2020年10月14日 (三) 18:22的版本
Special buildings
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{{Version|1.1}} Many [[barony|Counties]] in the game feature slots for Special Buildings. This is in addition to any Building or Duchy Building slot that the county may have. Each County in the game only has 1 Special Building. One of the following grants at most {{green|+1}} Special building slot: * Barony is a [[holy site]] * Barony is the site of a [[#Historical buildings|historical building]] * Barony is the site of a [[#Mine|mine]] * Barony is the site of a [[#University building|university]] == Holy buildings == === Generic holy buildings === Holy buildings can only be constructed in a Faith's holy sites by Feudal or Clan Rulers and provide powerful bonuses. All holy buildings require 1000 {{iconify|Gold}} and 6 years to be completed. {| class="mildtable plainlist" ! Building ! Holding effects ! County effects ! Realm effects ! Religion ! width=40% | Description |- id="Grand Cathedral" | Grand Cathedral<br>[[File:Structure cologne cathedral.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * {{icon|piety}} <section begin=GrandCathedralPietyGain />{{green|+0.25}}<section end=GrandCathedralPietyGain /> Monthly Piety<ref>{{cite file|game\common\buildings\00_special_buildings.txt}}, <code>holy_site_cathedral_01</code>, in-game tooltip rounds to 0.2.</ref> * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control * {{icon|gold}} {{green|−15%}} Holy Order Hire Cost * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion | [[File:Icon piety christian 01.png|24px]] Christian | ''The Holy Site in this area attracts Christian pilgrims from all around the known world. The grand cathedral is not just a marvel of engineering and beauty, but also a safe haven for travelers and a prestigious monument to its sponsor.'' |- id="Grand Mosque" | Grand Mosque<br>[[File:Structure cathedral muslim.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] <section begin=GrandMosquePietyGain />{{green|+0.25}}<section end=GrandMosquePietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate (same Faith) * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Domain Taxes (different Faith) | [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] Muslim | ''The Holy Site in this area is a popular destination for devout pilgrims. The grand mosque gives them a place to pray, rest and pay homage before continuing their journey. Its beautiful domes and great intricate spires signal the greatness of god for all to see.'' |- id="Grand Temple (pagan)" | Grand Temple<br>[[File:Structure cathedral pagan.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax {{icon|levies}} {{green|+500}} Levies | * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+10%}} Levy Size * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety pagan 01.png|24px]] <section begin=GrandTemplePietyGain />{{green|+0.25}}<section end=GrandTemplePietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|knight}} {{green|+15%}} Knight Effectiveness * {{icon|time}} {{green|+10%}} Levy Reinforcement Rate * {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control | [[File:Icon piety pagan 01.png|24px]] Pagan | ''The Holy Site in this area attracts the faithful in droves. The grand temple is covered in ornate carvings displaying heroic deeds by gods and demi-gods alike. Massive bonfires send plumes of smoke upwards to the gods themselves, with holy men administering blessings to all who venerate the spirits.'' |- id="Grand Temple (Indian)" | Grand Temple<br>[[File:Structure cathedral indian.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | * [[File:Icon piety pagan 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.25}} Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Different Faith Opinion * {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control * {{icon|opinion}} {{red|−15%}} Different Faith Popular Opinion | [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] Buddhist, Hindu or Jain | ''The Holy Site in this area attracts scores of humble pilgrims seeking to cleanse their souls. The grand temple is covered from foundation to spire with statues and idols to the gods, retelling ancient legends and the lifes of noble prophets.'' |- id="Grand Temple (other)" | Grand Temple<br>[[File:Structure cathedral zoroastric.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | * [[File:Icon piety pagan 01.png|24px]] {{green|+0.25}} Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control * {{icon|gold}} {{green|−2.50%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|−10%}} Short Reign Opinion | All others | ''The Holy Site in this area is a meeting point for the devout and dedicated. The grand temple stands as a noble tribute to the higher powers, its walls and domes smoothed and painted in resplendent colors that honor the divine.'' |} === Unique holy buildings === {| class="mildtable sortable plainlist" ! Building ! Holding effects ! County effects ! Realm effects ! Barony ! Required innovation ! Enabled ! width=20% | Description |- id="Buddhas of Bamiyan" | Buddhas of Bamiyan<br>[[File:Structure buddhas of bamiyan.png|100px]] | | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+75%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] <section begin=BuddhasOfBamiyanPietyGainPct />{{green|+10%}} <section end=BuddhasOfBamiyanPietyGainPct />Monthly Piety * {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Devotion | Bamiyan | {{green|Always constructed}} | Eastern Religion | ''Carved out of the mountainside, the massive Buddhas of Bamian loom over any visitors. While the area surrounding them is no longer the thriving center of Buddhist learning as it once was, there's still numerous Buddhist pilgrims and scholars visiting the statues. A shrewd Eastern ruler might even be able to pull a profit from the pilgrims, in addition to gaining some personal insights.'' |- id="Canterbury Cathedral" | Canterbury Cathedral<br>[[File:Structure canterbury cathedral.