(未显示同一用户的9个中间版本) |
第1行: |
第1行: |
| {{Version|1.5}}
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| {{See also|朝廷}}
| |
| 每位有领地角色都有一个 [[File:court.png|24px]] '''宫廷'''('''Court'''),由领地内的无领地臣民组成。宫廷内可能有亲族成员,{{icon|knight}} [[骑士]]、[[情人]]、廷臣和宾客。
| |
| |
| == 廷臣 ==
| |
| 廷臣是居住在统治者的 [[File:court.png|24px]] 宫廷里的无领地角色。他们可以被任命为[[内阁]]成员、[[将领]]、{{icon|knight}} 骑士或 {{icon|vassal}} [[封臣]]。
| |
| |
| 如果廷臣没有次要头衔,每月有 {{red|2%}} 的概率会离开。每10点大于0的 {{icon|Opinion}} 好感 {{green|-0.1%}} 的离开概率,每10点低于0的 {{icon|Opinion}} 好感 {{red|+0.1%}} 的离开概率。
| |
| |
| 此外,还会受到以下情况的修正:
| |
| {| class="mildtable"
| |
| !廷臣情况
| |
| !离开概率
| |
| |-
| |
| |是儿童
| |
| |{{green|-3%}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |拥有任何宣称
| |
| |{{green|-1%}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Trait pregnant.png|24px]] 怀孕特质
| |
| |{{green|-1%}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |和领主结婚
| |
| |{{green|-0.5%}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |低 {{icon|Health}} 健康
| |
| |{{green|-0.3%}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |和统治者或其他廷臣是朋友
| |
| |{{green|-0.2%}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |和统治者或其他廷臣是情人
| |
| |{{green|-0.2%}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |和统治者或其他廷臣是至亲
| |
| |{{green|-0.2%}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Trait bastard.png|24px]] 私生子特质
| |
| |{{red|+0.3%}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |和统治者是仇敌
| |
| |{{red|+0.5%}}
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| == 宾客 ==
| |
| 宾客是在统治者 [[File:court.png|24px]] 的宫廷中停留三年的无领地角色,每月有概率离开。这段时间内他们将和 [[File:court.png|24px]] 宫廷内的其他成员互动,并且有可能参与到随机事件中。通过授予实地或次要头衔、进行勾引[[谋略|计谋]]或者支付一定的 {{icon|gold}} 金钱招募,能够说服他们留在领地内,成为你的廷臣。招募的支付金额基础值为10金钱,如果宾客拥有宣称、有用的特质或高能力,支付金额将增加。宾客更喜欢访问一个有明确理由支持的 [[File:court.png|24px]] 宫廷,例如统治者强大到足够索要他们的宣称,统治者或者其成年的子女未婚等。角色的廷臣越少,接待的宾客越多。
| |
| |
| 通过“邀请来宫廷”互动可以要求无领地角色访问 [[File:court.png|24px]] 宫廷。基础拒绝值为 {{red|-50}},通常情况下,没有 {{icon|weak hook}} 弱牵制或者亲缘关系无法跨过这一阈值。
| |
| |
| 如果有宣称的宾客将要离开,领主会触发一个事件,可以选择一年内索取其宣称,以说服其留下。但如果一年后领主仍未使用该宾客的宣称宣战,宾客就会离开,而且不会触发事件。
| |
| |
| == 宫廷职位 ==
| |
| 宫廷职位是可以授予廷臣和直属封臣的一种特殊职位,它提供越来越多的强力增益,但是需用{{iconify|Gold|金钱}}支付月俸,并且需要支付200{{iconify|Prestige|威望}}才能开除或替换。除了处刑人,被囚禁的角色不能被授予宫廷职位。
| |
| |
| 宫廷职位的增益取决于廷臣和封臣的称职度。称职度分为5级,每级各需20点称职度。如果文化有家族产业传统,同文化的至亲会获得{{green|+20}}称职度。
| |
| {| class="mildtable plainlist"
| |
| ! 职位
| |
| ! 领主的效果
| |
| ! 职位持有者的效果
| |
| ! 基础俸禄
| |
| ! 类别
| |
| ! 数量
| |
| ! 要求
| |
| ! 称职度
| |
| ! DLC
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''古物研究官'''
| |
| |
| |
| * [[File:Artifact quality.png|24px|链接=Special:FilePath/Artifact_quality.png]] {{green|-7%}} 到 {{green|-35%}} 宝物破损减成
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} '''0''' 到 {{green|-80%}} 被掠夺和围攻时丢失宝物的概率
| |
| * {{icon|decision}} 解锁委托制作宝物决议
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} 可以修复和重铸[[宝物]]
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| | {{red|0.15}}
| |
| | 普通
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * 每点 {{iconify|Learning|学识}} {{green|+2.5}}(最大60)
| |
| *{{iconify|Administrator|行政家}} {{green|+10}}
| |
| *{{iconify|Shy|害羞}} {{green|+10}}
| |
| * 完成了灵感 {{green|+30}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''太监'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+2%}} 到 {{green|+32%}} 阴险计谋强度
| |
| * {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+2%}} 到 {{green|+32%}} 阴险计谋阻力
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+5%}} 到 {{green|+15%}} 每月宫廷显赫度变化
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+2}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|warning}} {{red|极有威胁的同谋}}
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 特殊
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} 宫廷宦官或拜占庭传统
| |
| * {{iconify|Eunuch|阉人}}
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * 每点 {{iconify|Diplomacy|外交}} {{green|+2.5}}(最大50)
| |
| * 每点 {{iconify|Intrigue|谋略}} {{green|+2.5}}(最大50)
| |
| *{{iconify|Blind|失明}} {{red|-50}}
| |
| *{{iconify|Infirm|体弱多病}} {{red|-50}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Chief Qadi'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Devotion
| |
