Hinduism along with the worship of ancestors.
  •  Brave
  •  Honest
  •  Just
  •  Craven
  •  Deceitful
  •  Arbitrary
Unit horse archers.png Horse Archers 5 Tengri Great Holy War Tengrists view their existence as sustained by Tengri, the eternal blue sky, and Eje, the fertile earth mother. Adherents are expected to keep the world in balance by living an upright, respectful life; deceitfulness and subversiveness are highly stigmatized.
  •  Brave
  •  Just
  •  Stubborn
  •  Craven
  •  Arbitrary
  •  Fickle
Metsänvartija 5 Ukko Great Holy War The veneration of nature and a profound respect for one's ancestors and their traditions are what define Finno-Ugric paganism. Held in high regard amongst adherents is "sisu", a Finnish concept of stoic determination, grit, bravery, and resilience.
  •  Brave
  •  Honest
  •  Humble
  •  Craven
  •  Deceitful
  •  Arrogant
Bush Hunters 5 Boorii Great Holy War Venerating the spiritual force that resides in all physical things, the priestesses of this faith serve as intermediaries between mankind and the spirits of the world.
  •  Gregarious
  •  Honest
  •  Just
  •  Shy
  •  Deceitful
  •  Arbitrary
Unit horse archers.png Horse Archers 5 Rod Great Holy War Emphasizing personal duty, morality, and conformity, Slavic paganism is the blanket term for the myriad native faiths of much of Central and Eastern Europe. Community is an important part of most, and religious ceremonies are often public gatherings which celebrate beauty and joyfulness.
  •  Brave
  •  Compassionate
  •  Just
  •  Craven
  •  Callous
  •  Arbitrary
Horn Warriors 5 Waaq Great Holy War The world is ruled by many deities, but they are all subject to the highest one, Waaq, the god of the sky. Rain and life is brought down to us from above.
  •  Patient
  •  Brave
  •  Just
  •  Impatient
  •  Deceitful
  •  Arrogant
Bush Hunters 5 Ọlọrun Great Holy War Though he created the universe, the high god of the Yoruba pantheon remains distant from mortal affairs. Practitioners instead pray to the òrìṣà, innumerable spirits sent by the higher divinities to guide humanity along their chosen path.
  •  Brave
  •  Compassionate
  •  Just
  •  Craven
  •  Callous
  •  Arbitrary
Horn Warriors 5 Nyame Great Holy War The various faiths of the Akan peoples worship the children of the creator and mother Earth.
  •  Brave
  •  Calm
  •  Just
  •  Craven
  •  Wrathful
  •  Arbitrary
Metsänvartija 5 Dievas Great Holy War As adherents of "the abode of inner peace", Baltic pagans focus on living in harmony with the natural world around them while preserving the traditions and stories of their ancestors.
  •  Content
  •  Diligent
  •  Patient
  •  Lazy
  •  Impatient
Horn Warriors 6 Wepwawet Great Holy War Veneration of the ancient gods remains strong here, as does the veneration of the boundary between life and death.
  •  Brave
  •  Forgiving
  •  Just
  •  Craven
  •  Vengeful
  •  Arbitrary
Bush Hunters 5 Roog Great Holy War The Serer people's traditions outline the way of the Divine, the path to living a spiritually fulfilling life in honor of one's ancestors and the creator of the universe, Roog.
  •  Brave
  •  Vengeful
  •  Wrathful
  •  Craven
  •  Forgiving
  •  Deceitful
Huscarls 5 Odin Great Holy War The native faith of the Scandinavian region, Norse paganism revolves around reverence of gods known as the Æsir. Adherents are expected to live — and preferably die — in an honorable fashion.
  •  Brave
  •  Gregarious
  •  Honest
  •  Craven
  •  Shy
  •  Deceitful
Unit horse archers.png Horse Archers 5 Isten Great Holy War In the native Mogyër faith each Táltos, or priest, is chosen by the gods prior to their birth. Endowed with superhuman strength, wisdom, and powers, Mogyërs entrust these Táltos with protecting their communities and leading them to prosperity.
  •  Generous
  •  Just
  •  Temperate
  •  Greedy
  •  Arbitrary
  •  Gluttonous
Palatini 5 Zeus Great Holy War Hellenists worship the ancient Greek and Roman gods, said to reside on Mount Olympus. Each god has their own aspects and is venerated by their worshipers in their own way.
  •  Brave
  •  Honest
  •  Just
  •  Craven
  •  Deceitful
  •  Arbitrary
Mubarizun 5 Zun Great Purification Established by the Zunbil dynasty, Zunists revere and praise the sun for bestowing its bounty upon the surface of the earth.
  •  Brave
  •  Honest
  •  Just
  •  Craven
  •  Deceitful
  •  Arbitrary
Unit horse archers.png Horse Archers 5 Mother Earth Great Holy War Commonly defined by a reverence for nature, ancestor worship, and a belief in spirits, many native faiths are considered to be various forms of paganism.