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * {{icon|piety}} <section begin=CanterburyCathedralPietyGainBase />{{green|+0.3}}<includeonly> base</includeonly><section end=CanterburyCathedralPietyGainBase /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|piety}} <section begin=CanterburyCathedralPietyGainPerPowerfulVassal />{{green|+0.2}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per powerful vassal on the council<section end=CanterburyCathedralPietyGainPerPowerfulVassal /> * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control | Canterbury | {{green|Always constructed}} | Christian Religion or Holy Site | ''Augustine, Roman missionary and later archbishop, built the Canterbury Cathedral after choosing the town as his center for the episcopal see in Kent. This new cathedral revived the importance of the city, granting it authority over the English church.'' |- id="Great Mosque of Mecca" | Great Mosque of Mecca<br>[[File:Structure great mosque of mecca.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+35%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] <section begin=GreatMosqueOfMeccaPietyGain/>{{green|+1}}<section end=GreatMosqueOfMeccaPietyGain/> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion * {{icon|gold}} {{green|−10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance * {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control | Mecca | {{green|Always constructed}} | Holy Site | ''The Great Mosque of Mecca is a massive and ancient structure whose walls surround the holy Kaaba. Many great Sultans have expanded upon the mosque and its surroundings since its construction. Every Muslim is supposed to visit this site when on the Hajj.'' |- id="Great Mosque of Samarra" | Great Mosque of Samarra<br>[[File:Structure great mosque of samarra.png|100px]] | | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] <section begin=GreatMosqueOfSamarraPietyGain />{{green|+0.3}}<section end=GreatMosqueOfSamarraPietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|time}} {{green|−10%}} Building Construction Time * {{icon|gold}} {{green|−10%}} Building Construction Gold Cost | Samarra | {{green|Always constructed}} | Islamic Religion | ''The Great Mosque of Samarra was completed in AD 851 by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mutawakkil, who reigned in Samarra. Its most prominent feature is the Malwiya Tower, a magnificent spiral minaret, which towers towards the skies at an impressive height.'' |- id="Mahabodhi Temple" | Mahabodhi Temple<br>[[File:Structure mahabodhi temple.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] <section begin=MahabodhiTemplePietyGain />{{green|+1}}<section end=MahabodhiTemplePietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+20%}} Different Faith Popular Opinion * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Different Faith Opinion * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Religious Vassal Opinion * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning per Level of Devotion | Gaya | {{green|Always constructed}} | Holy Site | ''The Mahabodhi Temple marks the location where the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment. The site is a significant destination for pilgrimage by both Buddhists and Hindus. The construction of the temple was started around the year 200 by Emperor Ashoka, and has since been improved and restored multiple times.'' |- id="Imam Ali Mosque" | Imam Ali Mosque<br>[[File:Structure imam ali mosque.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] <section begin=ImamAliMosquePietyGain />{{green|+1}}<section end=ImamAliMosquePietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion * {{icon|gold}} {{green|−10%}} Men-at-Arms Maintenance * {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control | An-Najaf | {{green|Always constructed}} | Holy Site | ''The Imam Ali Mosque houses the tomb of Ali, cousin of Muhammad and the first Shi'ite Imam after him. Thousands of pilgrims come to pay tribute each year, greeted by the magnificent green dome of the mosque.'' |- id="Shwedagon Pagoda" | Shwedagon Pagoda<br>[[File:Structure shwedagon pagoda.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] <section begin=ShwedagonPagodaPietyGain />{{green|+0.5}}<section end=ShwedagonPagodaPietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|−10%}} Tyranny Gain | Dagon | {{green|Always constructed}} | Eastern Religion | ''The Shwedagon Pagoda is a sacred Buddhist stupa built by the Mon people around the year 500. It houses many famous relics, such as the staff of Kakusandha, the water filter of Koṇāgamana, a piece of the robe of Kassapa, and eight strands of hair from the head of Gautama.'' |- id="The Friday Mosque" | The Friday Mosque<br>[[File:Structure the friday mosque.png|100px]] | | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development | [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] {{green|+50%}} Level of Devotion impact | Isfahan | {{green|Always constructed}} | Islamic Religion, Zoroastrian Religion or Holy Site | ''The Friday Mosque, or the Jameh Mosque of Esfahan, was built during the Umayyad dynasty. It is said that the Caliph personally made one of the pillars in the mosque. Before becoming a mosque, it is said that it used to be a house of worship for Zoroastrians.'' |- id="The Great Mosque of Cordoba" | The Great Mosque of Cordoba<br>[[File:Structure great mosque of cordoba.