| * {{icon|piety muslim}} {{green|+2%}} 到 {{green|+10%}} Monthly Piety
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} 外交
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 特殊
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|piety muslim}} Islam religion
| |
| * {{icon|piety muslim}} Islam religion candidate
| |
| * {{iconify|Learning}} Education candidate
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} View on Gender doctrine allows it
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Learning}}
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Generous}}
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Just}}
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Scholar}}
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Temperate}}
| |
| * {{red|-10}} if {{iconify|Arbitrary}}
| |
| * {{red|-10}} if {{iconify|Greedy}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Court Gardener'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Courtier and Guest Opinion
| |
| * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} 到 {{green|+70%}} Development Growth in Realm Capital
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| | {{red|0.5}}
| |
| | 特殊
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Culture has Garden Architects tradition
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Stewardship}} (max 60)
| |
| * {{green|+5}} if {{iconify|Architect}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Herbalist}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Patient}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if [[File:Trait gardener.png|24px|链接=Special:FilePath/Trait_gardener.png]] Gardener
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Court Jester'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} {{green|25%}} chance 到 reduce stress each year
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+10%}} 到 {{green|+20%}} Monthly 宫廷显赫度 Change
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+2}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{red|-0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{red|-25%}} 阴险计谋强度
| |
| * {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{red|-10%}} Hostile Scheme Success Chance
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{red|-5}} 对领主的好感 if Lowborn
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{red|-20}} 对领主的好感 if Noble
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 普通
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Duchy}} or above title rank
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{icon|vassal}} Indirect Vassal candidate
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Diplomacy}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Athletic}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Poet}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Gregarious}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Shrewd}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Stubborn}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''宫廷医师'''
| |
| |
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+10%}} 到 {{green|+25%}} 每月宫廷显赫度变化
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+2}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} 施行医疗
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} 学识
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|warning}} {{red|极有威胁的同谋}}
| |
| | {{red|0.1}}
| |
| | 普通
| |
| | 1
| |
| | {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+1.75}} per {{iconify|Learning}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Herbalist}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Mystic}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Novice Physician}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Miracle Worker}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Physician}}
| |
| * {{green|+40}} if {{iconify|Renowned Physician}}
| |
| * {{red|-50}} if {{iconify|Blind}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Cup-Bearer'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} {{green|20%}} Chance 到 prevent a Poison Murder scheme
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+5%}} 到 {{green|+15%}} Monthly 宫廷显赫度 Change
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+2}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| * {{icon|warning}} {{red|极有威胁的同谋}}
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| *{{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Diplomacy}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Honest}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Trusting}}
| |
| * {{red|-10}} if {{iconify|Deceitful}}
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Garuda'''
| |
| |
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+5%}} 到 {{green|+15%}} Monthly 宫廷显赫度 Change
| |
| * {{icon|dread}} '''0''' 到 {{green|+10%}} Dread Gain
| |
| * {{icon|dread}} '''0''' 到 {{green|-10%}} Dread Decay
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} Less likely 到 be captured battle
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} Less likely 到 die in battle
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+8}} Prowess
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{red|-0.2}} 每月威望
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 特殊
| |
| | 5
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Culture has Garuda Warriors tradition
| |
| * {{iconify|Knight}} candidate
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2}} per {{iconify|Prowess}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Martial}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+5}} if {{iconify|Aspiring Blademaster}}
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Blademaster}}
| |
| * {{green|+30}} if {{iconify|Legendary Blademaster}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''High Almoner'''
| |
| |
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+1}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| * {{icon|piety}} {{green|+5%}} 到 {{green|+20%}} Monthly Piety
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+20%}} Monthly 宫廷显赫度 Change
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Learning}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Compassionate}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Devoted}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Generous}}
| |
| * {{red|-10}} if {{iconify|Avaricious}}
| |
| * {{red|-10}} if {{iconify|Greedy}}
| |
| * {{red|-10}} if {{iconify|Profligate}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Keeper of the Swans'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Fame
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+2}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 特殊
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom}} of England title
| |
| * {{icon|vassal}} Direct Vassal candidate
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+4}} per {{iconify|Stewardship}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+5}} if {{iconify|Novice Hunter}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Hunter}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Master Hunter}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''御马官'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|knight}} {{green|+1%}} 到 {{green|+8%}} 骑士战斗力
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+5%}} 到 {{green|+20%}} Monthly 宫廷显赫度 Change
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+2}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| | {{red|0.5}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| *{{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|vassal}} Direct Vassal candidate
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2}} per {{iconify|Prowess}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Martial}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Overseer}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Master of the Hunt'''
| |
| |
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+10%}} 到 {{green|+20%}} Monthly 宫廷显赫度 Change
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+2}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} Enables 特殊 Hunt Activity events
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+1}} Prowess