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Size | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] <section begin=GreatMosqueOfCordobaPietyGain />{{green|+0.5}}<section end=GreatMosqueOfCordobaPietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Different Culture Opinion * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development in Realm Capital | Cordoba | {{green|Always constructed}} | Islamic Religion, Christian Religion or Holy Site | ''The Great Mosque of Cordoba was erected after the Islamic Conquest of the Visigothic Kingdom, upon the foundation of a Christian church. Originally the site was shared, with both Muslims and Christians using it, but the Christian half was eventually purchased and demolished to make room for the Grand Mosque.'' |- id="The Prophetic Mosque" | The Prophetic Mosque<br>[[File:Structure cathedral muslim.png|100px]] | | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+75%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development * {{icon|supply}} {{green|+100%}} Supply Limit | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] <section begin=PropheticMosquePietyGain />{{green|+0.5}}<section end=PropheticMosquePietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness * {{icon|gold}} {{green|−15}} Holy Order Hire Cost * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion | Al-Madina | {{green|Always constructed}} | Islamic Religion or Holy Site | ''The Prophetic Mosque, or the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, is an open-air style mosque established by the prophet Muhammad himself. It was one of the first mosques that he constructed, and the site was close to where he had his residence.'' |- id="Brihadeeswarar Temple" | Brihadeeswarar Temple<br>[[File:Structure brihadeeswarar temple.png|100px]] | | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] <section begin=BrihadeeswararTemplePietyGain />{{green|+0.2}}<section end=BrihadeeswararTemplePietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Same Faith Opinion * {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion | Tanjavur | * Manorialism * Always constructed in 1066 | Eastern Religion | ''The Brihadeeswarar Temple is dedicated to the Hindu deity Shiva and is one of the largest South Indian temples built in the ornate Dravidian architectural style. The name of the temple is a Sanskrit composite word that roughly translates as "Temple of the Great Lord Shiva.'' |- id="Temple City" | Temple City<br>[[File:Structure khajuraho temples.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1.5}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Different Faith Opinion <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] <section begin=TempleCityPietyGainPct />{{green|+5%}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per powerful vassal on the council<section end=TempleCityPietyGainPct /> * {{green|−20%}} Faith Conversion Cost | Chanderi | * None * Always constructed in 1066 | Eastern Religion | ''The Khajuraho temples are dedicated to the coexistence between Hindus and Jains, where their diverse religious views are celebrated. The temple walls are covered with intricate art and sculptures, making the place truly resplendent and attractive to pilgrims and scholars alike.'' |- id="Ananda Temple" | Ananda Temple<br>[[File:Structure shwedagon pagoda.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety eastern 01.png|24px]] <section begin=AnandaTemplePietyGainPct />{{green|+5%}}<section end=AnandaTemplePietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|control}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion | Pagan | None | Eastern Religion | ''While Pagan has thousands of pagodas, temples, and shrines littered throughout the city and the surrounding plains, the Ananda Temple stands as a crowning achievement among them. The perfectly dimensioned structure contains many unique plaques and stone images. It is a place of worship and a center of learning to educate the people in religious ethos.'' |- id="Cologne Cathedral" | Cologne Cathedral<br>[[File:Structure cologne cathedral.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | <!-- Transclusions used by Piety page. --> * {{icon|piety}} <section begin=CologneCathedralPietyGainPct />{{green|+15%}}<section end=CologneCathedralPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|piety}} <section begin=CologneCathedralPietyGain />{{green|+0.1}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per knight<section end=CologneCathedralPietyGain /> * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|knight}} {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness * {{icon|control}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Control | Cologne | Crop Rotation | Christian Religion or Holy Site | ''The Cologne Cathedral houses the relics of the Three Kings, which draw the attention of pilgrims from all over the Christian world. The cathedral is built using Gothic architecture and is richly adorned with spires and intricate details.'' |- id="Great Mosque of Djenne" | Great Mosque of Djenne<br>[[File:Structure great mosque of djenne.png|100px]] | | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Size | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * [[File:Icon piety islam 01.png|24px]] <section begin=GreatMosqueOfDjennePietyGain />{{green|+1}}<section end=GreatMosqueOfDjennePietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|time}} {{green|−15%}} Building Construction Cost | Jenne-Jeno | None | Islamic Religion or Holy Site | ''The Great Mosque of Djenne stands on the bank of the Bani River. Constructed entirely out of mudbrick it requires a lot of care, which the faithful are more than willing to provide. Every year, large gatherings of people converge to repair and improve the mosque.'' |- id="Notre-Dame" | Notre-Dame<br>[[File:Structure notre dame.