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|vassal}} Direct Vassal candidate
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+1.5}} per {{iconify|Martial}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+2}} per {{iconify|Prowess}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+5}} if {{iconify|Brave}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Novice Hunter}}
| |
| * {{green|+30}} if {{iconify|Hunter}}
| |
| * {{green|+40}} if {{iconify|Master Hunter}}
| |
| * {{red|-10}} if {{iconify|Craven}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Seneschal'''
| |
| | {{icon|control}} {{green|+0.1}} 到 {{green|+0.5}} Monthly Control Growth
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| | {{red|0.5}}
| |
| | 普通
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Stewardship}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Administrator}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Overseer}}
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Bodyguard'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} {{green|50%}} Chance 到 prevent an Assassination Murder scheme
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| | {{red|0.5}}
| |
| | 普通
| |
| | 2
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Gender matches Martial Cus到m
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+4}} per {{iconify|Prowess}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+5}} if {{iconify|Aspiring Blademaster}}
| |
| * {{green|+5}} if {{iconify|Gallant}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Blademaster}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Paranoid}}
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Legendary Blademaster}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Brave}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Shieldmaiden}}
| |
| * {{red|-15}} if {{iconify|Craven}}
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Court Artificer'''
| |
| |
| |
| * [[File:Inspiration.png|24px|链接=Special:FilePath/Inspiration.png]] {{green|10%}} 到 {{green|30%}} Yearly Chance 到 gain Inspiration
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+2}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+2}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| * {{icon|warning}} Will leave the Court if fired
| |
| | {{red|0.5}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 3
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * [[File:Inspiration.png|24px|链接=Special:FilePath/Inspiration.png]] Inspired or completed an inspiration
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+1}} per any skill
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Court Musician'''
| |
| |
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+1}} 到 {{green|+3}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+20%}} Monthly 宫廷显赫度 Change
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+30}} Opinion for 10 years from Feasts without Musical Theorists
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+65}} Opinion for 10 years from Feasts with Musical Theorists
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Diplomacy}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Poet}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if Musical Theorists tradition
| |
| * {{green|+30}} if {{iconify|Gregarious}}
| |
| * {{red|-10}} if {{iconify|Shy}}
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Court Poet'''
| |
| |
| |
| * [[File:Inspiration.png|24px|链接=Special:FilePath/Inspiration.png]] {{green|10%}} 到 {{green|30%}} Yearly Chance 到 gain Inspiration
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+1}} 到 {{green|+3}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] '''0''' 到 {{green|+20%}} Monthly 宫廷显赫度 Change
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{iconify|Poet}} candidate
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+1}} per {{iconify|Learning}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Diplomacy}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Gregarious}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if Refined Poetry tradition