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion | <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * {{icon|piety}} <section begin=NotreDamePietyGain />{{green|+1}}<section end=NotreDamePietyGain /> Monthly Piety * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Devotion | Paris | Windmills | Christian Religion | ''Also known as 'Our Lady of Paris,' this magnificent cathedral is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Constructed in the Gothic style, it impresses with numerous statues and enormous colorful rose windows.'' ''On the outside, the cathedral is covered with sculptures vividly retelling biblical stories, allowing even illiterate peasants to understand the glory of God!'' |} == University building == University buildings are Special buildings that specialize in providing Lifestyle experience to its holders. === Generic university === Unless already built, one can build a university through the {{icon|decision}} [[Found University]] decision, costing {{#lst:Decisions|FoundUniversityDecisionCost}} and requiring the following: {{#lst:Decisions|FoundUniversityDecisionRequirements}} <br> {| class="mildtable plainlist" ! Building ! County effects ! Realm effects ! Location ! width=45% | Description |- | style="text-align: center; | University<br>[[File:Building university.png]] | * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown * [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+5%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame | * Fes * Bologna * Salamanca * Madrid * Oxford * Cambridge * Padua * Coimbra * Napoli | ''A university is a place of higher learning, reserved for those of good standing and wealth who are deemed worthy enough. It attracts scholars and scientists who debate, study, scribe, and ultimately pool their knowledge within its walls.'' |} === Unique universities === {| class="mildtable sortable plainlist" ! Building ! County effects ! Realm effects ! Barony ! Requirements ! width=20% | Description |- id="Al-Azhar University" | Al-Azhar University<br>[[File:Structure al-azhar university.png|100px]] | * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown * [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience * {{icon|diplomacy}} {{green|+1}} Diplomacy per Level of Fame * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame | Cairo | * {{iconify|Decision}} * Always constructed in 1066 | ''A university is a place of higher learning, reserved for those of good standing and wealth who are deemed worthy enough. It attracts scholars and scientists who debate, study, scribe, and ultimately pool their knowledge within its walls.'' ''The Al-Azhar University is named in honor of Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, who was often called 'al-Zahra' (the Luminous).'' |- id="House of Wisdom" | House of Wisdom<br>[[File:Structure grand library of baghdad.png|100px]] | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning per Level of Fame * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+10}} Different Culture Opinion * {{icon|innovation}} {{green|+15%}} Cultural Fascination Progress * [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+15%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience * {{green|−20%}} Faith Creation and Reformation Cost | Baghdad | {{green|Always constructed}} | ''The House of Wisdom contains a vast collection of books, and the scribes therein work tirelessly both day and night to translate even more great works of literature. The sources vary from Greek, Persian, Indian and many more — truly, it contains the entire world's knowledge! A shining beacon of human knowledge! And comfortably far from the illiterate horsemen of the steppe...'' |- id="Nalanda University" | Nalanda University<br>[[File:Structure nalanda.png|100px]] | * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|stewardship}} {{green|+1}} Stewardship per Level of Fame * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown * [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience | Pataliputra | {{green|Always constructed}} | ''A university is a place of higher learning, reserved for those of good standing and wealth who are deemed worthy enough. It attracts scholars and scientists who debate study, scribe, and ultimately pool their knowledge within its walls. '' ''The Nalanda University is an important seat of Vedic scholarship and attracts studens from as far away as Tibet and China.'' |- id="The University of Sankoré" | The University of Sankoré<br>[[File:Structure the university of sankore.png|100px]] | * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown * [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience * {{icon|martial}} {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Fame * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame | Tirakka | * {{iconify|Decision}} * Always constructed in 1066 | ''A university is a place of higher learning, reserved for those of good standing and wealth who are deemed worthy enough. It attracts scholars and scientists who debate, study, scribe, and ultimately pool their knowledge within its walls.'' ''The University of Sankoré, which started out as a Mosque, transformed into a center of learning after acquiring a wealth of books from traveling merchants.'' |- id="The University of Siena" | The University of Siena<br>[[File:Structure university of siena.png|100px]] | * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Renown * [[File:Focus invalid.png|24px]] {{green|+10%}} Monthly Lifestyle Experience * {{icon|intrigue}} {{green|+1}} Intrigue per Level of Fame * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+1}} Learning per Level of Fame | Siena | {{iconify|Decision}} | ''A university is a place of higher learning, reserved for those of good standing and wealth who are deemed worthy enough. It attracts scholars and scientists who debate, study, scribe, and ultimately pool their knowledge within its walls.'' ''The University of Siena and the maestri who serve within are entirely funded by taxes from Siena itself, more specifically a tax imposed on those who rents rooms to its students.'' |} == Historical buildings == Historical buildings are unique historical buildings, both ancient and those built during the middle ages which have to be constructed, located in predetermined Baronies on the map. Some historical buildings are represented with 3D models on the map. Some historical buildings may disable if its holder does not have a certain faith. {| class="mildtable sortable plainlist" ! Building ! Holding effects ! County effects ! Realm effects ! Barony ! Required innovation ! Enabled ! width=20% | Description |- id="Aurelian Walls" | Aurelian Walls<br>[[File:Structure aurelian walls.png|100px]] | * {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+3}} Fort Level * {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+50%}} Garrison Size * {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+500}} Garrison | * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development * {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time | * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Duchy Levy Size * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Duchy Holding Taxes | Rome | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Aurelian Walls were built during the reign of the Roman Emperors Aurelian and Probus. To this day they provide formidable defense, completely enclosing the seven hills of Rome.'' |- id="Doge's Palace" | Doge's Palace<br>[[File:Structure doges palace.png|100px]] | * {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+3}} Fort Level * {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+10}} Defender Advantage * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+100%}} Levy Size * {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+100%}} Garrison Size | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+50%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Development * {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time | | Venezia | {{green|Always constructed}} | Republican Government | ''The Doge's Palace acts as the residence for the government of the Republic of Venice. An impressive structure, it houses multiple chambers dedicated to things such as the Council, Senate, administration, and justice.'' |- id="Hadrian's Wall" | Hadrian's Wall<br>[[File:Structure hadrians wall.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|−10%}} Building Construction Gold Cost | | | Bebbanburg<br>Carleol<br>Hexham<br>Whitehaven | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''Hadrian's Wall was built during Roman times to keep the northern Picts out of the province of Britannia. Nowadays it serves no defensive purpose, but the stones make for a cheap and convenient source of building material!'' |- id="Iron Pillar of Delhi" | Iron Pillar of Delhi<br>[[File:Structure iron pillar of delhi.png|100px]] | | * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Prestige * {{icon|gold}} {{green|−5%}} Army Maintenance * {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Heavy Cavalry Toughness * {{icon|toughness}} {{green|+10%}} Heavy Infantry Toughness | Indraprastha | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''The mighty Iron Pillar of Delhi stands as a symbol to the glory of King Chandragupta II, though subsequent rulers have also etched their names into it. Despite having stood for a long time, there's no trace of rust – a testament to the skill of Indian ironsmiths!'' |- id="Offa's Dyke" | Offa's Dyke<br>[[File:Building palisades.png|100px]] | {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+2}} Defender Advantage | | | Chester<br>Clifford<br>Clun<br>Gloucester<br>Hereford<br>Shrewsbury<br>Wigmore | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''Offa's Dyke, which is a long ditch flanked by a wall of earth, was constructed by the Anglo-Saxon king of Mercia to defend the border towards Wales. This raised earthwork offers an advantage to whoever stands on the side of the wall, as any attackers have to fight an uphill battle from the ditch.'' |- id="Palace of Aachen" | Palace of Aachen<br>[[File:Structure palace of achen.png|100px]] | | {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|−20%}} Tyranny Gain * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Clergy Opinion * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Powerful Vassal Opinion * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Prestige per Powerful Vassal on the Council | Aachen | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Palace of Aachen was chosen by Charlemagne to be the center of power of the Carolingian Empire. It served a both political and religious purpose, and is still an excellent place for hosting important gatherings.'' |- id="Petra" | Petra<br>[[File:Structure petra.png|100px]] | {{icon|gold}} {{green|+0.8}} Monthly Tax | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development * {{icon|supply}} {{green|+25%}} Supply Limit | | Baidha-Petra | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''The city of Petra is a true wonder of the ancient world. Carved directly out of naturally occuring rose-tinted rock, the city stands as a curiosity that intrigues even the mightiest sultan.'' |- id="The Colosseum" | The Colosseum<br>[[File:Structure colosseum.png|100px]] | | {{icon|time}} {{green|−10%}} Building Construction Time | {{icon|gold}} {{green|−5%}} Army Maintenance | Rome | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Colosseum is one of the largest amphitheaters ever built and has hosted countless spectacles such as gladiatorial combat, animal hunts and even reconstructed sea battles. Its construction was started by the Roman emperor Vespasian in AD 72 and was completed in AD 80 under his successor, Titus.'' ''Despite its vibrant history, its primary use today is for harvesting marble and bronze for use elsewhere.'' |- id="The Pyramids" | The Pyramids<br>[[File:Structure the pyramids.png|100px]] | | {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development | * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|−20%}} Short Reign Opinion | Gizeh | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''The pyramids, most prominently the one of Cheops, stand as wonders of the ancient world. Vast and impressive, they enhance the image of any ruler who controls them.'' |- id="Theodosian Walls" | Theodosian Walls<br>[[File:Structure theodosian walls.png|100px]] | * {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+5}} Fort Level * {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+100%}} Garrison Size * {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+1000}} Garrison | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+300%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.3}} Monthly Development * {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+300%}} Levy