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Court Tu到r'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+4}} 到 {{green|+20}} Learn Language Scheme Power
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Enables the Have Child Study Language Interaction
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Improves Education Outcomes
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| | {{red|0.5}}
| |
| | 普通
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Learning}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Shrewd}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Patient}}
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Quick}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Intelligent}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if 15 points in every skill
| |
| * {{green|+40}} if {{iconify|Genius}}
| |
| * {{red|-10}} if {{iconify|Reclusive}}
| |
| * {{red|-20}} if {{iconify|Shy}}
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Cultural Emissary'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.1}} 到 {{green|+1}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+2}} 到 {{green|+20}} Different Culture Opinion
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 特殊
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * [[File:Culture legacy track.png|24px|链接=Special:FilePath/Culture_legacy_track.png]] Cus到ms dynasty legacy level 4
| |
| * {{icon|diplomacy}} 8 Diplomacy candidate
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Diplomacy}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+10}} per Known Language (max 100)
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Gregarious}}
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Just}}
| |
| * {{green|+30}} if {{iconify|Diplomat}}
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Executioner'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Can publicly execute prisoners
| |
| * {{icon|dread}} {{green|+5%}} 到 {{green|+25%}} Dread Gain
| |
| * {{icon|dread}} {{green|-5%}} 到 {{green|-25%}} Dread Decay
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{red|-0.2}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|warning}} Existing crimes are forgiven
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|crime}} Criminal or Imprisoned candidate
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2}} per {{iconify|Prowess}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Intrigue}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Sadistic}}
| |
| * {{green|+25}} if {{iconify|Torturer}}
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Food Taster'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} {{green|33%}} Chance 到 prevent a Poison Murder scheme
| |
| *[[File:Grandeur.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Grandeur.png]] {{green|+1}} 到 {{green|+3}} 宫廷显赫度
| |
| * {{icon|scheme success chance}} '''0''' 到 {{green|-10%}} Enemy Hostile Scheme Success Chance
| |
| * {{icon|unknown}} Can lose weight more quickly
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| * {{icon|warning}} {{red|Powerful Agent}}
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Marriage.png|24px]] 配偶担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+3}} per {{iconify|Intrigue}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Comfort Eater}}
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Herbalist}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if Culinary Artists tradition
| |
| * {{green|+25}} if {{iconify|Gluttonous}}
| |
| * {{red|-50}} if {{iconify|Inappetetic}}
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Lady-in-waiting'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|stress loss}} {{green|+10%}} 到 {{green|+20%}} Stress Loss
| |
| * {{icon|scheme success chance}} {{green|+1}} 到 {{green|+10}} 阴险计谋阻力
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+1}} 每月威望
| |
| * {{icon|no}} 不能兼任其他职位
| |
| * {{icon|warning}} {{red|Powerful Agent}}
| |
| | {{red|0.5}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 2
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Female