Size | * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Duchy Levy Size * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Duchy Holding Taxes | Constantinople | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Theodosian Walls were built during the reign of Emperor Theodosius II in the early 5th century, but they still remain some of the most formidable fortifications built by human hands.'' |- id="Walls of Genoa" | Walls of Genoa<br>[[File:Structure walls of genoa.png|100px]] | * {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level * {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+25%}} Garrison Size | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development * {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time * {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Defender Advantage | | Genoa | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Walls of Genoa were built in the 9th century after the city was granted significant autonomy. The walls, together with the protection of the coastline, allow the area to develop and prosper.'' |- id="Iron Pillar of Dhar" | Iron Pillar of Dhar<br>[[File:Structure iron pillar of dhar.png|100px]] | | * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+15%}} Levy Size | * {{icon|renown}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Advantage | Dhara | * None * Always constructed in 1066 | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Iron Pillar of Dhar is constructed from the molten-down arms of an entire army. The craftsmanship is truly astounding, bringing glory upon the dynasty which holds it.'' |- id="Stonehenge" | Stonehenge<br>[[File:Structure stonehenge.png|100px]] | | * {{icon|learning}} {{green|+2}} Learning * [[File:Learning lifestyle.png|24px]] {{green|+15%}} Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience * {{green|−20%}} Faith Conversion Cost | | Salisbury | {{green|Always constructed}} | {{icon|yes}} | ''Stonehenge is an ancient, mystical structure that has inspired many a scholar. Even today, in these enlightened times, learned men from all around Britain flock to study it. What truly is its purpose?'' |- id="The Tower of London" | The Tower of London<br>[[File:Structure tower of london.png|100px]] | * {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+6}} Fort Level * {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+6}} Defender Advantage * {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+750}} Garrison | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.1}} Monthly Development <!-- Transclusion used by Dread page --> | {{icon|dread}} <section begin=TheTowerOfLondonDreadGain />{{green|+30%}}<section end=TheTowerOfLondonDreadGain /> Dread Gain | Lunden | Battlements | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Tower of London is a castle that serves as both a vital fortification and a prison. The central tower is called the 'White Tower' and houses the ruling class. The position of the Tower of London means that it's vital to the defense of the entire County.'' |- id="Visby Ringmur" | Visby Ringmur<br>[[File:Structure visby ringmur.png|100px]] | * {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+1}} Fort Level * {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+25%}} Garrison Size | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development * {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time * {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Defender Advantage * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+5}} Popular Opinion | | Visby | Battlements | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Visby City Wall protects the city from external threats such as raiders or Danes. It also efficiently keeps out tax collectors sent by the Thing of Gotland! To get to the riches within, assailants must first deal with a plethora of towers all manned by archers.'' |- id="Walls of Benin" | Walls of Benin<br>[[File:Structure walls of benin.png|100px]] | * {{icon|fort level}} {{green|+2}} Fort Level * {{icon|garrison}} {{green|+50%}} Garrison Size | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+75%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|development}} {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development * {{icon|time}} {{green|+50%}} Hostile Raid Time * {{icon|advantage}} {{green|+5}} Defender Advantage * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+50%}} Levy Size | | Benin City | Battlements | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Walls of Benin are a massive series of earthworks (Iya in the Edo language), that encircle the entirety of Benin. The walls are built of a ditch and dike structure, with an inner moat and an exterior rampart.'' |} === Convertible historical buildings === The following historical buildings can only be used by Faiths belonging to one of the Abrahamic religions. Rulers who belong to one such religion can convert the building for their religion to use for 1000 Gold and Piety. Hagia Sophia Cathedral can only be used when Constantinople is a holy site for your faith. {| class="mildtable plainlist" ! Barony ! Christianity / Judaism version ! Islam version ! Effects ! width=30% | Description (Christianity/Judaism version) ! width=30% | Description (Islam version) |- id="Hagia Sophia" ! Constantinople | style="text-align: center; | Hagia Sophia Cathedral<br>[[File:Structure hagia sophia.png]] | style="text-align: center; | Hagia Sophia Mosque<br>[[File:Structure hagia sophia.png]] | '''Realm''' * {{green|+2}} Learning * {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{green|+2}} Number of Knights * {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness * {{green|+2}} Intrigue per Level of Fame <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * <section begin=HagiaSophiaPietyGain />{{green|+0.1}}<noinclude> Monthly piety</noinclude> per knight<section end=HagiaSophiaPietyGain /> | ''The Hagia Sophia is a true marvel of engineering, with a massive dome standing out as the most impressive feature. Completed