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Female candidate
| |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File:Council.png|24px]] 内阁成员担任
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Diplomacy}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+10}} if {{iconify|Honest}}
| |
| * {{green|+40}} if {{iconify|Gregarious}}
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Personal Champion'''
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Can take the ruler's place in Trial-by-Combat duels
| |
| * {{icon|dread}} {{green|-25%}} 到 {{green|-25%}} Dread Decay
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} '''0''' 到 {{green|+0.4}} 每月威望
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| | {{red|0.25}}
| |
| | 普通
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|yes}} Gender matches Martial Cus到m
| |
| * {{icon|no}}{{iconify|Vassal|封臣}}担任
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+4}} per {{iconify|Prowess}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+5}} if {{iconify|Aspiring Blademaster}}
| |
| * {{green|+15}} if {{iconify|Blademaster}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Brave}}
| |
| * {{green|+20}} if {{iconify|Shieldmaiden}}
| |
| * {{green|+30}} if {{iconify|Legendary Blademaster}}
| |
| * {{red|-15}} if {{iconify|Craven}}
| |
| * {{red|-50}} if {{iconify|Blind}}
| |
| * {{red|-50}} if {{iconify|Maimed}}
| |
| * {{red|-75}} if {{iconify|Infirm|体弱多病}}
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''御用 Architect'''
| |
| | {{icon|time}} {{green|-5%}} 到 {{green|-30%}} Building Construction Time
| |
| |
| |
| * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 对领主的好感
| |
| * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.5}} 每月威望
| |
| | {{red|0.5}}
| |
| | 御用
| |
| | 1
| |
| |
| |
| * {{iconify|Kingdom|王国}}或帝国级别头衔
| |
| * {{icon|vassal}} Direct Vassal candidate
| |
| |
| |
| * {{green|+2.5}} per {{iconify|Stewardship}} (max 50)
| |
| * {{green|+40}} if {{iconify|Architect}}
| |
| * {{red|-50}} if {{iconify|Blind}}
| |
| | 皇家宫廷
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| == 囚犯 ==
| |
| 囚犯是被不情愿地被关在某人的宫廷里的角色。可以通过囚禁互动、[[谋略#阴谋|绑架]]阴谋、占领地产、[[战争#劫掠|劫掠]]、[[战争|战斗]]或者[[决斗]]来获得囚犯。一位统治者可以尝试囚禁领地内的任何角色,但这会增加暴政(尤其当囚犯是贵族时),除非囚犯有罪。囚禁者可以就被囚禁的角色进行谈判放人、要求赎金、折磨或者处决的互动。被囚禁的角色将被囚禁在地牢或软禁居所中,并且囚禁者可以随时切换。默认情况下,出身卑微的角色会被囚禁在地牢中,而贵族会被软禁。
| |
| |
| {| class="mildtable plainlist"
| |
| !软禁影响
| |
| !打入地牢影响
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| *{{icon|diplomacy}} {{red|-5}} 外交
| |
| *{{icon|dread}} {{red|-20}} 自然恐怖值
| |
| *{{icon|dread}} {{red|+100%}} 恐怖值消逝<!--游戏1.1版本官方本地化为“恐怖值”,对应修正“dread_decay_mult”,游戏中英文原文为“dread loss”,并且如特质“冷静”的相同修正汉化为“恐怖值消逝”,翻译成恐怖值消逝更符合本意-->
| |
| *[[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{red|-75%}} 每月生活方式的经验值
| |
| |
| |
| *{{icon|diplomacy}} {{red|-5}} 外交
| |
| *{{icon|dread}} {{red|-30}} 自然恐怖值
| |
| *{{icon|dread}} {{red|+100%}} 恐怖值消逝
| |
| *[[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{red|-150%}} 每月生活方式的经验值
| |
| *{{icon|stress gain}} {{red|+50%}} 压力
| |
| *{{icon|opinion}} {{red|-15}} 囚犯亲族的好感
| |
| *{{icon|health penalty}} 健康:{{red|严重惩罚}}
| |
| |}
| |
| 此外,如果一位角色被囚禁在地牢中超过5年,他可能获得 {{icon|Ill}} 患病或 [[File:Trait pneumonic.png|24px]] 肺炎特征。
| |
| |
| 囚犯在狱中时会获得压力,如果有太多压力最终将会死亡。这将由事件<code>stress_threshold_prison.3999</code>导致,并且他的死亡原因将被列为“死在狱中”。
| |
| |
| === 谈判放人 ===
| |
| 统治者释放囚犯时可以对其提出以下要求:
| |
| {| class="mildtable" style="text-align: center;"
| |
| !条件
| |
| !接受度
| |
| !好感
| |
| |-
| |
| |驱逐
| |
| |{{red|-50}}
| |
| |{{red|-20}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |要求[[信仰#改信|改信]]
| |
| |{{red|-20}}
| |
| |{{red|-10}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |获得 {{icon|weak hook}} 弱[[谋略#牵制|牵制]]
| |
| |{{red|-80}}
| |
| |{{red|-20}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |招募
| |
| |{{red|-10}}
| |
| |{{red|-15}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |放弃宣称
| |
| |{{red|-25}}
| |
| |{{red|-30}}
| |
| |-
| |
| |誓发终身愿
| |
| |{{red|-30}}
| |
| |{{red|-10}}
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| === 要求赎金 ===
| |
| 统治者可以凭借囚犯要求赎金,令支付者支付 {{icon|gold}} 金钱或给予一个 {{icon|weak hook}} 弱牵制来换取囚犯的自由。'''要求赎金'''互动对囚犯使用,而不是对支付者使用。支付者顺序为:
| |
| # 囚犯自己,如果他们拥有领地
| |
| # 囚犯的直属领主,如果他们是廷臣
| |
| # 囚犯自己,如果他们无领地
| |
| 支付者也可以主动向囚禁者支付赎金或者对其使用牵制来换取囚犯的自由。由领主为其支付赎金的封臣和廷臣将 {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} 好感,持续1年。
| |
| |
| ==== 赎金花费 ====
| |
| 使用 {{icon|gold}} 金钱支付赎金时,赎金数额取决于赎金支付者主头衔的等级以及囚犯和支付者的关系。如果配偶是支付者的第一继承人和/或至亲,只需支付配偶对应的赎金数额。无领地角色只能为自己支付赎金。如果无力支付全额赎金,价格会降至他们所拥有的金钱数额。
| |
| |
| {| class="mildtable" style="text-align: center;
| |
| ! rowspan=2 | {{icon|vassal}} 级别
| |
| ! colspan=4 | {{icon|gold}} 赎金数额
| |
| |-
| |
| ! 统治者 / 第一继承人
| |
| ! 配偶
| |
| ! 至亲成员
| |
| ! 其他
| |
| |-
| |
| | align=left | 无领地 || — || — || — || 10
| |
| |-
| |
| | align=left | {{icon|barony}} [[男爵领|男爵]] || 30 || 15 || 10 || 10
| |
| |-
| |
| | align=left | {{icon|county}} [[伯爵领|伯爵]] || 50 || 25 || 15 || 10
| |
| |-
| |
| | align=left | {{icon|duchy}} [[头衔#头衔等级|公爵]] || 100 || 50 || 25 || 10
| |
| |-
| |
| | align=left | {{icon|kingdom}} [[头衔#头衔等级|国王]] || 200 || 100 || 50 || 20
| |
| |-
| |
| | align=left | {{icon|empire}} [[头衔#头衔等级|皇帝]] || 500 || 250 || 125 || 50
| |
| |}
| |
| 如果囚禁者拥有金钱义务技能,所有的赎金费用增加到囚禁者税收收入的六倍左右(最低50金钱,最高300金钱)。
| |
| |
| 如果囚禁者拥有金钱义务技能或者囚犯拥有至少100金钱,无领地且无领主的囚犯需要支付100金钱的赎金(可以由金钱义务技能增加)。
| |
| |
| === 惩罚 ===
| |
| |
| ==== 处决 ====
| |
| 统治者可以处决任何囚犯。除非囚犯是犯下犯下非常严重的罪行,或其信仰被视为敌对或邪恶,否则每次处决会让被处决者的[[宗族]]成员 {{red|-20}} {{icon|opinion}} 好感,被处决者的朋友和情人 {{red|-30}} {{iconify|Opinion|好感}} ,并{{red|+2}} 暴政。
| |
| |
| 共有4种处决方式:
| |
| * 如果囚犯遵循相同的信仰,而该信仰没有“恐怖节庆”(又名“血祭”)核心教义,囚犯将被砍头。如果囚犯是无地角色、男爵或伯爵,砍头花费25 {{iconify|Piety|虔诚}};如果囚犯是公爵、国王或者皇帝,则花费100 {{iconify|Piety|虔诚}}。砍头会基于囚犯的领地规模而获得{{iconify|Dread|恐怖值}}。
| |
| * 如果囚犯遵循不同的信仰,而该信仰没有“恐怖节庆”核心教义,囚犯将被烧死在火刑柱上。这一处决方式会基于囚犯的领地规模而获得{{iconify|Dread|恐怖值}}。如果统治者的信仰有{{iconify|Fundamentalist|基要主义}}教义,还会获得25 {{iconify|Piety|虔诚}}。
| |
| * 如果信仰有“恐怖节庆”核心教义,囚犯将被献祭。献祭会获得17{{iconify|Dread|恐怖值}},如果囚犯遵循相同的信仰,还会获得50 {{iconify|Piety|虔诚}},如果囚犯遵循不同的信仰,则会获得250 {{iconify|Piety|虔诚}}。
| |
| * 拥有 {{iconify|Cannibal|食人者}}特质的角色可以吃掉囚犯。吃掉囚犯会基于囚犯的领地规模而获得{{iconify|Dread|恐怖值}},并且获得 {{green|-35}} {{iconify|Stress|压力}},代价是20%的概率获得 {{iconify|Ill|患病}}特质。
| |
| |
| ==== 折磨 ====
| |
| 折磨是一种[[谋略|计谋]]行动,可以对囚犯执行,并且有以下效果:
| |
| |
| * 折磨者获得 {{green|+20}} {{icon|dread}} 恐怖值。
| |
| * 折磨者失去 {{red|-100}} {{icon|piety}} 虔诚,如果其信仰禁止这样做。
| |
| * 折磨者失去 {{green|-10}} {{icon|Stress_loss}} 压力,如果他们有 {{icon|sadistic}} 虐待狂特质。
| |
| * 折磨者获得 {{red|+10}} {{icon|Stress}} 压力,如果他们有 [[File:Trait trusting.png|24px]] 轻信他人特质。
| |
| * 折磨者获得 {{red|+100}} {{icon|Stress}} 压力,如果他们有 [[File:Trait compassionate.png|24px]] 慈悲特质。
| |
| * 被折磨者对折磨者 {{red|-75}} {{icon|opinion}} 好感,持续50年。
| |
| * 被折磨者获得“近期被虐待”修正,持续5年,{{icon|health penalty}} {{red|−0.75}} 健康。
| |
| * 如果被折磨者拥有或者知道一个秘密,他可以选择透露秘密来逃避折磨。
| |
| |
| ==== 阉割 ====
| |
| 树立了阿姆哈拉山民、拜占庭传统或者宫廷宦官传统的文化的成年角色可以阉割男性囚犯,给予他们 {{iconify|Eunuch|阉人}}特质。被阉割者 {{red|-50}} {{icon|opinion}} 好感,持续50年。
| |
| |
| ==== 致盲 ====
| |
| 树立了拜占庭传统或者仁慈致盲传统的文化的成年角色可以致盲囚犯,给予他们 [[File:trait blind.png|24px|链接=https://ck3.parawikis.com/wiki/File:Trait_blind.png]] 失明特质。被致盲者 {{red|-50}} {{icon|opinion}} 好感,持续50年。
| |
| |
| === 罪行 ===
| |
| {{icon|crime}} 罪行是令其他角色有理由在领地内囚禁的行为。囚禁者在囚禁有罪行的角色时不会导致暴政并有可能因为某些惩罚而减少暴政。领主可以赦免封臣的罪行,令其无法被正当地囚禁以换取 {{icon|opinion}} 好感加成。罪行分为{{Ruby|个人|Personal}}、{{Ruby|亲族|Familial}}和{{Ruby|宗教|Religious}}三种类型。
| |
| |
| * {{Ruby|个人罪行|Personal crimes}}由针对统治者的某些行为导致,仅允许该统治者囚禁有罪行的角色
| |
| * {{Ruby|亲族罪行|Familial crimes}}由针对一位角色的某些行为导致,允许来自同一亲族的任何统治者囚禁有罪行的角色
| |
| * {{Ruby|宗教罪行|Religious crimes}}由被信仰认为是罪行的特质导致,允许任何相同信仰的统治者囚禁有罪行的角色
| |
| |
| 以下行为是罪行:
| |
| {| class="mildtable sortable"
| |
| !罪行
| |
| !要求
| |
| !剥夺头衔
| |
| !驱逐
| |
| !处决
| |
| !类型
| |
| |-
| |
| |绑架未遂
| |
| |对角色的绑架计划失败
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |逮捕未遂
| |
| |领主要求逮捕而角色抵抗
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |私奔未遂
| |
| |对角色配偶的[[谋略#私人计谋|私奔计谋]]失败
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |谋杀我未遂
| |
| |对角色的[[谋略#阴谋(敌对)|谋杀计划]]失败
| |
| |
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |致盲了我
| |
| |[[宫廷#致盲|致盲]]角色
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |对我的治疗失败
| |
| |宫廷医师对领主进行的有风险的治疗失败
| |
| |
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |阉割了我
| |
| |[[宫廷#阉割|阉割]]角色
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |宣战
| |
| |对角色宣战
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |私奔
| |
| |对角色配偶的[[谋略#私人计谋|私奔计谋]]成功
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |没能照顾好我
| |
| |宫廷医师对领主进行的安全的治疗失败
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |反抗我
| |
| |[[封臣#内战|内战]]以[[战争#战争分数|无条件和平]]或者更利于领主的情况结束
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |拒绝了囚禁封臣
| |
| |{{icon|Vassal}} 封臣拒绝逮捕,并且领地有[[法律#权威|高君权]]
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |拒绝了收回封臣
| |
| |{{icon|Vassal}} 封臣拒绝收回封臣,并且领地有[[法律#权威|高君权]]
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |拒绝了剥夺头衔
| |
| |{{icon|Vassal}} 封臣拒绝剥夺头衔,并且领地有[[法律#权威|高君权]]
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |正密谋反对我
| |
| |被发现是针对角色的一场[[谋略#阴谋(敌对)|阴谋]]的同谋
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |跟踪领主
| |
| |[[File:Spymaster_job.png|24px]] [[内阁|间谍首脑]]对领主的[[内阁#内阁任务|找出秘密]]任务失败
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |折磨了我
| |
| |折磨角色
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |个人
| |
| |-
| |
| |谋杀亲族成员未遂
| |
| |针对角色亲族成员的谋杀计划失败
| |
| |
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |亲族
| |
| |-
| |
| |对亲属的治疗失败
| |
| |宫廷医师对领主亲族成员进行的有风险的治疗失败
| |
| |
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |亲族
| |
| |-
| |
| |没能照顾好亲属
| |
| |宫廷医师对领主亲族成员进行的安全的治疗失败
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |亲族
| |
| |-
| |
| |谋杀了亲族成员
| |
| |谋杀角色亲族成员的行动未能保密
| |
| |
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |亲族
| |
| |-
| |
| |折磨了亲族成员
| |
| |折磨了角色的亲族成员
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |亲族
| |
| |-
| |
| |非法处决了亲族
| |
| |无正当理由地处决了角色的亲族成员
| |
| |
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |亲族
| |
| |-
| |
| |被绝罚
| |
| |角色拥有 {{icon|excommunicated}} [[特质#绝罚|绝罚]]特质,并且信仰拥有 [[File:Core_tenet_chalice.png|24px]] [[核心教义#共融圣事|共融圣事]]核心教义
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |宗教
| |
| |-
| |
| |众所周知的通奸者
| |
| |角色拥有 [[File:Trait_adulterer.png|24px]] [[特质#通奸者|通奸者]]特质,并且信仰的教义认为其性别的 [[File:Doctrine_adultery_men.png|24px]]/[[File:Doctrine_adultery_women.png|24px]] [[教义#男性通奸|通奸]]行为是罪行
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |宗教
| |
| |-
| |
| |众所周知的食人者
| |
| |角色拥有 [[File:Trait_cannibal.png|24px]] [[特质#食人者|食人者]]特质,并且信仰没有 [[File:Core_tenet_foodsacrifice.png|24px]] [[核心教义#食人礼|食人礼]]核心教义
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |宗教
| |
| |-
| |
| |众所周知的变态
| |
| |角色拥有 [[File:Trait_deviant.png|24px]] [[特质#变态|变态]]特质,并且信仰的教义认为 [[File:Doctrine_deviancy.png|24px]] [[教义#性变态|性变态]]是罪行
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |宗教
| |
| |-
| |
| |众所周知的私通者
| |
| |角色拥有 [[File:Trait_fornicator.png|24px]] [[特质#私通者|私通者]]特质,并且信仰的教义认为其性别的 [[File:Doctrine_adultery_men.png|24px]]/[[File:Doctrine_adultery_women.png|24px]] [[教义#男性通奸|通奸]]行为是罪行
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |宗教
| |
| |-
| |
| |众所周知的鸡奸者
| |
| |角色拥有 [[File:Trait_sodomite.png|24px]] [[特质#鸡奸者|鸡奸者]]特质,并且信仰的教义认为 [[File:Doctrine_homosexuality.png|24px]] [[教义#同性关系|同性关系]]是罪行
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |宗教
| |
| |-
| |
| |众所周知的巫师
| |
| |角色拥有 [[File:Trait_witch.png|24px]] [[特质#巫师|巫师]]特质,并且信仰的教义认为 [[File:Doctrine_witchcraft.png|24px]] [[教义#巫术|巫术]]是罪行
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |宗教
| |
| |-
| |
| |众所周知的弑亲禽兽
| |
| |角色拥有 [[File:Trait_kinslayer_1.png|24px]] [[弑族亲者|弑亲禽兽]]特质,并且信仰的教义认为其 [[File:Doctrine_kinslaying.png|24px]] [[教义#弑亲|弑亲]]行为是罪行
| |
| | align=center |{{icon|yes}}
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |宗教
| |
| |-
| |
| |被谴责
| |
| |角色拥有 [[File:Trait_denounced.png|24px]] [[特质#被谴责|被谴责]]特质
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |宗族
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ==参考资料==
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| <references />
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| {{Mechanics navbox}}
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| [[en:Court]]
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| [[Category:领地]]
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| [[Category:角色]]
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