in AD 537 by emperor Justinian I, it now houses the Ecumenical Patriarch and stands as a monument to Christianity.'' ''And so it will remain for all eternity, for surely nothing could ever topple the might of Rome.'' | ''The Hagia Sophia is a true marvel of engineering, with a massive dome and four impressive minarets standing out as the most impressive features. Started in AD 537 by emperor Justinian I, it has since been turned into an awe-inspiring Mosque.'' ''And so it will remain for all eternity, for surely nothing could ever topple the might of Rum.'' |- id="The Third Temple" ! id="Dome of the Rock" | Jerusalem | style="text-align: center; | The Third Temple<br>[[File:Structure temple in jerusalem.png]] | style="text-align: center; | Dome of the Rock<br>[[File:Structure dome of the rock.png]] | '''Holding''' * {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{green|+30%}} Holding Taxes * {{green|+30%}} Monthly Development * {{green|+0.2}} Monthly Development '''Realm''' * {{green|+5%}} Monthly Renown * {{green|+20%}} Knight Effectiveness * {{green|+10%}} Monthly Control <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> * <section begin=ThirdTempleDomeOfTheRockPietyGainPct />{{green|+3%}}<section end=ThirdTempleDomeOfTheRockPietyGainPct /> Monthly Piety per Knight * {{green|+1}} Martial per Level of Devotion | ''Hundreds of years after the destruction of the Second Temple the time has finally come to restore the Temple in Jerusalem! This Third Temple will stand the test of time, vigilantly guarded from all who would see it destroyed.'' | ''The Dome of the Rock is situated in the center of the Temple Mount, in the place where the Temple of Solomon and the Jewish Second Temple stood. The temples foundation stone is said to be the place where God created the world and the first human, Adam. The Dome of the Rock and the nearby Church of the Holy Sepulchre attract Abrahamic pilgrims from all around the world.'' |} === Upgradable historical buildings === The following historical buildings start constructed but can be upgraded by cultures which discovered the ''Hoardings'' Innovation. Upgrading them costs of 2000 {{iconify|Gold}} and takes 6 years. {| class="mildtable plainlist" ! Type ! width=7% | Building ! {{iconify|Fort Level}} ! {{iconify|Garrison}} ! {{icon|advantage}} Defender Advantage ! {{icon|development}} Monthly Development ! {{icon|prestige}} Monthly Prestige ! Other effects ! width=25% | Description ! Barony |- id="Alhambra" | rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | Alhambra<br>[[File:Structure alhambra.png]] | Alhambra Fortress Ruins | {{green|+2}} | {{green|+250}} | {{green|+2}} | '''0''' | '''0''' | None | ''The Alhambra is a fortress built upon the remains of an ancient Roman fortification. While it is serviceable as a defensive structure, with the right investments it could be turned into something more...'' | rowspan=2 | Granada |- | Royal Palace of Alhambra | {{green|+8}} | {{green|+1000}} | {{green|+8}} | {{green|+0.2}} | {{green|+10%}} | {{icon|control}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Control | ''The Alhambra has since its days as a mere roman ruin been upgraded to a royal palace befitting an emperor! A shining example of local architecture, the color of the buildings in contrast with the surrounding woods lead poets to describe it as "a pearl set in emeralds".'' |- id="Citadel of Aleppo" | rowspan=2 style="text-align: center; | Citadel of Aleppo<br>[[File:Structure the citadel of aleppo.png]] | Citadel of Aleppo | {{green|+2}} | {{green|+250}} | {{green|+2}} | '''0''' | {{green|+0.1}} | None | ''The Citadel of Aleppo is an ancient fortification, having been in use by numerous powers since it was constructed. The citadel acts as a royal residence, fortified retreat, temple and prison.'' | rowspan=2 | Halab |- | Reconstructed Citadel of Aleppo | {{green|+6}} | {{green|+750}} | {{green|+6}} | {{green|+0.2}} | {{green|+0.3}} | {{icon|prowess}} {{green|+2}} Prowess per Level of Devotion | ''After having went through major reconstruction, the Citadel of Aleppo has been significantly fortified and turned into a proper palatial city!'' |} == Mines == Mines are historical buildings that have 4 levels each. Constructing or upgrading a mine takes 5 years. * Constructing the Mining Settlement requires 400 {{iconify|Gold}} and the ''Crop Rotation'' Innovation * Upgrading to Mine requires 500 {{iconify|Gold}} and the ''Manorialism'' Innovation * Upgrading to Large Mine requires 600 {{iconify|Gold}} and the ''Windmills'' Innovation * Upgrading to Mining Complex requires 700 {{iconify|Gold}} and the ''Cranes'' Innovation {| class="mildtable plainlist" ! Mine ! Mining Settlement effects ! Mine effects ! Large Mine effects ! Mining Complex effects ! Barony ! De Jure Kingdom ! Mining Settlement constructed ! width=20% | Description |- | Siderokausia | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development | Ierrisos | Thessalonika | {{icon|yes}} | ''The Siderokausia mines are rich in silver and gold, and are exploited by twelve separate villages that each run a part of the mines.'' |- | Gold Mines of Mali | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+8}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+25%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+11}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+30%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+14}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+35%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development | * Diakha * Goundafa * Wasulu | Mali | {{icon|no}} | ''The mines of Mali are truly overflowing with gold. Endless wealth stream from their depths and into the treasuries of the local rulers, who adorn themselves with the precious metal.'' |- | Kremnica | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development | Turiec (Slovien) Turóc (Hungarian) | Hungary | {{icon|no}} | ''The Kremnican mountains are abundant in gold. With blood, sweat, and the assistance of a few hundred experienced German miners, that gold will be minted into Florins in no time!'' |- | Kollur | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+8}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+25%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+11}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+30%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+14}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+35%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development | Ellur | Andhra | {{icon|no}} | ''The Kollur mines exploit the largest seam of diamonds in all of the Indian subcontinent. The work is extremely dangerous, but the riches are unimaginable.'' |- | Schwaz | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development | Innsbruck | Bavaria | {{icon|no}} | ''The Schwaz silver mine lies at the foot of the Kellerjoch and Eiblschrofen mountains, in the middle of a valley. The opportunity for mining means that a lot of people are drawn to the area.'' |- | Argentiera | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development | Iglesias | Sardinia | 1066 only | ''The Argentaria del Sigerro is rich in underground silver veins. With sufficient incentive and development, this area could be exploited for vast quantities of precious silver.'' |- | Falun | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+2}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+10%}} Levy Size | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3.5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+20%}} Levy Size | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+30%}} Levy Size | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+6.5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|levies}} {{green|+40%}} Levy Size | Falene | Sweden | 1066 only | ''Also known as "Stora Kopparberget" (the Great Copper Mountain) this mine produces vast quantities of copper.'' |- | Kutná Hora | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+3}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+10%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+15%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+7}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+9}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+25%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development | Čáslav | Bohemia | 1066 only | ''The Kutná Hora mine is a large silver mine located on the lands of the Sedlec Monastery. With the support of local Abbots (and German miners) industry in the area is prospering.'' |- | Rammelsberg | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+5}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+20%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+5%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+8}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+25%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+10%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+11}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+30%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+15%}} Monthly Development | '''Holding''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+14}} Monthly Tax '''County''' * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+35%}} Holding Taxes * {{icon|development}} {{green|+20%}} Monthly Development | Goslar | East Francia | 1066 only | ''At the foot of Mt. Rammelsberg lies a profitable and ever sought-after silver mine.'' |} == Decision buildings == The following buildings can only be created by certain decisions. {| class="mildtable plainlist" ! Building ! County effects ! Realm effects ! Decision ! Location ! width=45% | Description |- id="Glass Monument" | style="text-align: center; | Glass Monument<br>[[File:Building generic house.png]] | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax * {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+25}} Popular Opinion | * {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Prestige * {{icon|health boost}} {{green|Small Health Boost}} | Build a Glass Monument | | ''This building is seemingly excellent for growing vegetables.'' |- id="Parliament" | style="text-align: center; | Parliament<br>[[File:Building generic house.png]] | * {{icon|gold}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Tax * {{icon|development}} {{green|+25%}} Monthly Development * {{icon|opinion}} {{green|+25}} Popular Opinion * {{icon|control}} {{green|+1}} Monthly Control | {{icon|prestige}} {{green|+0.7}} Monthly Prestige | Empower the Sicilian Parliament | * Palermo * Sicily | ''Representatives of the Three Estates meet regularly at this building to deliberate on the affairs of the realm and advice the current ruler.'' |} === Hall of Heroes === The Hall of Heroes is a building chain created on a holy site via the ''Defenders of Dievas'', ''Defenders of Rod'' or ''Defenders of Ukko'' decisions. Upgrading the Hall of Heroes costs 225 {{iconify|Gold}} and takes 16 months. {| class="mildtable plainlist" style="text-align: center; ! Type ! Building ! {{iconify|Levies}} ! {{iconify|Garrison}} ! {{iconify|Prowess}} ! {{iconify|Knight}} Effectiveness ! [[File:Icon piety pagan 01.png|24px]] Piety per Knight ! Description |- | rowspan=5 | Hall of Heroes<br>[[File:Building hall of heroes.png]] | Level 1 | {{green|+150}} | {{green|+75}} | {{green|+1}} | {{green|+5%}} <!-- Transclusion used by Piety page. --> | <section begin=HallOfHeroesPietyGain />{{green|+0.1}}<section end=HallOfHeroesPietyGain /> | rowspan=5 | ''A grand hall where heroic warriors can meet and organize.'' |- | Level 2 | {{green|+265}} | {{green|+110}} | {{green|+1}} | {{green|+10%}} | {{green|+0.1}} |- | Level 3 | {{green|+375}} | {{green|+150}} | {{green|+2}} | {{green|+15%}} | {{green|+0.1}} |- | Level 4 | {{green|+500}} | {{green|+225}} | {{green|+2}} | {{green|+20%}} | {{green|+0.1}} |- | Level 5 | {{green|+700}} | {{green|+260}} | {{green|+3}} | {{green|+25%}} | {{green|+0.1}} |} == References == <references /> [[en:Special buildings]]
Special buildings
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